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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Madaxwaynaha Puntland Dr. Faroole oo la kulmay Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada ee Ethiopia Seyoum Mesfin Dunidaonline, 1.4.2010 Waxaa maanta kulan ku dhex maray magaalada Adis Abeba ee caasimada dalka Ethipia Madaxwaynaha dawlada Puntland Dr. C/raxman Maxamed (Faroole) iyo Wariirka Arimaha Dibada ee dalka Ethiopia Seyoum Mesfin. Kulanka labada masuul oo kadhacay xarunta madaxtooyada dalka Ethiopia ayaa waxa looga wada hadlay, arimo ay ka mid yihiin xaaladda guud ee dalka soomaaliya, xiriirka u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Ethopia gaar ahaan xiriirka ganacsiga iyo amaanka. Labada dhinac ayaa isku afgartay dhamaan waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen. Waxaana kulankaasi ka dib uu Wasiirka Arimaha dibada ee Ethiopia ku casumay madaxwaynaha Puntland Qado Sharaf uu ku soo gunaanaday kulankii maanta.
  2. They can try to dictate their demands and they wield certain persuasion but the land is ruled by the government of Puntland. For example one could say the same about the businessmen and influential figures within the government that the President is a mere puppet but that is not the case. But those businesses can demand and threaten the same the West can do and Ethiopia can follow suit but ultimately the land is ruled by the President and the then government. However in this global world Ethiopia could say we won't support you any longer, or offer you any protection from your enemies and will not allow your businessmen or officials to come to our territory, if certain demands are not fulfilled. The same the Puntland State could wield power to western powers and Ethiopia in response of course in to what it has to offer and how much power it has. But knowing Puntland as its underlying politics is consensus-orientated and powers might dictate certain policies but it is up to the State and its political maturity and its elite to convince the outside powers what they want of course in a friendly but firm way of course. National State Interest should come first and paramount though in all its discussions. That's what Farole and co have been elected for.
  3. So no more Mr. Bean then I guess? In a rough Britain that might be the way to go, to scare the electorate or in this case the opponent with aggression or else....! Might work in a aggressive Britain but here's the catch Cameron has been known to 'hug a hoody' in the past, who also once said that he 'took drugs', so Cameron should counter this with a poster of his own whereby he is wearing a hoody and a poster should come out with the following words: 'Think I'm posh, Think again. Think I'm a boy, Think twice. Ain't no one harder than me' Welcome to aggressive and tough Britain.
  4. ailamoS that dream and system already exists in one part of Somalia, namely the Puntland State of Somalia. Without wanting to politicise your thread I say this is the only rationale and way out of the quagmire that is a defunct Republic of Somalia. These are noble goals and ideas to attain and Puntland State and its people have sworn a solemn oath that it will be part of a future federal republic of federations of Somali States that have signed the act of federation and union between them or they will not take part in anything that is regarded below the federal system, that is a solemn oath sworn by the people of Puntland. The powers to be realise that the only system Somalia can come back together in a union of States is by the federal system, without it, Puntland will not negotiate for an alternative! A unitary or a centralised system will not work. So the title of the country should be The Federal Republic of Somalia, the States with in should be called the National States of the Federal Republic of Somalia. This only functional and fair system is despised by ignorant and ill-informed folks, anarchists, secessionists, long-term war profiteers,, clan wailers, small time criminals, idealists, supremacists and advocators for certain ignoble agendas, false nationalists in disguise of pan-somali etc. ^In short everything that is wrong with Somalia today. We should all embrace federalism and build the building blocks that will eventually make up the federation of States that will come together under the Federal Republic of Somalia. Each nation, ethnicity, tribe, clan, regions or people with similar interests should come together and form a platform to be a State that will be making up the future building blocks of the Federal Republic of Somalia. This is the only way forward a bottom up approach to the problem. Each village, district and region of that State should have its own revenue collection and say to how they will utilise it. Each village, district, region and State will thus be accountable to its own and it will be up to its people how they progress and develop the area under their jurisdiction. Long live the federal system and the State.
  5. ^^ If you must have a stake then you were the first who publicly said that Maaddeey was not real and thus far you suspected him to be JB but for me after intensive analysing I came to the conclusion that indeed Maaddeey is A&T&Ngonge ltd company. So there it goes.
  6. Xiin it was me who told you that Maaddeey is in fact a A&T&Ngonge company limited and you know very well. So give the analytical eye credit where it deserves so as to people give you credit to what you deserve.
  7. Somalia: TFG and Puntland presidents meet in Ethiopia. 31 Mar 31, 2010 - 10:50:32 AM The President of Somalia's Puntland State government has held talks with the president of the T ransitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, Radio Garowe reports. The talks were held on a hotel where both officials live in Addis Ababa and focused mainly on the recent disagreement between the TFG and Puntland leaders over a harmonised accord that would allow the two administrations to work together under a federal umbrella. TFG President Sharif and Puntland President Farole in Addis Ababa, March 31, 2010 According to a Puntland government official who requested not to be named, the meeting between Puntland President Abdirahman Mohammed Farole and Somali TFG President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was not pre-planned one. International players who are concerned about Somalia are said to be pushing talks between the two leaders in a bid to iron out the misunderstanding. Mr. Sharif and Mr. Farole met last November in Nairobi for their first-ever face to face discussions, but the talks ended in dispute The Addis Ababa meetings come after representatives of both sides previously failed to agree on certain issues about the accord which its first phase was signed by TFG Prime Minister and Puntland President on August 23 last year in the Puntland city of of Galkayo. Before landing in Ethiopian capital, Sharif’s delegation was in a tour to African countries, including Libya, Kenya and Djibouti where he was marshalling support for his fragile government’s plan to carry out offensives against the insurgents. American officials quoted by Associated Press said Washington is mulling over possibilities of lending helping hands including the use of American drones to the TFG offensives. Puntland, a collection of seven Somali regions that declared itself as an autonomous state in 1998, maintains to remain a part of federal Somalia. GAROWE ONLINE
  8. The President is exactly there for those reasons mentioned GD. The invitation from the government of Ethiopia on behalf of the USA government and other Western powers is exactly on those lines. They're working for a strategy for Somalia and bringing real change to its leadership. The IC wants real leadership for Somalia and thus is eyeing senior politicians to step up to the hapless TFG that is holed up in Villa Somalia. Farole will come back to Garowe as quick as possible to again reshuffle his cabinet in order to enhance his governments ability in fulfilling the promises to its citizenry. The US and its Western allies has promised in exchange that the State's natural resources such as the drilling of the oil will be exercised and given priority to be exploited as soon as possible and that a large port will be build in exchange for Puntland State's help in finding a real resolution and strategy for Somalia. This is a solid promise and in exchange Puntland helps device a strategy for Somalia and to improve the leadership and scope within the TFG which is holed up in the half square mile of Villa Somalia.
  9. Gheelle this people have no money to return back home after coming to Bosaso some years ago, last year the IOM office was open with help of the government of Japan to assist and help refugees to be repatriated back to their countries of origin. So in this case it's nothing forced they registered with the IOM and will be given compensation by the IOM as an incentive to go back home. The IOM also arranges for their transportation back home and money to live on. The ONLF as well as Oromo (Galla) have their homes in Ethiopia, the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia and the Oromia Region of Ethiopia, respectively.
  10. Source of Pictures Maxamed Axmed Ciise Puntlandpost, Bosaso-Puntland
  11. With the help of the IOM (International Organisation for Migration) the Oromo (Galla) and ONLF (Somali Regional State) inhabitants will be repatriated back to their home regions and land of Ethiopia in the coming days, inshaallaah. The IOM will pay the air tickets for these refugees to be repatriated back to their country of origin, namely Ethiopia on their request. This request comes after some of them could no longer afford the lifestyle in Puntland and it was deemed to be unsafe for them to go back for them in terms of security. Some have not been able to raise enough money for the voyage to the Middle East and hence requested to be flown back home. Others have found work and lived in Puntland as citizens but have now enough money to be flown back home and repatriated to their homeland of Ethiopia.
  12. True brother after a year and a half it finally dawned on them and the IC knows as well the worth of Puntland State and its importance hence the meeting and agreement today. But know as well the International Community is determined to realise a census between the TFG and Puntland State in order for them to work together and have a consensus and a working platform. Without Puntland the IC stands hapless as they don't have anything to work with. The TFG doesn't control one single district and its credibility and that of the International Community lie with Puntland State which controls 1/3 of what constituted the former Somali Republic. We are the legitimacy and holding force that is keeping the country together. Even now the TFG Police is being trained in Puntland State and some 800 Puntland trained TFG Police have been send to Mogadishu a couple of months ago.
  13. Sharif Hassan is someone that Sheikh Sharif leans on without him he feels inadequate, incomplete and lost for words. No wonder they call him Sharif Xariif and Sharif Sakiin. As for the meeting our interest is the Galkayo Accord if that is respected, then everything will be fine, inshaallaah. We never opposed the TFG as well. They simply felt that it was best for them to deny everything to Puntland, including scholarships to abroad and the Galkayo Accord that promised to make Puntland a base for the embattled half an square mile residing Transitional government in Mogadishu for its troops to be trained, a constitutional centre to be build and a base for Anti-Pirate operations as Puntland is a vast region, which has peace and a working government that could all host those initiatives but some said if our regions in the south are in a mess why should we award the North-Easterners of Puntland State and instead tried hell and heaven to divert those assignments to Djibouti instead out of a grudge and complex one could only speculate at. But that was then and now is a new chapter. We have our interests to take care of so this is good and positive news for Faroole and Puntland State.
  14. Madaxweynaha DF Sh Shariif Sh Ahmed iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ku kulmay Addis Ababa Posted to the Web Mar 31, 12:39 Addis Ababa :-Madaxweynaha DFKM Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Sh Maxamed Faroole ayaa kullan ku dhexmaray magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya. Warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha DFKM iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ay wada gaareen is faham Wareysi ay la yeelatay BBC La Taliyaha Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cali Cabdi Awaare oo joogay kullankaasi Addis Ababa ayaa BBC u sheegay in labada Madaxweyne ay dhameeyeey wixii khilaaf ahaa ee soo kala dhex galay wuxuuna sheegay in dadka Soomaaliyeed aysan kala maarmin. Kulan ka horeeyey oo ku dhexmarey madaxda sare ee DFKM iyo Puntland magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya ayaa ku dhamaadey is fashil. Warar si hoose ku soo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in wafdi uu horkicayo Madaxweyne Sh Shariif uu tagi doono Puntland halkaasna lagu kala saxiixan doono heshiisyo hor leh . M_M Deeq
  15. Madaxweyne Puntland oo la kulmay Sheekh Shariif Meeting at Sheraton Addis Ababa today 31 Mar 31, 2010 - 3:40:30 AM Madaxweynaha Puntland oo booqasho ku jooga wadanka Ethiopia ayaa wararka soo gaaraya Garowe Online sheegayaan iney kulameen Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka ah Sheekh Shariif. Kulankaan ayaa yimid sida warar xogogaal ah sheegayaan markii xaley Hotelka Sharaton Addis-Ababa soo dageen Wafti uu hogaaminayo Sheekh Shariif halkaas oo ay horey ugu sugnaayeen Waftiga Puntland. Sarkal ka tirsan waftiga Madaxweynaha Puntland oo diidey magaciisa in la xuso ayaa u sheegey Garowe Online in kulankaan uusan aheyn mid horey loo qorsheeyey balse uu dhacey kadib markii labada mas'uul wada dageen isku Hotel. Kulankan labada dhinac ayaa u badnaa salaan iyo is-wareysi balse waxaa jira warar shegaya in laga hadley qodabadii ku yaaley heshiiska Galkacayo kaas oo hirgalintiisa muran ka taagnaa. Wadamada daneeya arrimaha Somalia ayaa la rumeysan yahay iney daneynayaan wadahadal dhexmara dowladda Federaalka ah iyo Puntland kuwaasoo khilaaf dhexmarey kadib markii uu hirgali waayey heshiiskii Galkacayo. Dhinaca kale waftiga Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka ah ayaa ka yimid dalka Libiya iyaga booqasho ku maraya dalalka Kenya, Ethiopia iyo Jabuti. Safarka wadamadaan ayaa xoggo lagu kalsoon yahay tibaaxayaan inuu la xiriiro dagaal dowladda Sheekh Shariif rabto iney ku qaado mucaaradka kaas oo la sheegey iney kaalmo uga raadinayaan dalalkaan. Dowladda Mareykanka saraakiil ka tirsan ayaa wakaalada wararka AP kasoo xigatey iney ka fakareyso qaabkii gacan ay uga gaysan laheyd dagaalkaan iyaga oo aad u diidan iney u diraan Somalia ciidamo lugta ah. GAROWE ONLINE
  16. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Shiikh Maxamed ayaa kullan ku dhexmaray magaalada Addis Ababa la sheegay in is-faham uu ku dhexmaray. Posted: March 31/2010, 2:28 pm Addis Ababa Taliyaha Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cali Cabdi Awaare oo joogay kullankaasi Addis Ababa ayaa Saxaafada u sheegay in labada Madaxweyne uu is faham wanaagsan dhexmaray, taasi oo uu ku tilmaamay tallaabo wanaagsan. Waxa uu sheegay in lagu ballamay in wada hadal kale la isugu yimaado, iyadoo la tixraacayo arrimihii ay horey labada dhinac ee dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Puntland ugu heshiiyeen. Dowladda federalka Soomaaliya iyo maamul gobolleedka Puntland ayaa intii muddo ah arrimo dhawr ah isku khilaafsanaa, iyadoo kullankii ugu danbeeyay ee labada Madaxweyne ay is arkaan ku heshiin waayeen oo ay ku kala tageen magaalada Nairobi sanadkii hore. Mar la weydiiyay in kullanka iyo isu soo dhawaanshaha labada Madaxweyne ay ka danbeysay dowladda Ethiopia, ayuu Cali Cabdi Awaare sheegay in Ethiopia aanay wax lug ah ku lahayn is aragga laba dhinac.
  17. The two Presidents Sheikh Sharif and Abdirahman Sheikh Mahamad Sheikh Mahamoud of Somalia and the Puntland State have met today in Addis Ababa for spontaneous talks and an promised agreement reached to hold formal talks to conclude the misunderstandings between the State and the Federal government. Galkayo Accord will thus by be respected as it was signed by the Prime Minister of Somalia Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma'arke. Sharif is also said to be visiting Puntland State in not so distant time from today. Overall an consensus has been reached to at least sit down and to hold talks a Positive step in the right direction. The meeting was facilitated by Ali Abdi Awaare the senior advisor of the PM Omar Abdirashid who was a former minister in Puntland State.
  18. The game is just very reminiscent to the 1999 final in Barcelona were Munich scored an early goal and lead up onto the last minute before getting beating 2:1 at the end. Today was a reverse of fortunes and luck, as Man U was leading but at the end Munich came out on top and scored a late winning goal to make it 2:1 in the tie. All to play for at Old Trafford. Come'on boys.
  19. Without Arjen Robben, Bayern beat Manchester 2:1 in Munich tonight. Also Wayne Rooney had to be helped off the pitch as a strong Mario Gomez tread on his foot. More to come, inshaallaah!
  20. Ngonge maybe we disagree on internal Puntland issues and affairs but we have common outlook and census regarding the common defence of the State and how we should engage with outsiders, so a friendly message of urgency from our side plan for the delaying actions so that the troops and heavy military equipment can head orderly and safely back home. P.S. This is good advice you might need this weaponry to protect your sub-clans interest as Rayaale is against any sort of unseating by your local clanlord Siilaanyo and if Siilaanyo provokes an attack you will not have any weaponry to protect the kids and mothers of your clan, so don't lose your heavy equipment to us as it might be needed in the coming month.
  21. ^lool, indeed. Jb is in the forefront of the negotiations between the state of Israel and there was even a letter addressed to him in person a few weeks ago by the Israeli foreign ministry so maybe he thinks that the much sought after is near and that recognition will come any days from now on, watch and see is what someone else told us in the same galleries. That the recognition was to happen on November 2003, to his estimates but nothing has happened. They remind me of the Quakers in the 17th centuary and their prophesy that the world was coming to an end so they decided to have orgies on the street and thus proclaim that the world will come to an end. Ofcourse when it didn't they all got rounded up and arrested as some brand of maniacs and beheaded. But today even it says: At meetings Quaker members are encouraged to speak when they feel moved to do so. ^So let the secessionists speak the likes of JB, Ngonge and others when they feel moved to do so maybe another prophesy of recognition will thus be solemnly pronounced just like to the magnitude of the Quaker prediction in the 17th century that the World will come to an end and to sing song of praises such as 'Oh Jerusalem'. 'Oh Recognition', surely in this of our episodes. 'Oh surely come Recogniton humba, humba, Oh my lord'. Thus you join in the prayers of Jb, Ngonge and friends with Mother Queen and Father Rayaale and the episode of recognition. 'Oh surely come Recogniton humba, humba, Oh my lord'.
  22. Ngonge what is happening now in parts of SSC regions of Puntland State is what can be considered an early political vote campaign for the 2013 election. There is no doubt, that individuals and parties are placing themselves in the right positions in order to be in the pole position come the 2013 election. The goal is clear and both the Puntland government and the Isimada are in agreement on the agendas' so your best hope thus far is to sit idle and watch these internal disputes of high inner Puntland political power chess game and hope that there will be a plan for delaying actions so that the troops can withdraw safely across the real border, which is not a colonial marked one.