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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Adeer go fix the affix, as I still see that you haven't done it.
  2. ^lool Maaddeey I thought it was four tanks and not only one?
  3. Atikana yaa aheed bal? Ich bin ein Puntlander. Classic from Castro, lool. Originally by Garowegal: I assure you this is one Puntland Countess you're speaking to so isdaji adeero. Adeer Garowegal we in Puntland don't say 'adeero' or use plural addressing the singular. That is one point. The other one being: Eyl; seizing a ship with my adeers. That is wrong and should be adeero/yaal and not 'adeers' as the s affix to emphasise the English plural 's' is not applicable in the Somali. ^You have a great deal to learn, adeer. Go and fix the affix.
  4. The public investigative approach to this eye-opening investigation will be adjourned due to technicalities. We're in good hope that our investigative launch is going into the right direction and that a successful ensuing will be reached. Furthermore we'd like to thank our vigilant SOL members who have contributed a great deal into this and our close team of operatives and detectives (which goes without a saying). Due to the sensitive issue of this case a team of no more than a handful people will be thus working from behind close doors into this delicate and complex investigation. Thus the public informing of the progress of the investigation will be adjourned henceforth until we have all the data and report put together that is flooding now into our inboxes. Due to the delicate and awkward nature of this indictment and in order not to jeopardise the good lead we have into this investigation no more public information will be thus issued from now on. Thank you very much. Your investigative team on Maaddeey-gate.
  5. Interesting enough, most views on my "Shabeel singing in Somali" video on Youtube are from Zimbabwe. It is now known and widely established in a investigative report that Ngonge is the biggest counterfeit dealer in Zimbabwean IP-addresses on this site. He has been selling those now for a while and at cheap prices $5 dollars at piece and through that most of the viewers of your video 'Shabeel singing in Somali' have been directed from this site there is no to little surprise that most of your viewers of that particular video were actually coming from 'Zimbabwe' as it were.
  6. Fresh intelligence reports confirm that Ngonge mentioned in the passing to someone two years ago that he wanted to know how he can change his IP address and when asked to where he jokingly replied 'Zimbabwe', that someone just clicked today and provided this intelligence report as he clearly remembered the conversation by reading the thread and by putting 2 and 2 together it finally clicked. So my pm box is open your welcome any time but beware if you lie to me I'll print screen the mailbox and the pm you send me and provide it appropriately when needed. So beware with me.
  7. ^lool The last time Sharif was engaged in a war, they also announced the exact date that they will attack Baidoa. So no difference if he announces the date as well this time around.
  8. LONDON: Shariif oo shaaciyey waqtiga ay weerar ku qaadayan Islaamiyiinta Soomaaliya. WARBIXIN DHEER 9. marts 2010 APL LONDON(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo hada jooga dalka Ingiriiska, ayaa Shir Jaraa’id oo uu qabtay wuxuu kaga hadlay xaaladaha qalafsan ee ka taagan dalka uu kahayo jagada Madaxweyne-nimada ee Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha KMG ah ayaa soo qaaday xaaladaha dagaaleed ee Muqdisho, oo ay dawladdiisu ka maamusho dhul ka yar 2 KM oo ka mid ah Muqdisho, wuxuuna sheegay in ay hada qorshaynayaan weerar toos ah oo uu sheegay in ay dad badan ka qeybgali doonaan, waa sida hadalka udhigaye, oo ula jeeday dawladdo badan in ay caawin doonaan. Shariif oo la weydiiyey caawinta waxa ula jeedo ayaa sheegay in ay Beesha Caalamku ay wax badan gacan qaban doonto dawladdiisa, ayadoo caawinteeda uu sheegay in ay noqon doonto in ay lacago ku bixiyaan howlgalkaasi. Madaxweynaha KMG ah oo marar badan ka hor yimid sheegida waqtiga la qaadayo weerarka, ayuu sheegay in manta in la qaadi doono weerarkaasi gudaha bishan aynu ku jirno, iyadoo wararka qaarkood ay sheegayaan in hada dawladdaha Ingiriiska, Faransiiska iyo Mareykanku ay diyaariyaan weerar ay 15-ka bishan ku qaadaan gobo kuyaala Jubada Hoose iyo gudaha Muqdisho. Shariif wuxuu kaloo soo dhaweeyey lacag lugu sheegay tiradeeda 7.5 Malyan oo lasheegay in loogu deeqay Maamulkiisa, taasoo ay bixinayso dawladda Ingiriiska oo uu saacadihii ugu dambeeyey la kulmayay Saraakiil ka tirsan. Madaxweynaha KMG ah ayaa la rumeysan yahay in uu welwel badan ka qabo awooda dawladiisa, isagoo marar badan sheegay in ay Mucaaradyada hubeysan ee ka soo horjeeda leeyihiin awood aan qorsooneyn, wuxuuna tibaaxay hada in ay qaadi doonaan weerar uu sheegay mid ay rajo wanaagsan ka filayaan. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  9. According to Sharif, the US, France and UK have worked out a plan for attacking the Islamists mainly in Mogadishu and the Jubba regions and that he also welcomes the 7.5 million 'gift' by the UK government which he has met recently. The attack will happen according to Sharif on the 15th of this month whereby the Islamists will be send packing who are now much in control throughout southern Somalia. Let's wait and see inshallaah.
  10. What I gather from the intelligence sources is that 'Maaddeey' is the brainchild of A&T and Ngonge and thus the script was conceived in London, but it was accessed multiple times from a place called Harare the reports say which is in a country called Zimbabwe! According to the log since xiinfaniin made the accusations the detectives report back that Maaddeey from henceforth the script has been accessed from Harare on the 4,6,8 and 9 respectively of this month. Also it was accessed from London from the 2,3,4,6,8 of this month. Initial thoughts of Maaddeey being JB thus have laid to side but one cannot rule out 100% that Maaddeey is in fact not JB or atleast that JB does not have the password or access to this script, which is very much likely but no definite proof thus far. My researches from the detectives I send out say that 'Maaddeey' the script was first registered in London by Ngonge, which to say is worrying as no one knows what led this family man and father do such a thing and do business with a vagabond in Harare but reports say that Ngonge received a large bribe in order to execute this plan and script. The intelligence report also says that the written Somali displayed by the script is also identical with that of A&T and people who know A&T have also confirmed that A&T is a man who has dealings with a lot of Somalis from different regions and thus can vary his regional use of Somali to that of someone who claims to be from where the script is from and A&T utilised those skills many times in his own posts. But with all intelligence reports this might not all be true and the people who provided this intelligence may be up to no good themselves but the suspicion still remains. If we don't have concrete and conclusive proof by tomorrow noon (GMT time) the intelligence report is true. I urge Ngonge and A&T to refute that the Maaddeey script is indeed not them in disguise where one utilises the arabic and the other one the somali at a time each. ^This will also proof and explain Ngonge's latest improvement in his own mother tongue of Somali, that he so proudly displays more than often than ever before in the last couple of days/weeks this Maaddeey script took off in SOL. But lets see inshallaah where this will lead us to. The deadline is set to the exact hour and date.
  11. ^I second that. It takes one to spot one. P.S. To the fools out there I'm not incriminating myself. I'm neither denying nor agreeing. Just stating the obvious.
  12. Puntland never doubted and always reiterated that it was part and parcel and in fact the birth mother of the TFG. However there were legitimate concerns on the establishment and forming of what was known the 'merger' of the ARS 'parliament' and that of the TFG. Whereby individuals without the Puntland government's consent were rounded up and said 'These are representatives of the state'. Puntland State was also left out in the process of 'reconciliation' and thus voiced its concern about the 'Djibouti Accord'. Puntland was always part of a future federal republic of Somalia but this governments use of other than the Federal title left off a bitter taste in many Puntlanders mouth and their constent verbal 'attack' on Puntland by 'some' in the government who are seen as 'minorities' and want to sell themselves as hard men of the 'clan' either didn't help in the relationship between the TFG and Puntland and Sharifs association with those characters did little to defuse a already volatile situation. The mistrust is still there but nobody doubts the fundamentals and in general terms there is agreement. The federal charter needs to be respected and new federal states need to emerge and the constitution will be rewritten. Once this is done eventually the mistrust will subside inshaallaah. We wish the best.
  13. Despite the government of Puntland State's reiterating their support for the Transitional Federal government (TFG) which is holed up in a 2km square blocks inside the capital of Mogadishu, nonetheless the parliamentarian have iterated that they wish to reconcile the PL government with that of the TF government.
  14. Wefdi ka socda DFKM ah oo Maanta kulan la qaatay Masuuliyinta Puntland March 8, 2010 Wefdi ka socda DFKM ah gaar ahaan Barlamaanka ayaa waxaa ay maanta magaaladda Garoowe ee caasimadda Puntland kulan kula qaateen Masuuliyinta iyo Xukuumadda Puntland. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Dowladda Puntland C/xakiim Axmed Guuleed oo Shir Jira’id ku qabtay Xarunta madaxtooyada magaaladda Garoowe ayaa ka hadlay kulan ay maanta Golaha Wasiiradda Puntland ay kala qaybgaleen Wefdi ka socday Barlamaanka DFKM ah. Waxaana uu sheegay in wefdiga DFKM ah ay dhambaal balaaran ay ka sideen masuuliyin ka tirsan Dowladda Fedraalka iyo Hay’addaha Caalamiga ee daneeya Xirrirka Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Puntland ayna ka gudoomeen,ayadoo wefdiga ay kasoo duuleen Magaaladda Nairobi ee caasimadda Kenya. Wasiirka ayaa xusay in uu ahaa wada hadal hor dhac ah ayna go’aamada kasoo baxayaan dib ay Saxaafadda usoo gudbin doonaan. Xildhibaanada ka socday Barlamaanka DFKM ah waxaa qayb ka ahaa Xildhibaan Xassan Abshir Faarax iyo Xareed Ciise Cali oo kasoo jeeda degaanadda Puntland. Xildhibaanada ayaa doonaya in isbedel lagu sameeyo xiriirka Puntland iyo Dawladda Federaalka oo ahaa mid aad u qabow marka loo fiiriyo muddooyinkii hore, inkasta oo Dawladda Puntland aysan kalsoonida kala laaban Dawladda Federaalka. Xiriirka aan diirimaadka lahayn ee labada dhinac ayaa biloiwdey kadib markii Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Faroole uu ku eedeeyay Dawladda uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Shiikh Shariif in aysan raali ka ahayn in Puntland ku talaabsato horumar kana shaqeeyaan sidii ay aayahooda uga tashan lahaayeen. Todobaadkii la soo dhaafey ayaa labada dhinac warbaahinta isu mariyeen erayo kul kul kadib markii Wasiir ka tirsan xukuumadda Federalka uu sheegay in aysan Maamul Goboleedyadu aysan wax heshiis ah oo ku saabsan shidaalka iyo tamarta aysan geli karin iyada oo aan la ogeyn Dawladda Dhexe, waana awood Dawladeed, waxaana uu ku tilmaamey heshiisyadii hore ee maamul goboleedyadu galeen kuwo sharci darro ah. Jawaab deg deg ah oo ka soo baxdey xafiiska Agaasimaha Guud ee Dawladda Puntland ayaa deedafeeyay hadalka ka soo baxay Wasiirka waxaana lagu sheegay warkaas in aysan ka talin dalka Dawladdu ay ku siman tahay 2KM. Xildhibaanada iyo wasiirada ka soo jeeda Dawladda Puntland ayaa aamninsan inaysan wax saamayn ah ku yeelan karin Dawladda Dhexe haddii xiriirka labada dhinac uu xun yahay. Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf Horseed Media Garoowe,Puntland
  15. Xildhibinaada DFKMG oo fadhiyey kulanka Xukuumada PL Madaxweynaha puntland iyo kuxigeenka oo ka qayb galaya kulakaas Golaha Wasiirada Puntland Xildhibaanada DFKMG ah
  16. Xildhibanada DF oo kulan kala qayb galey Xukuumada PL 8 Mar 8, 2010 - 6:54:46 AM Kulankii asbuucalaha ee Xukuumada Puntland ayaa waxaa maanta 8 March,2010 ka qayb galey Xildhibaano ka tirsan dowladda Federaalka kuwaasoo booqasho ku yimid magaalada Garowe maalmihii lasoo dhaafey. Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole ayaa lagu bilaabey howlihii caadiga ahaa ee dowladda iyada oo la dhaariyey Wasiir kuxigeeno la magacaabey asbuucii lasoo dhaafey. Madaxweyne Farole oo hadal kooban ka akhriyey kulankaas caadiga ahaa ayaa sheegey in ay tahay markii ugu horeeysay ee Xildhibaanada ka tirsan DFKMG ah kulan kala qayb galaan Xukuumada Dowladda Puntland. Mr. Farole ayaa sheegey in Xildhibanadaan yihiin kuwo u matala shacabka Puntland Barlamanka Federaalka ah kuwaasoo isugu jira kuwa lagu doortey kulankii Nairobi ee lagu aasasey dowladda dhexe sanadkii 2004 halka xubnaha kale kamid ahayen mudanayaashii ay soo xusheen ururkii mucaardka ahaa ee Sheekh Shariif kaas oo saldhigiisu ahaa Asmara. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa xusey in xulida mudanayaasha Barlamanka kulankii Jabuti kaasoo lagu laba jibaarey aqalka mudanaasyha dowlada Federaalka ah aan lagala tashan shacabka Puntland balse ay kasoo baxeen rag badan oo wax ku ool ah kuwaasoo maanta fadhiya kulanka Garowe. Mudane Farole ayaa ka warbixiyey sida dowladda Puntland uga tirsan tahay dowladda Federaalka ah balse nasiib daro ku tilmaamey wada shaqeyn la'aanta u dhexeysa labada dhinac taasoo dusha ka saarey madaxda hurmuudka u ah dowladda ka arrimisa Villa Somalia. Hadalka Madaxweynaha Puntland kadib waxaa kulankaas ka hadley Xildhibaan Xasan Abshir Farax oo sheegey in ay u mahad celiyaan dowladda Puntland fursada ay siisey waftigiisa iyo in lagu martiqaado kulanka golaha wsaiirada kaasoo dhaca Isniin walba. Mud. Xasan Abshir ayaa sheegey in safarkooda salka ku hayo sidii ay wax uga ogaan lahaayeen Puntland islamarkaasna uga qayb qaadan laheeyeen sidii loo hagaajin lahaa xiriirka xun ee u dhexeeya dowladda Federaalka iyo Puntland. Xildhibaan Abshir ayaa ku soo dhoweeyey xildhibaanada kale kuwaasoo akhriyey waraaq ay ku xusan tahay qaabka loo wajahi karo xalinta khilaafkaan u dhexeeya labada dhinac. Dhinaca kale Xildhibaanada DFKMG ah ayaa sheegey in ay ka haystaan ogolaansho sidii loo xalin lahaa khilaafkaan ergeyga u qaabislan QM arrimaha Somalia iyo dowladda Mareykanka gaar ahaan safaarada Mareykanka ee ku taal Nairobi. Kulankaan ayaa ku dhamaadey qado sharaf Madaxweynaha Puntland u fidiyey Xildhibaanadaan ka socdey Barlamanka DFKMG ah. Xildhibaanada booqashada ku yimid Puntland islamarkana ka qayb galey kulankaas ayaa kala ahaa Cabdulahi Bile Nuur, Xareed Xasan Cali, Cabdiladiif Muse Nuur [sanyare], Da'uud Cabdikariin Sheekh Cumar, Gen.Cabdiraxman Maxamud Cali Bayr, Cali Maxamud Xirsi, Cali Ismaaciil Cabdi Geyr, Xasan Abshir Farax, Deeqa Coljoog, Axmad Saakin. GAROWE ONLINE
  17. Just as the Sharif left, Gordon Brown met four actors who will play Billy Elliot at the stage musical at 10 Downing Street.
  18. Exact at the same time&hour President of Rwanda Paul Kagame meets head of state Britian's Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Place.
  19. Gordon Brown met Somalian President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmad for talks at Number 10; PA copyright
  20. This is the Foreign office's official statement on the visit! President of Somalia visits UK 08 Mar 2010 The President of the Somali Transitional Federal Government, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is visiting the UK between 8-11 March for a series of meetings. The President, accompanied by other senior Somali Government ministers, is in the UK at the invitation of Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The delegation was greeted on arrival by Rob Macaire CMG, the High Commissioner to Kenya who has responsibility for Somalia. During the visit Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed will meet with a range of UK ministers to discuss the Transitional Federal Government's plans for transition and further reconciliation as well as shared bilateral and regional interests, in particular on piracy, counter-terrorism and migration. The UK is deeply concerned by the ongoing violence in Somalia and remains fully committed to supporting the Djibouti process and the Transitional Federal Government. We have been shocked by recent insurgent attacks in the country which show a complete disregard for progress in Somalia, and we have been working hard with international partners to help Somalis build a peaceful and stable Somalia. Instability in Somalia caused by extremist insurgents has led to huge suffering to the Somali people themselves; and presents a serious threat to regional peace, security and development.
  21. Foreign Secretary David Miliband with President of the Somali Transitional Federal Government, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed in London, 8 March 2010.
  22. ^Subxanallaah. Xiin maaddeey is just refusing to submit to the wisdoms you showed him in your beautiful verses and your sound reasoning that defeated his illogical stance and he does it out of islaweyn but inshallaahy we ask Allaah to guide him to the right path although his stubborn nature will hinder him in that!