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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Addeer Jafe01 wuxuu ku dayadaa oo is kala saftaa A&T laakiinse ma oga inuu lugooyo uun ku haya.
  2. David Miliband British Foreign Secrertary meeting Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke, Somali Prime Minister in London, 27 October 2009.
  3. If you want to meet the PM, you can do so at Friendshouse, which is directly opposite Euston station north-west London in which the PM will give a public address/speech to the Somali community this coming Wednesday evening inshallaah. For further details and instructions on how to get there you can view here.
  4. R/Wasaaraha DFKM Dr. Cumar Cabdirashiid iyo wafdi la socda oo soo gaaray magaalada London. Posted to the Web Oct 26, 17:22 London:-Waxaa maanta magaalada London ee cariga ingiriiska safar shaqo ku soo gaaray goor danbe oo maanta ah wafdi sare oo uu hogaaminayo Raiisul wasaaraha DFKM Dr.Omar A. A. Sharmarke oo ay ka mid yihiin wasiiro ka tirsan xukuumadiisa. Inta uu joogo Raisulwasaaraha DFKM magaalada London ee cariga ingriiska ayaa waxaa la filayaa in uu kulamo la yeesho masuuliyiin sar sare oo ka tirsan dowlada Britain oo uu ugu horeeyo, Priminsiterka Britain Mr. Gordon Brown, iyo xubno ka tirsan wasaarada arrimaha dibada sida wasiirka arrimaha didbada David Milband. Sidoo kale wax uu Raisul wasaaruhu DFKM Dr. Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali uu kulamo kala yeelan doonaa arrimaha Soomalia xubno iyo hay'ado caalami ah oo daneeya arrimaha dalka Soomaalia. Raiisulwasaaraha DFKM Sharmarke wuxuu sidoo kale La hadli doonaa MAALINTA ARBACADA AH jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool UK, oo xaflad soo dhoweyn ah ugu qaban doona magaalada London hoolka caanka ah ee Freinds House London. Ahmed Elyas London
  5. Puntlandpost reporting on the PM's visit to London
  6. Raisal wasaare Sharmarke oo soo gaaray magaalada London. London (WNT)-Raisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke iyo wadfi oo uu hogaaminayo oo ka socda DF ayaa goor dhoweyd ee maanta soo gaaray xarunta dalka Ingiriiska ee magaalada London. Sharmaraake iyo wafdigiisa oo ka soo kicitimay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa horay loo shaaciyey inuu soo gaari doona dalka Ingiriiska walow aan weli dhab loo qeexin waxaa uu ka salaysan yahay safiirkiisu. Waxaa jira warar soo baxaya oo sheegay inuu casuumaad ka helay dawlada Ingiriiska halka waraka kale ay sheegayaan inay ku lan dalka Ingiiska ku qaadan doonaan hay’aha deeq bixiya. Booqshada R/wasaaraha ayaa la sheegay inay qaadan doonto muddo 3cisho ah waxaana uu kullan la yeelan doonaa Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan dalka Ingiriiska. Wixii kale warar oo dheeraad ee ka soo baxa booqashada Sharma’arke kala soco wararkayaga dambe. Abdirazak Yassin Caanogeel
  7. I didn't get it all, what you were trying to imply here J11. You and me need an interpretor. We will not agree on this one, I guess.
  8. Cali Samatar dee annagu naga tirsanyahay xiinow, ma gabar baad inaga rabtaa oo aad innaga dooni?
  9. ^Sxb ismagacaabida waa laga fiicanyahay. Therefore I am glad you heeded the advice and instead made it a poll to contest for and thus declared you candidacy rather than crowing yourself. I with my inpersonal ways and not attacking nature believe to be the best candidate for that position of samadoon-ka guud ee SOL Politics and hence would like to officially declare my candidacy and that I will run and campaign for that position. May the best man win, I hereby say. P.S. As I am not engaged in other quarters and hence have no other function on this section and neither in SOL in general I shall be best suited for that position.
  10. That was a great insight. Thanks muriidi.
  11. Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ku heli maayo midnimo uu u raadinaya beeshiisa, wiiqida midnimada Puntland taasi inuu ogaada bey ahayd, haduunan ogayna in loogu dhaarto bey ahayd. Walaalnimada iyo midnimada Puntland iyo tan Soomaaliyaba waa muqaddas cidi fahmi weydana mar aan maanta ahayn bey fahmi doontaa. Tilaabadan uu qaaday mid loo bahanaa meyn ahayn waxayna sii kordhin doontaa jahwareerka siyaasadeed ee haatan jira. Inuu dulqaadado bey ahayd, kana war sugo dedaalaha siyaasadeed ee uu maamulkiisa wado waa Puntlande. Iyadana xoojiyo laakiinse ma ahayn inuu iskii intuu u baxo yidhaahdo kalsoonida baan Puntland kala noqday ama Shirweyne beeleed baan dibadaha ku qabani iyadoo oo dhulka lagu qaban karaayo. Garaad Saleebaan iyo Garaada toona muunan ixtiraamin raali galin toodana waa looga fadhiyaa haatanse. Guusheena waxay ku jidhaa midnimadeena, wiiqadeedana waa inoo dhamaan halis, ha noqoto mid talada iyo maskaxda guud lagu seejinaya ama cududa iyo wadajirka dadeed ee isku danaha iyo aayaha ah. Taasna waa iga talo.
  12. ^I think you lost another one of your gullible ones? The fan club is indeed shrinking, soon it will be a one man party.
  13. There was a time the beard was worth something but alas no more, really sad. Being modestly dressed was a virtue indeed but in the past and bygone days/era and no more. The world has changed indeed. But I won't dwell further on it
  14. 2009 Oct, There is now Al-Qaeda in Somalia by the same man.
  15. The wars in the last couple of days have shown that Xisbul Islaam is a force to reckon with in jubboyinka. Many Al-Shabab youth and commanders have been killed and the fighting has been the most ferocious seen thus far, on both sides the death toll is high but who is the defeated and who is the winner. Even if Alshabab manage to somehow subdue Xisbul Islaam in jubboyinka it is a moral win for Xisbul Islam rather than Al-shabab as they won't go away. Kismanyo was Al-shababs only secure base without that they are lost and this is the beginning of the end for them. I fancied the youth in Kismaanyo, they did a great job in pacifying the city and nearby environs but their downfall is their allegiance to foreign lead projects and agendas by questionable organizations based in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Whereas Somalia has been a country in war for over two decades now it is not befitting for such a nation to be the base for a global project&agenda like the one the organisation envisioned which needs a true society and not a burnt out nation and people like that of Somalia. The global agenda cannot work in Somalia. Now the Youth want to tell us that their leaders and scholars are the better ones. Why should I believe that a foreign jihadist somewhere else on the globe is more qualified on the matters of Somlia than a local Sheikh who knows and understand the happenings in Somlia. The americans want cross border men, they are looking for those they are not interested in Hassan Dahir Aweys and Hassan Caballa Hersi as this are internal issues for the somalis to deal with, the US cannot attack those individuals on the basis that they are 'terrorists' but they can attack those that they perceived have bombed their interests and than ran away to Somalia to hide in it. The two individual Somalis mentioned are men that have an affection with Somalia and Somalis and they were part of those segments although not doubtingly Hassan Cabdalla Hirsi is a extremist in the pure sense of the word and has been the earliest forms of what is today Al-shabab but nevertheless this has become global now and others have the power over the youth and not them, although they or he was the forefather of all those revolutions. And this extremism and dependence of foreign leaders not in Somalia will ultemily bring down the Shabab. Thus I have a plan for any coming President in the future. The Youth should be incorporated into the law enforcing agencies in the future republic of Somalia. I mean they have build an enormous and efficient security apparatus. I would definatley take the elite of those and build the core of the police force with them and sack all those moryaans currently employed. I would employ and incorporate former Al-Shabab para militaries and secret service agents into the police force modern. But I would not incorporate them into the military most definitely. They Youth should be amnestied the core and professional amongst them and incorporated into the police force and other law enforcing agencies. Long Live united Somali Republic (federal) inshallaah.
  16. Xiinfaniin nailed it on the head. If only they knew would we know the two above would not speak with such conviction.
  17. Adeer Xiin give it up, this is a lost case and everybody can see through hit however you try to spin it Sharif is not fit and will never be fit to lead a nation, let alone one that has been in conflict for the past twenty or so years. Give it up adeer.
  18. Leadership requires intellect, courage, charisma and resolve. Especially in a country torn apart by endless wars, the characteristics of leadership play a pivotal role in the survivability of the leader. What damages Sheikh Sharif's ability to lead is his dramatic 360-turn from ICU chief in 2006 who actively campaign against foreign troops – the single most divisive issue in Somali national politics – to blatant and unashamed support for foreign troops currently in Mogadishu under the auspices of the African Union. ^^Garooweonline is clearly positioning itself for the long run! However, I do believe that they indeed hit the nail on the head with this editorial of theirs. Sharif is incompetent leader who lacks the courage and resolve of the crux issues facing our country. We need therefore strong leadership and people who are in the know of things politically and militarily not a shadow character who is shallow on top of that. For that I say well-done to Garooweonline's Sunday Editorial, Good on you boys.
  19. We need that lobby greatly and I welcome its timely ascend. The PDF is a realisation born out of the diaspora's maturing and the loyalty and affection it shows to the state. Where previously they were not concerned or not coordinated it seems this time, the people now associate themselves more and more with the state rather than the country previously. It seems the diaspora have arrived at a threshold and are ready to cross it now in order to go further and beyond where as previously many of the state's diaspora considered themselves as afraid to show their allegiance to it lest they be viewed as 'taking sides' with their own. That's why Puntland diaspora has failed in so many aspects. They have not fulfilled their potential yet, the same goes for the state. It has always been a case of 'what might others think' and considerations that were not there. A fear of becoming a 'militant' and advocate for ones region, which in the eyes of other Somalis might look like as joining ones own and thus doing injustice to other Somalis. After Abdullahi Yusuf left, many people who were always very harsh to their own realised, that supporting ones region is not a bad 'practise' only 'clannish' people engage in but that one has not to be fearful of others looking and judging one. When Faroole came to London a mix of people who would previously not attend have come to hear their 'Leader' and 'President' speak, which was something totally new. People were the first time not ashamed in supporting the state and the moral dilemma many had just evaporated. The theme nevertheless was not surprising, it had focused on many things and many Somalis not Puntlanders were invited to the event. Our people and I speak of the ordinary men and women despise talk of any that might be seem as inflammatory and unbecoming. No Somali of another region or entity were bad mouthed or spoken bad against as it is against the very nature of the majority of the people from Puntland. The dislike of music was clear and what was deemed as inappropriate were not much applauded by the attendees but old classics were. A great amount of 'religious' constituent were present in the gathering for the first time than the usual 'firm' and staunch supporters who it seemed made a life out of such occasions and no longer can live without it. Thus I noticed that the brand was always there but that it has now a more universal reach and even people such as our resident xiinfaniin no longer shy away from showing flag. It's only a matter of time before the 'regional' identification takes root in the 'diaspora' and the notion of Puntlander gets adopted with all its marsk and symbols. The people are no longer afraid of showing flag and identifying themselves with their origins. Indeed we have come a long way. I who was ahead of that development has again jumped a leap or two forward and no longer consider myself in terms of clans and thus have adopted the notion of Somali Puntlander. I cannot consider mine anything apart of it and hence cannot go back. I have crossed a mile stone, I believe.