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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Yeah, he is also Somaliland's Automobile Industry (SLAI) representative to the UK.
  2. ^True at that. Let's see and watch how it develops then, inshallaah kheyr.
  3. And you helped to set it up Oodweyne? Is that not right?
  4. Waa dhab in ay ka saamayn badan yihiin tan beelaha kale ee Soomaaliyeed, waxanay karaan inay majaraha u qabtaan dabaylaha siyaasadeed ee dalka kuna dabaqaan halka ay aragtidoodu u badan tahay. Aan ka afeefto marka hore in qormadan magaca qabiil xambaarsan in aan loo qaadan mid aan ku durayo beesha Xamar balse waxaan magacan u soo qaatay markii aan dersey waxyaabihii dalka ka dhacayey dhawrkii sannadood ee ugu dambeeyey, waxanay beeshan inkasta oo aanan anigu ka dhalan ay iga mudan tahay ixtiraam iyo sharaf sida beelaha kale ee Soomaaliyeed. Haddaba qalabka kala duwan ee warbaahinta Soomaalidu gaar ahaan midda ku wareegta hawada ee electronikada ah (Web News), waxay dadka u soo gudbiyaan macluumaadka kala duwan gaar ahaan waxa loogu jecel yahay oo ah WARKA, haa war la helyaaaba talo la hel!, waxana qalabkan warbaahintu uu ka dheereeyaa wax kasta oo kale marka lagu daro xitaa isgaarsiinta guur-guurta ee mobile-ka loo yaqaan, inkasta oo warka dheeraynaya ee dhakhsaha badani uu cillado leeyahay gaar ahaan marka laga hadlayo dhinaca sugnaanshaha dhacdada. Qalabkaas warbaahinta ee Soomaalidu adeegsato wuxuu ka kooban yahay radio reer hebel iyo website reer hebel, Idaacadda la iska akro ee reer Qansax iyo wargeyska reer Qurac, illeyn sidaasey Soomaalidu ku caana maashaa e, waxaa aniga shakhsiyan iila awood badnaa amaba iila saamayn badnaa qalabka warbaahinta ee ay beesha Hawiyuhu adeegsato marka lagu daro BBC-da oo wixii ka dambeeyey sannadkii 2000 u xuub siibatey sida idaacaddaha maxalladiga ah ee dalka. Qalabkan warbaahineed waxaan si dhab ah u bartay labadii sannadood ee ciidamada Ethiopian-ku ay dalka joogeen iyo lixdii bilood ee ka horreysey ee Maxaakiimta. Laakiin sheekadani waxay soo ifbaxday xilli yar kadib doorashadii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed loo doortay madaxweynahii kumeel gaarka ah ee dawladda federaalka sannadkii 2004, waxanay ka bilaabantay kadib markii oday Cabdullaahi ileyn waa nin askari ahaa e shirkii caleemasaarkiisa ka sheegay in uu u baahan yahay labaatan kun oo ciidan shisheeye ah oo hub ka dhigis sameeya, (Dad badan oo beesha ka tirsan ayaa u qaatay in uu aano iyo aarsi doon yahay iyagana rabo inuu sacabooley ka dhigo, website-ka Qaadisiya waxaa hal ku dheg u ahaa ‘Marka Hore Dabkuu Idinka Dhigi Dumar Sidiisiiye). Homboboro Libaax Bay Soo Waddaa!, cilladayntii dawladdii TFG-ga waxaa lagu bilaabay baarlamanka ku kala duwan fikirka ee u kala jaban labada qaybood, iyo adeegsiga ereyga dawladda taagta daran ee uu fadhigeedu yahay Baydhaba. Waxay awood u yeesheen ama ay suura geliyeen waaba raganimo la is dheeryahaye, in ay qariyaan oo ay daahyo xariir ah huwiyaan shisheeyihii ka barbar dagaallamayey Islaamiyiinta Soomaaliya iyagoo mar kasta beenin jirey iney dalka Alqaacida joogto. Xilligii malleyshiyaadkii magaca Islaamiga ah watey ay dagaalka kula jireen dawladdii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, qalabkan warbaahineed waxaa hadal hays u ahaa: - Dagaal goor dhow ka bilowday xaafad hebla, (waxaad mooddaa iney danaynayaan ama ay hubaan in dagaalku sii socon doono). - Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dawladda oo dad shacab ah ku xasuuqay meel hebla (goormaa la adeegsan karaa ereyga xasuuq) - Madaafiic jawaab ah oo dad shacab ah waxyeellaysay. (u fiirso ereygaas, aaway su’aashii, ma doonayaan iney ka hadlaan ciddii dagaalka bilowday, waxa la buun buuninayaa waa waxyeellada ay geystaan dawladda iyo Ethiopian-is wata iyadoo aan dhinicii kale waxba laga soo qaadayn). - Xooggagga iska caabinta iyo kuwa Ethiopia oo dagaal fool ka fool ah ku dhex maray halkaas, iyo Ethiopian-ka oo dad rayid ah laayey (waxa rayidka isu rogey waa ciidankii Ethipian-ka dagaalka kula jirey markey dhintaan waa rayid, markay nool yihiinna waa xoogaggii iska caabinta shisheeyaha, ereyga fool ka fool waxaa loola jeedaa geesi gelin). - Odayaasha Beelaha ****** oo ku baaqay in Ethiopan-ka iyo shisheeyuhu baxaan (shisheeyihii la sheegi jirey wuxuu noqday Cabdullaahi oo aan Xamar u dhalan Ethiopian-kiina hadda ayaa loo yeertay). - Intaa waxaa sii dheeraa baahinta ama soo bandhiggidda barnaamijyo dood ah oo nuxurkoodu yahay, in Soomaaliya dadka loo tusiyo in ay gumaysi ku jirto oo ay Ethiopia qabsatay iyo bahdillidda Dawladdii Federaalka Kumeel Gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya. CaCabdullaahi yo Ethiopia kadib Haddaba wax walba xilli ayey leeyihiine, markii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo ciidankii Ethiopia ay ka baxeen dalka maxaa is beddeley. Madaxweyne kumeel gaar ah ayaa loo doortay nin ka dhashay isla beeshan, waa madaxweynaha xilligan Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, mucaaradkii ka soo hor jeedey ee ay beri saaxiibada ahaan jireennada dagaalkoodii ayey halkii ka sii wadeen. Qalabkii warbaahineed maalin gelinkeed ayuu isku beddeley oo uu bilaabay in uu isticmaalo erey bixin hor leh. Waxyaalaha laga faa’iidey kala jabkii kooxaha islaamiyiinta waxaa kamid ah in ay kashifmaan waxyaalo fara badan, waxanay erey bixintoodii hore ku beddeleen middan. - Ajaanib Asia u badan ayaa dalka ku sugan kana tirsan ururka Al-Qaacida (ereygaasi sir culus oo aan suura gal ahayn in la sheego ayuu ahaa wixii ka horreeyey January 2009. - Dalka waxaa jooga kooxo argagixiso ah oo mayal adag. - Waxay waraysi ka qaadeen qaar kamid ah kooxaha dagaallamaya oo si toos ah u qiranaya in ajnebi uu ka buuxo dalka isla markaasna ay ka tirsan yihiin Al-Qaacida. - Kala jabka loo kala jabay Xasan Daahir, Alshabaab iyo Sheekh Shariif ayaa bannaanka soo dhigtay wax allaale iyo wixii la qarin jirey mudadii labada sano ahayd ee la soo dhaafay, waxana suura gal noqotay in warar kala duwan oo madax bannaan la helo halka markii hore la ahaa weerar iyo weerar celis keliya. Ogaadoy, Marka Dawladda Labada Shariif iska tagaan maxaa la oran doonaa, erey bixintu ma dhammaato ee qaar kalena filo hana u daymo la’aan wejiyada is bedbeddelaya ee hadba dhinac lagu jihaynayo.
  5. Like they are for killing the same Somali Red Crescent Society members you so praise in here for helping mothers and children? Al-shabab is criminal and you and I know it well.
  6. ^They themselves did not want to come to Bosaso. Remember in 1997 when the Bosaso Peace Initiative and Reconciliation conference was announced, they did everything to make it fail. The costs at that time to us were non-returnable and unimaginable. The tent we set up was a few years later taken to Djibouti which they happily obliged to. But at least we got Puntland out of it something more important, who knows what will come out of it this time when again it is refused but I don't think so as this is the only hope and way forward. They failed and they themselves know it so there is no room but with this group expect the most unimaginable scenario! They never get tired of holding the country back as it is now for a few material gains here and there for some individual and group.
  7. ^And they are based in Nairobi as well where they operate from.
  8. It is but the madness that is going on has far to long continued and it needs to stop. Enough is enough and I also hear that the IC is fed up and that the US and some other Western missions to Somalia in Nairobi are working hard behind the closets to bring this show to an end and with that the project of Walad Abdalla. The master behind this so unsuccessful group. An all inclusive Somali initiated reconciliation and peace conference in Bosaaso inside Somalia is what is needed and President Faroole and Interior Minister Ilkajiir are trying hard to ensure that it will happen but this group will probably refuse together with Ahmed Abdisalaams, Abdiqasims and Nuur Cadde's. It's shameful really! Bring the tent to Boosaaso and make peace finally as this madness cannot be allowed to continue further. Boosaaso is our last hope and resort!
  9. ^As far as I know there is a German Red Cross, American Red Cross and the British Red Cross and even some regional Red Crosses such as the Bavarian Red Cross and they have all their specific areas of course they fall under the guidelines and jurisdiction of the International Federation of Red Cross/Crescent Societies ^There is also a Somali Red Crescent Society in short SRCS, the same one that opened its office in Badhan . Also the Somali Red Crescent works throughout the country and there is no such thing as a 'Somaliland' Red Crescent well not at the moment and for now at least . So in conclusion there is only one Somali Red Crescent Society and this fact only should embarrass the secessionists in here especially JB, who knows the truth.
  10. ^The irony of it all. These groups have failed in every imaginable department and still they are here, don't they have any shame. This is life for you!
  11. ^Waakaa dhaqanka saxda ee reerka duriyadda daba iyo inay har iyo jeer ka hadlaan wax aan afkaygu qabanin Qhalib is a pefect example there GD true not mentioning even that the Saldanda reer Maakhir is one of the oldest in Somalia something the obscene secessionists wouldn't know anyway because they're not familiar with such grand history.
  12. Sharif Hotel has failed, but lets watch the game. Again stay safe adeer, make sure you have an exit plan, because they, Al Shabaab may spare the big boys, Sakiin, Ibbi, Omar but will make an example of the little workers. ^Exactly my predicament, how trustful is our Mowlana Al-Sheekhuna Kabiir (self-declared) Sheekh Yusuf Indhacadde? What is to say that he won't bring out large black banners and mount it ontop of his base to show where his allegiance lies at in the heat of the battle? Can you trust your Interior Minister Grand Mowlana Mullah Abdulqadir Ali Omar and his troops, who they will be siding for? We await the answers inshallaah and as Somalis like to say 'war jiraaba cakaaru imaan'
  13. So these new troops are from the Jubbooyinka? Al-Shabab taking their last stand in Mogadishu, all or nothing? To be truthful I totally think that this government will not do anything much against Al-Shabab, they will most likely try to hold on to Mogadishu's Makka Al Mukarrama road and the few blocks they're in control and distract Al-Shabab rather than trying to squeeze them out of Mogadishu, no chance of that happening. Thus they will wait, sit in the trenches and see if the other loosely allied troops of the government can overcome Al-Shabab in the provinces, Hisbul Islam is a crucial factor in this, let's see where they will put their allegiance to. Ignorant Shariif will be relying on others and just finally before the government is to fall, they will receive emergency monetary funds and a few weapons so that they can keep the Al-Shabab's at bay once again. It's a zero sum game this, believe me.
  14. The kid took it to heart. War I really apologise for my insensitiveness if I caused any hurt or upset. It's just my mischievous ways. No harm intended, hand on heart. Once again apologies to you Adam and your written Somali is just about fine. [Edited]Adam it is only words on screen and you are right. But if that is the case and it's only word on screens, why were you so upset and angry? Last night I tried my mischievous nature at Ngonge but utterly failed as he wouldn't respond at all to me poking at him. I was bored and thought that I could pick on you for an easy 'target' with your just about fine somali and I had some fun admittingly. I apologise however if I in anyway annoyed you or even made fun of something you hold dear to as this was not the outcome I was looking for rather more light hearted exercise of fun and exchange of posts as I thought you would 'bait' at it, which you did as you wouldn't let yourself be tutored or taught by me. Although I was an excellent Teacher. Anyhow hopefully no misgivings or offence will come or take charge after it inshallaah as I explained and settled the issue, with me apologising.
  15. Afka ha igu taagin'e yaad i mooday it was supposed to say! Afka ha igu taagin ee yaad i mooday cannot be said because the ee symbolises pluralism whilst the i symbolises singularity so the correct version is: 'Afka ha igu taagin ee yaad na mooday' = That is if one uses the long vowel ee with the plural object pronoun of na but it was a genuine spelling mistake and it was supposed to read Afka... taagin'e[/b] yaad i mooday. for example Afka.. taagin e yaad i...mooday is correct whilst Afka...taagin ee yaad na....mooday is correct because the 'ee' and the 'na' emphasise pluralism and thus are correct whilst the short vowel 'e' and 'i' combined together symbolise singularity.
  16. war uus warya = it's hus waryaa (war and waryaa are the same) uus in af soomaali - the contents in ones stomach af weyn igu tageyn = afka ha igu taagin with long vowels 'aa' taag afka = raise mouth 'tag' = to go tageyn - is thus wrong which implies to go instead of raising maxaa ii maleysaa - standard somali is 'yaad i mooday' they are not both correct in proper af soomaali ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto - Ma dhiig kar ayaad rabtaa inaad igu bilowdid (yours sounds like you are straight from xamar weyne or Marka in this instance which you're not ) markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin - its yaan lagu garaacin garaciin in afsoomaali = bas*tards I'm a hard teacher, I know. But the rules have to be enforced you know how bitter they might seem to you.
  17. Who is speaking about typos? It's the grammar, poor really. Originally by Adam: 'war uus warya, af weyn igu tageyn, maxaa ii maleysaa?, ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto, markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin.' War/Waryaa hus baan ku iri. Afka ha igu taaginee, yaad i mooday? Ma Dhiigu inuu igu kaco ayaad rabtaa/dooni, iska aamus afeef hore lahaw... ama adkaysi dambe.. yaan lagu garaacine markaa (the last word though superfluous I add it as a regional demeanor.) Yours was very poor grammar, use of language and I could also detect some mixed up dialect. All in all not very good at all.
  18. war uus warya, af weyn igu tageyn, maxaa ii maleysaa?, ani dhiig-karkar ma rabtiit igu bilawto, markas iska amuus ya lagu garaciin. You should be banned really for abusing our beautiful mother tongue and deforming it to the degree you did.
  19. Trust me this will be a waste of resources and lives as the usual they say. Nothing will be achieved from it as usual as they say. Neither will see it through. Fighting over rubble and power without the people's interest if there is to speak about in the first place as there are no people anyway well for the odd 'Suuqa Bakaaraha' vendor and few other hardened people, everyday dozens leave by the hour, minute and eye wink. What for? The usual as they say, the usual. Eventually there will be no more Alshabaab at least not in the name and stature as they do now but like the rest they will eventually leave the scene. Well for the engulfed TFG who is surviving on its nails hanging on literally will also be gone inshallaah they are just here until once again as the usual. So the best they can do is fit, sit and rob. Sign a few deals here and there as this bunch is not about rescuing a country but rather transiting until there two year term end. (In real terms 1 1/5 years) The gullible are easy to fool they say and so it is 'as the usual'. So nothing to get excited by unless of course you are into military action movies, which then I would recommend you stick by and watch the 'show' TFG's Shariif and their so-called 'enemy' which is not know anyway who is who which is rather 'unusual' and thus far suspectful why some elements have a tie to both sides and the underhand dealings that go with it that even resulted in a UN's investigation to why its arms and that of the International Community land in the hands of Al-Shabab militias. Rather weird and very unusual in a rather very usual setting.
  20. Surely you are not into Peru for this action, are you?
  21. ^With all this attraction and love for everything Peru and peruvian one logical suggestion is that you have a secret peruvain lover. The only question is, 'Is she a she or a he?
  22. Warbixin: Safaraddii M. PL ku tagey wadanka banankiisa 29 Jan 29, 2010 - 5:47:01 AM Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole oo muddo labo asbuuc ah safaro ku marayey Ethiopia Libiya iyo Jabuti ayaa waxaa uu maanta Jan 29,2010 aqalka Madaxtooyada kula kulmey Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyada Jabuti Ismaciil Cumar Geele. Mud. Farole iyo Mud. Geele ayaa kulankooda diiradda ku saarey xaalada Somalia ka taagan iyo sidii xal loogu heli lahaa iyada la wada ogsoon yahay in dowladda Jabuti kaalin weyn ka caayaartey sidii xal loogu heli xarbi-ahliga Somalia ka socdey mudada 21-ka sano ah. President Farole with President of Djibouti Ismaciil Cumar Gheelle Madaxweyne Farole ayaa hoogamiyaha dalka Jabuti sidoo kale ka codsadey in xaalada Somalia ka tagaan muhiimad koowaad laga siiyo shirka ururka midowga Afrika uga furmi doona magaalada Addis-Ababa. Madaxweynaha Jabuti ismaaciil Cumar Geele oo maanta 29 Jan,2010 u ambabaxaya dalka Ethiopia ayaa sheegey in amaanka mandaqada guud ahaan khatar ku jiro hadii aan xal deg-deg ah loo helin xaalada cakarin ee ka taagan Somali gaar ahaan Koonfurta halkaas oo daagaalo xoogan ka socdaan. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in amni darada maalmahaan kasoo korortey Puntland iyo Somaliland salka ku hayso xaalada ka sii dareysa ee ka taagan Koonfurta & gobolada dhexe ee Somalia tasoo cabsi weyn laga qabo iney saameyn ku yeelato Jabuti iyo wadamada dariska badda kala ah sida Yamen. Dhinaca kale safarkii Madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey dalka Ethiopia ayaa guul ku soo dhamaadey iyada oo uu halkaas kula kulmey madaxda dalkaas iyo safiirada hay'adaha caalmiga ah ka jooga Addis Ababa. Kulamada Farole la yeeshey Ethiopia ayaa ka hadlayey xaalka Somalia iyo kaalinta Ethiopia kaga jirto xal u helidiisa iyada oo la sheegey inuu muhiim yahay xiriirka u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Ethiopia. President Farole + Interior Minister Ilkajiir meeting with Libya's Prime Minister Baghdadi Mahmudi in Tripoli Safarkii Madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey dalka Libiya ayaa dhinaca kale kusoo dhamaadey guul isaga oo la kulmey Ra'isal wasaaraha iyo Madaxweyne Qadafi kuwasoo kawada hadley arrimaha Somalia. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa madaxda dalkaas kala hadley sidii Puntland u tageeri lahaayeen iyada oo uu xusey in dalka Libiya qayb libaax ka qaatey xiligii dhidaba loo aasayey maamulka Puntland. President Farole leaving the hotel he stayed in during his stay in Tripoli, Libya Madaxda Libiya oo uu Madaxweyne Qadafi ugu horeeyo ayaa balan qaadey inuu tageeri doono maamulka Puntland iyo guud ahaan Somalia. Member of Libya's foreign Ministry travelling on board the aeroplane with President Faroole Mamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa ka go'an sidii codka shacabka ku dhaqan mandaqada u garsiin lahaa calamka isaga oo geed gaaban iyo mid dheer u fuuli doona madaama ay yihiin kuwo nabadda iyo hurumarka jecel.. Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland
  23. As President Farole met President Ismaciil Cumar Gheele of Djibouti today Friday, garoweonline or the Office of the President of Puntland brought a short piece about the Presidents recent trips to Ethiopia, Libya, (Egypt) not emphasised and finally Djibouti. Basically the President's office or his son Ina Farole is saying that the President brought Somalia's lack of governance for the past 21 years to these countries heart and attention and saying (not the President) but Faroole Junior that the 'Latest insecurities and tension between Puntland and Somaliland is a direct result of that and that the influence lies in the conflict of Southern Somalia and the central regions i.e. South-Central regions. So I would like to know the views of Puntlanders, what they think about Ina Faroole's or Faroole's Junior latest spin into this matters of State and labelling at that the way he did. Secondly do you also think that President Farole (which I don't think are his words anyway but that of his son who seems to have accumulated a lot of powers i.e. that of interpreting and choosing of words the President supposedly said to his own world view). Do you think this is a dangerous exercise that could actually backfire on the President especially at these heightened times and what will the people of Puntland will come to think of it? I would like to hear about your views and thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.
  24. Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo soo gaaray Buurawadal Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ayaa soo gaaray tuulada Buura-wadal ee ka tirsan degmada Boocame. Garaad Jaamac oo ayaamihi ugu danbeeyay kusugnaa Saaxdheer ayaa sidiiran loogu soo dhaweeyay Tuuulada Buurawadal. isimada SSC oo ayamahakan Shirar uga Socdeen Holhol iyo Buurawadal ayaa goaamadooda lasugaayay Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali. Wararka Kusaabsan Shirka Buurawadal Kala Soco Boocame Online News.
  25. Isimada SSC Oo Maanta ku Kulmaya Buuro Wadal Garoowe,(Lasanod Online)- Isimada SSC ayaa maanta ku kulmaya magaalada Buuro Wadal, kulankan oo ah mid la xidhiidha wada tashigii beryahan uga socday Isimada magaalada Holhol. Waxaa la filyaa inuu maanta soo gaadho Buuro wadal, garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo maalmahii lasoo dhaafay joogay Magaalada Saaxdheer. Isimada ayaa sheegay inay go'aanada shirka Holhol dib ugu dhigeen, la tashiga Garaad Jaamac oo isagu aan ka qaybgelin shirka Holhol. Isimada waxaa shalay casuumad qado loogu sameeyey magaalada Carooley ee ka tirsan degmada Taleex. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in marka go'aanka laysla qaato ay isimadu geli doonaan socdaal wacyi gelin ah oo ku mari doonaan deegaanka SSC, welina lama magacaabin goobaha ay tegi doonaan. Bulshoweynta SSC ayaa aad ugu dhig taageysa go'aamada shirka Holhol, oo sida la filayo ilaa maanta lagu dhawaaqo.