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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Sh.Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo kajawaabay hadal been abuur ah oo ay kafaafisay Shabakadda Qoraalka uu soo saaray Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Umal
  2. The diaspora is returning in droves taking advantage of the peace deal signed ONLF, UWSLF Qurba-joogta u Dhalatay Deegaanka oo Dib ugu Soolaabanaya Wadankooda Hooyo. Waxaa Maalinba Maalinta kadambaysa soogaadhaya Magaalooyinka waawayn ee Deegaanka soomaalida Qurba-joogta u Dhalatay Deegaanka oo Dib ugu Soolaabanaya Wadankooda Hooyo. Waxaa Maalinba Maalinta kadambaysa soogaadhaya Magaalooyinka waawayn ee Deegaanka soomaalida Qurba Joogta u Dhalatay oo Sanadihii Dambaba ku Maqnaa Dalka Dibadiisa iyaga oo ka faa,iidaysanaya Barnaamijaka Nabada ee ka Hanaqaaday Deegaanka Soomaalida. Magaalada Jigjiga marka aad imaato ayaad waxaad ku arkaysaa Dad Fara badan oo kayimid Wadamada Yurub, Maraykaka, Asiya, & Afrika iyaga oo Dib ugu Soolaabanaya Wadankooda Hooyo, Hoteelada waa wayn ee Magaalooyinka Jigjiga, Godey, Qabri Dahar & Magaalooyinka kale ee Deegaanka ayaa ah kuwo la Ciir Ciiraya Dadkan Qurabaha ka imaanaya. Qurba Joogta Deegaanka ayaa si Buuxda u Taageeray Barnaamijka Nabada ee ay wada Gaadheen Ururka UWSLF & Itoobiya iyaga oo ku Tilmaamay mid looga bixi karo Xaalada Dhibaato ee Wadanka kajirta. Siwalbooy ahaataba Dadka Deegaanka u dhasahay ayaa ah kuwo ka Dharagsan Colaada waxa ay tahay haday ahaan lahaayeen kuwo Dibada Jooga & kuwaWadanka Gudihiisa kusuganba, iyada oo hada u Muuqato in ay soo ay soo afjarmeen dhibaatooyinkii wadanka kataagnaa 20kii Sano ee u dambeeyayba hadana Cagta lasaaray Barnaamij kaas looga bixi karo.
  3. ^Adeer rethink your methods is what I was all along saying to you and put down the gun for your own good as now the religious men of the former Itihad are even singing the tunes of peace and the ONLF is split one side in consultation and considering peace while the other wing is refusing to do so. The division is real, the refusal to sit down with the Ethiopian delegation in a mutual country by the militant wing you support is real, the political maturing of the region and the people is real and the diaspora's awakening to the ONLF merchandise is real too. So all this has left a bittering taste in your mouth. The events are real adeer, the news is real, so I suggest to get real and to go with the flow of the fast changing political landscape and events in the aforementioned region.
  4. Polyani adeer who said you support SSC movement, this is a letter to all the inhabitants of SSC from their capital city Laasaanood. Read the message adeer.
  5. Rebel_no1 the division of the ONLF is true adeer however hard you try to hide it. Leader and deputy leader aside, Dhagaxbuur wing is made up by Dhagaxbuur people only the inheritors of the ONLF from the Qabridahare folks who since deserted the movement through major blunders within. It's funny and ironic that you Jabhad of all people suggests that I should 'stick to simpler garowe politics', considering that I'm the more savvy politician of the two of us in the family (the Onlf and Puntland share a common ancestor and are of the same sub-clan).
  6. Adeer Polayni this is slightly bigger than you, I suggest you concerning and limiting yourself to this sad episode: MAQAAL:- Anigoo ah L/caanood, caasimadda SSC, waxaan farriintan qaylo-dhaanka gargaar doonka ah u soo dhiibayaa ninka maqaalkan iga soo qoray oo kulan waraysi ila yeeshay. Waxaan ku idhi wax su’aalo ah hay weydiin. Waxaan kuu sheego oo keliya iga qor oo iga sii qaad oo gudbi. Taana wuu iga yeelay... read the rest here
  7. ^Adeer we all know Kenya is run by a minority 'Kikiyu' elite, they can have all the free media and pretences of a 'democracy' but the truth on the ground is for everyone to witness and see. Meles was also once hailed as a 'visionary' leader and 'great democrat' by the west which slightly got tainted in the 2005 elections but nevertheless he's miles ahead and attends all G20 meetings as the sole African representative. Meles leadership changed a lot since the feudal leadership of the Amhara Derg. As a result Ethiopia is more open now and because of Ethiopia's delicate ethnic make up and Meles himself coming to power in a bloodless coup as a guerilla movement and the stubbornness of the Amhara many reforms could not be implemented but a great deal has changed for the better since Meles came to power in Ethiopia. The true record contrary to your baseless assertions is that it is the ONLF refusing to talk, many delegations have been send but the ONLF leadership has thus far refused to sit down because they're subject to approval by foreigners and cannot make up their own decision and due to the lucrative diaspora business there is no wonder they refuse to sit down. The division on the ONLF is true and a reflection of major blunders within the organisation. Like ONLF claims that all 'Somali clans' are representative and included in the leadership of the ONLF one wonders not that they would distance itself from any disharmony. Thus Qabridahare and Dhagaxbuur lead wings is true. The recent Qabdirahare wing came to Ethiopia a couple of weeks ago to smooth the way to the peace signing in September inshallah.
  8. ^Give me Tigre any day my friend over Amhara who have a distinctive disliking to Somalis in general. Amhara live in peace adeer, they can be disgruntled however they're free people. You're behind in your development even to non-Oggaadeen Somali regions yet you carry an AK47. For much the region was neglected because of war but now the Somali region is peaceful thank's to forward thinking individuals and a rethinking as society as a whole. The region is now moving fast in education, business and development. We need to encourage this and not concern yourself with Amhara who have education, peace and development. The Somali regional state today is peaceful and we have already seen the vast improvement in all sectors of society. In Kenya too the Kikiyu could be said to be subjugating the rest and we all know how the kikiyu have accumulated hugh wealth and land which was the catalyst for the 2007 bloody elections. The same happened in Ethiopia too in 2005 but contrary to Kenya the wound's of this violent elections seem to have been mended unlike in Kenya which is still recovering from those bloody elections and ethnic civil war.
  9. Malika sister, I know that you're an adherent supporter of qadiyada gobolka Oggaadeeniya (Not negative). But can't we question methods without forsaking our principles and what we feel is right? My second question to you is when was the last time you actually visited the Oggaadeen and talked to it's people? I believe the Somali attitude in the Horn of Africa needs to change especially so the 'Free Oggaadeen' . NFD is 'colonised' according to many but despite it, the people there took it to themselves to better their lives. Today they're a booming well educated 'ethnic minority' who are part of the policy shaping in the country seen by the man who wrote the Kenyan constitution who is a Somali Kenyan. They're also big investors in the country who hold high posts in political offices. Because they took the peace and abandoned the 'Shiftas' doesn't mean they are engaging in 'divide and conquer' tactics of their 'kenyan oppressors'. Ethiopia is no different there, the country is booming and Somalis are prospering. People are studying hard. All they need to develop is a tangible peace. Ponder on the issues I mentioned. Peace is for all. You can make peace with anyone, there is no prohibited community which you can't make peace with. Militancy and radicalism lead's to banging your head against the wall. That's why WSLF took peace over a long dragging no outcome war which they should have done earlier. The Qabridahare wing of the ONLF is in consultation and will take up peace in September that leaves us with the Dhagaxbuur wing of the ONLF, who we hope will take a courageous step towards a tangible peace too. Peace train is here! Destination: A better, more prosperous, peaceful and highly educated Oggaadeen! Come on the train sister.
  10. Gidhibku waxa ay 59 KM galbeed ka xigtaa Magaalada Godey waxaana Biya xidheenka halkaa laga sameeeyay loogu tala galay in lagu waraabiyo dhul beereed kor u dhaafaya ilaa 2 kun oo Hectare, qaabka uu u dhisan yahay biyo xidheenkaas ayaa ah qaab farsameysan waxayna biyaha wabigu si fudud ugu leexanayaan Kanaalka loogu tala galay in uu waraabiyo ama biyaha gaadhsiiyo dhul beereedka. Biya Xidheenka GIDHIBKa Qeybta Biyo xidheenka ee loogu tala galay waraabka Beeraha Dhismaha biya xidheenkaa ayaa qaatay in ka badan 7 sanadood oo xidhiidh ahayd waxaana jirtay in Shirkadii ugu horeysay ee Mashruucaa qaadata ay wadi wayday ,markaa kadibna laga badalay waxayna shirkada dambe ku guuleysatay in ay dhisto biyo xidheenkaa Bidix -Sh.abu Xasan -dhex Bidix Dr C/raxmaan madani -Midig dhex Sh. Saadaq Shibli - Midig Sheekh C/rashiid Aabi read the rest here
  11. Habeenkii Kowaad Sheekh Max'ed Ibraahim Shakul oo ka Muxaadaro ka jeedinaya Masjidka Jamaca ee Godey[/img] Habeenkii koowaad ee ay Culimadu u hoyatay Magaalada Godey waxaa masjidka Jaaamaca ah muxaadaro ka soo jeediyay Sheekh Maxamed Ibraahim Shakuul. Sheekhu waxa uu Muxaadaradiisa uga hadlay iqbaalu Ramadan iyo waxyaabaha laga doonayo qofka muslimka ah inta lagu guda jiro bishaa barakeysan e Ramadanka ,Sheekhu waxa uu Muxaadradiisa ku xusay in Bisha Ramadaan ay u qeybsan tahay sadex qeybood oo kala ah – 10 casho ee hore ay tahay raxmad ,10 casho xigana Dambi dhaaf ,10-ka u dambeysana Naarta ayaa la isaga xoreeyaa. Dadka oo dhageysana Muxaadarada Sheekh Shakuul Habeenkii labaad dadka oo dhageysanaya Muxaadarada Sheekh Abuu Xasaan Habeenkii labaad waxaa Muxaadardo ka soo jeediyay Masjidka Jaamaca Godey Sheekh Xasan Maxamed Ibraahiim “Abuu Xasaan” waxayna Muxaarada Sheekh Abuu Xasaan ka hadleysay mowduuc uu ciwaankiisu ahaa (u toosnow sidii lagu amray). Sheekhu waxa uu Muxaaradiisa ugu hadlay toosnaanta ay diintu ina amartay ee laga doonayo qofka muslimka ah ragg iyo dumar jinsiga uu doonaba ha noqdee ,wuxuuna Sheekhu tilmaamay in Diintiinu ay tahay mid dhameystiran suurta galna aysan ahayd in wax lagu soo daro ama laga reebo ,Nabigeena Suubana CSW uu jideeyay Shareecada uuna Umadiisa uga digay cadaabta ay muteysanayso cidii Diinta wax aan ku jirin ku soo darta ,si guud waxa uu Sheekh Abuu Xasaan u bidhaamiyay in qofka muslimka ah laga doonayo in uu u hogaamsamo wixii uu Alle amray. Habeenkii Sadexaad Dr C/raxmaan madani oo Muxaadaro ka jeedinaya Masjidka jaamaca Godey Habeenka Sadexaad ee Muxaadaraddka waxaa muxaadarada soo jeediyay Dr C/raxmaan Sheekh C/laahi Cumar (madani) ,wuxuuna ka hadlay Muxaadaro uu ciwaankeedu ahaa (Xaqa uu Alle ku leeyahay Adoomadiisa),Dr ku waxa uu Muxaadaradiisa gogol dhig uga dhigay in Alle SW uu Umadiisa ku maneystay nimcooyin kala duwan waxa laga doonayo qofka Muslimka ahna ay tahay in uu Alle caabudo si uu Alle uga raali noqdo ,wuxuuna Drku tilmaamo ka bixiyay waxyaabaha uu Alle dadka ku waajib yeelay in ay ugu horeyso Cibaadadiisa iyo Caabuditaankiisa . Dr-ku waxa uu tilmaamo ka bixiyay acmasha Alle uu adoomadiisa uga raali noqonayo iyo kuwa uusan uga raali noqoneyn ,qofka muslimka ahna laga doonayo. Dr C/raxmaan Madani oo Muxaadaro ka jeedinaya masjidka Jaamaca ee Godey Is badalkii laga dareemay Magaalada intii ay Culimada timid Kadib muxaadaraadka xidhiidhka ahaa ee ay Culimadu Masjidka ka jeedisay waxa ay horseeday in magaalada is badal xagga dawacada laga dareemo. Culimadu waxa ay kulan gooni ah la qaateen Ducaada magaalada ku dhaqan waxayana Culimada Ducaada ku aamaaneen dhabar adeygiii ay u soo dhabar adeygeen Dacwada iyo dhibaatooyinkii ay ka soo mareenba waxayna sheegeen in dadka ducaada ah ay yihiin kuwo inta badan dhib la kulma taasina ay tahay wadadii lagu yaqiinay Ambiyadda Alle soo diray wadadaasina ay tahay wadada ugu kheyrka badan. Bilowgii Booqashooyinkii Culimada ee Degmooyinka gobolka Godey Biyo Xidheenka ku yaala Galbeedka Magaalada Godey ee GIDHIBKA Maalin kadib markii ay Culimadu soo gaadhay magaaalada Godey ayay ahayd markii ay booqashada ku tageen Gidhibka oo ah halka laga sameeyey biyo xidheenka Wabiga Shabelle ee mara Magaalada Godey.
  12. All is peaceful in the land of the ******** Safarkii Culimada ee Gobolada Godey & Af dheer oo soo gaba gaboobay(Daawo Masawirada) Posted to the Web Aug 22, 16:26 Jigjiga:-Bilowgii socdaalkii dacwadeed ee ay culimadu ku tageen gobolka Godey waxa uu bilowday Axad 7-8-2010 oo ku beegneyd (28-08-1431) waxayna Culimadu xiligaa ka soo socdaaleen magaalada Jigjiga ee Caasimadda dhulka Somaligalbeed, wafdigaa Culimada ahi waxa uu ka koobnaa Culimo, Egnineero, Qurbo joog iyo Wariyayaal. Saacad kadib markii ay Culmadi ka soo safartay magaalada Jigjiga ayay ahayd markii ay gaadeen magaalada Godey ee Gobolka Godey. Culimada oo ka dhoofaysa Madaarka Jigjiga International Gudigaa Culimada ahaa ayaa la dajiyay Hotel la daris ah Xarunta Maamulka Gobolka Godey,waxaana qaar kale oo culimadaa ka mid ahi la dajiyay Hotelka Dabaqa kadib markii uu buuxsamey Hotelkii markii hore loogu tala galay. Culimada oo ku sugan madaarka Magaalada Godey Culimada ayay magacyadoodu kala ahaayeen 1- Sheekh Maxamed Ibraahim Shakuul 2- Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Nuur (casowe) 3- Sheekh Xasan Maxamed Ibraahim (Abuu Xasaan) 4- Dr C/raxmaan Sheekh C/laahi Cumar (Madani) 5- Sheekh C/rashiid Xasan Aabi 6- Sheekh Axmed Maxamed nuur. 7- Sheekh Cumar Maxamed Xuseen (Faaruuq) 8- Eng axmad cabdi nuur 9- eng c/rashiid sh xuseen dayib 10- Wariya C/raxmaan Yare (ikhlaas) Culimada oo ku sugan madaarka Magaalada Godey Muuqaalo ka mid ah Magaalada Godey Muuqaalo ka mid ah Magaalada Godey Isla fal galkii Culimada & dadka gobolka Godey & Muxaadaraardkii xidhiidhka ahaa ee Culimada Dr C/raxmaan Madani oo muxaadaro ka jeedinaya Masjidka jaamaca ee Godey Culimada markii ay soo gaadhay magaalada waxaa muxaadaraad kala duwan ka soo jeediyey masjidka jaamaca ah ee Magaalada ,waxayna Muxaadaraadka ay culimadu jeediyeen ahaayeen kuwo xidhiidha
  13. A&T stop badmouthing the Sheekh. We all know the reason you are badmouthing him. The failed Al-Jazeera interview with the Sheekh intended to be used as a propaganda 'fatwa' of sorts fell out flat in your faces that's why you're so angry because the Sheekh has refuted to have been said what you wanted him to say. Sheekh Umal needs to be commended to come out and ask Aljazeera to print the full interview instead of the sound bite your group wanted. They only printed what they wanted the world to hear and use it as a propaganda sound bite and defamation of what Sheekh Ibraahim is doing but it has failed.
  14. Malika is only observing how a guest Sheekh Ibraahim in this case is supposed to behave. It's normal for the host to sit comfortable whilst the guest needs to familiarise himself with his new surroundings. ^That's normal behaviour and usually the photographs are taken beforehand once the meeting is over then the tension evaporates as with time the nerves ease. But making up poor propaganda and disguise yourself as a body language expert is undesirable to say the least. Malika, sister the people need peace and development. The people of the ****** and Horn of Africa need peace. Sheekh Ibraahiim and his WSLF have realised this and now are working towards a tangible peace. Enough is enough, already much blood shed has been shed and no more. The Somalis in the ****** need to look at their brethren in the NFD and those alluding to be liberating the '******' should realise and take note of their brethren in the NFD and not come up with silly assertions of Ethiopians being different. We all remember the Wajeer genocide afterall and many atrocities committed by the sangudhuudhi. Victory to peace I say. Give peace a chance walaalayaal. The ****** problem is one of the fuelling factors raging in the Somali populated homeland and Horn of Africa.
  15. Listen here for the interview with the Interior Minister of Puntland Gen. Ilkajiir
  16. Ilkajiir: "Dowlada PL beel kulama dagaalamin Galgala" 21 Aug 21, 2010 - 8:22:23 AM Wasiirka Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha Dowladaha Hoose & Horumarinta Reer Miyiga ee Dowlada Puntland Gen. Cabdilaahi Axmed Jamac (Ilka-jiir) ayaa si kulul u beeniyey hadalo ay baahiyeen dhowaanahaan qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta gudaha kuwaasoo sheegey in beelaha daga deganada Galgala dowladdu ku duushay. Gen. ilka jiir ayaa ku tilmaamay in ummada Puntland yihiin kuwo wada dhashay oo isku masiir ah oo aan colaad qabiil ka dhaxeyn. "Waxaan aad uga xumahay in la garan waayo maanka guracan ee kooxda argagixisada ah ku doonayaan in ay dagaalka dowladu la gashey ku sheegaan mid qabiil iyagoo doonaya in si kale wax u dhigaan, bulshadu waa in ay fahmaan in dowladu iyaga ka timid mas'uliyad-na ka saaran tahay difacooda basle isku duubni looga hortagi karo cadowga doonaya dibin daabyada" ayuu yirii Gen. Ilka jiir. Wasiirka oo ku dheeraaday nabad galyada xili uu hadal ka jeedinayey munaasabad lagu dooranayey Gudoomiyaha Degmada Garowe ayaa xusay in dadwaynaha looga baahan yahay in aysan dhabarka u jeedin dabinka ay dhigayaan argagixisada ee la rabo in si bareera ay u wajahaan. "Waxaa la yaab ah in ragii ka baqaan in ay qabtaan ruux danbiile ah oo fal amaanka lidi ku ah hortooda ku sameynaya haweenkiina soo qabteen, waa mid muujinaysa in la baqay, basle danta argagixisadu wax u dilayaan, u qarxinayaan u weerarayaan waa in ay cabsi idin galiyaan waxase la idinka rabaa in aan loo baqin, ciidamana gacan laga siiyo cirib tirkooda"ayuu intaasi ku daray Wasiirka oo hadalkiisa sii wata. Cabdilaahi Axmed Jaamac "ilka jiir" ayaa ugu danbay hadalkiisa ku sheegay in aysan jirin dano gaara oo dowladu ka leedahay Galgala marka laga reebo bulshadeeda oo ay ka difaacayso cadow argagixisa ah oo dibada laga hagayo oo ku soo duulay, deegaankasina ka mid yahay deegaanada dowlada Puntland ka arimiso. Dhageyso hadalka Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Puntland Gen. Cabdulahi Axmad Jamac GAROWE ONLINE
  17. ^Muqdishu unuka leh, Bossaasana Soomaali baa leh waa caqligiina.
  18. I agree with you there brother, it certainly helps their demise. Advice heeded.
  19. ^He's a cyper terrorist, who get's up to no good. It shall stand regardless.
  20. ^Adeer making up lies is to terrorise people and it's the biggest form of terrorism. To mislead is to terrorise and he's certainly on the their bandwagon for whatever reason.