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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. A winner's team celebrating the bronze medal in style.
  2. Cacau with his winner medal.
  3. Philipp Lahm receives his winner medal at the little final of the 2010 South Africa world cup with South Africa's president Jacob Zuma present and Fifa's Sepp Blatter. Germany won. Prove's are the medals hanging from their necks. Thomas Muller receiving his winner medal of Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa. Joachim Low congratulated by Jacob Zuma for his winner medal.
  4. The German National Team
  5. What a game already 4:0, goal by Klose who is now one goal behind the all time record world cup scorer
  6. Argentina v Germany, even the German full-backs score
  7. What a game by this man, he totally run the game and had it under control. Bastian Schweinsteiger
  8. Germany beat 4:1 against England in Bloemfontein, South Africa at the Fifa Football World Cup, today.
  9. ^Where is Xudeedi, Kooratuunshe, Nassir and Paragon haha the mole's come in abundance these days. This is highly illegitimate.
  10. There was a huge power cut in one southern african nation tonight is what I'm hearing in the news now. A heavy thunder-storm disrupted live viewing of the game and it was not watch-able in Harare, they say. I'm eagerly awaiting A&T's insights into this game who did not watch it but listened to it on the radio in the rain using his car's battery and how bad and hyped up the English players are by the English media and how unlucky the Algerians were in not scoring.
  11. lool@used to listen to it but no more. I can't handle drunken English fans in dispair of their own team.
  12. Slovenians are slow. But they winning against Russia in the qualifying round to this World cup suggests that they might do England but with England you never know. Glory to the English. (drinkers) Misery to the English. (strikers). Tonight England won 5:0 against Algeria. Rejoice in it boys. Early celebrations is for the wicked and ******. So i'll leave you to it.
  13. Crouch has been playing since the 84th minute? Never mind England didn't lose either, so all is not lost. They will be playing a tough team in the last 16, that is if they come out of their group and not end up behind Slovenia and the USA in their group. Come'on England. Come'on Three lions.
  14. Crouch what a goal, I told you so.
  15. Haatu I'm watching the England v Algeria game. It's 1:0 for England so far.
  16. The problem is Algeria can't score and won't score either. So England might have a chance if they play this clever, in the remaining 10 minutes. Goal England 1 Algeria 0. Nice one boys. Get in there.
  17. England drew in 1966&1990! So this time they will go all the length or at least to the semi-finals. hehe Green to save a few penalties on the way as well preferably against Germany in the next round. Last sixteen England v Germany, with England winning on penalties. Come'on Slovenia. What a goal.
  18. Secretary-General Appoints Augustine P. Mahiga of United Republic of Tanzania Special Representative for Somalia Secretary-General SG/A/1245 AFR/1990 BIO/4206 _________________________________ United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Augustine P. Mahigaof the United Republic of Tanzania as his Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS). Mr. Mahiga replaces Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah ( Mauritania) who has served in the position from September 2007. Mr. Mahiga brings to this position many years of both Government and United Nations experience. He combines extensive experience in conflict management, mediation, humanitarian and recovery/development activities. In particular, Mr. Mahiga has lengthy and pertinent experience in the Horn of Africa and other parts of the continent, which will be invaluable in his new position. Since 2003, Mr. Mahiga has served as the United Republic of Tanzania’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. In this capacity, he has been actively involved in various United Nations reform initiatives, including co-facilitating negotiations on establishing the Peace building Commission (2005) and co-chairing intergovernmental consultations on System Wide Coherence reforms, including Delivering as One in eight pilot countries (2008). Ambassador Mahiga has been engaged in intergovernmental and informal working groups on issues of development, peace and security, human rights, and strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union. Before joining the Tanzanian Foreign Service in 1983, Mr. Mahiga worked in the President’s Office as Acting Director General and Director of Research and Training from 1977–1983. He served in various capacities with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), including as Chief of Mission to Liberia, Coordinator and Deputy Director of the humanitarian and refugee crisis in the Great Lakes Region, and UNHCR Representative in India, Italy, Malta, the Holy See and the Republic of San Marino. Mr. Mahiga holds a PhD in Philosophy and International Relations from the University of Toronto, Canada. He was born on 28 August 1945 and is married with three children. The Secretary-General expresses his deep appreciation to Mr. Ould-Abdallah for his dedicated service and exemplary leadership on Somalia over the last three years. During his tenure, Mr. Ould-Abdallah has worked hard to bring international attention to Somalia — one of the world’s worst humanitarian and political crises. Through his efforts, the people of Somalia have the Djibouti Peace Agreement, on which current peace and reconciliation efforts in Somalia are built on, as well as the recently adopted Istanbul Declaration that serves as a political pact between the International community and the Somali people on political, security, development and reconstruction issues. Source:
  19. Originally by Sakhar: Indeed the man who failed in the Burundi Mission now failed in Somalia as well after also being found out to be biased and partial in his dealings, "No to Abdalla, Out with biased Abdalla, indeed".
  20. Col.Yaasiin Cali C/dule: Dagaal baan diyaar u nahay Ergo ka socotay Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo Xilligan ku sugan Gobalka Mudug, kulamana ku leh ayaa Beelaha Degan Gobalka Mudug ka Codsaday in ay ka Caawiyaan Xoraynta iyo dib u hanashada Goballada ay Somaliland gacanta uga Dhigtay Maadaama Dawlada puntland aysan lahayn Ajande ay Goballadan Dib ugu Soo Celinayso. Corn,Yaasiin Cali C/dule oo ah Xoghayaha Ergadan ka socota Goballada Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn horayna uga Mid ahaa Siyaasiyiinta Mamulka puntland ayaa Sheegay in ujeedadoodu ay tahay Sidii bulshada Gobalka Mudug ay uga heli lahaayeen Taagero dhinac walba ah, Maadaama ay ku jiraan dadaal ah in ay dib u soo ceshtaan Deegaanada ka Maqan. "Beelaha Mudug degan Waa Walalahayaga , waxaanu ka codsanaynaa in ay nagu tageeraan Dagaalka aanu ku xoraynayno Deegaanada Somaliland ay haysato, waayo Dhulku wuxuu ka maqan yahay Beesha dhan, Dhulbahantana Deegaan hoosaad ayey u leeyihiin, Hiil iyo hooba Tolkayagaw Dalka nala Xoreeya" Sidaasi waxaa yiri Yaasiin Cali C/dule oo ah Xoghayaha Ergadan ka socota Goballada SSC. Sidoo kale Yaasiin Wuxuu Sheegay Dawlada Puntland aysan Wax ajanda ah ka lahayn Dib u hanashada Deegaanadan, Waxayna Arrintaasi Cadaatay ayuu yiri Markii Dawladu ay Duulaan ku soo qaaday Madex Dhaqameedkii ka shirayay Amniga Goballada. "Madexweynaha iyo Madexweyne ku Xigeenku Waxay balanqaadeen Mudo 6 bilood ah in ay ku qabanayaan laascaano hadana Waxaa Xilligaasi laga joogaa Sanad iyo sideed bilood, walina ma jirto qorshe Arrinkaasi ku aadan oo ay Bulshada u soo bandhigtay Dawladu" Yaasiin Cali C/dule mar uu ka jawaabayay Su,aal ay Saxaafadu waydiisay oo ahayd in ay ka hordhaceen Qorshayaasha Dawlada Puntland ay Goballadan ka leedahay. Yaasiin Cali C/dule ayaa ku Celceiyay in ay ka go,antahay in Dagaalo xoog badan la galaan Maamulka Somaliland oo uu sheegay in uu Dhibaato weyn u gaystay Shacabka Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo cayn, wuxuuna ka Codsaday bulsha Weynta ku dhaqan Goballada puntland in ay gacan ku siiyaan xoraynta Deegaanada maadaama Dhulku uu si guud uga maqan yahay Shacabka Puntland oo dhan. Dhageyso Nabadoon Yaasiin ________________________________ Wariye: Cumar afguduud Galkaio Puntland
  21. Kulan xasaasi ah oo ka dhacay Magaalada Gaalkacyo Ergo ka socota Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo Dhawaan Gobalka Mudug soo gaadhay ayaa Maanta Waxay kulan la qaateen Qaybaha kala Duwan ee Bulshada Gobalka Mudug . Ergadan ayaa Soo Bandhigay Warbixino ku aadan Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo ay ka taagan tahay Dhibaatooyin Dhinaca Amniga ah iyo Xaalado Barakac oo ay sababeen. Ergadan Maanta kulanka la qaadatay Qaybaha bulshada Gobalka Mudug ee ka kooban Isimada, Nabadoonada, Aqoonyahanada, Culimaaudiinka iyo Haweenka gobalka ayaa Waxay Bulshada gobalka mudug ka Codsadeen in laga Caawiyo Dhibaatooyinka ka taagan Goballadassi Maadaama Dadka Goballadasi ku dhaqan ay la hayb yihiin Dadka Degan goballada puntlabd oo Dhan. Dhageyso Yaasin: Gagabadii kulankaasi ayaa ayaa Waxaa saxaafada u waramaya Yaasiin Cali C/dule oo ah Xoghayaha Ergadan ka socota Goballada Sool Sanaag iyo Cayn, wuxuuna Sheegay Kulankani in uu ku saabsanaa Codsi Beesha Goballadan Degta ay u Diraysay Qaybaha bulshda Gobalka Mudug oo ku aadan in laga Caawimo Xaaladaha goballadan ka taagan oo ay ugu horayso Difaaca iyo Xoraynta Goballada iyo Sidoo kale caawinta Bulshada Dagaaladu ay ku saameeyeen goballadaasi. Dhageyso Nabadoon: Yaasiin Nabadoon Yaasin c/samad oo isna ka mid ah Waxgaradka gobalka Mudug islamarkaana ka mid ahaa Masuuliyiinta Ergad Kulanka la qaatay ayaa isna Sheegay kulankaasi in ay ka soo baxeen Qorshayaal qaybaha Bulshada Gobalku ay aad u taageereen oo ku aadan in Gacan laga gaysto Xaaladaha goballadasi kataagan. Kulankan oo ahaa kii ugu Horeeyay ee Ergadan ay la qadatay Qaybaha gobalka mudug ayaa waxaa ka soo baxday in la isgarab istaago Bulshada Goballada Sool Sanaag iyo Cayn ee ay haysato Dhibaatooyinka Amni iyo Xaalado Dhanka Nolshada ah oo ay sababeen waxaana Arrintan loo saaray Gudiyo kooban iyadoo kulamo kalana loo balay. ________________________________ Wariye: Cumar afguduud Galkaio Puntland