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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Just the first impression that comes to your mind after seeing this picture. It's the exact sentiment the world views the secessionist project with: namely a complete utter joke, a really funny one at that too. I don't have to say anything else as the picture speaks loud and clear for itself.
  2. Riyaale is indeed a master tactician, jester and pretender! Here he is praying for the much after sought recognition with his crew.
  3. Barakallaahu lakk wa baaraka calayh wa jammaca beynakum bi khayr, inshallaah. Hambalyo walaale Emperor.
  4. Laakin aniga 3-0 markay marayso ayaa dhalo madaxa la iiga dhuftay oo waan baxsaday . ^You do that in front of England supporters and wouldn't be properly alive to tell the tale. So lesson learned there, I guess. It's a slow process coming from Dhagaxbur to ilbax in such a short time in order not to offend or break silent rules that are universally recognised but what does a proud geeljire like you know of such ilbaxnimo? Five of us were in Saris one day attending a wedding on the way back we encountered a group of hostile Habashis. You know that in this area Somalis are few and far in between, the whole neighbourhood turned out and groups of mini van drivers came to help their fellow countrymen. We pushed 'accidentaly' one of ours the strongest against one of the silly folks, that tried to pick a fight with us. They couldn't do anything as we were determined and we knew how these things usually work. Habashis are the most cowardly folks on the planet so the whole thing turned into poking each other, one saying their army was in Mogadishu. We told him we didn't care for that as we were Somali Ethiopians and we know the filthy xabash's very well. They shouldn't confuse us to Somalis from Mogadishu. It was a great scene but we came out victors at the end. One of ours told the other habashi that he has been found on the street/garbage outside and that it cost 5 Birr for him to be born, as this was the amount his 'mother' got paid by him. He fumed but one or two of the bystanders found it amusing and funny this it took to defuse the situation plus our mad eyes and fearlessness, that we have shown throughout. If we had chickened we would be burned there. In Saaris there is no hiding ground, as they say. The whole thing turned to comedy as though the habashis could clearly see that they wouldn't like to mess with us proper Somali Ethiopians. We boarded a minibus and left Saris for our usual hiding place Bole Michael where we very rarely venture out from, because it is that comfortable. What I found funny is that the Mogadishu folks who praise themselves and claim to be tough got chased 50 by two or three habashis and they were running for their lives, in Bole Michael of all places that is astounding to say the least. We don't fear habashis but it is true if they are many and you are outnumbered by them they will try to intimidate you but once they see your command of habashi and determination and you are more than two then they will back off, for sure. Otherwise to die a martyrs death isn't bad either. For some strange reason A&T I had you down for someone who sported the fames reer Micro Soft trademark, their dreadlocks and bravery that you were as fierce as them, when it comes to battle and combat but alas I was disappointed with you. A big mouth for little to show. That's why you escaped from Ethiopia in the first place isn't it? Little Harari boy..
  5. No wonder A&T felt himself intimidated by the many Punties in the Politics section. He felt, the mob ascending on him again, punching and beating him.
  6. Anigu fulay baan ahaye, my friend hit one of them and flattened him. Within seconds, a crowd descended on us (upto a dozen). Waxaa iigu danbeysay anigoo dhagax dhulka ka qaatay oo tuuray before I fainted . I don't know if I hit anyone. With my tiny bones, it was clear I will not be of much help. Laakin, my friend (my namesake as well) fought courageously. A very tall guy, I saw him still throwing some of his attackers to the ground.
  7. Some will tell you, that Germany's loss was because of the western Allies advantage and superiority in the propaganda war, the 'Allies' had the moral high-ground on the Germans, regarding their 'humanity' is what is being taught in schools. So the Allies had to win the war because they were right, whilst the Germans were the aggressors and evil ones and thus their loss was pre-programmed. It doesn't matter how it happened or came by. To kill 250,000 people and drop an bomb on them, burn the crop and poison the ground, to save further casualties in the war and that of American and allied troops and soldiers is indeed one of the many signs that the West had the moral high ground over the wicked Nazis. 'It's an ideology thing they say'. That's why the Soviets lost to the West because for the same reason. And that's why the West will lose to the East because of the East's sacrifices and determination. They never sleep, they're like machines. And then the 'West' will come together with another 'East', the Islamic East to defeat the before mentioned East. Thus the 'West' and the Islamic 'East' will meet and fight it until the Islamic East reign supreme as God's representatives on this earth. Then something of great importance will happen and a man will disappear from the area between Syria and Iraq, the Masiixi Dajjal the last of the 30 false prophets, who will appear and claim to be divine. After that the Prophet Issa is sent back onto earth and he will eventually defeat the Dajjal after that a war will happen, in which the East will gain prominence again and they will attack the Muslims but they will be killed and Allaah will protect Prophet Issa and the Muslims on his side after that the world will come slowly but surely to an end and only the weakest and most evil will dwell in it and those will befall the great torment of the Qiyaamah, the Worlds end, which is an utter devastation and no believing soul should be tormented with it except the most evil and wicked of mankind, who are prescribed the horrors and apocalyptic collapse of the world nothing seen in a science fiction move but a great torment! The Earth will be removed from within, whilst they are dwelling on it, literally the carpet will be pulled from their feet! And the heavens and fundament that hold them will come crushing down on them! These are surely the most evil and most wicked people of all time beside the other nations and people who disbelieved and were subjected to a great torment and ruin as well.
  8. The parliament will be extended to 825, as Ahlu-Sunnah will be given 275 MP's in efforts to help reconcile the country, the 275 of the origianl tfg + the 275 of the Djibouti camp who knows when this fiasco will end. Honestly I believe incorporating Ahlu-Sunnah is a good step, they wield a great power and support in the central regions and thus would be able to unite the regions they're in control, under their umbrella. It's the way to go. They should take out one of the big ones. Either Gaashandhigga, Interior or Foreign. Shariif won't get rid of Shariif Sakiin.
  9. ^That's correct but who says that 'Somali Community say', is wrong I want to know? Who dares step up please. You're in for a schooling. I'm in my element today, please make it quick.
  10. ^ Your are correct but to every rule their are exceptions and with this one it is no different! Let me quote myself brilliant again: However if you want to highlight individual efforts within the collective noun, you can then use a plural verb for a singular subject matter i.e. collective noun. So in this case 'Somali community say ' is a collective noun i.e. a singular subject with a plural verb in order to highlight individual efforts within the singular subject collective noun 'Somali Community' . Any objections you have to the above you might raise them now with your counter-arguments. They told you singular subject = use singular verb, plural subject = use plural verb and then left you to it. Where as this, is grand. Only a few enlightened ones know that there's this exception to the rule, the common folks stick to what they have been told at elementary school. Anyone else wanting to step up to bring something counter to the fold? Please do not hesitate, in fact I urge you to come out and have a go.
  11. This is very easy. Somali Community which is a singular subject as it is a collective noun should have a singular verb that follows it, in this case 'says' but that doesn't mean that 'say' is wrong here! However if you want to highlight individual efforts within the collective noun, you can then use a plural verb for a singular subject matter i.e. collective noun. So in this case 'Somali community say' is a collective noun i.e. a singular subject with a plural verb in order to highlight individual efforts within the singular subject collective noun 'Somali Community'. I feel in my element, anyone daring to challenge me? Who will step up?
  12. ^lool, thanks indr for the legal counsel I was a bit worried there but with JB in it it's safe I think from prosecution by the state of Israel and it's foreign ministry.
  13. By Twitter to Sakhar. 'Sakhar you have been tweet by Jacaylbaro' I, Jacaylbaro of Sol hereby affirm, that Ngonge (the fence-sitter) who claimed that Israel's recognition was a smear compaign, through a letter allegedly written by me is totally false. The story is true, true and true. I got it from Somalilandpress website which they got it from Haaretz Newspaper. Ngonge has been found out to be in bed with the enemy 'bugland', which he proudly displays. I devoted my last couple of posts to this topic and cannot be seen to be backtracking and I truly believe it to be true. Everything else is hearsay We condemn Ngonge and the story is true. My 140 words have been used up, and I just wanted to clarify the issue. Yours sincerely, Jacaylbaro Hargeisa.
  14. ^ . War I'm only a simple man. I have children to take care of. I cannot afford that. JB is in Hargeisa, he can survive but for me in London there's no hiding place. Well one good or bad thing that can come out of this is that Mossad realises my potential and talent regarding these matters and thus offers me to be trained and join their various departments.
  15. ^Ngonge just wants proof as alleged Haaretz Journal report has been found to be not very convincing thus far.
  16. ^Ngonge the fear is if it looks 'to official', I might end up in prison for libel to Amir Reshef Gessin and Amir Sagie and the Israel(i) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not good at all.
  17. Your can read more on here about the Somali Red Crescent Society short SRCS It says: Page 1 1 Somalia Executive summary: The Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) has operated continuously throughout the country’s period of civil strife and is credited as being the largest indigenous humanitarian organisation with representation and services across Somalia. Furthermore: The total 2009-2010 budget is CHF 8,635,224 (USD 7,893,258 or EUR 5,500,143. And it goes on SRCS in co-operation with the Federation will continue to provide preventive, promotive and basic curative health services through its 30 MCH/OPDs, and four mobile clinics supported bythe Saudi Red Crescent. The Federation supports 22 MCH/OPDs, and four in Bari region in co-operation with the German Red Cross. SRCS also operates four in Sool and Sanaag in co-operation with the German Red Cross. The SRCS will examine current support to the Nugal hospital in consultation with all stakeholders. The SRCS will continue to provide rehabilitation services in co-operation with the Norwegian Red Cross to physically disabled persons through the Mogadishu, Hargeisa and Galkayo branches. It also says: In 2005 UNAIDS estimated that 44,000 adults and children were living with HIV and AIDS in Somalia. Surveys among women attending antenatal clinics have found HIV prevalence as high as 2.3 per cent in Berbera. (WHO, 2005). You can all read it up, as usual Oodweyne is being Oodweyne and it would be futile to even attempt to accept anything so it is for you to read up and see for yourselves that this man will not stop at anything in pursuing the much after sought cause of 'recognition', even if that entails lying!
  18. <a href=" '>http://" SRCS /Somaliland_Red_Crescent_Society/1104591""> SRCS /Somaliland_Red_Crescent_Society/1104591 SRCS my not so clever friend exists but it stands for Somali Red Crescent Society i.e. the Red Crescent Society for all the Somali lands within Somalia. You might fool not so alert editors of a website in which you could suggest acronyms but to use the Somali Red Crescent Society SRCS and try to pass it on as the 'Somaliland Red Crescent Society' is nothing short of sinister and sheer desperation on your behalf. Someone actually once said you would do anything and even go as far as to blank pointedly lie and even sell your soul for the lowest bidder who promises you he will further your 'cause'. That's why you have aligned yourself with Alun Michael of all people who promised you he will bring that much after sought 'recognition' to you, little did you guys know, that this meant meeting Mr. Michael in gay bars and clubs to 'discuss' the 'recognition' and amongst other pressing issues, which you had to attend to as there was no other way and the 'recognition' would be gone, pity you really. What else wouldn't you do is the question? I really don't want to know!