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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Ma wiilashii Caanoole iyo Kismaayaad la hadashay?
  2. Oo hadda labadiina waxaad ileediin mustawaqooyinkii idin aqoonsanyey inaad tihiin itoopiyaan qashinkaad ku tuurteen?
  3. Notice that the cow changed directions too. The Man is a satirical cartoonist. His input is quiet comical at times and sometimes spot on. It's his occupation to make people laugh but with the pictures above he did not hit a point but I applaud the comical and entertaining value of his nevertheless.
  4. ThankfulSP, the problem of the Makhiris was, they didn't had any foothold in the government, so they were oblivious to the inner dealings and thus lacked a crucial point in securing the leadership. Faroole had it easy and positioned himself as the Opposition such were Garooweonline's reporting if you followed it as I am aware you were physically there when the elections happened. Ilka-jiir and the Makhiris thought to themselves, if they show the rest of Puntland, that their regions are firmly in control and that Ilkajiir is the de-fecto ruler and the hyping that followed together with the thought, that this time around, it's their turn as many ordinary folks in the diaspora were rooting for Ilkajiir that the presidency is their's and that it will automatically fall to them, which they erred, it was not theirs alone as others have well positioned themselves long before they did. Ilka-jiir was a sudden phenomena and the political steps they did were done out of the blue and thus lacked a logical time-phrame, the media hype and then suddenly all Makhirs being united behind one man, only because their naively thought it was their turn to lead the State. They refused to run for the Parliament Speaker, which was theirs to take and only candidated for the Presidents office, when they lost, they regrouped as the Sool folks also pokered and thus got their Vice President Position which has tradtionally been there's too. This naivity stems firmly I believe because Makhiris have not been at the heart of Puntland politics which is the executive, they had their ways in the legislature and jurisdiction but not the executive. Thus they need this in order to learn thus Abdullahi Jamac Ilkajiir had to take up the Interior Ministry position. They already acknowledge and say, they were dubed when Puntland was first formed and thus only now in 2008/09 woke up. What is needed now is not a hype by certain webportals and radio-stations but a slow compaign at position yourself as the opposition. But I feel the time such politics were played have gone now and now we are approaching a new era of politics not by clan but by political domination and thus they (the Makhiris) need to orient themselves to it.
  5. ThankfulSP, what I am alluding to, is that the days of clan identification are grind now in Puntland and henceforth, I am to be known a Puntlander. To this, we all should aspire, to be Puntlanders that is. Inshallaah the stage is set for 2011, in two years time, when your loyalties will be to a political denomination of your choosing rather than to the narrowest clan denominator possible. That is why I did not like the undertones because if you fraction us like that and believe me, such you did , like a chopped onion, to be cut in million pieces, I am sure that you will not most definitely stop at the Makhiris. Already I did see signs of it, so our notion should not be to identify us by our lowest clan denominations such as Qardho, Garowe or Galkacyo but to be above such thing and call oneself a Puntlander. Puntland is already defined by the people and clans who live there, so there is no need to identify oneself by his sub-clan as we already share a common heritage and clan. Thus we should adopt the notion of Puntlander and identify ourselves by that only. There are already many Puntlanders whose clan are not from Puntland such as Hassan Guulwade and many others. It will be a gate-opener to many others inshallah, who want to be Puntlander and already love the state. Coming back to the article, the Makhiris are now simply positioning themselves to lead Puntland in a few years time inshallaah in order to win the next election. That is what Garooweonline and President Faroole did during Adde Muse's reign and I know both you and me were sometimes against the tactics employed by that outlet. Makhiris, I respect and I don't know who you think, they be, but believe me this folks are good and decisive people and they control their land's just as you do. Erigavo is a shared city just like Galkacyo is and the Makhiris have no one to fear as they control their share of the city and violating other people‘s areas is out of question, just as it is in Galkacyo. In fact in Galkacyo, out of 13 districts only 1 district is of the other side namely Baraxley and that 1 district is also a whole State by the name of Galmadug. The Makhiri people are not to be divided and are united behind a common cause. In fact, they bargained themselves to get the Interior Ministers portofolio in order to position themselves for the next election as after the defeat in the election they realised they needed a foot in the government in the first place in order to mount a credible and real challenge for Puntland’s highest Leadership office i.e. the Presidency. Thus they bargained higher and with more and said they want X amount of Ministers but at the end Farole had to give them the Interior Ministry, which was all they wanted. President Farole on the other hand has his sights on Villa Somalia and shall be god willingly in 1 ½ years time leading the nation as a whole. So come back and have a rethink about the things you said and accused your brethren off. Remember we are all proud Puntlanders and Somalis and that in itself is not a contradiction.
  6. ^Saxib, that is what they were complaning from. The least you as the accused of having something, they desperately need, could do is to listen and take your siblings hurt to heart and try to understand where this feeling is coming from and to find a practical solution to it. That is if you consider yourself of the responsible kind. Alienation is real and if you don't want to lose that responsibility, it is better for you the sooner you understand before it is to late. Remember we are into this together.
  7. I really didn't want to comment, but it would be good if those considerations were equally granted to those the current occupants have been using as for their political purposes and platform en route to Villa Somalia. Today is the Shariif and co. who are using foreigners, most notably Americans, which the said Shariif used to label as the stark enenemy of Islam and its followers. What has changed I ask myself? Al-Shabab whatever they do, they atleast haven't changed and are fighting a mans fight against still what they conceive as their arch-enemies, namely the USA and Ethiopia. Where as the Shariif, Ibbi and the rest of the mob, who pretented to be against anti-Habash have infact signed an agreement with Ethiopia and now it considers it a mutual friend. Ofcourse Xiin will argue this is not the same as when the ethiopian tanks were in Mogadishu but in his eyes it is ok for those same tanks to be in Baladwayne and the rest of Somalia. I am just wandering what will come out of his sleeve when actually more of those Xabashis together with their other kafir footsoldiers arrive in Somalia and particular Mogadishu in order to assist his TFG II. How compatible this troops will be with the newly sharia law imposed on Somalia by the cabinet of Ibbi, Indhaade, Shakuur and Shariif Xassan, I don't know and have not a clue. I often wonder what this new 'sharia' is, that forbid the same action that is allowed today 'Ethiopia is a neighbouring country which is traing and assiting our troops against our enemies and in fact they're heling us hence our bilateral relations and the US is a great Partner'. Which one is true 'the sharia that said the USA and Ethiopia are the enemy of Somalia' or 'we have bilateral and important strategic relationships with them and they will usher the peace to Somalia.' The same sharia that seemed in 2006 unimaginable to shake hands with a woman who represents the enemey of Muslims and Somalis in general that in 2009 allowed to meet with her in the lobby and embassy of the American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya that seemed impossible in 2006. The ultimate question now is 'Did the sharia of 2006 change or did some people who ascribed to it change and hence they changed the 'sharia' along it to their interests and modified it accordingly to make their shameful actions pass review in a new light'? I say this Sharif and his group have changed whilst Shabaab are what they have been and today Hassan Dahir lead sentiments of Hisbul Islam are negotiating hard with Indhaade and their yesteryear friends to once again trade their beliefs for a share in the Indhaade and Shariif government. Let's see where this one leads. I am temporary in suspense.
  8. Puntland leader warns Somalia govt, urges Somaliland peace 12 Sep 12, 2009 - 1:27:02 PM GAROWE, Somalia Sep 12 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia's Puntland State government has reportedly sent a clear warning to Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), while urging politicians in the breakaway region of Somaliland to uphold the peace, Radio Garowe reports. A United Nations delegation led by the Secretary-General's special envoy for Somalia, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, landed Saturday morning at Conoco airstrip in the outskirts of Garowe, the capital of Puntland, where he was welcomed by Puntland officials. Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," the president of Puntland, met privately with Mr. Abdallah at the State House in Garowe where the two leaders discussed a range of issues including the campaign against piracy and human trafficking. Mr. Abdallah and President Farole at Garowe State House, Sep. 12, 2009 Speaking later at a press conference, Puntland's leader said the discussions also included development projects and improving the security sector. "I encourage our brothers in Somaliland to safeguard the stability [in Somaliland]," said President Farole, on a day at least three civilians were killed in riots that rocked Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. The Puntland president briefed reporters about a cooperation agreement signed on Aug. 23, 2009, in the city of Galkayo between President Farole and TFG Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake. That agreement, which some have referred to as the "Galkayo Accord," is the basis of cooperation between the Puntland government and the TFG, which only controls pockets of Mogadishu with the backing of African Union peacekeepers. Mr. Abdallah, who enjoys close relations with TFG President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and some members of the TFG Cabinet, praised the relative peace and stability in Puntland. He noted that "there are too many politicians in Somaliland" and urged them to compromise for the sake of the peace. Mr. Abdallah spent two days in Hargeisa mediating between the government and the opposition before flying to Garowe for talks with Puntland leaders. Puntland government sources tell Garowe Online that President Farole sent a strong message to the TFG leadership, warning them against breaking the Galkayo Accord. There is growing friction among the top TFG leaders, as President Sheikh Sharif has "sided" with Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden and Fisheries Minister Abdirahman Ibbi over Prime Minister Sharmake. A TFG delegation led by President Sheikh Sharif is currently in Djibouti, where Fisheries Minister Ibbi reportedly signed an agreement with a Djiboutian government minister regarding the training of a Somali naval force on Djiboutian soil. Puntland officials say this deal in Djibouti is a violation of the Galkayo Accord, which awarded Puntland the right to establish the headquarters of the Somali navy in Puntland territory. Source: Garowe Online
  9. Puntland oo digniin u dirtey dowladda Sheekh Shariif. 12 Sep 12, 2009 - 4:33:47 AM Waftiga Abaddla oo la kulmaya Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo Wasiiro Wafti uu hogaaminayo ergeyga gaarka ah QM Ahmadou Walad Abdalla oo saakey soo gaarey magaalo madaxda Garowe ayaa la kulmey Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo golihiisa Wasiirada kuwaaoo ka wada hadley xaaladda Somalia. Ergeyga ayaa marka uu soo gaarey Garowe booqdey xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole kadibna la galey shir gaar ah oo albaabada u xiran yahay. Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo ergeyga gaarka ah Walad Abdalla oo shir jaraaíd wada qabtey wax yar k adib inta aysan kulan balaaran la galin golaha Xukuumada ayaa ugu baaqey shacabka Somaliland muujiyaan deganaansho islamarkaana wadahadal lagu xaliyo khilaafka siyaasadeed ee taagan. Mud.Farole ayaa sheegey in shacabka walalahood ah ee Somaliland muujiyan daganaansho isaga oo sheegey inuu aad uga xun yahay inuu daato dhiig kale ee Somaliyed. '" Bishii la soo dhaafey waxaan ku sugneyn magaalada Galkacayo halkaas oo aan gacanta ku qabaney amaankeeda maamul hufana ka dhisney iyada oo aan kula kulaney Raísal wasaaraha Somalia iyo xubno ka socda EU" sidaas waxaa yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka hadlayey talaabooyinka ay qaadeen intii uu ku sugnaa magaalada Galkacayo. Dhinaca kale ergeyga gaarka ah ayaa sheegey inuu ku guldareystey heshiis dhexmara dhinacyada isku haya siyaasada Somaliland halkaas oo uu ku sugna muddo labo cisho ah isaga oo maamulkaas ku durey iney leeyihiin siyaasiyiin fara badan oo farqi weyn u dhexeeyo. Wararka hoose oo Garowe Online soo gaaraya ayaa sheegaya in maamulka Puntland fariin kulul u dhiibey Ahmadou Abdalla oo ah saxiib wanaagsan oo dowlada Sheekh Shariif leedahay. Fariintas ayaa wararka xogogaalka sheegayaan iney tahay mid ay kalsoonida kala noqonayan dowlada Sheekh Shariif hadii ay jabiso heshiiskii ay la sixiixatey dowladda Puntland iyo hadii la qaato talaabo xilka looga qaadayo Ra'isla wasaaraha Somalia Cumar Cabdirashid Sharkmaake oo isagu kasoo jeeda Puntland. Xogahaan ayaa sheegaya inu jiro khilaaf soo kala dhexgaley Sheekh Shariif, Shariif Xasan, Ibi oo dhinac ah iyo Ra'isal wasaare Cumar Cabdirashid kaas oo la xiriira mid xubnahaan aysan ku xaq dhowreyn heshiiskii uu la soo sixiixey dowlada Puntland. Wafti uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Somalia ayaa dhowaan heshiis dhinaca la dagaalanka burcad badeedka ah la sixiixdey wadanka Jabuti xili ay halkaas booqasho ku joogeen kaas oo xadgudub ku ah heshiiskii dowladda Federaalka ah la gashay Puntland. Waftiga Ahmadou Abdalla ayaa dib ugu noqdey magaalada Nairobi isla maanta isaga oo sheegey inuu shirar la xiriira arrimaha Somalia kaga qayb galayo wadamada Ingriiska iyo Mareykanka. Sheekh Shariif iyo wafti uu hoogaminayo kuwaas oo ka kooban Shariif Xasan, Ibi, Wasiirka Gadiidka iyo Wasiirka Qorsheynta ayaa ku fool leh wadanka Mareykanka. Dad xogogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in waftiga Sheekh Shariif ka kooban yahay xubnaha aadka ugu dhow kuwasoo hurmuud u yahay ninka ugu tunka weyn dowladda Somalia Shariif Xasan oo horey u ahaan jirey Gudoomiyaha Barlamanka Somalia Garowe Online, Garowe
  10. ^The man is a professional distorter of facts and slanderer, only few have so far grasped his real purpose on here.
  11. Brother I grant that you're stronger than me but back in my heyday I could handle anyone in here and I was much feared indeed but alas I'm old now, thus commanding respect unlike you out of hand steed. But for you this are stories of the old but do believe me I was bit of a lad back then. However you won't/can't believe that granddad was once a star, do you? I am however the more original of us both, granted that.
  12. Sayid, you do know that Duke is much stronger than you and Juje combined?
  13. The book was needed, as I myself not so long ago indeed have been going by Haji Cali Cabdirixmaan's nick of Sheikh Fikhikhyarre in here. Sayid one should know that is if he is to be taken serious in the literature scene of our country, one should have known atleast that the author of this great book is a Legend himself and that by him calling as he did a few months back in London, that all the somali literature lovers indeed beat themselves to it, as he's one amongst the biggest literture celebrities the country has and indeed a national asset as that. A few years back when he came to Garoowe, the streets were lined and Adde Muse and Afqurac with the rest of the Puntland Government were indeed welcoming him a hero's welcoming with the Somali blue and white star overwhelming the airport and the city itself the same with his Bosaso arrivial. He is a halyeey and national treasure of literature and a jewel amongst Somali history readers, in fact he is the one and only legendary figure of Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise. Be not doubtful therefore that he will deliver and to none you should have more respect and reverence in Somali literature in general and history literature in particular but to him, Mudane Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise.
  14. Fu, Duke is right in the sense that he told you off and gave you a warning not to hassle senior nomads, who have shown hard work and utter dedication to their work here on SOL. Duke spent 189 days of his life posting on SOL, that's more than haf a year. That's dedication for you, that's devotion for you, that's commitment for you and that's loyalty for you. Many noble characteristics recognised univirsally and globally, a benchmark for all beliefs, dogmas and philosophies. Now don't force me to highlight to the gallery in here, what your contribution has been so far in here and what it says about your enthusiasm to stand by what you really believe and to defend it. I repeat Duke spent 52% of a whole year non-stop doing what he does best and loves, so don't even dare to challenge him in that regard. Now I expect of you to sincerely apologise to Duke and remember not to speak in the name of 'Puntlanders' ever again. I shall eagerly await for your response and no one should try to post on behalf foe or friends a like. We will see to his respone and what kind of material Fu is made of in the coming hours inshallaah. Until then.
  15. This thread has potentially the best chance to become the most discussed thread ever, in which the most posts were registred, it could easily be a 60 page thread if only Meiji would have enough guts and stamina to hold his own against General Duke. But alas it shall not be. BTW I agree with Duke, totally.
  16. It was a hypothetical question Xiin, if Kashafa truly believed what he believs in and he would know you to what you're he would truly slain you. That's the way it is, no arguments there. Kashafa would slain Xiinfaniin, afterall that's what informants are for (to be killed)? No.
  17. ^That's not the answer I wanted Kashafa, this single-handedly disapprovaes and refutes that you're mad. In fact it could be said you're the most sane in here afterall.
  18. Alright Xiin reserved not to answer so this q to Kashafa. As you're adversaries, let me pay an realistic picture. Case Scenario: Kashafa, you knowning Xiin's stance, which you deem to be of hypocrisy and lies would you in an instance of him capturing let's say not for warfare but you knowingly knowing that he is a pro Shariif activist and the dacaayad and mischiefs and propaganada he invokes on the righteous Mujahidiin of yours, would you take to killing him? Yes or No? pls give a short answer of that question and make it as bloodless as possible.