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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. True brother JB is the only secessionist here who knows what he is doing. He's very good at covering up his administration's bad news and setbacks to their weak and unethical cause and pre-empts it with his own version and interpretation of the news. On Farax his wailing even resulted in the US's refusal/turning down of his Visa application to the US. The man is in a bad situation. He just wanted the money just like in 2006 but he forgot this time around that he was an elected official in Kenya. That's where greed leads you to into a shameless and not revocable dead end and exactly why Farax was crying to Puntland's government to led him visit Garowe just a week earlier. How pathetic a man and undignified he is.
  2. Indr Duke I know, that's why they didn't get a response from my side. It was apparent what their objectives was but Sakhar is an long term contributor to SOL's politics section like Farah Moallim Dawaare's rush to Hargeisa they didn't put this into thought when they attacked the messenger rather than the message. Originally by Che: AwMuuse...You should have joined. It is more fun.Xiin and co are chasing Dajiye. I'm mere spectator ^I would have Che, but I don't have any tabar I'm for factual discussions and debates, that sort of debates I get headaches from.
  3. Five important things are in this report! 1. Farah Moallim indirectly asked the officials in the Puntland State of Somalia that he wanted to visit Garowe when he found out that he will be investigated by Parliaments Seclect Ethic Conduct Committee. 2. He will be investigated under the Parliaments Ethnic conduct select committee as ordered by Kenya's Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula for his improper conduct and behaviour and unilateral move to visit the secessionist enclave and the occupied city of Lasanod. 3. There is also an constituency investigation into this as allegedly he had a hand in Mrs. Bisharo Wacdi Shanqale's handover to the Ethiopians. 4. Daware's shameful persona has been revealed and exposed whereby he took money from the ICU in 2006 with the promise he will bring International recognition to them but instead he used the money for his election campaign with the ODM, who are now a minority in Kenya's Parliament. 5. His Visa to the USA has also been refused and declined! The man is an utterly true clown and a fool to say the least.
  4. Other reliable sources tell that Farah Moallim Daware has also been refused entry to the USA as his Visa application to the States has been turned down and refused by the US embassy here in Nairobi Kenya.
  5. Furthermore Farah Moallim Daware was a friend of the ICU who he promised will be given International Recognition if they paid him an untold amount/sum of money. The same trick has now been applied to the secessionist enclave of Somaliland which he promised he will give International Recognition to if they in return pay him an untold sum and amount of money. The only difference now being that he is an elected official in Kenya and in 2006 he was acting on a personal level and capacity, which Farah Moallim Daware is said to have not taken into account this time!
  6. Farah Moallim Daware who is in the past known within somali circles as a self-declared Power broker of financial deals and International broker came into office in the 2008 violent clash that erupted after Kenya's Poll and election took place.
  7. Farah Moallim is also on fire for allegedly helping, facilitating and signing the hand over of Bisharo Wacdi Shaqlane from the secessionists enclave to the Somali Regional State within the Federal Republic of Ethiopia.
  8. The embattled Kenyan Deputy Speaker of Parliament Farah Moallim Daware who stirred up a controversy by his visit to the secessionist enclave of Somaliland and the 'disputed' city of Lasanod in an assumed protest to Puntland for handing over alleged ONLF suspects to Ethiopa is confirmed to have been refused entry to Puntland State of Somalia, whereby it is alleged by a high-ranking State offical within the Puntland government who wanted to remain unnamed and anonymous that Mr. Daware indirectly gestured to Puntland State last week that he urgently wanted to visit the autonomous Somali state of Puntland in order to ease his under fire persona as last week it was leaked to him that Kenya's Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula was penning a complaint letter on Moallim's conduct in order to be investigated by an exclusive Parliament conduct select committee relating to his uncalled, unilateral and not prior known visit to the secessionst enclave of Somaliland by given rise to 'ethnic tensions' in those peaceful parts of Northern Somalia it is said.
  9. A&T am I mistaken in saying that we don't subscribe to the same tastes and sophistication? By bringing an example from your past conduct, threads and posts, which I know many SOL'er's have disagreed with in its obscene contents and nature and taste who were seemingly shocked by your revealing of them, thus am I wrong saying that you have a unique and matchless set of tastes and sophistication? So why bring all the stuff in your last post by merely saying that you and me have different sophistications and set of tastes?
  10. The embattled Kenyan Deputy Speaker of Parliament Farah Moallim Daware who stirred up a controversy by his visit to the secessionist enclave of Somaliland and the 'disputed' city of Lasanod in an assumed protest to Puntland for handing over alleged ONLF suspects to Ethiopa is confirmed to have been refused entry to Puntland State of Somalia, whereby it is alleged by a high-ranking State offical within the Puntland government who wanted to remain unnamed and anonymous that Mr. Daware indirectly gestured to Puntland State last week that he urgently wanted to visit the autonomous Somali state of Puntland in order to ease his under fire persona as last week it was leaked to him that Kenya's Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula was penning a complaint letter on Moallim's conduct in order to be investigated by an exclusive Parliament conduct select committee relating to his uncalled, unilateral and not prior known visit to the secessionst enclave of Somaliland by given rise to 'ethnic tensions' in those peaceful parts of Northern Somalia it is said. It is further said that Farah Moallim Daware did not tell Parliament where he will be going as his absence was in the books for meeting pastoralists from his own 'clan' and that he will be going on an official visit to Ethiopia. Farah Moallim is also on fire for allegedly helping, facilitating and signing the hand over of Bisharo Wacdi Shaqlane from the secessionists enclave to the Somali Regional State within the Federal Republic of Ethiopia. Furthermore in Nairobi Farah Moallim Daware it is said has been summoned by influential businessmen and former backers who questioned Mr. Daware on his conduct during his visit to the secessionist enclave of Somaliland and the occupied city of Lasanod and his alleged dealings with Mrs. Wacdi Shaqlane's hand over to the authorities within the Federal Republic of Ethiopia. Farah Moallim Daware who is in the past known within somali circles as a self-declared Power broker of financial deals and International broker came into office in the 2008 violent clash that erupted after Kenya's Poll and election took place. Furthermore Farah Moallim Daware was a friend of the ICU who he promised will be given International Recognition if they paid him an untold amount/sum of money. The same trick has now been applied to the secessionist enclave of Somaliland which he promised he will give International Recognition to if they in return pay him an untold sum and amount of money. The only difference now being that he is an elected official in Kenya and in 2006 he was acting on a personal level and capacity, which Farah Moallim Daware is said to have not taken into account this time! Other reliable sources tell that Farah Moallim Daware has also been refused entry to the USA as his Visa application to the States have been refused! This report has been put together by Sakhar from various sources.
  11. For me at least it wasn't a spill-over from the politics section rather it was about taste and people can differ on tastes. Some called it a 'dig' at Emperor but for me it was nothing more but a lousy remark that could be said to be a faux pas at a happy thread, which spoiled it especially after you have congratulated the brother on the first page. So let's not make it out to something that it is not and since that we have agreed that it was your way, style, taste and as people cannot have a unique way or style in corresponding, congratulating, debating or even speaking to someone else one is therefore forgiven especially known that you have your peculiar and unique way of what makes out your 'taste' judging by the many x-rated stories you penned previously, which you of course thought was nothing wrong with. So in that regard let's have it done with it? It's a time of waste talking and debating 'tastes' as this is the most one thing no common room will be found in. Everything else can be agreed on and debated.
  12. It's true that Samatar was disliked and there was much reservations on his persona (putting it diplomatically) but I believe this was due because of him being in that position for to long without any effective results. The previous administration failed in many of its objectives regarding Security and for Faroole to keep Samatar was nothing short of appeasing his base and on top he and Faroole understand each other but due to lack of achievements he had to sack him at the end. I will not cry for Samatar but equally Yusuf Ahmed Khayr failed in his previous security commitments and has proven to be a soft hand/arm in his previous job as head of the Police. But I doubt Ina Ahmed Khayr will bring any change and the whole Security and DDR position should be scraped and be brought under the Ministry for Interior, Local governments and Rural Development and instead create an government agency for security that falls directly under the Presidents Office.
  13. xiinfaniin what would the likes of Shaakirullaah, Laba Xiniiniyood, Kashafa and Maaddey say about this? I know Kashafa for sure but not LX that they called the ulumaa such as Abdulqaadir Gaa'mey as 'ulumaa u suu' and thus should not be listened to. The wadaado in Bosaso have assimilated is their stance and this latest news will not make them change in any way or form but further lose respect in their eyes as the ulumaa are appeasing. Sheekh Axmed Daahir, Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi and the rest of the culumaa in Puntland are vilified by them and brushed with the same paint that they side with the 'tol' and not the 'diin' as they didn't pick up the gun. What advice would you give them?
  14. A&T indr for me it was about taste and as the brother was not here and could not reply due to him enjoying his new marriage life and his noble character of not bothering with the cheap remarks you put on here and as this was a public forum I wanted to give you a solid advice and remind you to refrain from the cheap remarks you put to the brother. It is this faux pas, which you displayed I wanted to highlight and correct. You said and equated your remarks to: Originally by A&T: 'The same way he could have said I wish Abtigiis another geeljire!' But that's not what you said. You said: May he sire a Prince and not another Pirate. However, how much I know Zack or Dejiye, I couldn't come to a congratulatory thread of theirs and say 'May they sire a geeljire and not another Prisoner'. You conveniently left out that part in your post and that is what I found to be peculiar, eccentric and out of touch with the realities of this good natured thread, as you brought a faux pas to it and it is clearly your way and nature of complimenting/congratulating someone else, which I would hesitate from and would find to be deeply embarrassing. This is your way of congratulating someone and as you said this wasn't for bad intent I'm now therefore apologising to you in good heart and nature and hope you will forgive me as my attention was not to harm you nor was it opportunistic. A man has to know when he himself has erred. Therefore I also apologise to you for the previous thread, whereby I made a tasteless and bad remark to you, which is deeply embarrassing for me as well, which I transgressed not only to you in person but also to a whole people, namely by brushing the people of Dhagaxbuur into one drawer. It was done out of character and thus will not be repeated. On this case it was nothing sinister on my behalf but I reacted to it as I considered it something I didn't want said to someone else and to that regard as the brother was not there I stood up to defend his dignity and pride, nothing more and nothing less. So this was not done to put anyone into disrepute or even defame and the same goes for your accusations on my character. They couldn't be further afield. Thus I ask you in good nature to retract them. I stretch the hand of brotherhood out to you. P.S. I thank brother xiinfaniin for his mediatory role into this. The brother has done a wonderful job.
  15. Xiin indr true. Lol at faroole being trained as a 'sheekh'. I totally agree with you, this is a good step in the right direction. The Americans do the same by appoining 'wadaado qunyarsocod' and I believe this is no different. In the past, there was no room for them to be included as they couldn't pass the khat chewing and alcohol drinking men and 'elite' that had the keys and pulled the strings of power the way they wanted. They were excluded from power and politics of that state, although they were a vibrant and visible part of the society and community of the land and people they worked so hard for to progress. Also they engaged with the people more as they were teachers, runners of schools and religious establishments, bulk of businessmen and the people who brought the success, calm and peace to the people and mediated when it was needed and supported and gave a helping hand to the government. In short they were an Institution without recognition and from this and former happenings we can conclude that the wadaado are also human beings and strive to hold public office and now it is good that they have been given the opportunity on an official level to show to the people what they can do and are capable of. I believe they should not be side tracked or excluded but included and have a share of the ruling elite only then can real peace come about. Puntland has always been a pioneer and with this it is no different. The same rights granted now to the wadaado it's the same reason why like minded religious organisations/movements rose up not only in southern Somalia but through-out the world because they lacked that inclusion and recognition. But to joke with you I don't want them to have the overall card and power as this would be quiet dangerous reasoning being that our wadaado are not that strong and sooner rather than later they would be on a satellite phone to Xamar and would get instructions to the best way they could be made deputies to the agendas and schemes of the wadaado from Xamar. So that's why I don't trust our wadaado and I don't mind them being included into the government but no to an take over just yet. It's a start and I support it very much.
  16. ^ War I don't have anything on Al-Ithihad AL-Islami wallaahi I'm one of their supporters and religiously speaking I'm much more in tune with them rather then anything else as I consider myself a follower of the same doctrine. But what I don't like is violence and civil strife and you know it. They have the right and Farole is doing great in appointing them afterall they're well connected, influential and have the peoples trust. And they can bring about change. Although Faroole is rumoured to be tabliiq orientated but nevertheless he has a heritage of wadadism in himself judging by the title of his father Sheikh Maxamed Maxamuud a well known religious scholar in Eyl, Nugaal. So everything's good the case with Gaalkacyo and its mayor and the newly named Governor for Bari region just what it is needed. Maybe the next step is to change the PIS or rather disband them altogether? A move you would not hesitate to welcome. We're in agreement ina'adeer, no misgivings.
  17. That post you referring to is a deputy minister within a government ministry. Hashi has been seleceted to assist the Minister for Planning and International Co-opration and thus holds middle ranking title, which is somewhat higher than a deputy minister but still subordinate and answerable to the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. In some cases the Junior minister holds a special designed post and department within the Presidents Office such as Junior Minister Gashaan who is the Junior minister for good governance and Minister Jimcaale who is a Junior Minister for Democratisation and Federal Affairs. So don't confuse up the portfolios and learn more about it. Your uncle is doing fine and belated congratulations.
  18. What is interesting is that Samatar got axed and has been replaced by Yusuf Ahmed Khayr who was sacked as head of the police by Adde Muuse in the last government and is known to be a good friend of the President. He is also the father of horseedmedia's owner. Definitely I would have preferred someone strong in that position, which Samatar was not btw but Yusuf Ahmed Khayr for me is rather a gentle option, he is a wadaad as well rumoured to be linked with Al-Itihad who have reformed and it seems Faroole is heavily relying on now. I welcome it if they can bring the necessary change but Yusuf is a gentle option but god willingly I wish him all the best. Maybe a calm and measured approach is what is needed and dialogue and not someone who is to strong willed and rigid. Faarax Adan Dhalac was expected to get axed as the President was very much patient with him through out the last year. Farole made a mistake in firstly selecting him and that's why he brought this reshuffle in place to get rid of the people he who wrongly put in the government in the first place and who he no longer trusts. Dhalac was in open rebellion and it was visible to everyone. Saciid Maxamed Raage former Fisheries Minister who got the sack from the last government due to politically motivated allegations on his person which have not yet been proven to be correct either way has been brought back. He was a former Presidential Candidate and was in direct challenge with Farole at the last election. His 'clan' has been accused of being behind of the some of the trouble in Bosaso and I think this has been facilitated to please some of the feelings of deprivation amongst that clan and will proof a crucial step in bettering Bari region's overall security together with the new mayor and governor of the region. The last bit which is of great interest is the replacement of Dhalac with Dr. Dauud Maxamed Cumar who is someone well known in Lasanod and also rumoured to have links with the reformed Al-Itihad moverment, that have so much space in Faroole's government and trust, that it is said, that it is a welcome move indeed as someone who can finish of tasks and do the work required. The interesting bit is the Junior Minister for Planning and Internatioanl Cooperation which has been given to the PDF President Prof Abdiqadir Abdi Hashi an influential man from Toronto who is really inspiring. He will assist the Minster for Planning and International Co-operations Dr. Dauud Maxamed Cumar in his duties and the day to day activities of that ministry. Faroole is serious about the International side of Politics and has heavily invested into it by naming a Junior Minister to assist the Department/Ministry for Planning and International Co-operations. Let's see what these changes will bring inshallaah. Overall nothing surprising really. His focus is on International issues and that is where he will put his energy on.
  19. A&T Emperor waad la kaftami kartaa, but to bring his yet to be born future child into this is frankly speaking considered to be a deelqaaf within our culture and its very distateful to say the least. And as you're my cousin of distant I ought to tell you what is proper and what is not in our culture, so regard this as a nasiixa from me to you! You can have a friendly remark on Emperor's expense but to bring his future progeny and child into this is frankly undeserving and totally wrong and in fact below the belt. But then again you're A&T and as an arab proverb already says 'The person without shame is like an innocent person' and therefore free to say and act as he wishes. I told you what is good and proper in our culture and there you still affirm that no damage was done. That's you A&T. Furthermore you congratulated the brother somewhat on the first page only to indulge three pages later without any regard into this mockery and unbecoming/tasteless exercise of yours directed at something, which you as an grown up man cannot make fun of: Another man's yet to be born progeny! I left it out not to have to spell it to you but still you're reluctant. This is disgraceful sxb.
  20. ^And your aversion goes into a progeny, yet to be born! Don't you have any shame?
  21. ^Burco has favours from the colonial era, so no red mark there. A yellow mark instead will do the job.
  22. ^ . It is getting more bizarre by the look. Have you noticed the man on the far right, who is not supposed to be on the picture with something on his hand maybe a handkerchief who is trying to hand/give it to Rayaale, who is in abyss himself and totally unaware of the happenings around him. Maybe he's Riyaale's personal stylist/attendant by the looks of it as they look a like. Not only has he extended his Presidency which was supposed to end in 2007 but it looks he is determined to make it even worse for the opposition parties by extending his rule for ever. Long live the triangles mugger.
  23. Although Khayr made a bad case for it but nevertheless I agree with him 100%. It's the only halal solution unless of course you want to get yourself a mistress like they do in the west and other societies where polygamy is not acceptable. Women who are of a certain age and can't find a suitable husband if a married suitor comes her direction, what's wrong with that? That is compassion in my books and therefore the only logical and permissible way. Women already outnumber men to a certain number percentage, which I don't have right now, so if every women can't get a husband, why not allow her to co-share? Or are you saying, she doesn't have the right and is not entitled to the same emotional and material needs as you are? Only because you're lucky and already have a husband, what about the 100's who will be husbandless? Don't they have the same needs as you have? Aren't they entitled to the same things you inspire to? A happy married life, children and grandchildren? Why be against it, if we know already that women outgrew men? And that this option exists as prescribed to us by Allaah, to ensure that these women don't go husbandless and childless. So in short and conclusion 'love the same upon others what you love upon thyself'.