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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Sanaag got a favourable draw this year and the groups were not sufficiently balanced as by far group A was the deadliest with champions Sool, Bari and Nugaal in the same group. Unfortunately Nugaal couldn't make it out of the group. I remember when we beat Sanaag 9:2 last year. Nugaal was on fire that day as you can watch from . I still can't believe how the two Sanaag strikers did not make the goal and missed a absolute golden opportunity in the game seen on video. But kudos to Sanaag anyway's and the 9:2 last year has been truly compensated with the reaching of the last four of the tournament. Now the mighty Bari boys await them. But if they believe in themselves they can progress to the final and then everything's possible truly. I wish Sanaag all the best for tomorrow inshallaah.
  2. Congratulations to the boys of Sool, they left it late though and as predicted the goal came at the dying minutes and a penalty goal at that nevertheless. However the Mudug boys proved that they could withhold and withstand the champions of Sool and there is no shame in losing the way they did, they can leave their heads held up high. The same with the supporters who travelled all the way from Galkacyo to watch the game including the Regional Governor of the Mudug region. Kudos to them. I wish Sool all the best inshallaah. If Sanaag doesn't come through I am with Sool.
  3. ^Oh my God, we're out of the tournament. Sool got rewarded a penalty at the dying minutes of the game, the governor of Mudug region + many supporters who travelled over night to the game are left being devastated whilst the Sool supporters are in ecstasy. But our boys did us do proud, nevertheless.
  4. ^True Adeer but with you one is never to sure to the objectives you are really pursing with this matters.
  5. ^True Adeer but with you one is never to sure to the objectives you are really pursing with this matters.
  6. Yes, its called Garoonka Kubada cagta ee Magaalada Boos.
  7. Horta how many "Brazilians" do Bari have this year on contract?
  8. Let me bring my thread back then. Official Mudug supporters thread : Come man Mudug
  9. ^And add the economic migrants of the south as well
  10. ^Adeer thats the coat of arm or astaanta dowlada Puntland not a flag.
  11. ^Adeer thats the coat of arm or astaanta dowlada Puntland not a flag.
  12. ^Its a tournament held in India this year and Sanaag lifted the cup in the Puntland Football Tournament in India but where it really matters is back home, the boys and girls we send over to India we send for studying not for winning football tournaments, yaa Paragon .
  13. @balse qaar ayaa hubesyan war buuhoodle laga tag oo wiilasha mudug ayaa goolal ku reebay sanadkaani inkastoo labadii ciyar ugu horreysay ey guul iyo barbar dhac ka soo hoydeen hadanse xulka Sanaag ayaa aasay, sidaasina ayuu Mudug ku soo baxay semifinalka ciyaara ama tartanka gobolada Puntland ee sideeda. Teeda kale war idinkiina taageeriyaashina Sool iyo Sanaag horta miyaad war u haysiin in uu hooligisamku ka mamnuuc yahay ciyaaraha sportiska gobolada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ee uu meeshani xoog oolin balse xirfad ciyaaradeed la isku dhaafo mise wixiinu waa afka niyada ugu dhisa wiilasha Sool iyo Sanaag .
  14. Its astounding that someone with minimal to no artistic background or ability has in fact designed so many flags. Xiinfaniin indr you got lost their in the wilderness of flags which flag do you mean I got lost myself in there a bit.
  15. Its astounding that someone with minimal to no artistic background or ability has in fact designed so many flags. Xiinfaniin indr you got lost their in the wilderness of flags which flag do you mean I got lost myself in there a bit.