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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Thats a Nomad 65 for you great for taking seismic samples in deserts. I hate educating once in a while this whining qabiil-consumed folks.
  2. Proof A CGGVeritas Vibroseis survey in Tunisia deploying Sercel Nomad 65 vibrators. (Photo courtesy of CGGVeritas) ^There must be something fishy going on in the Tunisian sahara as well then as due to the same vehicles have been spotted there. What logic. Classic.
  3. True and well said GD, but you can't make the blind see. He turns and twists and now changes the tone. The equipment used is from the same manufacturer used in the Dharoor Valley during the early phase of seismic acquisition and exploration. But hate does not take any reason nor logic and we can expect little from Meiji to see the light if he doesn't even can distinguish equipment manufacturers from different oil/mineral exploring companies who might be using the same equipment manufacturer. Now you expect such people to understand complex issues and argue about them which is well above their grasp.
  4. innaa lillaahi wa inna ileyhi raajicuun, ngonge ever heard of practise makes perfect. I'd advice you to take that saying into heart and start writing more as truly practise makes perfect, well maybe in your case a lot of practise might make you compose a decent afarey.
  5. Poor Meiji this equipment is from Sercel a company that provides seismic acquisition systems based on cable and radio telemetry. Their equipment is used through-out the globe by different mineral and oil drilling companies and are specially suitable in this kind of areas. Their reach is Europe, Middle East to Far East and beyond but you have to look for a fault where there is none in your hatred for Puntland.
  6. ^lool. I agree with you. This man are the weak links amongst us in Mudug and Gaagaab can take his CPD elsewhere. The same goes for Carays and the rest of the old men who are in direct opposition of correcting the culture of bribing the other side of Galkayo.
  7. GD The man was a failure during his tenure in office as the Galkayo cities mayor but now he's the governor of the region and it is said he left a culture of bribing the other side which cost us dearly but he is in direct contest/opposition with the new Galkayo mayor for actions taken swiftly and thus wants to out perform him. Lately he was saying that they won't accept any attacks of technicals by the other side and would take taugh measures. GD what happend I thought the guy was representing your constituency and you wanted him to return to the post of city mayor and even campaigned for him if I'm not mistaken.
  8. It's great public relations material for the authorities of Mudug Region, the administration of Goldogob Province and their vigilance informing the Mudug regional authority of what was happening in their province and the swift action taken by the Governor of Mudug and the mobilisation of the Police and Darawiish forces by the Commanders for the subdivisions of the Police and Darawiish in the Mudug region of Puntland. The rest is just your writing.
  9. xiinfaniin the source is Maamulka Gobolka Mudug Oo Fashiliyey Iskuday Dawladda Itoobiya Ay Macdan Kala Baxayso Dhulka Soomaaliya (Sawiro). Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Galdogob (RBC Radio):- Maamulka Gobolka Mudug ayaa maanta ka hor istaagey dawladda Itoobiya boob iyo bililiqo ay dooneysay in ay ku dhacdo dhulka Soomaaliyeed, kaasi oo ay dooneysay in ay kala soo baxdo Macdan iyo Shidaal. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Col, Axmed Cali Salaad, Taliyaha Qeybta Booliska Gobolka Mudug G/sare Muuse Axmed C/raxmaan oo ay weheliyaan ciidamo ka tirsan Booliska iyo Daraawiishta Puntland ayaa saaka hiirtii waaberi ka amba baxay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug, waxayna si toos ah u tageen magaalada Galdogob ee gobolka Mudug. Gudoomiyaha Degmada Galdogob C/sahal Maxamed Xirsi, Odayaasha iyo Culimaa’udiinka degmada Galdogob ayaa wafdiga markii ay gaareen Galdogob horey usii raacey waxayna toos u tageen meel aan sidaa uga fogeyn magaalada Galdogob halkaasi oo ay Dawladda Itoobiya damaacisay in ay kala baxdo Macdan iyo Shidaal, waxayna keensatey shirkad caalami ah oo qoda shidaalka iyo macdanta. Maamulka Gobolka ayaa tagey meesha ay ka howlgalaysay shirkada, waxaa ay halkaasi kula kulmeen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo wata gaadiidka dagaalka isla markaana waardiye ka ah shaqaale Ajnabi ah oo wata baabuur aad u farabadan iyo mishino kuwaasi oo si toos ah markaa u wadey shaqo dhul qodis ah, waxaana howlgalkooda hor istaagey Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Col, Axmed Cali Salaad. Isfaham darro ayaa meesha ka dhacdey waxayna Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah ka dhego adeygeen in ay dib uga baxaan xadka Soomaaliya, iyadoo ugu dambeyntii lagu guuleystey in laga saaro shirkada iyo ciidanka Itoobiyaankaba xadka dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna markii hore xadka Soomaaliya gudaha u soo galeen 10km. Shirkaddani ka shaqeysa soo saarista shidaalka iyo macdanta ayaa waxaa laga leeyahay wadanka Malaysia, waxaana shaqaalaheedu ay u dhasheen wadanka Canada, waxayna horey baaritaano uga soo sameysay deegaano farabadan oo dhulka Soomaali Galbeed oo ay ka soo weyday wax macdan iyo shidaal ah, waxayna haatan gudaha u soo galeen deegaanada tuur dibi iyo dameer cad ee duleedka magaalada Galdogob. Ugu dambeyn Saraakiishii dawladda Itoobiya iyo shaqaalihii Ajnabiga ahaa ee shirkada IMC ayaa isaga huleelay deegaanadii dhulka Soomaaliyeed ee ay isku dayeen in ay ka baartaan macdanta iyo shidaalka, waxaana dhulka ka muuqday dil dilaac uu u geystay mishinadii ay ku garaacayeen, iyadoo maamulkii gobolka Mudug iyo kan Degmada Galdogob ay dib uga soo laabteen markii ay ka eryeen kooxihii dalka bililiqaysanayey.
  10. Commander of the police subdivison of the Mudug region of Puntland State Lieutenant-General Muuse
  11. Governor of Mudug Region Puntland State accompanied by religious scholars, traditional elders, Police and Daraawiish speaking on the phone probably on the line to Garowe State Capital and Presidential Compound.
  12. Canadian work force and expert personnel caught. Journalists with officials and a bewildered Canadian who is being told where the nearest way to the border is.
  13. The governor of Goldogob Province C/sahal Maxamed Xirsi. Equipment that was installed on the ground Vehicle that belongs to the Ethiopian Army
  14. The administration and authorities of Mudug region of Puntland State foiled an attempt by the Ethiopian government to extract minerals and oil from an area that belongs to the Somali State of Puntland and in extension the Federal Republic of Somalia. They were caught 10km's inside Goldogob province of Mudug region Puntland State with heavy drilling equipment, expert workforce and personnel. The Malaysian owned company were heavily guarded by units of the Ethiopian Military and an argument pursued due to misunderstandings at the end the heavy equipment, personnel and military units were seen off at the border by the Mudug authorities and administration of Puntland which include the governor Col. Ahmed Ali Salaad and the head and commander of the police subdivison of the Mudug region of Puntland Lieutenant-General Muuse Ahmed Abdirahman who were accompanied by forces who consist of Police and Darawiish units who have left early this morning from Galkayo. The Malaysian company is said to have drilled previously in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia but were caught 10km's inside of Somalia's Puntland State.
  15. I was never the one to congratulate for a milestone in posting expect for myself but I take special pride on this occasion and exception is thus made. Nin Yaaban Congrats to the milestone. You have to do it with style I guess, people learn from me. P.S. I'm not being smug here.
  16. Che I can't help but noticed that you want in any given chance to 'practice' your counter-arguments skills. However focus on the pro-arguments sometimes as well as politics is not only counter-arguments and arguing your point whatever come. Show me bro you can do it. Your counter-arguments are very productive and impressive sometimes and you make more sense than others that's why I sometimes stay silent when it comes to you however criticising is easy whereas proposing is difficult so give it a try bro, inshallah you will get proficient in it as well if you work and focus hard enough on it.
  17. ^War labaduba hala isla toogto baan anigu ku talin lahaa.
  18. ^ Nassir I can understand his frustrations but his general attack on a sub-clan should not be apologised. There is a lot of anger in Bari and we all know it but it should not narrow our focus and mind, to a level that is truly unbecoming of a Puntlander and our way of thinking and thus one should not allow himself to be clouded with the same nonsensical sentiments of rhetoric mirrored with envy that is so often paraded here by the adversaries of the state. Nassir should know better.
  19. ^ Definitely much better. Next time, just ask adeero, when in doubt.