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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Dr Faroole oo kulan la qaatay wasiirka arimaha dibada Yemen Sanca(WNT)-Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr, Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole ayaa 3 Oct, 2010 kulan la qaatey Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada dalka Yamen Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qirbi Kulankaan ayaa ahaa mid lagaga hadley xiriirka dhow ee Puntland iyo dalka Yamen islamarkasna diirada lagu saarey sidii loo kordhin lahaa xiriirka soo jireenka ee Puntland iyo Yemen. Dhinaca kale madaxda labada dhinac ayaa ka hadley sidii Somalia loogu soo dabaali lahaa nabad waarta dalka oo dhan. Yemen oo kamid ah wadamada ugu badan oo aay joogan qaxootiga Somaliyed, ayaa kamid ah wadamada aadka u daneeya dagnaashaha Somali. Waxa kaloo labada dhinac kawada hadleen sideey isaga kaashan lahaayeen dagaalka ay kula jiraan kooxaha mayalka adag, tahriibta, burcad badeedka iyo wadamada shisheeye oo xaalufka ku haya bada Yemen iyo Somalia u dhaxeeysa. Waftiga Madaxweynaha Puntlnad ayaa maalintii Sabtida ku tukadey masjidka ugu da’da weyn taariikhda Islamka, Al-Djanad waxaa la dhisey xiligii Rasuulka Muxammed (scw), waxaay kale oo wafdigu booqdeen meelo kale oo Taarikhi ah. Dowladda Puntland ayaa waxaa ka go'an iney xiriirka dhow la yeelato wadamada dariska la ah dalka. Xafiiska saxaafada ee Madaxweynaha Puntland
  2. The danger is quite clear and evident to the seeing eye. A terrorist take over of the Gulf of Aden would have very bad ramification for Yemen, Puntland and the whole region and would make a already volatile region one that will go up in flames very easily.
  3. Today the delegation led by President Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole met with the Interior Minister of Yemen Muttahar al-Masri whereby the Interior Minister of Puntland requested on behalf of the Puntland government on assistance against the terrorists who were stationed in Eastern Puntland (Western Bari to some) but who were since then driven out by a government offensive and defeated in the mountains of Eastern Puntland. Puntland Interior Minister Cabdullaahi Axmed Jaamac requested from his Yemeni counter part for full support as the terrorists could spill over to Yemen due to the distance of less than 160 miles from the hostile area where the fighting is taking place and Yemen. The Yemeni Interior Minister promised for military assistance, logistics and a pledge that they will also train the security forces of Puntland State in order to work together against the terrorist intent and malice in the region between the two countries of Yemen and Puntland.
  4. Yemen, Somali Puntland review fisheries cooperation [02/October/2010] SANA'A, Oct. 02 (Saba)- Deputy Minister of Fisheries Abdullah Ba-Sunbul met on Saturday with the Somali Minister of Oil, Wealth and Minerals in Puntland State Isa Mahmoud and Deputy Minister of Fisheries Abdul-Wahid Hirsy. During the meeting, they discussed cooperation aspects between Yemen and Puntland of Somalia in the field of fisheries. The two sides affirmed the importance of improving and reinforcing the bilateral cooperation in the field of fisheries as well as activating the previous agreements in order to contribute to improving and developing fisheries sector to support food security. AMAM Saba
  5. Duke is right since when did the local caaqil from Galgala became a Garaad? Isn't Caaqil Saxardiid a mere senior Elder? Since when did he became a Garaad?
  6. Thanks Duke it was a misspelling on my part I meant Yabarow of the VOA.
  7. Thanks walaal duke, the voa report quoting a Norwegian man is quite bizarre to say the least when we know that the people he carelessly mentioned their names and falsely accused is quite unethical misinforming and catering to the wrong sort of crowds who made it a habit in hiding their faces and blowing themselves up. This sort of ignorant, vile and hate filled reporting can only be described to have a greater political purpose of higher calibre but what they failed is from the angle they attacked it and now it seems that they absurdness has come to the surface in a funny but tragic manner. Yarbarow and the VOA did a hell of a good job for missportraying and quite frankly lying about the issue. It's quite buffling the way some people go to fulfill their mischiefious schemes that will surly come back to them as it did with Yusuf Garad and the people he used to advertise. This quick and swift press release is to the point and makes a solid statement to the mockery of reporting by the Voa.
  8. This is a very ugly piece of reporting and it couldn't be further far from the truth.
  9. Duke the guy is an opportunist who clearly know's where his interests lies unfortunately the women and children he mislead and brainwashed in the past aren't getting away lightly as he did nor are they living his high life at the moment. From this To this The man is principle less with no moral whatsoever. He should be ashamed of himself for the lies he used to spew out and the young men he led to their early graves and the madness that is now all over us. The men will as truly seen before jump ships again when the mandate of his term ends in August 2011 and retire somewhere peaceful and beautiful enjoying more Armani suits and maybe shaking more women's hands. A careless and care free life awaits him the young and gullible were not that lucky. No wonder why he looks so down at them.
  10. I wonder if Sharif's ablution is still intact after this greeting. The man turned obsessive women handshaker as before he would not even touch women that are not immediate family let alone shake hands with them he's clearly out of his ways for someone with that past. But Sharif is a quick adjuster.
  11. Can someone please explain to me what the above is supposed to mean? It's not that we are questioning the handshake but what we are rather questioning is Sharif's principles in here. Before he would not shake hands with any Somali women and now he's all over the place getting closer and closer! Look at him, just look at the fella he's clearly enjoying and the handshake is firm and the big grin. He's clearly enjoying the occasion. One would think he would get on with it quietly but he's even posing to the camera's smiling and grinning whilst enjoying and shaking the women's hand for a very long duration as he's trying to give the photographers a chance, or is he?
  12. Garoowe:D/Puntland oo soo dhaweysay Go’aankii Maraykanka ee Taageerida Maamulada Nabdoon ee dalka. 25. september 2010 APL Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa soo dhaweysay islamarkaasnaa Taageertay hadalkii shalay kasoo yeeray Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arimaha Dibada ee Maraykan u qaabilsan Soomaaliya oo ahaa in dawlada Maraykanku ay si toos ah u taageerayso Maamulada Puntland & Somaliland iyadoonan taageeradeeda usoo marin Dawlada dhexe. Warqoraal ah oo kasoo baxay Xafiiska Wasiirka Wasaarada Warfaafinta,Isgaarsiinta,Hidaha & Dhaqanka Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa lagu sheegey in Dawlada Puntland ay taageerayso Hadalkan kasoo yeeray Maraykanka oo muujinaya sida ay Maamulada dalku u siyaadiyeen Hor’umarka Nabada & Amaanka ee deegaanadooda. Wasiirku Wuxuu Qoraalkiisa ku sheegey in Dawlada Puntland ay aaminsantahay in Taageeradan Tooska ah ee Maraykanku ay timid kadib markii ay Puntland sii laba jibaartay Hor’umarka & Maamul Wanaaga gudaheeda islamarkaasna ay markasta u taagantahay ka shaqeynta Nabada Soomaaliya,taas oo uu sheegey in lasii laba jibaari doono. Dawlada Puntland Wasiirka afkeeda ku hadlay wuxuu sidoo kale sheegey in ay jireen Xiriir siyaasadeed & Mid Diblamaasiyadeed oo u dhexeeya Maraykanka & Puntland,Wuxuuna sheegey in taas ay barteedii kasii socon doonto. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  13. Dowlada USA oo sheegtay inay taageerayso PL iyo SL 25 Sep 25, 2010 - 11:40:02 AM Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa sheegtay inay taageerayso Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ay ka jiraan nabad, waxaana sarkaal u hadlay Washington uu sheegay inay tani tahay mid looga hortagayo baahida xajirnimada kooxda Al-shabaab. Mr. Johnnie Carson oo ah kaaliye Afrika u qaabilsan Wasaarada Arimaha dibada ee Mareykanka ayaa ka sheegay New York, in dowladiisa ay taageerayso gobolada ay nabadu ka jirto ee Somalia. "Waxaan goboladan ka taageeraynaa dhinacyada, beeraha, waxbarashada, biyaha iyo caafimaadka, waxaana howshaas meelmarin doona safaarada Mareykanka uu ku leeyahay Kenya" ayuu yiri Carson. Sarkaalkan, wuxuu sheegay in sidoo kale ay la shaqeynayaan cid walba oo aan xiriir la lahayn kooxda Al-shabaab oo uu ku eedeeyay inay wadaan dagaalo lagu diidan yahay nabad ka dhalata Somalia, isagoo sheegay in kooxahan ay baahin karaan dagaaladooda. "Mareykanka taageeradiisu waxay salka ku haysa sidii gobolada nabada ah ay uga nabadgeli lahaayeen dagaalada xagjiriinta Somalia, balse ma ahan tani mid aan ku aqoonsanayno madaxbanaanida goboladan" ayuu yiri Carson. Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa DF ku taageertay hub, waxaana uu sarkaalkan sheegay inay sii wadayaan taageerada dowlada, isagoo xusay in kooxaha dagaalka ka wada Somalia ay yihiin kuwo doonaya inay dagaaladooda iyo fikradahooda faafiyaan. Maamulka goonida isku taagay ee Somaliland ayaa ku dhawaaqay inuu ka go'ay Somalia markii ay burburtay dowladii dhexe 1991, mana heli weli wax aqoonsi ah, iyadoo Puntland ay weli ka mid tahay Somalia, balse ay maamul sameysatay 1998. Mas'uulkan u hadlay Mareykanka, ayaa sheegay inay mar walba dhowrayaan sida ay isku badasho colaadaha ka taagan Somalia, iyo horumarka siyaasadaha gobolada Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ay nabadi ka jirto. Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa u haysata Kooxda Al-shabaab, unug Al-Qaeda wakiil uga ah bariga Afrika, waxaana kooxdan ay dhawaan sheegatay inay mas'uul ka tahay qaraxyo ka dhacay Kampala oo lagu dilay 76-qof, iyo qaraxyo kale oo Somalia ka dhacay. GAROWE ONLINE
  14. Press Release: Puntland Welcomes Shift in US Policy Press Release 25 September, 2010 Puntland government welcomes the United States's significant policy shift towards Somalia, aimed at building new relations with the stable parts of Somalia. The new USA aggressive engagement with functioning and stable administrations will encourage the establishment of other regional administrations, which is in line with the long advocated Puntland policy of bottom-up approach of administrations building. The new USA stated area of engagement, such as water, agriculture, health, eduction and other development initiatives and activities are very encouraging and highly appreciated. Puntland Government is fully committed to continue to fight piracy and all forms of extremism and terrorism for which it seeks a tangible regional and international cooperation. Puntland is also committed to accelerate the decentralisation, democratisation process and to safeguard the wellbeing of its citizens. Office of the Chief of Cabinet / Web: The Puntland Presidency Note: This press release has been issued and bears the signature of the Puntland Chief of Cabinet, Hon. Ali Barre.
  15. Press Release: Puntland Welcomes Shift in US Policy. 25 September, 2010 Garowe, Sept 25 - Puntland government welcomes the United States's significant policy shift towards Somalia, aimed at building new relations with the stable parts of Somalia. The new USA aggressive engagement with functioning and stable administrations will encourage the establishment of other regional administrations, which is in line with the long advocated Puntland policy of bottom-up approach of administrations building. The new USA stated area of engagement, such as water, agriculture, health, eduction and other development initiatives and activities are very encouraging and highly appreciated. Puntland Government is fully committed to continue to fight piracy and all forms of extremism and terrorism for which it seeks a tangible regional and international cooperation. Puntland is also committed to accelerate the decentralisation, democratisation process and to safeguard the wellbeing of its citizens. Office of the Chief of Cabinet Web: The Puntland Presidenc
  16. Indeed Thanksful Puntland needs to seize this policy shift and welcome it.
  17. Thanksful this part failed xaajiga: The two are petitioning the United Nations and the African Union to be acknowledged as sovereign states; The Standard Kenya article mimics what has been posted in this forum the past couple of days namely that the US government will help Puntland and Somaliland in security and development terms so as to not lose the stability there and to keep them out of Alshabaab's reach.
  18. I wonder why xaaji has omitted one crucial word from the reporting and why he didn't give its source? Here is the full article: Somalia's peace could be found in unlikely place By Juma Kwayera Kenya is on the verge of recognising the breakaway region of Somaliland and Puntland to get Somali warlords to silence their guns. The two are breakaway regions and have enjoyed relative peace for the last 17 years eliciting view whether they should secede. The two are petitioning the United Nations and the African Union to be acknowledged as sovereign states; different from the other war-ravaged central region that includes the capital Mogadishu. Kenya’s move is seen as one of the many efforts – spreading 20 years – to force the militia in Somalia to end fighting. Ethiopian President Meles Zenawi has been accused of fuelling the conflict in Somalia. A delegation of Kenyan MPs that visited Hargeisa, Somaliland capital, on fact-finding mission after peaceful elections and change of power on June 26, have recommended that Kenya considers engaging diplomatically with the regions regarded as peace enclaves and semi-autonomous entities that have warded off insurgency, piracy, and terrorism. Vital lessons The leader of the delegation, House Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim, told The Standard On Sunday the group’s report is likely to be debated in Parliament as an urgent matter of national importance given its security and economic implications. "In the interest of regional peace, let’s engage with Somaliland. Somaliland has had peace for 17 years and there is a lot the larger Somalia can learn from the relative stability. They combat terrorism and piracy that have been a major threat to international security," says Maalim, MP for Lagdera, which borders volatile Somalia. However, the views of the delegation are unlikely to find favour in Mogadishu. Somali ambassador to Kenya Mohammed Nur told The Standard On Sunday that despite the two-decade old conflict, a unitary state is still the ideal situation. "The problem Somalia faces today is that we have spent too much time in conferences that do not resolve the crisis. What we want friendly countries to do is provide the military and material support to beef up government efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia," says Nur. Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed Sharif kicked off an international campaign last week during his address to the United Nations General Assembly when he appealed for action to stamp out the violence in his country. Nur sees no sense in "more and more conferences". "It is the same message the president will be taking next week to another international conference in Madrid, Spain, that will address Somalia crisis. This is because we are aware the insurgents are threatening regional peace after the Kampala bombing," says the Somali envoy. Positive engagement In its report, the delegation recommends that the Kenya Government should develop a framework for limited engagement with Somali land to promote trade and enhance security in the Horn of Africa. "For those who are able to access education, Kenya should provide assistance because there are many idle youth. The delegations said there should be an international reward for stability," says Maalim. According to the report, lack of international recognition has negatively affected Somaliland, which cannot do business with other governments and multilateral organisations. Now, says Nur, such assistance is available through the non-functioning and fragile Transitional Federal Government led by President Sharif. UN and other friendly states can only provide humanitarian assistance such as food, shelter and medicine, often intercepted by Al Shabab. Maalim says positive engagement would result in peaceful region influencing Somalia. There should be a premium good governance, peace and political stability in the form of funding the operations of police, judiciary and the civil service, which are rather weak for lack of necessary skills," he says. the Somaliland regime, despite limited resources, has arrested and charged 48 hardcore terrorists and pirates. If the Kenyan Parliament approves the report, it will send a signal to the Government to engage and lead the campaign for the recognition of the Republic of Somaliland, as a full member of Inter- Governmental Authority on Development, the African Union, and the United Nations.
  19. Wiilkaaga nuur axmed, adeer nin taleex ku faanaya oo la magac baxay adigoo ah baan la yaabanahay waxa kaa qaylasiiyey uun. Ma cidlaad taagantahay? Adigaana lagugu eedeya laguna xantaa sadbursi iyo kursi reereed ku takri falkeeda. Nin madax ah baad tahay ee waa iga talo siin sida ummadaha jahwareersan ha u hasaawin inaadeer. Adeerkaaga iyo tol sokeeyahaa intaad ka dudey baa hadana na leedahay raggii laascaanood milishiyada keeney baa xoreynaysa. Dantaada eego oo labada Jaamac reerahooda kowda mar haku hor mareen ileen iyagaa maamulka hargeisa keensadaye laascaanood. Tan kale wiilka carada xun la tagtay oo madaxtinimada ku walaan rabo ee xaglotoosiye nin wax soo wado ma ahane yeenan raga ka dambeeya god idin qodin.
  20. Maashaallaah listened to the Radio Garowe programme. Puntland is a peaceful place that has managed against all odds to keep its precious peace and is now commemorating the World Peace Day under it's Youth motto which was by government decreed to all districts, towns, cities and regions of the state to be observed. Well done to the Puntland government and President Faroole for commemorating this day in style.