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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. From the Young-Turks of SOL: 'I thus award General Duke with the highest medal of honour possible for services to Somalinimo and the base. General Duke has done remarkable job in holding of the hell bend anti state grudger brigade and hence we award him with this for excellent services to the name, reputation, unity and true policies of the state he so dearly represents and the visions he envisions for the whole of Somalia. This fine young gentlemen will be remembered for his courageous, firm, steadfast and loyal support for the base and as thus has truly left a lasting mark in this forum in terms to commitment, discipline and dedication. Traits alot of young people and humanity universally aspires to have. It is only proper and good on my part as a fellow young turk to reward General Duke with the highest respect, gratitude and support in his endeavours and dealings.' Aw-Muuse Ismaciil.
  2. Ngonge you know we take special pride in warming up for the real date of rubbish collection the May 18th one. This is only a warm-up to that important day of ours.
  3. ^I really laughed at the last one.
  4. Packed masaajid with believing followers adhering to the call of the religious authorities in the country is indeed something that comes as a shock for the Al-Shabab and their supporters. The carpet has literally been pulled off their feet whilst they were in the believe that they it was strongly glued on the floor for them. Their safety net and excuse of the religion has been taken of them and now they're exposed to the harsh truth and can't do anything except bad mouth the culumaa on whom Allaahs wisdom was bestowed who clearly could distinguish between falsehood and truth and between the way of the prophet peace be upon him and those that have deviated from it. But for the Kaligii Muslims in here such as Maaddeey, Kashafa and Fabregas one final question lies await for them. Is the ruler of the below area H.E. Faroole a muslim? He's a muslim and he is not would only suffice a yes or a no. I bet they do not have the guts to answer that vital and important question. Is the leader of Puntland President Faroole a muslim? Yes or no? Please one answer. This is a straight question that needs an straight answer.
  5. Maashallaah Duke, great news. Puntland Intelligence is at the forefront in fighting this malice disguised as a legitimate religious activity. The foul players have no room to rest and move in Puntland as every action and step of theirs is followed and countered. This is a great success and if this dangerous criminals were to slip the net would have negative consequences for the Puntland citizens. Puntland plays an active role in combating such insanity. Puntland Security Score Intelligence Hat-trick. 5 men suspected of masterminding terrorism acts across Somalia, have been nabbed by Puntland security forces. The suspects - who will be investigated and subjected to interrogations prior to judgement in the courts of law - are currently detained in an undisclosed detention facility in Puntland. The deputy commander of the Puntland Police , Colonel Omar Salah aka Anjeh, announced the news to the media in a press conference held at the Puntland Presidential Palace in Garowe. "Puntland Security forces have detained 5 male suspects , they have been charged with involvement in bomb blasts that took place in Baidoa," reported the deputy police commander. Furthermore, the commander revealed that the same suspects are accused of murdering Somali Transitional Federal Government leaders in Baidoa in 2006. In addittion to being suspected of planting as well as setting off automated bombs which claimed lives of innocent civilians, the suspects are thought to have plotted the mysterious assassinations of key figures in Puntland, recently. "The cases will be investigated thoroughly and a partial judicial process will follow ," said the Deputy Commander. "If found guilty they will be sentenced accordingly but if found innocent they will be set free," added Colonel Omar. Before the progress of a quiz session, the Colonel called upon the public to increase collaboration with security branches in Puntland. He acknowledged the importance of the public to the security of Puntland saying that the very existance of peace and security relied heavily on the public's cooperation. "No comment," was the deputy commander's response to most of the questions raised by reporters during the conference. Declining to answer questions considered to be capable of jeopardizing investigations. However, he mentioned the location of the arrest as being one of the regions in Puntland. The commander said that the police will accelerate investigations and collaborate with the judiciary to provide a fair trial to the suspects, in the shortest possible time. Elsewhere, the Ministry of Security in Puntland , foiled a terrorist attack in Bosaso yesterday afternoon. An automated IED weighing 15 kg, planted in a busy shopping area, was neutralized by Puntland Security Forces. This was after a vigilant resident spotted the device and tipped off the Puntland security.
  6. Allaahu Akbar, Islaam at its best. This is the sunnah of the rasuulullaah sallaallahu calayhi wassallam. Somalia is not a country where battles and wars of opposing religious ideologies are held as Somalis are 100% muslims and athere to the way of the sunnah and Islaam. Are there any gaalo in Somalia? This question is of an up-important significance and needs to be answered.
  7. Puntland President Speaks at Final Session of Spiritual Conference. H.E president Abdirahman Mahamad Mahamud, who is currently on a working visit,took part in a highly publicized spiritual conference which was in session for the past 6 days. The president on a trunk call thanked the spiritual leaders who took part in the religious conference held at Al-Huda Mosque in Garowe. The president and members of the cabinet have referred to the holy transparent fulfillment of Prophet Mohammed's(Peace be upon him) teachings. The authorities of the Puntland government testified to the fact that the event was clean from blasphemy and sacrilege. The Honorable State Minister of the Puntland presidency for Good Governance, Hon. Gashan was welcomed to the floor by the master of ceremonies. Honurable Gashan, after a short speech, welcomed the Puntland president to address the faithful congregation. Silence engulfed the mosque, which was packed to full capacity, as the voice of the president came to life on the microphone. Emotions rose as the president conveyed words of solidarity to the brethren. The Honourable State Minister ushered in the president saying; Hon. Gashan : Mr. President can you hear me? President Abdirahman: I hear you very well, can you hear me? Hon. Gashan: I can hear you but hang on as I put you on speaker. Mr. President we are at the big Al-Huda mosque located in Garowe,where on this 6th night we finalize the spiritual conference that has analyzed various topics of Prophet Muhammad's Sunnahs (Teachings and Examples). About 30 muslim scholars hailing from different regions of Somalia and others from the Diaspora responded to our call and have presented rich sermons at the conference. Apart from this rich sermons, exclusive conferences were held for the youth , women and the private sector. Tight security measures have been undertaken and the congregations are very interested in the sermons which end at 9:00 pm every night. At the end of every session, the clerics respond to very important questions presented by the congregation. Most importantly, a declaration comprising of 12 articles addressing various societal issues affecting Somalia was established and presented to the congregation by the noble clerics. The conference is widely publicised with broadcasting on local radio stations, internet websites and other forms of media. A copy of the declaration will soon be posted to major websites as soon as a copy is forwarded to you.
  8. Puntland President speaks at the conference of the gathering culumaa at its final day. Nadwadii ka socotay Masjidul Alhuda oo xalay la soo gabagabeeyey. Waxaa caawa la soo gabagabeeyey Nadwo cilmiyeed mudo 6 cisho ah ka socotay Masjidka Alhudaa ee Magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Puntland ,Nadwo cilmiyeedkaan ayaa waxaa caawa muxaadaro ku qornaa Sh Xassan Ibraahim sidda aan ku helnay jadwalka Nadwada, Shiikh Xassan Ibraahim ayaa isagu ka baaqday muxaadarada isagoo soo haleeli waayey,waxayna culimadu soo saareen Bayaan ka kooban 12qodob taas oo ah dardaaran ay culimada kula dardaarmayaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed meel kasta ay joogaan ama ummadda islaamka. Bayaanka culimada ayaa waxaa akhriyey Sh Maxmed Idirs oo ka mid ahaa culimadii ka qayb gashay Nadwo cilmiyeed ka socotay 6 cisho Masjidka Alhudaa ee Garoowe bayaanka oo akhrinayey Shiikh Maxmed Idirs Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr C/raxman Sh.Maxamex Maxamuud oo safar ku jira ayaa Nadwadii Garoowe ka socotay uga qayb galay khadka telephone ka wuxuuna mahad balaaran u celiyey Culumo,udiinkii ka qayb galay nadwada iyo shacabka Puntland. Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo xubo ka mid ah wasiiradiisa ayaa ku tilmaamay nadwadaan nadwadii qarniga waxayna sheegeen in ay tahay sunadii nebiga scw oo barax la' ama aan shirki ku jirin kuna dheehan ikhlaas iyo towxiid. Waa markii ugu horaysay oo taariikhda Puntland ay madaxdu culumada soo dhaweeyaan si lawada maqlayo xukuumada Puntland ayaan u kala harin ka qayb qaadashada nadwadaan waxaana soo buuxdhaadfiyey caasumada Puntland ee Garoowe ciidamada sugaya amaanka waxaana muxaadaraadka lagala socday Idaacadaha Maxaliga ah iyo Khad teleefan ay shirka Golis u sahashay dadweynaha ku nool Gobollada Puntlland. Nadwadan mudada lixda beri ah ka socotay Magaalada Garowe ayaa culimada ka qaybgashay waxa ay ka kala yimaadeen dalka Dibadiisa,Koonfurta Soomaaliya sida Bay iyo Bakool,Gobolada Dhexe ee Soomaaliya,Soomaaliland iyo Puntland.
  9. Nadwo ka socotay Masjidka Al-hudaa ee Garoowe oo la soo afmeeray iyo culimada oo bayaan ka soo saartay(Dhawaan). Posted to the Web Apr 21, 16:55 Garoowe:-Waxaa caawa la soo afmeerayaa Nadwo cilmiyeed mudo 6 cisho ah ka socotay Masjidka Alhudaa ee magaalada Garoowe ,Nadwo cilmiyeedkaan ayaa waxaa caawa muxaadaro ka jeediyey Sh Xassan Ibraahim,muxaadarada Shiikha iyo bayaankii culimada ayaan haddii alle idimo idiin soo gudbin doonaa markii uu na soo gaaro ,Bayaanka culimada ayaab taabanaya meelo badan waana bayaan ay culimadu u arkeen in lagu xalin karo dhibaatada ka taagsan dalka Soomaaliya ee ha moogaanina.
  10. Allaahu Akbar the Culimaa brought out a bayaan on how they perceive the Somali quagmire/problem can be solved. This will be in due time released. Maashaallaah, I expected that from our wise culumaa.
  11. He will not be able to give you a straight answer Duke this is one of their devices used.
  12. Duke there is no reasoning with someone who believes the government of Puntland are gaalo and it's people are gaalo raac, you cannot reason with such a person.
  13. ^Let the disillusioned folks like Maaddeey talk brother. He comes from a place where blood letting, daily blood-sheds, rape of the innocent, killing, uprooting of people and looting is common place and seen as something good. If there's no blood spilled for Maaddeey there must be something very wrong going on. His world evolves around of killing, blood letting and other vices. He can't reason beyond those.
  14. Good development. The administration now realises the importance in combating the malice that is piracy. With this attitude they will get rid of it inshaallaah and accumulate great support. This goes on with an awareness campaign by the religious scholars of Puntland and the elders. Puntland is on the tip of Horn of Africa, the most eastern tip of Africa is in Puntland. Puntland also strides two vital sea routes namely the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. Also Puntland is where most of the coastline of Somalia is the coastline is slightly more than 1/2 of that of Somalia that is in Puntland. Puntland is also the original 'Horn' of Africa. A strategic place on the gulf of Aden. Puntland is a vast land equal to 1/3 of Somalia. Puntland has a stable and functioning government and security apparatus. Puntland is considered one of the safest places in the whole of Somalia though it has a vast land and coastline and since the collapse of the Somali Republic has only seen one minor skirmish in the 2002/03 post election which was quickly resolved nothing like what the rest of Somalia had to endure. Puntland is a regional player. Puntland seeks to align itself with the world and is a open place that practises tolerance. No religious, political organisation and dissidents of any kind are allowed whether military or political. Puntland is called the land of the scents/perfume/aroma dhulka udugga which the Pharaohs used to have trade links because of the frankincense and myrrh. Puntland is an ancient place with a lot of mountains, ancient history and sights. Puntland is the only place which had a semblance of a state prior to independence and its people are renowned for politics, law and order and safeguarding traditions. Puntland is also the only place where the traditional elders hold a significant sway as in other regions had a more regional attitude or neither of the two
  15. Maashaallaah, Puntland is Somalia! The new governments invitation to the biggest religious scholars of our country who worked hard in brining the dacwah to the wide audience now in the early nineties have now acknowledged that this is the first whereby the religious scholars have been assigned special treatments such as full protection given as the ulumaa are guarded by soldiers from the government around the hour that they even themselves were surprised saying it was the first such treatment and that they haven't seen any government welcoming the ulumaa but are used to being harassed and troubled but they thanked the Puntland government and the people of Puntland how cohesive their relation is and the understanding between them and the peace that prevails in Puntland which they said is a combined effort taken by the government and the people of Puntland. Indeed they had much praise for the government of Puntland and the people of Puntland. Puntland is an important player in the region and the vanguard for Somalinimo, Islaanimo and common human deceny.
  16. Culimadu sidoo kale waxay amaaneen Sida ay Ciidamada Puntland Amaankooda u sugayso,Qaarkamid ah Culimada oo ka yimid Konfurta & Waqooyi Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa dhankooda muujiyey in aysan Malaynayn inay jirto Xukuumad Culimo Amnigeeda Sugta iyagoo sheegey in ay arki jireen Dawlada la dirirta Wadaada balse aysan horay u arag Dawlada Culimada la shaqeysa soona dhaweysa,waxaana ay Sheegeen in ay u Mahadcelinayaan Xukuumada Puntland oo uu Madaxweynaha u yahay Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud.
  17. Two quotes stick out to the eye here. Qaarkamid ah Culimadii kulanka ka qeybgashay ayaa iyana halkaas ka hadlay,waxayna Amaan & Bogaadin usoo jeediyeen Xukuumada Puntland & Shacabkeeda oo ay sheegeen inay sifiican u soo dhaweeyeen inta ay joogeen Puntland,iyagoo sheegey in aysan Malaysanayn in meel Soomaaliya kamid ah ay Xasiloonidan oo kale ugu tagayaan looguna soo dhaweynayo,waxayna Muujiyeen sida ay ugu faraxsan yihiin Wadashaqeynta Xukuumada & Shacabkooda u dhaxaysa.
  18. It's all bravado. This clowns aren't what they say nor is their goal to die in martyrdom but to prolong the war of the south that has killed and ignited the fire that prolongs it for so long. Ceelbarde is out of reach for the Al-Shabab group.
  19. Ulamaa say war in the south not permitted and thus unlawful. The spilling of a muslim's blood is strictly prohibited. They also spoke about the history of the dacwah in Somalia. Waxaa maalmahan ka socotay Masaajidka Alhudaa Nadwo Diini ah. Nadwadan Diiniga ah ee mudada todobaadka ah ka socotay Magaalada Garowe ee Caasimadda Dowladda Puntland gaar ahaana Masjidul Alhudaa ayaa waxa soo jeedinayey Culimo Soomaaliyeed oo ka kala yimid Gobolada Dhexe,Puntland iyo Soomaliland. Nadwadan Diiniga ayaa waxa ka soo qaybgalay Dadweyne tiro badan oo isugu jiray Culimo,Rag,Haween iyo weliba dhallinyaro fara badan,sidoo kale waxaa iyana ka qaybgalay Nadwadaasi qaar ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta Dowladda Puntland. Nadwadan socotay mudada Todobaadka ah ayaa waxa ay Culimadu inta badan ay ka hadlayeen Dagaalada ka socda Koonfurta Soomaaliya oo ay ku sheegeen mid aanay Diinta Islaamku banaynin waayo ilaahay ma ogola qof muslim ah oo si gardara ah loo dilo,sidoo kale waxa ay culimadu ka hadleen Taariikhdii dacwada Dalka Soomaaliya,xadgudubka Diineed iyo raadka uu ku yeesho Dacwada Bulshada Rayidka ah,Burcadbadeeda iyo waxyaabo kale oo badan. Sidoo kale Dadweynaha ka soo qaybgalay Nadwada ayaa Culimada waxa ay weydiinayeen Su'aalo kala duwan,culimaduna waxa ay uga jawaabayeen si waafi ah. Culimadan Soomaaliyeed ayaa inta ay joogaan Magaalada Garowe waxa ay muxaadarooyin u soo jeedin doonaan qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada sida Ganacsatada,Dhallinyarada iyo Haweenka. Culimadan Nadwada ka waday Masjidul Alhudaa ayaa waxay ilaahay ummadda Soomaaliyeed uga baryeen in Dowladnimadeedii iyo Qaranimadeedi u soo cesho Colaadana ka dulqaado.
  20. The Puntland government web portal says this about the conference of the Ulamaa. Interesting stuff. A noble conference indeed. Puntland Engaged in Religious Conference for Social Reform Renowned and celebrated muslim clerics from the Somali society have attracted one of the largest congregations to a week-long social reform campaign. The congregations have converged at Al-Huda Mosque in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, for the past week. The spiritual event attracted various categories of staunch muslim residents of Garowe. A great percentage of the faithfuls are youth who are the main targets of the social reform campaign. Members of the Puntland cabinet were in the forefront section of the congregation , in a way, showing their committment to this social reform program. A strategy which is believed to have the capacity, of luring the youth from the alluring tentacles of piracy, and terrorism. The noble muslim clergy at the spiritual conference condemned the attrocities committed in the name of religion,in southern Somalia. The clerics based their argument on the teachings of Islam ; which are aginst the wrongful killing of innocent persons. Furthermore, they stressed the magnitude of sin contained in the killing of a fellow muslim. So far, the star-studded clergy have covered a number of interesting topics capturing the attention of their audiences in a spectacular way. They have presented sermons on; The History of Islamic Da'awa (Preaching and Missionary work) in Somalia, The Violations and Misinterpretations of Islamic Doctrines/Scriptures and Their Effects on Society, Piracy and Terrorism. At the end of each sermon, the faithfuls are treated to a question and answer session. Small question notes are passed on to ushers who type it and present it to the clerics. The clerics then give answers based on the teachings of the Holy Quran. The Somali Islamic scholars will preach to different sectors of the community, during their stay in Garowe. At the end of each session, the learned clergy lead the congregation in a prayer beseeching Allah (SWT)to restore peace and tranquility to the people of Somalia. Stay with us, for the details of this noble conference.