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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. True Duke those are beautiful pictures I actually watched last years tournament on a youtube video. The organisers and technical committee are people who are very competent in how they organised the event. It's like the offical tournaments and I believe they are following Fifa guidelines but what you expect anyway they should be in the know as this are the Regional Games of Puntland or Puntland Regional Football Tournaments so we should expect them to be highly organised and that's what they were I haven't seen this anywhere in Somalia to the professional degree it was held the same goes for the State nothing does really compare to it it needs to further strive in order to prosper and we're thankful for any kind of development and change that it brings it with along.
  2. The Players of Bari eagerly awaiting to get the cup on their hands! Viva to Sports! Viva to the State!
  3. Award for Best Player and skills shown I believe could be top scorer as well but unlikely as he was playing in todays final!
  4. Bari Region worthy winners of this years Puntland Regional Football Tournament! Congratulations, miles was spot on with his predictions.
  5. Huge turn out and the two regions supporters came out in their hundreds!
  6. True at that, maashaallaah. It has been a long wait. But glad tidings come to those who are patient and that we were and now we have the gladness in our hands.
  7. Viva to the Young Turks and the State and Somalia as well indeed. I tried to draw the coat of arms but I miserably failed at it. Congratulations to Asli, the girl who did it and the artistic talent that she brought to the show. It shows you actually how difficult a degree it is what she did. Maashallaah and kudos to her.
  8. miles thank you indr. That could be the Presidential Standard and the flag of the government of Puntland who can afford the writing on the flag!
  9. Our Flag is beautiful, maashallaah! Congratulations to the designers I will soon try to upload and do a animated version of the coat of arms, let the news web-portals be fed by us in SOL, the young and talented Young Turks. No bashing or putting down of our new Flag and State Symbols. A great day for Puntland indeed.
  10. Be proud of your Flag! This is my unofficial version of the Flag of Puntland.
  11. Yes, I guess so Duke. It's finally done. We can now call ourselves truthfully the Young Turks of the State (popularised by General Duke) with a coat of arms like that.
  12. Great, well done to Bari but the game ended badly really. Sool got a goal disallowed after it hit the top bar and they argued it was in and the referee didn't reward it so they just walked out on the Bari team, after negotiations and them refusing to return to the field the cup was given to Bari, not a good ending for the final but this year the tournament was top-notch and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Congratulations to Bari worthy winners and commiserations to second up Sool. Also Mudug who got the third place, which was a great achievement too.
  13. Flag by Jaamac Cige Jaamac and Maxamuud Abshir Faarax former living in Garowe Capital of Puntland the latter in Nairobi, Kenya! Coat of Arms by Asli Axmed Maxamuud 'Qodax' who lives in the Capital Garoowe Puntland State!
  14. ^Obviously, the next stage will be to hold a public referendum on the new constitution so that the people can have the last say in it and vote for it favourably or vote 'No' in that initiated public referendum to be held. This will be held as soon as possible as the executive will nominate a National Commission Committee on this affairs who will pursue that job of holding that public referendum on the new Constitution passed yesterday. But before it pursues there will be a national awareness campaign on the media so that the people know all the 141 articles of the constitution they will be voting on. This will commence as soon as possible. I can provide you with the constitution and its 141 articles and legislations but in the last six month some amending was done to some of the articles and the legislative was debating but in the summer they couldn't pass it and thus waited for the second sitting of Parliament of the two yearly circle in which parliament convenes in order to debate on it as the government did some amendments to it in the later stages as the constitution has not fully being rectified yet by parliament back in the first circle of their sitting. But soon the final alteration will be released with the amendments that have been done to it, inshallah. So I ask you to be patient and forth while to not be to disappointed with me in the mean time.
  15. Golaha Wakiilada Puntland oo Meel mariyey Dastuurka Cusub. December 19, 2009 Golaha wakiilada Puntland ayaa maanta cod aqlibiyad ah ku meelmariyey dastuurka cusub ee Dawladda Puntland yeelanayso kaas oo muddooyinkii danbe ay ku wadeen in ay wax ka baddalaan meelaha qaarkood. Xildhibaanada golaha fadhiyey ayaa dhamaa 60 xildhibaan, waxaana codka HAA siiyey 57 xildhibaan. Shaqada ugu badan ee golaha wakiiladdu qabteen sanadkan gudihiisa waxay ahayd arimaha dastuurka waana markii sadexaad oo ay meelmariyaan. Gudoomiayaha Golaha wakiilada Dawladda Puntland Mudane Cabdirashiid Maxamed ayaa sheegay in hawsha hadda hortaala Baarlamaanka ay tahay ansixinta Calanka, Astaanta iyo Heesta Puntland u gaarka ah ee ay kaga qaybtahay Federaalka Soomaaliya taas oo la soo gudbin doono ayuu yiri maalmaha fooda inaku soo haya. Dhanka kale Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa gudoomiyaha gacanta ka geliyey heshiiska macdanta ee ay la galeen shirkadda African Oil, heshiiskaas ayaa wax kabadelkii lagu sameeyay waxaa ku baxdey lacag dhan 100.000 boqolkun oo dollarka maraykanka ah taas oo ay qaateen qareemo. Guddoomiayaha Baarlamaanka oo goobta ka khudbeynaya FG: Waxaan gadaal ka soo daabici doonaa dastuurka Puntland iyo meelaha laga baddalay, haddii alle idmo. Horseed Media News Desk
  16. Baarlamanka Puntland oo Ansixiyay Dastuurka Cusub ee Ay yeelaneyso PUntland. Baarlamanka Dowlada Puntland ayaa Maanta si rasmi ah u ansixiyay Dastuurka cusub ee Puntland Kaas oo dib u eegis ay ku sameynayeen tan iyo 29.June,2009 islamarkaana ay maantadan Maantay ah Ansixiyeen . Fadhiga Baarlamanka oo ay isugu yimaadeen Baarlamanka ayaa waxaa fadhiyay mudaneyaal Baarlamaan oo kor u dhaafaya 59 iyo weliba gudoomiyaha iyo kuxigeenadiisa . Cod loo qaaday isla dastuurka ay yeelaneyso Puntland ayaa waxaa u codeeyay 57mudane islamarkaana ansiciyay Dastuurkan oo markii ugu horeysay ay yeelaneyso Puntland tan iyo 1998dii. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka Baarlamanka Puntland c/rashiid max’ed Xirsi ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in baarlamanka La horkeeni doono calanka Astaanta iyo Heesta cusub ee ay yeelandoonto puntland taas oo uu sheegay in cod Caqlabiyad ah ay ku ansixinayaan mudane yaasha Baarlamanka. Waxaa xusid mudan in isla maantaba Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland uu hor geeyay Golaha Baarlamanka puntland sharcigii Macdanta iyo Batrolka Puntland . Inkastoo aan saxaafada loo ogoleen hadana waxaa jirtay in ay dib u dhigteen Xildhibaanada Baarlamanka Puntland arimaha uu madaxweynuhu soo hordhigay. C/naasir Yaasiin Salaad SBC International Garoowe.
  17. Baarlamanka Puntland oo ansixiyey datuurka cusub. Garoowe (WNT)-Waxaa maantay baarlamnka maamulka Puntland uu ansaxiyey tastuurka cusub oo maamulkaasi lagu dhaqi doono. Qolka Shirarka baarlamanka Puntland ayaa aroornimadii hore ee saakay waxaa iska soo xaadiriyay 59 xildhibaan oo doonayay inay ansixiyaan tastuurka cusub ee Puntland oo bilahaanba ay ku mashquulsanaayeen baarlamanku akhritiisa iyo dib u sixid lagu sameenayay Qodobo ka mid ah tastuurka Puntland Gudoomiyaha golaha baarlamanka Puntland Cabdarshiid Maxamad Xirsi ayaa inta aysan ansaxin mudanayaasha waxa uu ka hor akhriyay golaha hortiisa khudbad ku saabsanayd sababta ay isugu yimaadeen xildhibaanadu isagoona xusay in golaha wakiilada Puntland saakay looga fadhiyo inay ansixiyaan tastuurka cusub ee Puntland Cabadrashiid Maxamad Xirsi gudoomiyaha baarlamanka puntland ayaa si rasmi ah waxa uu uga cod saday baarlamanka in ay u gacan taagaan tastuurka waxaana cod gacantaag ah ugu codeeyay ilaa iyo 57 mudane waxaana ka aamusay 2 xildhibaan. Gudoomiyaha ayaa cod dheer waxa uu ku sheegay in saakay laga bilaabo uu yahay tastuurku mid ansaxa oo lagu dhaqi dalka. In mudo ah ayaa goluhu ku mashquulsanaa saxida iyo akhrinta dastuurka iyaoo horay ay u soo ansixiyeen golaha wasiiradu,waxaana horay guux buuq uga dhashay kolkii loo gudbiyey golaha baarlamanka. Axmed-diin Cawil Jaamac,Garoowe,Puntland
  18. BAARLAMAANKA PUNTLAND MEEL MARIYAY DASTUURKA. 19. December 2009 Golaha Baarlamanka Dowlada Puntland ayaa Maanta cod u qaaday Dastuurka cusub ee Puntland kaasoo maalmihii aan ka soo gudbanay Golauhu dib u eegis ay ku sameynayeen si ay wax uga badalaan ama waxa ugu daraan tan iyo 29.June waxana maanta Golaha u suuragashay in ay meel mariyaan. Kalfadhigaan ay ku ansixiyeen Golaha waxaa soo xaadiray 59 Mudane waxana u codeeyay 57 madane halka laba xilibaan ay ka horyimadeen mana jirin cid ka amustay waxana codayntu u dhacaday hab gacan taag ah iyadoo ugu danabayntiina natiijada uu ku dhawaaqay Gudoomiyaha Golaha wakiilada Puntland cabdi rashiid Maxamed Xirse. Gudoomiyaha Golaha wakiilada Puntland c/rashiid max’ed Xirsi ayaa sdoo kale tilmaammay in baarlamanka la horkeeni doono calanka Astaanta iyo Heesta cusub ee ay yeelandoonto puntland taas oo uu sheegay in cod Caqlabiyad ah ay ku ansixinayaan mudane yaasha Baarlamanka. hadii ilaah idmo. Golaha wakiilada ayaa sidoo kale waxaa horyaala dhoor qodob oo kale kuwaa oo iyana la filayo in ay anaba qaadi doonaan maalmaha soo socda waxana ansixintaan ay imanaysaa xili maalmahaan ay Golahu ka doodayeen qodoba kala duwan islamarkaana ay Golahu rabaan in ay meel mariyaan.
  19. Golaha Wakiilada ee Maamulka Puntland oo Meel mariyey Dastuur Cusub. Posted to the Web Dec 19, 17:02 Garoowe:-Golaha wakiilada ee maamulka Puntland ayaa maanta cod aqlibiyad ah ku meelmariyey dastuurka cusub oo ay yeelanayso Dawladda Puntland kaas oo muddooyinkii danbe ay aad uga doodayeen xubnaha baarlamaanka dowlada Puntland. Kulankii maanta ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay oo fadhiyey golaha wakiilada ee Puntland Xildhibaano gaaraya ilaa 60xildhibaan waxaan dastuurkan meel mariyey ilaa 57 xildhibaan. Gudoomiayaha Golaha wakiilada Dawladda Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed ayaa sheegay in hawsha hadda hortaala Baarlamaanka ay tahay ansixinta Calanka, Astaanta iyo Heesta Puntland u gaarka ah ee ay kaga qaybtahay Federaalka Soomaaliya taas oo la soo gudbin doono ayuu yiri maalmaha soo socda. Dhanka kale Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa gudoomiyaha gacanta ka geliyey heshiiska macdanta ee ay la galeen shirkadda African Oil waxaana ku baxay heshiiskaas oo la siiyey qareemo aduun gaaray ilaa 100,000 oo lacagata doolarka ah. Waxaa dad badan ay dhowrayaan astaanta iyo calanka ay qaadato maamul Gobaleedka Puntland iyada oo dhowr jeer ay sheegeen masuuliinta u sareeya Puntland in aysan marna ka bixi doonin goonina ka istaagi doonin Soomaaliya. M_M Deeq
  20. Here is another one. This one is much better! Miraha heesta ayaa waxaa curiyey abwaan Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalle (Shiine) oo ku nool Maraykanka. Heestiina sidan ayay ku billaabataa: Puntland barwaaqiyo Baro weeye nabadeed Bulsha caafimaadbaa Mawlahay ku beeroo Barkhadbaa u hoyatee Waa dhul beri-samaadloo Baaxaddiisu weyntoo ... Baaxaddiisu weyntoo Macdan baa ka buuxdee Boocamiyo Galdogob iyo Badhan baa ku taallee Boosaaso iyo Ayl Baylaa ku taallee Bilan Gaalkacyiyoo Bilicsame Garoowiyo Beled Laasacaano Buuhoodlaa ku taallee Laasqoray baddeediyo Xaafuun bidhaan wacan Buuniga Qardho iyo Ceerigaabo waad u bogi Hooriska: PUNTLAND PUNTLAND Waa beyd nimcadu taal Baahi laguma seexdoo Barbarkaad u eegtaba Waa wada baraaree Rabbow noo badbaadi BADBAADI...RABBOW NOO BADBAADI Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalle (shiine) Diiwaanka Wararka, Idaacada Daljir.
  21. The other twist of the story is that the father clearly outlined that the contact that invited his son to that graduate celebration was also killed who he was with, so now Juje is saying all the people who he was with at the time and sitting with including his friend survived the attack although the contrary is true the father claims? The father as a father has a legitimate reason to not suspect his son of this heinous crime and mass murder and to defend him as he knows him and brought him up. That is quiet understandable. So the best thing is not to speculate as what I mentioned above of what the father said could be equally rejected and a valid counterargument to it given but we have to ask ourselves the vice that is humans being used as suicide bombers as in the AfPak Iraq conflict is it something permissible and if yes under what circumstances would Maddeey allow for such actions to be deployed? The answer in this case is most definitely it is not permissible to kill so many people because supposedly some members of 'doowlada riddada' as articulated by Alshabaab were in attendance. For that there is no religious justification. Equally so is accusations and assumptions but know if you are a liar and next you tell the people the truth even so that you might warn them of an coming danger they will not listen to you as Somalis say 'Beentaada hore, runtaada danbey u daran tahay'. As in the case with Alshabaab who will listen to them, when clearly they brought this vicious and ignoble action to the fore field in the first place? Don't argue about this case any longer but argue that Alshabaab are those who brought this malice to our country and who used it on a daily basis and develop it right now with more sophistication in order to make it more deadlier than it was before.