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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Puntland = the graveyard of religious extremists and ultra clannish folk hell-bend to invade other people's land.
  2. Somalia: Puntland troops kill 13 militants in armed clash. Heavily armed security forces from Somalia's northern stable state of Puntland have clashed with militia loyal to a militant group near Bossaso, the region's commercial capital, Radio Garowe reports. Reports said the militia attacked Puntland forces in Karin, some 40 km from Bossaso, leading to heavy exchange of gun fire. Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole says the security forces killed 10 militant fighters and captured one of the commanders, appealing for the Puntland people to defend the state. "We have repulsed them, captured and killed many of them. Jamaa Ismail Duale who is a well known militant, is among those we captured," he said. "I am appealing to Puntland people that they should prepare to defend the state from the invaders," he continued. He urged the word to help his government defeat the terrorist group, arguing that the militants are not ready for peace to prevail anywhere in the region. "We are telling the international community and particularly the neighbouring that Puntland is under attack from both local and foreign Islamist militants," he warned. The security forces have also mounted a large operations near Galgala mountain. It was the first time for Puntland's forces to go after the militant group in their hideout. The Galgala militants are led by Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom, who is on the U.S. wanted list signed by President Obama. Puntland have been warning of imminent dangers posed by people believed to have links with the radical militants fighting the UN-backed government in south central Somalia, according to government officials. Puntland, located at the northeastern tip of Somalia with shores along the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, has been a stable region since the outbreak of the Somali civil war in 1991. Source:
  3. SPR did get wrong the number of the soldiers died in the combat though, the government lost five soldiers. Two from the intelligence PIS, two regular soldiers and one from ciidamada Birmadka. Atam has managed in the last two months two get foreigners into the area which has greatly worried the government. The flag of Al-shabab has been hoist and men from Pakistan, Black Africans and other foreign creatures have been brought to Galgala. The war started after Atam dispatched fifty men and they launched their attack on a camp where soldiers where readying themselves for the combat. They got chased after they launched a guerilla attack on the soldiers and some have been injured, their leaders captured or killed. Then the war progressed on and Atam and his group run off into the mountains. They got heavily beaten as we speak now. It's a matter of time before it is brought to an end. But today they have been near conclusively beaten. They're on their last two feet, munition and men probably. It's a matter of time now. Atam and his group got annihilated today.
  4. Garoowe: Madaxweynaha Puntland: "Jab xoogan ayaan gaarsiinay kuwii weerarka nagu soo qaaday waxaana ka qabanay Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale oo Argagixisada caalamiga ka tirsan" 26. Juli 2010 APL Garoowe(AllPuntland)-Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa ka hadlay dagaalkii saakay waaberigii ka dhacay deegaanka Karin, isagoo sheegay in kooxo Argagixiso ah ay ku soo duuleen ciidamada amniga Puntland, isla markaana waxaa uu tilmaamay in laga guuleystay oo laga dilay dad badan saraakilna laga qabtay. "Dad badan waa laga laayay, Madaxda laga qabtayna waxaa ka mid ah Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale oo ah nin Argagixisada caalamka ku jira oo hada ka hor soo weeraray isaga oo koox ajnabi ah wata magaalada Baargaal, halkaasna dagaal caalami ah lagula galay balse ka baxsaday isaga" ayuu yiri Faroole oo intaa raaciyay in kuwa soo weeraray Puntland ay yihiin kuwo dhibaato ka geystay Soomaalia isla markaana col la ah nabadda ka jirta Puntland. Waxaa uu sheegay Puntland ay kalsooni ku qabto in cid kasta oo ku soo duusha ay ka guuleysanayaan, waxaa kaloo uu Md. Faroole uu ugu baaqay shacabka Puntland in ay iska difaacaan kuwa duulaanka ku soo qaaday jiritaankooda, hubka ay heystaana la soo baxaan si ay isaga difaacaan. Waxaa uu sheegay Faroole in dagaalkan uusan aheyn dagaal ku kooban Gobol ee uu yahay dagaal caalami ah oo Gobolka oo dhan saameyn doona, ujeedada laga leeyahayna ay tahay in ay xeraan buu yiri marin biyoodka Cadan sidoo kalena ay cuuryaamiyaan dhaqaalaha gobolka. "Waxaan ognahay in shacabku hubeysan yahay, hubka ay iyaga isu sameyeteen ha keenaan goobta dagaalka, maxaa yeelay maanta wax la reebanayo ma lahan, loomana kala harayo Dowladda, shacabka, Ganacsatada reer miyi iyo reer magaal dhamaan waan ka qeybgaleynaaa" ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ugu danbeyntii ka codsaday dowladdaha deriska in gacan lagu siiyo sidii ay isaga xoreyn lahaayeen kooxaha ku soo duulay. Cali Muxiyaddiin AllPuntland News
  5. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dagaaladii ka dhacay agagaarka buuraha Galgala. Posted to the Web Jul 26, 12:44 Boosaaso:-Wararka ugu danbeeyey ee naga soo gaaray magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobalka Bari ayaa sheegaya in ciidanka Daraawiishta ee Puntland ay gacanta ku dhigeen Jaamac Ismaaciil Ducaale iyo 10 kale oo saaka weerar ku qaaday ciidamo ku sugnaa duleedka Laag waxaana ka laga dilay ilaa 13 kale. Ciidamada daraawiishta ee Puntland ayaa waxay ka dhintay 2 askari waxaana ka dhaawacmay ilaa 5 kale waxana laga gubay gaari baroon ah dagaalka ayaa dhacay xalay saqdii dhexe. Xaalada Goobihii lagu dagaalamay ayaa haatan degan waxaana la wareegay ciidanka daraawiishta kooxaha weerarka soo qaaday ayaa u cararay gudaha buuraha Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ka hadlay dagaalada ka dhacaday xalay laag wuxuuna ugu baaqay shacabka Puntland in ay garab istaageen xukuumadiisa M_M Deeq
  6. My brother and cousin Koora-tuunshe, I totally agree with your sentiments indr but Faroole although from my region of nugaal and immediate family often do not agree with him and we are on the same mindset here. Laakinse meeshani qabyaalad ma taalo, garaadku iyo odayaasha wey hadleen ,sidoo kalana ummada reer maakhir hal qof ma ahan oo iyaga laf ahaantooda kala afkaar kala aamisan waataa Naassir uu imanka leeyahay Wasiir Cabdullaahi Jaamac hala eeryo. Taasina waxay ku tusinaysaa inaysan meesha oolin qabyaalad sidad adigu u dhigtay. Meeshu waa wada maamul ama dhaleecay ama wada amaan saa ayeey cadaalad ku jirtaa. Cidna gaar uma laha. Cuqaasha dhahareed warkii ay soo saareena waad aragtay baan filaya iyo taageeridii hadalkii Cabdiraxmaan Faroole. Indr isku meel ayaan ka soo kala jeednaaye aanu is fahamno. Inshaallaah kheyr, waana mahadsantahay.
  7. xiinfaniin, you obviously being part of a farmer group that had similar objectives and viewpoints really doesn't want innocent and misguided folks like you in the past being killed, me neither. As they could end up in the USA like you and live life and repent from their youthful eager that brought them first into this trouble. So I have the same sympathy because this young and misinformed youngsters truly believe they are changing something although they're not really and you know that with hindsight everything is really put into perspective. Afterall we're not Al-Shabaab, who believe killing people indiscriminately is permitted due to everyone being brought out on their niyyah. That's why we cannot allow young people being killed in one go like al-Shabaab do and preach. We ask Allaah for the misguided to be guided and for this youngsters being brought back onto the right path. I have the same sympathy, count me in your camp awoowe. That's why you always do not want to discuss such issues.
  8. Awoowe I shall heed your advice as I know the danger in overdoing things as they lose in value but these were not my intentions anyhow. I said Atam is a danger because of what he's trying to say and illustrate and what he stands for. The camp has been there since 2006 and needs to be closed and his militias disarmed. There is no place for armed groups in Puntland. I shall thus stop if our brothers don't try to sell the notion of Atam's total innocence and theirs portraying of Atam being Robin Hood. Maxamed Atam trying to sell himself as an Robin Hood kinda figure because he's weak as you said it and thus doesn't want himself to be outed as an dangerous man it's part of the game plan. Atam is no Robin Hood adeer.
  9. No one is exaggerating anything xiin, in fact Atam is being portrayed as the good guy a Robin Hood kinda figure by the likes of Paragon, Xudeedi and Koora-tuunshe who only does bad stuff and wicked actions to benefit the ordinary Jaamac in Puntland. But that is not the case. Maxamed Atam is a dangerous men who raised the flag of Alshabaab on Puntland soil thus declared direct war on the State and what it stands for. There can't be two flags in Puntland nor can there be two State's and governments. There is only one government adeer and this is what we trying to protect. It's a precedent and if we do not do something about it will catch us and we will find ourselves speechless and with no shoes to run away with. Atam need's to be taken out. On this we're in the same mindset and on the same page. It's not the danger coming out of Atam but the precedent he sets, if he can do it, it will be copied.
  10. Xudeedi adeer I have only one allegiance and that is to the State. I'm no opportunist. I don't call for separation when I don't get the right allocation for my clan. My identity is Puntland and Puntland only. I don't care for anything else and for you to contemplate local politics and engage in small-mindedness whilst our existence is endangered shows not only a level of youthfulness but also ignorance on how this people work. Atam doesn't care for you sxb. His superiors are those that want to destroy our peace, our State they have already destroyed much of southern Somalia now you want them to move their criminal activities to Puntland. This is bigger than local sub-clan politics or inner State rivalry and your absurdness shines through. You're not maakhiri nor do you care for the interest of the maakhiri people in particular and the people of Puntland in general. You've been fed a lie, this is how Shabaab divides and then conquers adeer. We know how it works. We are not the sort of people who can be easily fooled. We are not as gullible as the hapless and ignorant people of the south who made their country and regions a living hell by inviting the Tora Bora sympathisers into their country and regions only because they thought they were helping them in fighting off another clan that was trying to dominate them. Don't be dumb now adeer, it is unbecoming of your ancestors. Look at how pity and fool-like the people of Mogadishu found themselves in when they realised that their region and cities have been taken by men whose agenda comes directly from the mountains of Tora Bora. Don't let you befall the same destiny. I'm your cousin and I won't allow you in your simpleness to be fooled that's why I will guide you out of this dilemma and together we will deal with the problem. The elders of Dhahar have spoken, the powerful interior minister has spoken, the distinguished military officials of this community have spoken. Calm down adeer in a few days Galgala will be history and the community can once again breathe a sigh of relief and go back to farming their dates. We are all into this together stop the Alshabaab divisive tactics. The community and elites of Maakhir have spoken and Galgala will be dealth with swiftly.
  11. Duke is right and now we see what we've been saying all along since the last hope Somalia had in the short-term was cruelly sabotaged by the likes of Nuur Cadde and the West who harbour no real intentions for Somalia as if they had such attentions they would have worked with Yusuf and seen it off. Today, Somalia the country and the people are much worse off than at his tenure. Jacaylbaro shaatigii Xaaji Xunjuf ma kaada caadiga ahaa ayaad hadana ku badalatay?
  12. If they're already with Atam in the mountains it is certain that they're ideologically driven and thus part of the greater scheme of Al-Shabaab. It's for certain it's not a clan mechanism or orientated groups however Atam might try to confuse the situation and play the dumb unaware innocent guy who is trying to defend of the area and thus might find appeal or sympathy from certain quarters of his sub-clan. But fooled we will not, we know how such things work and the ever changing dynamics of portraying oneself as innocent's.
  13. Duke is right to point to the Ulama's U-turns of late that have come so much frequently as late. Though I do not agree with badmouthing and going after this men and I would personally advice Duke to only highlight but not drag on this issue afterall they're knowledgeable men of the deen. Duke should know that not only this two Sheekhs's now realise that the predicament they created prior was a mistake, that's why the ulumaa of Al-Ictisaam are saying make peace and deals with Ethiopia. We know that the famous group and anti-Ethiopia brigade and callers to Jihaad are right now in Jigjiga. But the question is why talk now when yesteryear Jihaad was preached what has changed? It's a legitimate question. I know what has changed but the rest of the people who might not know need an answer. Simple as that. AlItixaad who is now Al-Ictisaam are heavily involved in Politics, they preach the gospel of peace and civil cohesion and harmony and brotherhood. A couple of years ago it was the total opposite one of destruction, war and civil mayhem. So Duke is right to question what has changed. But let me tell him and say as simple as it is 'what has changed is that this ulumaa have finally seen the light or let's say temporary as this Shabaab groups are now a threat to their livelihoods businesses and religious authority. They're under-mind daily by Al-Shabaab. Their livelihoods are at stake and they see that their students have turned against them and become unrecognisable. Now they see the beast that they have created and as such want to reverse the yesteryear and former strategy of theirs. That's it in a nutshell Duke let it rest there.
  14. The same nonsensical gibberish from the politically inexperienced folks. Yesterday it was Jibriil Cali Salaad who was the saviour of the people now it's Maxamed Atam. haha We won't allow our resort and State to be breached from within by divisive extremists outfits and threaten the peace of our both heart and hinterlands. That as people we cannot allow to happen and because we know how such groups operate and their divisive tactics we will make sure that this group is eliminated and taken care off. If we don't we will pay a heavy price but for the politically ignorant folks inaction is an solution for this predicament that was allowed to terrorise the people and State for such a long time. It is vital and important that the government communicates effectively to the people about their objectives and the people already know and support action taking place so that this outfit don't become more emboldened as day by day passes. The Darawiish are in high alert and the Interior Minister plus other folks such as Col. Cashuur are playing a vital role in brining a final and quick closure to this situation.
  15. It was clear from the outset what Sharif was a deputy to Muuse Sudi in Balcad, this is known to people if we do not prescribe to the revised biography of his. A mere judge in a warlord's fiefdom, a poor soul who was a macalin dugsi in southern Somalia, a man who went on tahriib to Libya but then when he got scared of the waves of the Mediterranean decided not to die but rather live, a man described as an geography teacher, with no history of elitism or prestige either by birth or merit. What else was expected from him after the americans hastingly parachuted him to Villa Somalia as a divisive tactic and derail the process by creating splinter groups within the ranks of the former clan courts.
  16. It's quiet astonishing at the simplicity of the brothers who see this as an local sub-clan issue rather than what it is, namely a geopolitical issue of one group trying to establish a strategic geopolitical positioning in the Bab al-Mandab which has an important port and where they can launch into other parts such as Yemen and the wider Arabian peninsula across the red sea in Bosaso. This group has an army of around 700 men, with training camps with Atam being one of the ring-leaders plus one other guy by the name of ina Kilwe and one another guy who is from the Bay region of Somalia. They have a steady and continuous supply of weaponry from Yemen across the sea which they can easily dock into one of the many unguarded spots of the long coast near or around Bosaso's red sea either in Bari or Sanaag and then transport it during night to their strong base or slowly disguised as petrol or something else using rough roads or even conventional methods by just keeping off Bosaso, which is only 20 km's away and major army/police checking points. What are the trusting and easily led brothers like Naasir and Xudeedi waiting for? That Atam, who clearly their strategy is say one thing into the maakhirir ears whilst whispering a total different thing to his Shabaab/Xisbul Islaam superiors in the southern part of the country. The lunacy of it all is they trying to say is: 'Let him get upto 2000 men who are trained in the galgala mountains with all their weapons and then ascend to Bosaso.' With possible few hundred sympathisers inside the city and 2000 well disciplined and paradise destined men Bosaso would fall and falter and everything would descent into total chaos. We cannot and will not allow the backbone and the most secure area of the state which should be out of the reach of any enemy to the state and the economic powerhouse of our state slip of our hands that easily. Border towns can fall but we won't allow this to happen. This is a dangerous and most wickedly plan to make the state crumple from within and this strategy has been clearly designed by the deviant religious groups in the south either the Hisbul Islam or the Shabab. So this elders are either with Shabab or with the state, enough time has already been given to them. The gullible please stay outside of this and take your 'why is my sub-clan being target' out of the debate as clearly you're lacking the geopolitical understanding of how things work and particular how such groups operate. Grow up simple folks.
  17. Nassir and Xudeedi are not being entirley honest here, the elders of Dhahar only said 'They wanted sufficient time given to resolve the issue peacefully and without any bloodshed' that's their objective. And that's why they warned of any hastened action by the government in taking out the 700 or so strong men who have established a strong-hold in the mountains of Galgala, west of Bosaso. Their wish was that talks be given a chance and no action taken before the conclusion of those talks so Nassir and Xudeedi have to tell it how it is. This issue is not about the people of Makhir Coast or Sanaag against the rest as Nassir and Xudeedi want to paint it far from it it's the authority of the Minister for the Interior, Local Governments and advancement of the rural people, which coincidently from the same place/region as the said Mr. Atam. I don't know what Nassir and Xudeedi are on this one, they certainly cannot speak for all the people of Makhir and Sanaag in general as they do not all ascribe to the notion of Mr. Atam the saviour of the sub-sub-sub-sub-sub clan of theirs. Get to know the politics and be done with the emotions, gentlemen.
  18. Far from it. This is Mr. M-society I hate everything Puntland and D himself. Outrages person but his appeal for some are quiet evident. Appeals to the mass ignorant because as a hard advocator for the clan he's seen as a great and big man. I wonder why these folks and community especially always get appealed and thus sheep around such lowly quality-wise and savage like people like this guy. It was the notorious warlords first then hapless folks like Sharif and now this sorry excuse of an 'authoritative figure'. etc. But clan appeal is strong and he must be hitting the right notes as the 'tough' man of the clan. That's not Duke's friend, for sure.
  19. People keep questioning him I get the feeling inuu mar dhaw qarxi doono 'maaddeey' saa uun ku wada walaalayaal I've this feeling we might be in for a surprise. An actual confession maybe at hands here. Keep digging and questioning.
  20. Cowke is definitely a mole. We knew that and Duke has been telling us since he first started posting when first the suspicious aroused. But that's relative small in the packing order. Is this some kind of coming out for A&T and Ngonge as part of slowly releasing themselves from their self home made enterprise and script of the Shabab sympathiser 'Maaddeey'? SOL is a mad house and the secessionists are definitely in the act of double-acting. Have you seen Ngonge inviting himself to tea yet? Really crazy when I see Ngonge invites himself to tea whilst also pming to himself, saying 'will you come to tea with me'? How more Bizarre can it get?
  21. War Deg Deg ah:Alshabaab oo sheegtay Mas'uuliyada Qaraxyadii Kambala. 12. juli 2010 Muqdisho:(Allpuntland)-Dhaqdhaqaaq Diimeedka Alshabaab ayaa goordhaweyd si toos ah u sheegtay Mas'uuliyada Weeraradii bambaano ee xalay gilgilay magaalo madaxda dalka Ugandha,waxaana dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab ay sheegeen in weeraradaas ay geysteen qaarkamid ah Ciidamada Alshabaab ayna u fuliyeen qaabkii loo qorsheeyey oo ahayd inay Qiiq ka kiciyaan magaalada Kambala. Afhayeenka dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) oo goordhaweyd shir jaraa'id khadka Teleefoonada ugu qabtay warbaahinta Muqdisho ayaa xaqiijiyey inay lahaayeen Mas'uuliyada Qaraxyadaas,waxaana uu sheegey inay u aargudayaan dadka Soomaaliyeed ee maalinkasta lagu xasuuqo magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Dalka Soomaaliya. ""Ilaah ayaa mahad leh Mujaahidiintu cadawgii ayay guryahooda ku laayeen, Jazakumullaah ilaah Cimrigiina ha dheereeyo ayaan leenahay Mujaahidiintii fuliyay weerarkii xalay"Ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Alshabaab oo si qiro leh islamarkaasna farxad & deg deg ka muuqdo warbaahinta ula hadlay,waxaana uu intaas ku daray in Qorshaha Qaraxyadani ay waqti badan abaabulayeen. Sheekh Cali Dheere wuxuu Fariin adag u diray shucuubta wadamada Ugandha & Burundi oo uu sheegey inay qaadan doonaan dhibaatooyin intaas ka badan hadii aysan Wiilashooda kalabixin dalka Soomaaliya,waxaana uu intaas ku faray Afhayeenku in ay jiraan Suurta galnimada weeraro intaas ka badan hadii aan lajoojin waxa uu ugu yeeray Xasuuqa Muqdisho. "Intii aadan dalka soo gelina ayaan idiin dignay in badan ayaan idinka codsanay in aan Caruurtiina saliibiga ah naga qaadataan, waad ka dhega adaygteen dhiigga shacabka Soomaaliyeed Biya ma ahan dhiigu waa dhiigm burburku waa burbur sidii shacabka Muslimka Soomaliyeed loo laayay ayaan idina laydiin layn"Ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  22. This is the proof that they did it no running away from it for maaddeey. Shabaab did it and they claimed responsibility. Sheekh Cali Dheere "Ilaah ayaa mahad leh Mujaahidiintu cadawgii ayay ku laayeen guryahooda,Jazaakumullaah ayaan leenahay Mujaahidiintii fuliyay weerarkii Kampala" MONDAY, 12 JULY 2010 16:23 Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ayaa sheegatay Mas'uuliyadda weeraradii cuslaa ee xalay lagu qaaday goobo lagu caweeyo oo ku yiilay magaalada Kampala xarunta wadanka Yugaandha. Afhayeenkada Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage Cali dheere (Xafidahullaah) oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa xaqiijiyay in Mujaahidiintu ay gaysteen weeraradii xalay. Isagoo la hadlay saxaafadda magaalada Muqdisho ayuu sheekh Cali Cadeeyay sababihii keenay in ay weeraraan magaalada Kampala "Ilaah ayaa mahad leh Mujaahidiintu cadawgii ayay guryahooda ku laayeen, Jazakumullaah ilaah Cimrigiina ha dheereeyo ayaan leenahay Mujaahidiintii fuliyay weerarkii xalay"ayuu yiri Sheekh Cali Dheere. Afhayeenka Guud ee Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin Sheekh Cali Dheere oo xiligii uu hadlayay laga dareemayay qiira Islaamnimo ayaa baaq u diray shacabka Yugaandha iyo Burundi oo wiilashoodu ay xasuuq ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho. "Intii aadan dalka soo gelina ayaan idiin dignay in badan ayaan idinka codsanay in aan Caruurtiina saliibiga ah naga qaadataan, waad ka dhega adaygteen dhiigga shacabka Soomaaliyeed Biya ma ahan dhiigu waa dhiigm burburku waa burbur sidii shacabka Muslimka Soomaliyeed loo laayay ayaan idina laydiin layn"ayuu yiri Sheekh Cali Dheere. Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin waxay sheegtay in Ciidamo badan oo Yugaandhiis ah ay ka carareen magaalada Muqdisho kadib markii ay u adkaysan waayeen dhibaatada Muqdisho ku haysata balse kuwa kale ay weli u taaganyihiin xasuuqa shacabka. Sheekh Cali Dheere wuxuu carrabka ku dhiftay in shacabka Uganda iyo kuwa Burundi ay raali ka yihiin xasuuqa wiilashoodu ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho maadaama ay doortaan madaxda wadankaasi islamarkaana ay qaataan lacagta uu Mareykanku Mushaar ahaan u siiyo ciidanka AMISOM. Waa Markii ugu horaysay oo ay Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin Weerar ka fuliyaan meel ka baxsan dalka Soomaaliya, xoogaga Mujaahidiinta ayaa dhowr mar Ahbiyay shacabka Uganda iyo Burundi in ay ciidankooda ka qaataan Soomaaliya
  23. The Dutch style of football stunk and it was an affront and disservice to football especially seeing the flair of other teams such as Germany and Spain. They were negative throughout the tournament and played quiet ugly in the final they were lucky to have 9 men on the field. The best team in the tournament won get over it. Espana, worthy winners. Congratulations to Germany as well for the flair and nice games played during the word cup.
  24. Victory for football! Ugly, Ugly Dutch. Espana deserved the world cup win, there were only two teams in this tournement. Germany and Spain. One won the small final and the other one the big final. Oh the audacity of all, Holland complain for a foul against Elia on the goal of Iniesta, how ironic. España worthy winners.