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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Saxiib Ethiopia adigaaba u shayqasidee xulufana la ahee lana dhintee maxaad aniga oo keliya igu leexinaysaa ina Cumar Jees iyo SPM yeey ahayeen markay Ethiopia ka imaanayeen? Mise Soomaalida kalle ayaan ka xigaa tigreegu baad ileedahay? Hadii aan ku iri fallaagada caalamiga ahi ma soo dhaweysanayo oo ay ONLFtu ka mid tahay ma waxaan noqoday ninka keliya oo Ethiopia u shaqaya Soomaalida? Cajiib walle. Ninyahow wax kalle aad sheekto miyaad weeyday? Soomaali dhan baa jabhado soo wada noqoday dhamaantoodana Ethiopia bey ka wada yimaadeen oo taariikhda dib ugu laabani maayo reerka waxaad ku leexanysid anigu waxay ila muuqdaan anaynu ahayn sida aad wax u dhigayso markaa runta ka sheeg wixii aad innagu haysatid adigoo ethiopia iyo meela kale ku dhumanin goorba inoo soo bandhig iyadoo sii waafaq ah.
  2. ^Saaxiib inagu qaanuun caalami ah baa inoo yaalo Puntland siyaasad bey ku socotaa oo ah inaynan ku biiraynin wax ka soo horjeeda qaanuunada iyo sharciyada caalamiga ah markaa xeerarkaas ayaan ku gowracanahay oo responsible state Soomaliya ka tirsan baanu nahay mana ogolin in dariska lagu duulo ama ururo jabhado haku dhisnaadeen qabiilo ama diimo inaynan Puntland imaani karaynin ayna ka howlgali karaynin. Eritreana kuma xiranin oo iyadaa fondgareeyso falaagooyinka bariga iyo geeska afrika ka jirro markaasi wax innaga maqani majirtee maxaan siyaasada caalamiga ee xeerarka ku xiranyahiin ugu soo horjeedsanayaa maxaa faaiido ahan aan ka halaynaa? Ethiopia waa dal jaar inala ah waana ixtiraamaynaa sida wadama kalleba Soomaaliya la jaar ah waana tan siyaasada TFGdu ku dhisantahay iyo maamulada dhan ka jiro dhulka hooyo markaa hadii aan diidnay inaan fallaagoobno ma kilil itoopiya ku biiray baanu noqoni? Dee in la isku been guureeya ma aha anagu xeerkaa baan ku gawracanahay siyaasaduna waa tan federalisimku ku dhisan iyo inaanu noqono responsible parter iyo state lala tashani karro lana kaashani karro. Markaa maxaad kallo baad nagu haysataa? Caawa waa kala bixiyee raggu ha wadda garaamo waa geed maxkamadeede.
  3. ^Saxiib waxa aad diidayso inaad ka jawaabto waa inay jiraan divisionadaa waxaan aniguna ku leeyahay xumaanta anaga uun hanagu soo leexinin adigoo dadkii kugu dhowaa ay ONLFtu xirxirayaan oo ay dilayaan anaguna waxba hanagu sugine maadaama raggina eritrea ka soo gudbo yemen inooga yimaadaan markaa waxaad rabtiin inaand balaayadiina inoola timaadaan anaguna waxaa leenahay inooma imaan karaysaan oo meeshiina innaga jooga. Markaa hadalka gunaanadiisku intaa ha noqdo. Wixii aad kalle nagu haysatid soo bandhig arrinkaa dhamaadyee leexleexshadaadan u jeedaaye.
  4. ^A&T waan iska garanaayeey inaadan ka soo jawaabaynin maadaama ay arrimaha daakhilkiinu u gudubtay waana kuu garaabayaa. Laakiinse waxaan rabaa inaad ogaatid inay failure ku ahayn meelo kalle oo keliya haddii ay dadka ilma-adeeradooda ahi dhiibayaan ama basaasayaan maxaad dad kale oo distant cousin ahi ooga fili inay kuu arxamaan adigoo weliba shirqoollo guracan la damacsan? Teeda kalle dhibka waa 'disunityiga' aan sheegay sidii aad adiguba diiday in la idin kala saaro ha oran qabiilka asalka ee Puntland adigoo reero gaar ahi ku durayo. Inta aad iska soo horjeedaan oo wiilal OG ah ka dagaalamayaan badme idinkuna dhexdiina idin dhex holci walle iniidan guul gaaraynin. 'Internal divionska' aad sheegtay aniguu waxaan ku leeyahay dadkii baa isku dan noqoni waayey oo dad baa u arkay inay dani u tahay amaba ugu jidho inay dowlada ku biiraan kuwana wey ka soo horjeedsadeen oo hub beyba u gurteen markaa is ilaali inadeer addunka sidii aad mooday ma ahee.
  5. ^Suaal aan ku weydiiyo markaasi. ONLF miyeey imaan kartaa magaalooyinka Jigjiga, Dhagaxbuur iyo Godey? Hadaynan imaan karaynin maxaa u sabab ah oo hor istaagan? ONLF ma mid danta reer OG ka wada taliso baa mise waa mid ka tarjunta reero gaar ah oo ka tirsan bahweynta OG oo dega Qabridaharay, Qoraxay iyo inta u dhaxaysa Gobolka Dhagaxbuur? Haday jiraan reero qoonsan maxay ku diideen ma soo dhaweyn ayeey ka waayeen mise waxay arkeen inay tahay meel shufto lafo yar ahi danahooda ku ilaalshadaan oo ahayn meel ka turjamaysa tolweynaha Ab ee dhulka Soomaali Galbeed. Maxaa sababay in wiilasha qaarkii ay subixii iskoolada axmaarada ka qoslaan oo ka ciyaaraan habeenkiina ay baadiyaha ku baartaan dadka wax magaysatada ah ee socotada ah ay jidka u galaan dabadeedna waxay haystaan ka furtaan? Imise basaasiin iyo jawaasiis baa ku dhex jiro ONLF? Iyadana waad iga soo jawaabaysaa inshallaahu. Mise ma jiraan dad idin ka mid ah oo har iyo jeer u taagan inay ilaalshaan dalnimada, qaranimda iyo degnaanshaha dalka ithoopiya naftoodana u huraan. Shacbigase yeey raacsanyahiin? ONLF iyo wiilasha raamaha leh ee reer Qabridaharay ma dibadjooga brobagaanda loogu sameeyo ayeey libaaxyo ku yahiin mise dagaalkiinu waa mid aad guulle hor leh ka gaarteen? Maxaase ka jiro inaad dishiin haddii aad tahiin falaagada ONLF intii macalimiinta, dhakhatiirta iyo indhagaraadka ahi ee bulshada ay ku dhisantahay? Maxaadse ka oran lahayd jabhada kale ee ka ag dagaalamaya sida Jundullaahi, Alitixaad iyo WSLF? Eedaynta inaad shufta dadka furta aad tihiin oo manaxayaal ahi oo aad shacbigiina brutalise garaysaan sida alshabaabku maxaad ka orani lahayd iyaduna? Wada hadalada idinka iyo Ethiopia idin dhexmaray labadii sanno ee la soo dhaafay oo bilaa natiijadii ahaa oo rag badani u dhinteen maxaad ka orani lahayd? Doolaalse yaa dilay? ^Fadlan suaaalahaa dhan iga soo jawaab.
  6. Sxb anigu calan la iguma ibtileeyninee keliya nin Puntland jecel baan ahay sidaba adigu ONLF u jeceshahay oo intaa dab iyo baaruudka u sidatid maadaama shan nin oo reer tolkaa ahi lagu qabtay Boosaaso iyyagoo rabo inay u sii gudbaan meeshay u socodeen kowdi marba, markaa reer haaruun iyo wixii ay ahayeenba waanu kaa tacsiyeeynaynaa ninkii dhintay laakiin ogow in ragii kale oo la maxbuusay iyaguna la soo maxkamadayni doonoo oo maalintooda la keeni doono maxkamad oo ay qareen iyo weliba legal counsel iyagoo haysta u cadayni kareyo maxkamad caadil ah inay yahiin bilaa dambi sidii aad adiguba sheegtay laakiin dhinacayga waa ka eedanasyaal waana la maxakamadayni doonaa inshallaahu. Intaa iyada ahi laga gaaraayo bal adiina intaad yara iimaanaysatid bal shaydaanka yari kuu lulinaahaya iska naaro iyadaa maalinta ah sug. Ogoowna inayn jabhadiina imaani karaynin dhulkayga oo wixii sharci iyo nidaam inoo yaala uu yahay in Puntland tahay dhul ka caagan jabhado hubaysan iyo wax kasta oo qaadicu dariiq ah ama danteena ka turjumanynin anigaa leh anaana samaystay oo dejiyey xeerkaa markaa inna kala badbaadi raggi la qabtayna ONLF bey ahayeen oo adigaaba qirtay markaasi anaga waxba ha inoo sheeginee adiguba nin xabashi ah oo la soo dhaqmay baad ahaydee oo aad dantaada ku ilaalshani jirtayee maxaad aniga iga doonahayasaa? Malaha markii aad iska dhex arki weyday ama aad lacago soo xaday oo lagu maxabuusi lahaa baad ka timidee waatii aad ku faanaysay kormeero ayaan ku mari jiray dhulal fara badan oo maamul baan ka soo shaqaynayeey garani maayee ma dowlad ONLF ah baa jirtay? Gadaal baad kala dirirtay oo ONLF iyadu xitaa iska xabashi bey ahayeen markaa nin dan reer OG wada matihidee adeer caadifad xum baa ku wadee inna kala badbaadi oo ina kala daa maandhow.
  7. ^^^Long Live the Buluugley designed by Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan a Somali Patriot and a Puntlander at that. And Long live Puntland State of Somalia.
  8. True Duke. Puntland is the envy and pride of the Somali nation and people and I said it long time ago. The Envy and Pride of Somalia: Puntland State of Somalia! Puntland, my beloved Puntland The one and only true star From Hurdiyo Town to Highlaan How Beautiful you're From the Prairie Plains of Cayn To the top of Raas Casayr You're the much envied one And the Somali Masayr! Between the two seas The grace of our race The Indian and the red Who can compete with the said?
  9. Provinces and Territories of Canada 1.Flag of Ontario: Coat of arms of Ontario: 2. Flag of Saskatchewan: Coat of arms: 3.Flag of Quebec: Coat of arms of Quebec: ^^^The same is true for Australia, India, Brazil and Germany plus many other countries who have their own state flags, anthems and coat of arms but the issue here is not why Puntland is getting one but is deep seated envy towards the state and its pursuit in resurrecting Somalia again that makes people spew out the most ridicules things and pursue fictitious arguments that are based on intellectually fraud mindsets in its highest order.
  10. ^ If you feel a grieved or humiliated by Puntland's presence or being than just say so but don't hide in saying 'Puntland is a desert, its worth nothing and its flag is cloth that is wasted etc' whilst at the same time camplaining day and night in and out about Puntland having done something to you and the rest of Somalia, these are contrary to one another but what would I expect from a mildly but nevertheless schizophrenic guy of your calibre.
  11. A&T that's beside the point, what you excel in is nothing but antics as you're very eccentric in your persona here on SOL. You're in fact crying to be noticed and seeking attention the same reason you pen obscene 'stories' for the same kind of attention. But let me tell you one think I seriously was beginning to think that you're suffering from schizophrenia or some kind of attention deficit syndrome that makes you retract of what you said a few minutes ago it seems you're going in circles and thus never misses an opportunity to not disappoint in what is expected from your persona. How much ever your entertainment value is I will try to not be to hard to you as I think I owe you in that. You're not much of an adversary as the only thing you really excel in is to 'shock', bemuse and probably engage one or two of the folks who don't know you in a 'scandal' of sorts so I will leave it to you, your antics that is. No hard feelings at all adeer. If you feel a grieved or humiliated by Puntland's presence or being than just say so but don't hide in saying 'Puntland is a desert, its worth nothing and its flag is cloth that is wasted etc' whilst at the same time camplaining day and night in and out about Puntland having done something to you and the rest of Somalia, these are contrary to one another but what would I expect from a mildly but nevertheless schizophrenic guy of your calibre.
  12. ^Let them be envious and angry sxb for all it takes for them is to cry foul about a future flag that a Regional State within Somalia will adopt what will you think they'll do if there's much more tangible development on the ground than that? Probably they would go mad.
  13. ^Adeer haye markkaa aan is dayno hadaba, cafis baad iga tahay.
  14. ^Meeshaad igala soo qabsatay garani maayee hadii aan ku iri waxayaga ii dhig miyaad i daba soconi adeer oo aad i daba dhigani?
  15. 9.Flag of the Somali Regional State (A&t's original home state): ^^^Adopted earlier this year The two flags side by side:
  16. 5.Flag of the Harari region (A&t's home region): 6.Flag of the Oromia Region: 7.Flag of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region: 8.Flag of the Tigray Region:
  17. 1. Flags of the Regions of Ethiopia First up Afar region: 2.Amhara region: 3.Flag of the Benishangul-Gumaz Region: 4.Flag of the Gambella Region:
  18. ^Sxb you're backtracking now, atleast you acknowledged that you atleast took my original work not much of an apology or admission but nevertheless. You said that flag was first send to allidamaale around the same time the flag you mentioned was in contest with another one that I also designed and allidmaale asked which one the readers preferred. And it was me in there who outlined the Uyghur factor because the contest were originally of the choosing of the two flags the one you mentioned and another one popular with allidamaale that I also designed, that I mentioned that the flag already existed and belongs to East Turkistan and its still up there. But nevertheless my friend kugu fogaani maayo and I will leave you a face saving exist for you and will not pursue it any further.
  19. Puntland actually spent lawyers on the agreement that cost the state $100000 dollars in excess, so who is saying that things were not thought through. Did this Bokero guy actually read the details of the new agreement or did he just bulk in? The last agreement had a few flaws that I nevertheless supported because I am in favour of exploration but the new agreement is spot on because the new admin has actually spend much more money from their pocket to better the agreement on the States side and because the new admin is fully in line to make this the best deal possible for its citizen and government alike this will easily pass Parliament as it is in full advantage on our side and because this government wants to make the process as transparent as possible.
  20. Cabinet passed the new agreement today, we will wait for Parliament to rectify it too in the coming days and weeks to come inshallaah. Guul. Golaha Wasiirada PL oo ansaxiyey heshiiska Africa Oil. 9 Dec 9, 2009 - 9:02:03 AM Kulan maanta 09 Dec,2009 isugu yimaadeen golaha Xukuumada Puntland kasoo uu gudoominayey Madaxweyne Farole ayaa lagu falanqeeyey wax ka badalida qodobo muhiim ah u ah heshiis horey loola galey shirkadda shidaalka Africa Oil. Kulankaan oo la qaban jirey maalinta Khamiista ayaa waxaa sharaxaad badan ka bixiyey Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo Agaasimaha hayáda shidaalka macdanta Ciise Dholowaa herarkii ay soo martey wax ka badlida heshiiskaan horey dowladii Cadde Muse ula gashay shirkadaha shidaalka ka baarayey Puntland. Golaha Wasiirada Puntland ayaa suáalo kadib u codeeyey in wax ka badalida qodobadda muhiimka u ah in shirkadahaan dib uga howlgalaan Puntland kuwaasoo ku gudbiyey cod buuxa. Codbixinta Wasiirada ayaa ka dhigeysa in qodabada laga badaley ama lagu kordhiyey heshiiska shirkadda Africa Oil la horgeeyo Barlamanka Puntland maalmaha soo socda. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegey in dowladiisu ku guuleysato dib u saxida heshiiskaan taasoo uu balan qaadey markii uu qabtey talada isaga oo sheegey in 8 Jan 2010 soo bandhigi doonaan waxqabadka halka sano oo ay talada hayeen. Mud.Farole ayaa saxiixi doona heshiiskan wax ka badalidiisa hadii Barlamanka Puntland ansaxiyo taas oo suurgalineysa in shirkadda Africa Oil dib u bilowdo howlihii shidaal baarista ee Puntland. Sarakiil ka socota shirkadda Africa Oil oo malantii shaley booqasho ku yimid Puntland ayaa qaybtooda sixiixey heshiiskaan iyaga oo sheegey in bogg cusub u furmey dhinacyada heshiiskaan ka dhexeeyo. Dhinaca kale waxaa maalinta berri ah la filayaa iney soo gaaraan magaalada Garowe Wafti ka socda ururka goboleedka IGAD. Puntland ayaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafy waxaa soo booqanyey wufuud ka socota wadamada saxiibka la ah Somalia iyo xubno ka socda hayádaha caalamiga ee ah. GAROWE ONLINE
  21. Ibtisaam is playing the dumb here and actually backtracking. Even clubs and large companies have flags and logos to represent them and Puntland is no different actually Puntland is on the right direction by erecting States that ultimately will be or making up a United Federal Repulic of Somalia and this is what she's against^^^. She doesn't want to see a United Federal Republic of Somalia. Puntland is building Somalia from a bottom up approach, the only one that will guarantee a Somalia again and they're called building blocks. This building blocks are accountable and have someone in charge state institutions and will ensure the quickest way to recovery but why I am talking to someone who is against all of this? The world sees this as the only model for Somalia for now and Puntland will help other Somalis as outlined by President Faroole to build other States and thus encourage building blocks and to rebuild our lost nationhood from the bottom up. Little arguments about non existing and banal issues are designed to distract from the real issue and derail the true and only way of resurrecting a united Somalia again.
  22. Uztaad how delusional you're brother I am saying that the first flag is not yours all you did was just rotate the flag that I designed a while back ago and whose evolving can be traced back to back and I can outline it. You do know that you hosted that flag on, which I also used for some of my flags to be host in but that I subsequently deleted some of the flags. The one I am talking about is this one you claimed: ^Ask each Soler in here and he will tell you how this one evolved. Even has a similiar one now but they don't claim it. ^Where did those come from? That flag isn't even one of my favourites but I hate folks that are claiming what others designed. That flag was first hosted by and send to them by me personally back in July it was I think. You simply rotate it and I noticed it in the other thread but I kept quiet as I am astounded that someone has actually the nerve and say 'I did design such and such' were clearly they plagiarised it from another source and I know that you got it from so own up to it and never do such again. In my long time here in SOl I've solved alot of fabrications and lies and I am known as someone who is a good detective as I have been around so don't play this game with me.