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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Qaar Isimaddi shirka Holhol oo Yimid Garowe! Tuesday, January 26, 2010 War hada naga soo gaadhay magalada Garoowe ee xarunta maamulka Puntland ayaa sheegaya in ay halkaas soo gaadheen qayb ka mid ah Isimaddi ku sugnaa Carooley. Madaxdhaqameedkan soo gaadhay Garoowe iyo kuwa ka hadhay midna magacyadooda nooma suur gelin in aanu helo. Waxaase wararku sheegayaan in qayb ka mid ahi soo galeen fiidkii Caawa Garoowe. waxii wara ee ka soo kordha kala soco
  2. The Shir of the Garaado of SSC in holhol finished successfully earlier today as all the Garaado are in unison and agreement about the talks and the outcome of the decisions that they have approved and thus will make it public in due time. In the meantime the, the Isims will wait for Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali to come to the conference in order for him to be presented with the decisions. Furthermore the Garaado in order to implement the decisions have gone to nearby areas of holhol in order to make the outcome of the conference known to the public and to promulgate the decisions and outcome of the conference to the wider public and people the Garaado are chieftains of.
  3. Isimadii shirku uga socdey deegaanka Holhol oo soo gaadhey galabta Garowe! War deg dega: Qeyb ka mida Isimadii shirku uga socdey hol hol ayaa galabta maqribkii soo gaadheen magaalada garoowe iyagoo ka soo kicitimey magaalada carooley oo saaka lagu casuumey ka dib markii fadhi 3 maalmooda ay shir ku lahaayeen tuulada holhol ee gobolka sool. Isimada qeybta dhiman ayaa la sheegey in ay caawa ku dhexeen magaalada carooley oo ay maanta waxgardka magaaladaasi qado sharaf u fidyey garaadada markii ay hol hol ka soo kicitimeen saaka,kulan deg degana ay ku yeelan tuulada Buura wadal oo garaad Jaamac garaad calina ka soo qeyb gali doono oo saax dheer jooga. Dunidaonline
  4. ^Sophist is right. There is no Shir going on right now as the Isim's are under check and surrounded by all sides by the cadow. Also as of now Garaad Jamac Garad Cali is MIA.
  5. ^Sophist is right. There is no Shir going on right now as the Isim's are under check and surrounded by all sides by the cadow. Also as of now Garaad Jamac Garad Cali is MIA.
  6. ^Sophist is right. There is no Shir going on right now as the Isim's are under check and surrounded by all sides by the cadow. Also as of now Garaad Jamac Garad Cali is MIA.
  7. Ngonge there is no mugging taking place in our domain. But what will you do to get yourself rid of this mugger as clearly Faisal showed that the mugger is mugging no ends and living largely. He is consuming all the goods and eating it all up Faisal is being quoted there. So will you use habaar as Faisal did and curse the man and his mugging activities or will you just do something tangible about it, as the Faisal you clearly support in this thread at least , said we can't do anything and resulted to curse the mugger at the end. 'We can't even do a coup d'état . There's nothing at all we can do but to do habaar on him.' Where will it get him tolow?
  8. ^In what regard Ngonge, that they are being mugged by Riyaale to mention one of Duke's coined words?
  9. Alien I believe Xaji Xunjuf is also a supporter of ina Cali Waraabe . Remember the thread whereby Faisal Cali supposedly said that he will be sending out 'special forces' according to Xaji Xunjuf in order to stop the airport strip being build in Buuhoodle. Xiinfaniin, that is one of Fayal's classic's and I very much laughed at it. The guy is totally mad. The fact that he's talking and giving an heartfelt interview to the most immoral and unethical person on the world wide web should ring alarm-bells. But coming to his gems I particularly liked when Faysal announced to the people of Baligubadle that he brought the first cat into their city whilst giving them a sermon. Funny guy but totally mad.
  10. I very much welcome this move and it has been long due. Ever since man came and found a plot of land, that was unused, they clearly set a boundary so for everyone to know that this plot of land is his. I welcome the delimitation although some will clearly label it otherwise, it is not a boundary to exclude people or goods but it is a boundary so that each of the conflicting party knows where their area of jurisdiction lies in and its sovereingty or area of jurisdiction or autonomy. I was in the believe that the Galmudug side was very much against that boundary being set up and if now they agreed on it I very much welcome it and there should not be any conflicts any more of businessmen not wanting to pay legal taxes. I am aware that the Galmudug side have very much vacated the central area of the town and the disputed Market where they used to do business and renting out Bakhaaro and other Puntland owned houses but since then if they returned I really don't know but they moved back to one of their own Markets in their area's that's what I have heard last. So I very much welcome this delimitation and hope this settle's at least the dispute of the market, that of unpaid taxes and refusal to partake in the order's of the local Government in Galkacyo when it comes to hygiene and Health and Safety issues. So I remember this Poem by Robert Frost who made it in relation to his French-Quebec counterpart in New Hampshire. Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair Where they have left not one stone on stone, But they would have the rabbit out of hiding, To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean, No one has seen them made or heard them made, But at spring mending-time we find them there. I let my neighbour know beyond the hill; And on a day we meet to walk the line And set the wall between us once again. We keep the wall between us as we go. To each the boulders that have fallen to each. And some are loaves and some so nearly balls We have to use a spell to make them balance: "Stay where you are until our backs are turned!" We wear our fingers rough with handling them. Oh, just another kind of outdoor game, One on a side. It comes to little more: He is all pine and I am apple-orchard. My apple trees will never get across And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him. He only says, "Good fences make good neighbors." Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder If I could put a notion in his head: "Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it Where there are cows? But here there are no cows. Before I built a wall I'd ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That wants it down!" I could say "Elves" to him, But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather He said it for himself. I see him there, Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed. He moves in darkness as it seems to me, Not of woods only and the shade of trees. He will not go behind his father's saying, And he likes having thought of it so well He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."
  11. ^Ah I am reeking the youthfulness , what bliss! Long may it live adeer. I'am sorry for infringing on you and your little friends. No one is doubting you young turk but that energetic youthful outburst of yours is best directed at other channels more appropriate of me and as knowing me, I can't further partake in such youthful eager exchanges with you as you've mastered that art perfectly, I have no choice but to sit on the sidelines from now on. I must confess when it comes to such things you're in a league of your own and as we're a diverse group sometimes we need such boltness and careless, youthful, spontaneous outbursts of anger and you owe every one in here with your own unique ways. So I will leave it with you and the other kids to fight it out and I am sure you will emerge the victorious out of those.
  12. Sxb^^I didn't expect anything less of you as I knew you would play that 'everyone's trying to get at me' victim card, as knowing you, the big child you're you would very well do this . But alas I will let it slip and say to you adeer you're completely right and I am wrong and thus apologise to you, deal,?
  13. KKL adeer you have to know when someone is fighting you with an ideology of their's whilst you don't have anything to counter against it no one here doubts about the akhyaarnimo of our residential elder xiinfaniin but what we're against is his intellectual fraud and faux's his committing by expressing such fallacious idea's like this one at hand currently, that is a non-starter or issue even to debate about. Look, this man is against the system or ideology of federalism that Puntland so much strives for to make the only system by which Somalia is governed by so atleast what he wants is if he can't attain a centralised view of Somalia than at least to kill the spirit of it already by making it less rooted and that is to incorporate different sets of people into making up different federal states within Somalia, that is^^^ where the fallacy of his lies on and the pattern of fault in his arguments. Look, Somalia as it is now is deeply split along clan lines and respected families who have all different interests so that's why federalism will be adopted to make it the most flexible governing system of Somalia, the only one which can work in a united future Federal Republic of Somalia. As I said there is deep mistrust and the only way of overcoming such is that people who have a common interest, lineage and understanding coming together in establishing their own version of federal States within a future Republic of Somalia. This States then will as time permits negotiate with any Federal Government to how they could join the Union of States that will eventually make up a future Somalia, separately. Each State will then have it's own demands in joining a Federal Republic of Somalia and that is what will be addressed and at the end of this all the States will be singing an act of Union thus allowing them to join a Union of Somalia States within a Federal Republic of Somalia. For example prior in joining such Union the people of Bay, Bakool and the Lower Shabelle regions who will be a founding State of such Federal Somalia might negotiate that the Af-Maymay will be acknowledged by the Federal Government and that each legal documents will have a copy in that dialect/language and that in a future state owned TV there will be slots given to them so in order to guarantee their Culture and language will be protected as being viewed as inferior to that of Somalia. Furthermore they might argue that x ministries be located in their State etc. Similarly the people of Hargeisa and Somaliland might argue for order for them to join such a Federal Union of States of Somalia that it want's x ministries in Hargeisa and that certain embassies be based in their State. They might as well say we want to set the trends of the country and thus want to be made the Entertainment State of the Country, which most of the entertainment industry will be based in. Puntland might say in those negotiations that it wants a symbolic gesture as the first Federal State and that in a future constitution Puntland's role will be enshrined so that every kid around the country knows about the History and the Struggle Puntland went through in ensuring federalism to take root in Somalia. They might as well argue for the Constitutional matters that a future body or department regarding constitutional matters be placed in Puntland State as it was the launch pad for the model which Somalia will be governed with in the future inshallaah and to ensure federalism will thrive and won't get lost. Such will prevent the country from disintegrating as it did in 1991 and will hence ensure that we will at least not all perish when the central state collapses. So for this to happen it needs trust and that's where the formation of federal states come into it in a future negotiation the people of Baraxley will be with their brethren in the south. We will not be able to serve the interests of this community as we have different interests and needs but I am sure that the people of Caabudwaaq, Balanbale and western galgaduud will join Puntland not so a long a distant ago as they were invited in 1998 but due to misconceptions declined which was that communities biggest mistake which they even today regrett but this will be changed inshallaah. So a future Puntland State will thus ensure the rights and needs of Western Galgadud, Goldogob, Garoowe, Mudug, Laascaanood, Sool, Nugaal, Bari and Sanaag as they have a common interest and understanding and most of all a common Trust and understanding between them which doesn't exist between other communities based on common heritage and lineage. This trust doesn't exist with Galmudug folks nor with any other grouping so we would be infringing on their rights which they wouldn't allow anyway as they would not join a Puntland State ahead of a State of their own communities they share that common trust, interest, blood and outlook with. In short everyone will be staying at where their best interest lies upon and where it will be best served and delivered. So this is what Puntland envisions and it is up for the rest of Somalia to work towards such similar goals in order to make a Federal Somalia a reality and a merging of Federal States into a Union such as the UAE, Germany and Canada have done and for each State to negotiate the best possible outcome and deal for them to ensure that they will not be left out and to prevent future conflict. With federalism Somalia will find peace with it self inshallah again and it is the only solution and governing form for us and for that we will work to see it adopted in all regions of what was formerly known as the Republic of Somalia.
  14. Look KKL, we have warned our resident elder xiinfaniin many times regarding such faux cyper political proposals, that have no further insights to it but was perceived by a mind, that just want's to open his mouth as he seemingly likes to hear his own voice at top of that. But alas I won't go there, you have to see to it KKL that xiinfaniin although well respected and usually informed in other matters, he is very much in the dark when it comes to Puntland affairs. We have asked him to continuously to stop his false pretence to it and his fictitious pseudo playing to the gallery and presenting of non existing unrealistic political commentaries although disguised as well played out scenarios masked as political analysis which begs ones amusement to the knowingly real political commentators of this forum. This disservice to political commentary, which is seemingly undertaken to appease the minds, hearts of a people he thinks he owe's an apology towards to, inshallaah he will tell us in due time to the crimes, he has committed on the likes of Abwaan and the rest, he so dearly want's to appease and endear himself to. Another disservice is the label of that of politically coined 'cuqdad-ridden' of his, who he so falsely likes to play like that of a wonder card or a joker, in a non reality sort of a way like that seen on reality TV, which is done to amuse and waste ones time with it , and that's what xiinfaniin serves us with this proposal. It's nice to view some reality TV shows at times but to fully admit this thought in a highly intellectual and realistic forum as this is like confessing to a audience and gathering of a committed anti-reality TV group, that is campaigning to rid this shows of our tv screens for once and all and bring forth new and more intellectually stimulating documentaries in exchange, that one really likes and watches the most admittingly heinous and of all shabby cliche of reality TV, in short what is wrong with it at the first place. ^^This is xiinfaniin again shooting himself in the leg. But we hope that he will change this mischievous little devil in him, that sometimes takes the better of him and makes him spew out the most ridicules and politically unattainable proposals that he would like to see in his pseudo perceptive world without considering ones own reality and that of the world that he lives in. I would ask him one question only and that is, what he sees in the virtues of federalism and what his take to it is to that approach and if he supports it or not?
  15. SOL is a funny place! Waryaa Mr. Somalia you are a true child at heart and very much an upcoming comic, I must confess! Reading through your drivels in this thread and that of Red Sea, which I only followed marginally I noticed that you took one of Guuleed Jucufo's gabay called 'Baqalka I****' to your advantage in a devastating manner, which is rather unbecoming. Anyhow here is the real Gabay of Guuleed Jucufo which he recited on a man called Cabdi Dhakhtar who challenged Guuleed Jucufo for a duel next time they would meet, when they finally met he said 'I was only joking with you and I don't have anything prepared' and that's when Abwaan Guuleed Jucufo recited the poem on the guy who asked for a duel with him but when they met couldn't produce anything: Which you can read on here.
  16. Duke is right. The two men who were caught were both from Sanaag working for underground groups linked to the ideology of radicalism practised throughout the world now. They wanted to divert the attention by the killing to the ongoing feud saga between the two respected families kora named whose elders including former President Adde Muuse are in Qardho right now to settle the dispute that has engulfed the two families. The Killers wanted to take advantage using the so well known method practised in South Somalia to shoot and kill whilst either entering or leaving the mosque during maghrib and the two other night prayers. It totally failed and after they killed the parliamentarian entering the mosque one was injured and the other man was followed by the crowd to a house were he tried to hide but the crowd kept surveillance on the house and the man and alerted the police who arrested the man thus so far. Trashy media outlets of those primarily from Makhir namely and specially maakhiri outlet plus their other ill run outlet of galgalanews are now trying to hide this crime but this men will be trialled and brought to justice for everyone to see. Baseless accusations won't wash nor will the persona non grata of Jamac 'Ayaanle' Feyte (what a name for a Puntlander) who is the Dahhir Calasow of the Makhiri and his shabby run websites mainly (I won't got onto who are also the prime promoters not but certainly of Koora and other makhiri artists and thus by association to it Koora wants to paint this trashy websites as legitimate which they are not, certainly I know that Nassir and Paragon have written a few articles on who certainly want to represent themselves in a much better light than the virus infected, whose own Dahir Calasow writes what he likes in there day in and out, certainly and thus by laasqoray' association with and the support it gave to artists like Koora, Koora now defends the undefensible, which is the trash website of If you need futher info I can present to the gallery to the idiocy of this website and its editors and reporters namely Jamac Ayaanle Feyte.
  17. It's done indr. Sorry for that inconvenience caused!
  18. Qolobaa calankeedu, waa ceynoo, Innaga keenu waa, Cirkoo kale e, Oon caadna lahayn, Ee caashaqaye.
  19. Che, who in their right mind would tolerate it?
  20. Yeah it was designed by a woman from Sanaag who lives in Garowe and works for Care International NGO.
  21. Maashaallaah Duke, contrary to a few disgruntled lot and a few naysayers and idealists here and there the flag was welcomed by the majority of the people whether they from within Puntland or indeed the vast diaspora and even non Puntlanders. We welcomed and embraced it with open arms and so did the rest. Viva to the State.
  22. Originally by Kool_Kat: am feeling FiqiKhair's added touch to the new flag...Well done... Indr, Thank you very much! Coat of Arms copyright to (Also note in original coat only one spear, which points to the left which is golden.) Also the buluugley or also called Calankii Cawaale was created by Maxamed Cawaale Liban who is the designer of the Somali Flag who recently passed away in Canada. It is absolutely beautiful that our new State flag has the buluugley on top and I think it is a fab flag.