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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Indeed Galgala should never ever be a hiding place for terrorists! I wish to be it as it was a beautiful mountain terrain rather than an Al-Shabab hideout. It should be as it was look how beautiful and serene it used to be:
  2. War Deg Deg ah:Ciidamo katirsan Puntland oo isku fidiyey Deegaano horleh oo katirsan Galgala. 17. oktober 2010 APL Galgala:(Allpuntland)-Wararka laga helayo Deegaano katirsan Tuulada Galgala ee Gobolka Bari ayaa kusoo waramaya in Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee Dawlada Puntland ay Howlgalo & Iskufidin kasameeyeen Deegaanadaas,islamarkaasna ay Gaareen Deegaano aysan awal ciidanka Dawladu joogin oo ay kusugnaayeen Kooxda Atam. Saraakiil katirsan Ciidanka Daraawiishta ee Dawlada Puntland ayaa APL u sheegey in uguyaraan 10-Xarumood oo ay kooxda Alshabaabka lagu eedeeyo ka qabsadeen ayna ka dheceen Dagaalo aysna wax dhiig ahi ku daadan,waxaana ay Saraakiishu intaas kudareen in Howlgaladu ay si baaxad & Awood ba leh ku bilowdeen. Saraakiishu Waxay sheegeen in Howlgaladii maanta ay kusoo qabqabteen dad badan & Gaadiid la tuhunsanyahay inay Raashiin & Saad kaleba u wadeen Kooxda ay Ciidamada Puntland la dagaalamayeen,waxaana ay sheegeen in ay dhawaan Warbaahinta usoo bandhigi doonaan dhamana dadka ay Qabqabteen & xogaha ku saabsan. Maalmihii lasoo dhaafay waxaa Magaalada Boosaaso siweyn uga socday Diyaar garow ay Ciidamada Dawlada Puntland ugu tabaabushaysanayeen howlaha Galgala,Waxaana ay habeenadii lasoo dhaafay Galgala gaaray ciidamo xoogan & khuburo dhanka Milatariga ah. Wixii Danbe oo kasoo kordha Xaalada cusub ee Deegaanadas APL kalasoco. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  3. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo soo dhaweeyey Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa sheegey in Puntland soo dhoweyneyso magacaabista Ra'isal wasaaraha cusub isagoo carabka ku dhuftey in aaan lagala tashan xulashada xilkaan. Madaxweynaha ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in qof walba oo Somali ah xaq u leeyahay xilkaan hadii uu qaban karo balse sheegey in habkaan xulashada ah ee 4.5 yahay shaqsiyan mid uusan tageersaneyn madaama qaabkii qabaliga ahaa oo leysku laayey salka ku hayo. Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan ayaa uga digey Ra'isal waasaraha cusub madaama uusan aqoon u laheyn dalka iyo dadka inuu gacanta u galo kooxaha danaha gaarka ah leh islamarkaana diidan nidaamka Federaal kaasoo Puntland qayb ka tahay. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegey in Ra'isal wasaaraha cusub looga baahan yahay hirgalintii heshiiskii Galkacayo iyo midkii ka dambeeyey ee maamulka Puntland iyo DFKGM ah ku sixiixdeen Magaalada Nairobi. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland ayaa xusey in Wasiirka Kowaad kordhiyo xiriirka dowlada Federaalka ah la leedahay ururka Ahlu Sunah Wal-jamaca kuwaasoo sheegey in dagaal kula jiraan al-shabaab. Ra'isal wasaraha cusub ayaa xogaha kasoo baxaya taariikh nololedkiisa tilmaamayan inuusan khibrad u lahyn arrimaha guracan ee Somalia islamarkaana dalka ka maqnaa muddo kor u dhaafeysa 30 sano.
  4. The offensive which heavy armed Puntland military units partook in says that the units have taken places near to Madarshoon such as Dhagaxdheere, Karin Xaragode, Dingdigle and Dacareeye. The captured areas/territories lay within the thicket part of the mountains where the small group has erected a hiding/defensive position.
  5. Dowlada Puntland oo howgalo ka biloowday Galgala
  6. Well said Duke, the President also emphasised for the Galkayo Agreement to be implemented and also the Agreement Puntland reached with the TFG in April 2010. He said every Somali has the right to be appointed to the Premiership although he is against the 4.5 formula in which the selection was based upon as it needlessly divides further Somalis and pays no dividends. The President also remarked that there are some who portray and exaggerate Puntland as all powerful within the TFG and that other's have been left behind, these arguments the President said were done out of being selected on sympathy and used politically so they could be elected/selected into positions but was not true and based on a complete lie. The protection of the Federal framework needs to be enhanced from groups who don't want it said the President and that the new Premier has to guard himself of this groups and finish the Federal draft constitution that will help Somalis share power and have a political outlook based on agreement. President Faroole's interview was one of maturity and shows what Puntland State is really about and what they want as the President outlined as the International Community now seems serious about Somalia and its engagement by asking for an additional 20000 troops to be deployed there and the new policy by the US government in which they will deal with Puntland separately. Overall a good interview that has shown Puntland's worth and political maturity.
  7. Gaashan oo sheegay in ay PL taageersan tahay R/W cusub. Puntland - Allidamaale Sabti Oct 16 2010 Wasiirka maamul wanaaga Dowladda PL oo soo dhaweeyay magaacabdi R/W cusub! Wixii ka danbeeyay markii dhawanaa la magacaabay R/wasaare cusub ayaa waxaa guud ahaan laga soo dhaweeyay dalal badan oo ku yaala caalamka, waxaana ka mid ah UN-ka iyo AU-da iyo dhamaan beesha caalamka, Wasiiru dowlaha maamul wanaaga ee dowlada Puntland ayaa soo dhaweeyay Ra'iisal Wasaaraha cusub ee xukuumadda KMG loo magacaabay. Maxamed Faarax Ciise ayaa wuxuu sheegay maamulkiisu inuu taageersan yahay Maxmed C/llaahi Farmaajo xilka uu ka qabtay dowladda KMG,"Waa shaqsi aan aamin sanahay inuu qaban karo howlaha loo dhiibay oo aqoon ay ka muuqato," ayuu yiri Maxmed Faarax Ciise. R/wasaaraha cusub ee xukuumadda KMG Max'ed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa markii la magacaabay waxaa uu balan qaaday inuu xooga saarayo nabad gelyada iyo inuu soo dhisayo xukuumad tayo leh oo wax ka bedesha xaaladda dalku ku sugan yahay. XafiiskaWarqabadka Shabakada Allidamaale Muqdisho Edition
  8. True GD! Madaxweynaha Puntland oo soo dhaweeyay magacaabista Raiisul wasaaraha cusub ee DFKM Posted to the Web Oct 16, 13:11 Garoowe:-Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland Dr. C/raxmaan Sh.Maxamed Faroole ayaa markii ugu horaysay waxaa uu ka hadlay magacaabida Raiisul wasaaraha cusub ee DFKM waxaan uu sheegay in Raiisul Wasaaaraha cusub uu soo dhaweynayo. Madaxweyne dowlllada Puntlland Dr. C/raxmaan Shiikh Maxamed Faroole oo maanta u waramayey Idaacada BBC-da ayaa sheegay inuu soo dhaweynayo magacaabida Raiisul Wasaaraha cusub ee DFKM ah, balse waxaa uu xusay in Madaxweyne DFKM Shiikh Shariif Sh.Axmed uusan kala tashanin Puntlland qaabka xulashada Raiisul Wasaaraha haddii Raiisull Wasaaruhu ku xumaadan masuuliyadeeda waxaa qaadaya Madaxweynaha DFKM balse waxaa uu soo dhaweeyey Raiisul Wasaaraha cusub ee DFKM. Madaxweyne dowlllada Puntlland Dr C/raxmaan Sh.Maxamed Faroole ayaa sheegay inuu Raiisul wasaaraha cusub laga sugayo in uu sii wado hishiiskii u dhexeeyey DFKM iyo Puntlland iyo in uu sii wado dhamaystirka dastuurka cusub kana fogaado kooxo uu Faroole ku sheegay in ay leeyihiin dasno gaar ah. Halkaan ka dhagayso waraysiga Idaacada BBC-da ay la yeelatay Madaxweyne Puntland Dr C/raxmaan Sh. Maxamed Faroole A/cawaale
  9. Madaxweynaha PL oo ka hadley Ra'isal wasaraha cusub 16 Oct 16, 2010 - 5:32:34 AM Madaxweynaha oo wareysi siiyey laanta Af-Somaliga ee BBC ayaa sheegey in Puntland soo dhoweyneyso magacaabista Ra'isal wasaaraha cusub isagoo carabka ku dhuftey in aaan lagala tashan xulashada xilkaan. Mud. Farole ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in qof walba oo Somali ah xaq u leeyahay xilkaan hadii uu qaban karo balse sheegey in habkaan xulashada ah ee 4.5 yahay shaqsiyan mid uusan tageersaneyn madaama qaabkii qabaliga ahaa oo leysku laayey salka ku hayo. Madaxweyne Farole ayaa uga digey Ra'isal waasaraha cusub madaama uusan aqoon u laheyn dalka iyo dadka inuu gacanta u galo kooxaha danaha gaarka ah leh islamarkaana diidan nidaamka Federaal kaasoo Puntland qayb ka tahay. Madaxweynaha Puntlnad ayaa sheegey in Ra'isal wasaaraha cusub looga baahan yahay hirgalintii heshiiskii Galkacayo iyo midkii ka dambeeyey ee maamulka Puntland iyo DFKGM ah ku sixiixdeen magaalada Nairobi. Dhinaca kale Mud. Farole ayaa xusey in Wasiirka Kowaad kordhiyo xiriirka dowlada Federaalka ah la leedahay ururka Ahlu Sunah Wal-jamaca kuwaasoo sheegey in dagaal kula jiraan al-shabaab. Ra'isal wasaraha cusub ayaa xogaha kasoo baxaya taariikh nololedkiisa tilmaamayan inuusan khibrad u lahyn arrimaha guracan ee Somalia islamarkaana dalka ka maqnaa muddo kor u dhaafeysa 30 sano. Dhageyso Wareysiga Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole GAROWEONLINE
  10. Madaxweynaha Puntland Oo Soo Dhoweeyay Xilmagacaabista Ra’isulwasaaraha Cusub. Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Garowe (RBC Radio):- Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Mudane C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) ayaa maanta ka hadlay isla markaana soo dhaweeyay xilmagacaabista Ra’isulwasaaraha cusub ee dawladda FKMG Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha Puntland waxaa uu sheegay in jagada Ra’isulwasaaraha aysan aheyn mid cid gaar ah ay leedahay balse ay Soomaalida oo dhan u siman tahay loona magacaabi karo cid kasta oo loo arko in ay ka soo bixi karto, waxaa uuna ka soo horjeestay go’aanka jagadaasi siinaya cid gaar ah. Mudane C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in Ra’isulwasaaraha cusub ee xilka loo magacaabay looga fadhiyo in uu horey u socodsiiyo shaqada looga fadhiyo isla markaana wuxuu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in uu fiiriyo waqtiga kooban ee uu heysto oo laga doonayo in uu shaqo balaaran ku qabto. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa Ra’isulwasaaraha cusub waxaa uu sheegay in looga baahan yahay in uu dhowro isla markaana fuliyo heshiisyadii Puntland iyo Dawladda FKMG Soomaaliya dhexmaray, gaar ahaan labadii heshiis ee ka kala dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug iyo magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Mar uu soo hadal qaadey arimaha ka jira dalka Soomaaliya waxaa uu yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland “Ra’isulwasaaraha cusub sida aan ku maqley warbaahinta waa nin mudo farabadan dalka ka maqnaa waxaan leeyahay waxaa jira dad xafiisyada ku gaaf wareega oo ka shaqeeya arimaha isku dhifashada iyo wax xun ka gudbinta, marka waxaan kaaga digayaa in aad noqoto qof si xun loo adeegsado, mar walbana ka fogow kuwa fikirka noocaasi ah qaba”. Hadalka Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa laga dhadhansanayey in uu aad ugu adkeysanayo tixgelinta maamulkiisa, waxaa uuna soo hadal qaadey deeqaha dawladda FKMG Soomaaliya ay ka hesho wadamada Caalamka, kuwaasi oo Madaxweynaha Puntland uu ka dhawaajiyey in la rabo in si xaq ah loo qeybsado oo maamulka Puntland qeybtiisa la soo gaarsiiyo. Waa mas’uulkii ugu horeeyay ee ka hadla xil magacaabista Ra’isulwasaaraha cusub ee Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed (Faramaajo) kaasi oo 14 october Madaxweyne Shariif uu u magacaabay xilka Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya. RBC Radio.
  11. Garoowe:Madaxweynaha Puntland oo soo dhaweeyey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya. 16. oktober 2010 APL Garoowe(Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa markii ugu horaysay ka hadashay magacaabistii uu dhawaan sameeyey Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya kaas oo uu magacaabay kadib markii uu iscasilay Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya,Waxaana ay Dawlada Puntland sheegtay inay soo dhaweynayso Ra’iisul Wasaaraha cusub. Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Dr,Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) ayaa sheegey in Dawladiisu ay soo dhaweynayso Mas’uulkan cusub islamarkaasna ay ula shaqeyn doonto qaabkii ay ula shaqaysay kuwii isaga ka horeeyey,waxaana uu meesha ka saaray in Puntland ay marna kasoo horjeesatay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Cusub. Mr,Faroole Wuxuu sheegey in Dawlada Puntland ay taageerayso cidkasta oo xilka qabata islamarkaasna diyaar u ah sidii ay Soomaaliya Dawladnimadeedii usoo celin lahayd,Waxaana uu sheegey in dawladiisu ay markasta ka go’antahay Caawinta & kaalmeynta xukuumada jilicsan ee Soomaaliya kajira. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu baaq udiray Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya oo uu sheegey in looga fadhiyo wax kaqabashada xaalada murugsan ee Soomaaliya & Siyaasada dibada oo uu sheegey in Kooxo Calooshooda u shaqaystayaal ahi ay ku qaraabtaan,waxaana uu si gaar ah farta ugu fiiqay heshiisyadii Puntland & Dawlada Kumeel gaarka ah oo uu sheegey in loo baahanyahay in halkoodii laga siiwado. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  12. Somalia: Puntland pres welcomes new PM, cautions on federalism 16 Oct 16, 2010 - 6:39:57 AM The president of Somalia's Puntland State government has welcomed the appointment of the Horn of Africa country's newest Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi "Farmajo," while strictly underlining Puntland's expectation that the new PM will advance federalism in Somalia, Radio Garowe reports. Abdirahman Farole --President of Puntland Abdirahman Farole --President of Puntland Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, Puntland's elected president, told the BBC Somali Service during a Saturday interview from his office in the Puntland capital of Garowe that the new Prime Minister has every right to hold the office. "I do not know him personally, but I have heard that he is an educated man," President Farole said, referring to Mr. Farmajo, the new PM appointed by the President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. President Farole said the new PM was selected through the 4.5 power-sharing formula, which was designed for Somalia in the year 2000. But Puntland's leader expressed his dissatisfaction with such a formula: "It was necessary to fill the vacant office of the Prime Minister and we welcome Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi…I think he came to office through the 4.5 system which I have always opposed and which I think further divides the Somali people." Farole emphasized that "any Somali from any region has a right to be appointed as Prime Minister" as long as that individual qualifies for the position. President Farole returned to Puntland this week after a weeks-long trip to neighboring countries, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Yemen, where he met with leaders and discussed the advancement of common security, economic cooperation and regional integration. Will Puntland work with TFG? The BBC interviewer asked President Farole whether or not the Puntland government will cooperate closely with the administration of the incoming Prime Minister, who still needs a parliamentary vote to confirm his position. Farole said there is "plenty of misinformation" about TFG-Puntland relations. "The President [sheikh Sharif] did not consult us [Puntland], and he used his presidential authority and consulted whoever he finds confidence in," Farole said, adding: "So if tomorrow the Prime Minister does something wrong, Puntland will not be blamed." Puntland's leader went on to highlight the key areas of cooperation between Somalia's interim federal government (TFG) and federal states, such as Puntland. "Our primary concern is that the cooperation between TFG and Puntland must continue and he [PM-appointee Farmajo] must work under and strengthen the federal system. There are many suspicions about anti-federal groups," President Farole said, whilst indirectly referring to politicians in Mogadishu who work for the TFG but oppose the federal system for Somalia. Farole cited two agreements – the Galkayo Agreement signed in Aug. 2009 and a supplemental agreement signed in Nairobi in April 2010 – as documents that lay down the framework for cooperation between the TFG and Puntland, the TFG's strongest domestic backer since the TFG was established in 2004. Farole said: "W e expect that whatever is donated to Somalia by the international community, that Puntland receives its share: such as the training of Somali troops and other defensive support." It is the first time that a Puntland native is not holding one of the two top positions in the TFG since its formation in 2004. Mr. Farmajo, while he shares ***** clan-family lineage with Puntland, hails from Gedo region in southern Somalia. "Also, we expect the new Prime Minister to continue cooperation with the Ahlu Sunna faction who are fighting against this group running with fire," President Farole, referring to Al Shabaab insurgents. Yesterday, fighting heavy between Ahlu Sunna militia and Al Shabaab insurgents erupted again in the central regions, particularly in Galgadud region where the two groups have been fighting since late 2008. President Farole cautioned the incoming Prime Minister that "time is short" and urged him to "stay away from anything that antagonizes Puntland." Consultation and cooperation Puntland's leader said that the TFG and Puntland have many things to cooperate on and that the way forward with the incoming Prime Minister "should open a new chapter" of cooperation. Farole said: "Our position is very clear. We will cooperate on domestic issues such as security, and on international issues because Puntland [also] as a voice...most recently, the U.S. government declared that it wants to work with Puntland separately, while supporting the TFG in Mogadishu." President Farole said he has "many concerns and suspicions" about anti-federal groups in Mogadishu, the seat of the TFG and home to 6,200-strong African Union peacekeeping force known as AMISOM. "We expect the new Prime Minister and the TFG to work on the principles of consultation and cooperation, and to complete all disputes through dialogue," President Farole said. He referred to the resignation of former TFG Prime Minister, Mr. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake, who resigned on Sept. 21, 2010, after months-long dispute with President Sharif. "I call on the new Prime Minister to complete the new constitution, which stipulates power-sharing between federal and state governments in policy, natural resources, revenue, and all other areas aimed at rebuilding the Somali nation-state," Farole said. President Farole suggested that the dispute between President Sharif and former PM Sharmake was rooted in the Draft Federal Constititution, which has been prepared with U.N. support and input from legal experts. President Sharif has publicly criticized the new Draft Federal Constitution, which is designed to replace the Transitional Federal Charter of 2004 as Somalia's permanent constitution. Farole cautioned the incoming Prime Minister: "I want to tell you that you have been away from this country for too long. What you can leave behind is a legacy. Your office should not be used by special interest groups or those explicitly opposed to Puntland." Somalia's last effective central government collapsed in 1991 when the country plunged into civil war. In 2004, the TFG was established following a two-year peace process in neighboring Kenya. Puntland, located at the northeastern tip of Somalia, declared autonomy in 1998 and has enjoyed relative stabilty and orderly elections. GAROWE ONLINE
  13. Congrats to the new PM! I hope that Mahamed Abdullahi Mahamed succeeds in transitioning this government the few months it has and delivers the task in this short time the best he can. Hambalyo to him and his family.
  14. Promotion of the nonsense killing as a political issue must stop also. A great line by Duke again! He hit it straight on and in the naked eye. The truth can be such brutal at times but it is needed as without it we cannot live. Or we live a lie and in denial such as the shallow Atam supporters amongst these boards here.
  15. Is it the time of the year again when Che is pretending to be from Burtinle again? (Sorry didn't meant to be it bad and it's not original as well as it belongs to Duke). PS. If Shariif is sensible he will pick Md. Xuseen Xaaji Khaliif Jaamac Catoosh!
  16. M/weyne Faroole & waftigiisa oo la kulmay M/weynaha dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saaalax. Sanca, Oct 08 - Waxaa maalmihii la soo dhaafay safar hawleed ku joogay dalka Yemen wafti uu hogaaminayo M/weynaha Puntland C/raxamaan Maxamed Faroole. Waftiga M/weyne Faroole iyo waftigiisa ayaa maanta la kulmay M/weynaha dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo martiqaad u fidiyey waftiga. Kulanka labada mas'uul ayaa lagy gorfeeyey iskaashi dhinacyada amniga, dhaqaalaha oo dhex mara labada ummadood, iyada sidoo kalena lagu gorfeeyey siyaasada murugsan ee Somaliya. Yemen ayaa ka mid ah wadamada daneeya arrimaha Somaliya, taageerana u fidisa shacabka Somaliya. Waxaa ku nool dalka Yemen qaxooti tira badan oo Somali ah, xaaladooda nololeedna ay liidato. M/weyne Faroole ayaa waxaa safarka ku weheliya xubno uu ka mid yahay wasiirka amniga ee Puntland Gen. C/llahi Axmed Jaamac 'Ilkajiir'. Waftiga M/weynaha ayaa hore ula kulmay wasiirada arrimaha gudaha & warfaafinta ee dalka Yemen. Mudadaii uu waftiga M/weyne Faroole ku sugnaa magaalada Sanca ee dalka Yemen waxaa uu la kulmay C/llahi Yusuf Axmed, M/weynihii hore ee dawlada federaalka ah ee Somaliya, ahaana M/weynihii hore ee dawlada Puntland. Labada mas'uul ayaa kulamadooda ku gorfeeyey adkaynta amniga ee gobolka, midnimada shacabka Puntland, iyo horumarka bulsheed ee Puntland. Waftiga M/weyne Faroole oo hore safar hawleed ugu maray dalalka Ethiopia & Jabuuti ayaa lagu wadaa in uu dalka dib ugu soo laabto maalmaha soo socda. Diiwaanka Wararka, Idaacada Daljir.
  17. Here are more Pictures of Sanaa and the Presidents meeting with Yemen's Foreign Minister AL-Qirbi
  18. President Farole meets with Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qirbi, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Yemen.