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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo Furay Kalfadhigii 25aad ee golaha wakiilada Puntland. Madaxwaynaha Puntland C/raxmaan maxamed Maxamuud Farolle ayaa maanta si rasmi ah u furay kalfadhigii 25 aad ee golaha wakiilada Puntland, oo maantana uu shir gudoominayey Gudoomiyaha barlamaanka Puntland iyo labadiisa ku xigeen. Waxaa goobjoog aha oo soo xaadiray maanta furitaankii kalfadhiga 46 Xildhibaan, Gudoomiyaha barlamaanka Puntland C/rashiid Maxamed Xirsi oo isagu ka hadlay kulanka barlamaanka ayaa sheegay in Mudanayaashu kaga doodayaan qodobo ay ka mid yihiin ansixinta Misaaniyada iyo kuwa kale oo ay ka mid yihiin xeerka doorashooyinka oo horay ay u soo ansixiyeen Golaha xukumadu. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa isna lagu soo dhaweeyay Microphonka, waxaanu halkaasi ka jeediyay Qudbad dhinacyo badan taabaneysa oo uu siweyn ugaga sheekeynayo xaalada iminka ee dalka. Madaxwaynaha Puntland C/raxmam Maxamed Maxauud Faroole oo qudabadiisii oo kuwada saabsanayd dagaaladii dhawaan ay mamulkiisu la galay Maxamed Siciid atam in ay ka saareen burihii in badan ay isku hor fadhiyeen. Madaxwaynuhu waxaa kale uu uga waramay barlamaanka Safaradii uu ku tagay Dalalka dariska siada itoobiya yeman iyo Jabuti isagoona sheegay in dhamaantood ujeedooyinkii uu u tagay ay ku soo dhamaadeen si fiican. Inta uu kalfadhigaani soconayo waxaa mudanayashu ay ka doodayaan qodob badan kuwaas oo ay ku lafa guri doonaan ansixinta miisaaniyada oo dowladu ka codsatay in ay mudo siiyaan ay ku soo gudbiso si mudanayashu si ay uga doodaan C/Naasir Yaasiin Salaad SBC International- Garoowe
  2. Garoowe: ”Dagaal ka bacdi xagee wajiga la saarayaa. Maxaa la iska rabaa?” Madaxweyne Faroole oo sheegey inay Qaban doonaan Shir kusaabsan Ayaaha Puntland. 31. oktober 2010 Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Dr,Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa sheegey in Xukuumadiisu ay Imika si rasmi ah ugu guulasatay soo afjarida Kooxdii Galgala oo uu Maxamed Siciid Atam horkacayey kuwaas oo ay Xukuumadu dagaalo culus lagashay mudooyinkii lasoo dhaafay. Madaxweynuhu Wuxuu sheegey in Xukuumadu ay Dagaaladii u danbeeyey guud ahaanba ku qabsatay Deegaanadii talisyada u ahaa Kooxdaas,waxaana uu sheegey in Hubkii & Agabkii kale ee ay Kooxdii Galgala haysatay oo qaarkood Casri ahaa ay dawladu gacanta ku hayso. Dhinaca kale Madaxweyne Faroole Wuxuu sheegey in Dawladu ay Qorshaynayso Shir ay isugu yeeri doonto Qaarkamid ah Waxgaradka Puntland oo uu sheegey inay koobnaan doonaan kuwaas oo ka talin doona islamarkaasna ka fakari doona Xaalada Gudaha Puntland & halka ay Xukuumadu wajahayso Dagaalkii Galgala kadib. “Shir baan Qaban Doonaa sidii aanu awalba horey u balanqaadnay Bishii Augosto Kowdeedii (Sanad Guuradii 12-aad ee Dhismaha Puntland) Shirbaanu qaban Doonaa Dagaal ka bacdi,Xagee wajiga la saarayaa? maxaa la iska rabaa? Oo aanu Waxgarad kooban oo kataliya U yeeri doona Arintaasuna (Inshaallaah) Dhawaan bay qabsoomi doontaa” Ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland oo maanta warbixin siinayey Golaha Wakiilada Puntland oo uu ufurmay Kalfadhigoodii 25-aad. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  3. Somaliland is becoming Africa's 'terrorism secret' SATURDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2010 01:07 WRITTEN BY GAROWE ONLINE GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | This week's revelation that senior officials in Somaliland's intelligence organization were actively involved in aiding Al Shabaab terrorists is reflective of Somaliland's secretive support for terror groups who destabilize southern Somalia (incl. Mogadishu) and more recently, the stable neighboring State of Puntland. The lies are quickly falling apart – and a make-belief "independent Republic" is finding itself increasingly under the shameful shadow of failure. International delegations, from the UK, Denmark and even Horn of Africa regional power Ethiopia, have visited the self-declared "Republic of Somaliland" in recent months declaring what Somaliland' s leaders have always known: international recognition is not coming. The propaganda reels quickly come to mind: young men and women, wearing bright colors representative of Somaliland's flag, actively engaged in demonstrations or standing in long voting lines. Generations lied to and misled by their politicians, forced to stand under the scorching sun in shameful lines at voting centers or protesting in front of Western embassies around the world, parading their disgraceful but well-constructed lies.
  4. Read more about who Saciid Salah Caynab was here and detailed descripition of Somaliland becoming Africa's 'Secret Terrroism' here
  5. Best Article so far, which shockingly reveals the truth about the seccessionists covert operations in Puntland and beyond to aid the terrorists and the lies of Somaliland behind their seccession and the ignorant masses that it lies to. Good read enjoy it. Copyrighted Garowe Online Editorial. Read here
  6. Somaliland's support for instability and terrorism This week's revelation that senior officials in Somaliland's intelligence organization were actively involved in aiding Al Shabaab terrorists is reflective of Somaliland's secretive support for terror groups who destabilize southern Somalia (incl. Mogadishu) and more recently, the stable neighboring State of Puntland. With the Grace of Allah, Puntland troops overwhelmed Al Shabaab terrorists in Galgala hills area who were formerly led by Mr. Mohamed Said Atom – a man on U.S. wanted list but who now lives in Burao, a town controlled by Somaliland authorities. READ: Somalia: Al Shabaab rebel Atom 'hiding in Somaliland': Report

The revelation was declared by the Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA) – a covert organization in Puntland trained and supported by U.S. counterterrorism agencies based in Djibouti. According to the PIA, a Somaliland intelligence official was named Said Salah Eynab who was killed in action in the Galgala area by Puntland government troops while "fighting alongside Al Shabaab". Puntland government documents obtained by Garowe Online dating back to 2006 indicate that Somaliland's administration supported Atom's militia in Galgala area as a way to open a war front against Puntland. The idea was quite simple: with Mogadishu at war, it was only the stability of Puntland that threatened to break apart Somaliland's grand lie of saying: "Somaliland is peaceful while Somalia burns". So Somaliland actively supported terrorist groups, even turned a blind eye to the active recruitment by Al Shabaab in Burao town, in order to start a war in Puntland. But when Puntland government forces began to crush the Al Shabaab insurgents, and Atom ran to the terrorist safe houses in Burao, Somaliland Interior Minister Mohamed Abdi Gabose begun speaking softly towards Puntland for the first time in Somaliland' s militaristic history. Gabose held two separate press conferences – both held as Puntland troops stormed up mountains and hunted down the terrorists (coincidence?). Somaliland knew Puntland was winning the war too fast – and they sought to portray themselves publicly as those seeking peace and "security cooperation" with Puntland. Somaliland must allow its public to regain self-confidence and lost identity. Blaming all of Somalia's ills on Mogadishu while parading Somaliland as the "angel of East Africa" is simply the politics of amateurs who believe they are smarter than everyone else, only to find an empty house later. Yes, there is much to praise about the Somaliland people's struggle to rebuild bombarded cities in Hargeisa and Burao, but the Somaliland government's covert support for terrorism and allowing Al Shabaab recruitment inside major towns in Somaliland is something with long-term consequence for the people of Somaliland, who should be aware of their own government's activities. The people of Somaliland must come to realize that the unending pursuit of a dream called recognition comes with a heavy price. Today's Somaliland is not different than any other part of Somalia in terms of economic, development or social indicators. Like all fellow Somalis, Somaliland's elite are exiled in the West and Somaliland youth are paying human smugglers in increasing numbers to reach the Middle East and beyond, due to the extremely desperate conditions on the ground. Somaliland's government should invest in its population, in creating educational and employment opportunties for youth, instead of funding clan wars and military aggression in Sool region or covertly aiding Al Shabaab terrorists to destabilize Mogadishu and Puntland. It is somewhat understandable that Somaliland's ***** clan suffers inferiority complex in the face of a perpetual ******-***** struggle for dominance in Somalia since the country's independence in 1960, but peace and stability should never be sacrificed for emotional sentiment and historical revisionism.
  7. Claiming genocide, committing injustice What is appalling is that Somaliland's ***** community, who unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, complains consistently about "genocide" and mass displacement of civilians committed by the Barre regime in 1988. Ideally, those who suffered such a fate fully know to respect and to abide by the laws of justice more than those who did not experience such a fate. However, it was different in Somaliland. The ***** clans united militarily to attack, occupy and subjugate the ***** communities in northern Somalia on the basis of a mythical border. In the process, ***** communities who survived Somalia's only true genocide in Mogadishu in 1991, when ******-based USC militia targeted, maimed, massacred and uprooted ***** communities from Mogadishu after Barre's violent ouster, were again forced to flee their homes under a Somaliland military assault. What great injustice committed by those who claim to have suffered "genocide" under Barre's dictatorship. It is Garowe Online's resolute position that the Somali National Army's war and bombardment of Hargeisa and Burao in 1988 was not "genocide" – it is not different than the daily bombardment of Mogadishu by Western-funded African Union peacekeepers (AMISOM) fighting an insurgency that threatens to bring down Somalia's weak and chronically corrupt Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Mogadishu. In 1988, when *****-based SNM militia seized control of Hargeisa and Burao in an anti-government insurgency, the Somali government overreacted with excessive military force to kill or capture clan-based (*****) insurgents who threatened the Somali government and national security. During that time, Somali government troops were not going house-to-house to massacre civilians after asking them, "Are you *****?" Of course, in the Mogadishu of 1991, ******-based USC militia were going house-to-house or stopping civilians randomly on Mogadishu streets to ask the hated question, "Yaa tahay?" (which clan are you?) If you said *****, you were killed or raped – man, woman, young or old. That is the legal definition of genocide: when people are deliberately and systematically targeted and persecuted purely for their identity, which is far different from a government offensive against insurgents. In 1988, Somali government forces were defending the nation against all insurgents, whether SSDF, SPM, USC or SNM, which are all clan-based insurgent groups. Today, AMISOM peacekeepers are defending Mogadishu against Al Shabaab insurgents – and so AMISOM's military offensive against insurgents in Mogadishu is sanctioned by world powers and international organizations, such as the United Nations. This is because the following premise always holds true: governments have the justification and the right to defend against all aggressors or insurgents who threaten national security. Sometimes, governments can have a heavy-handed response, as was the case in 1988 conflict in retrospect. But the premise of government defense against insurgents was justified, while the method's brutality can be left for historical analysis.
  8. Somaliland is becoming Africa's 'terrorism secret' GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | This week's revelation that senior officials in Somaliland's intelligence organization were actively involved in aiding Al Shabaab terrorists is reflective of Somaliland's secretive support for terror groups who destabilize southern Somalia (incl. Mogadishu) and more recently, the stable neighboring State of Puntland. The lies are quickly falling apart – and a make-belief "independent Republi" is finding itself increasingly under the shameful shadow of failure. International delegations, from the UK, Denmark and even Horn of Africa regional power Ethiopia, have visited the self-declared "Republic of Somaliland" in recent months declaring what Somaliland' s leaders have always known: international recognition is not coming. The propaganda reels quickly come to mind: young men and women, wearing bright colors representative of Somaliland's flag, actively engaged in demonstrations or standing in long voting lines. Generations lied to and misled by their politicians, forced to stand under the scorching sun in shameful lines at voting centers or protesting in front of Western embassies around the world, parading their disgraceful but well-constructed lies. Democracy and voting are positive developments, but what is more positive is seeking peace and stability in the Horn of Africa sub-region and pursuing domestic economic opportunities to benefit the masses who stand in the sun. And so Somaliland's lies have changed every few years, but what has remained absolutely consistent is the politicians' underlying desire to keep the population of Somaliland in the dark. Before Somaliland's military aggression began in Oct. 2007, when upwards of 50,000 civilians were displaced from their homes according to U.N. estimates, Somaliland's leaders said that if Somaliland "seizes the eastern border" – a mythical border with no international significance – that Somaliland will be recognized. So Somaliland's clan-based constituency – drawn almost exclusively from the ***** clan of *** clan-family that inhabits most of northwest Somalia – supported a war of aggression against ***** communities (of ***** clan-family) that calls home Sool and Sanaag regions of Puntland State of Somalia. With blood spilt, with civilians displaced, recognition did not come. So the newest lie was that Somaliland's presidential election, held on June 26 after two-years of illegal and constitutional delays, will bring recognition.The theme of a lie is consistent, but the mechanics of the lie have shifted somewhat
  9. I forgot that I was responsible for sending out the automated October message from the Saudi King. Although a couple of days late but alas it still October. Belated October greetings from the Saudi King.
  10. Xiin I agree with you here in essence. Barre couldn't hold on to Beledhawo even though it was handed to him. They say they lacked objective and a mission statement and were compromised of different allegiances and could not agree on the power structure of the newly captured city and thus retreated back to Doolow. Even the battle in Xamar is futile and totally illogic and in fact a trap to keep TFG government in name only. What symbol has it to keep Makka Al-Mukkarama road and a few blocks that are less than 4 Square kilometres long, whilst also not able to advance and capture the whole city? What are they achieving here? It's clear that Amisom is the only beneficiary here but the country is kept in limbo and the TFG should have long ago seen through this and said 'this isn't working'. Afterall it's military troops are trained in far off countries such as Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya who are thousand kilometres away and equally it's police force is trained in far away countries and Armo Police Academy in Puntland which is 1000 kms away from Mogadishu. What purpose does it serve to keep the airport strip, the port, the Presidential palace and one road in the city apart from mere symbolism for arguments and prides sake for the West that there's a government which in itself is a lie. The TFG controls only the above mentioned installations and that with the help of 5000 African Peace keepers called Amisom in the south-central corridor of the country. No where else does it have a presence as the Ahlusunnah group controls the little that is left in Galgadud and Mudug regions of South-Central Somalia. So the begging question is why doesn't the government relocate to an outside place such as Puntland where they can use the army barracks and infrastructure there and the government could recruit its army and conduct it's training there? What is it preventing them? There's no way they can train or even recruit their troops in the little installations their control or even in the Ahlu-sunnah controlled areas. The US-Strategy has to be rethought and Mogadishu must be struck off its capital status or a temporary seat of the government must be passed through the Parliament that is if peace shall prevail. However I see IGAD and the AU foremost with the help of the USA milking as much as possible benefit they can get out of the weak governments presence in Mogadishu and that they're not serious with the backing of the government they created themselves in Djibouti.
  11. Great Progress, the Presidents trips abroad with the likes of Awaare who is an insider in such affairs always are productive and produce opportunities such success stories as this one and it is clear that the President was hard at working because there's always a follow up and a delegation of sorts visiting Puntland in return as a direct result of the meetings the President held abroad.
  12. Great Progress, the Presidents trips abroad with the likes of Awaare who is an insider in such affairs always are productive and produce opportunities such success stories as this one and it is clear that the President was hard at working because there's always a follow up and a delegation of sorts visiting Puntland in return as a direct result of the meetings the President held abroad.
  13. This must be one of Barre's ingenious and famous tactical retreats whereby he insinuates himself at the outskirts of the city against Shabab's fury, only to lure them to the death valleys nearby as Gabbal hinted. And there was the simple me who thought the only insinuating Barre did for him self and his militia was making sure that the might of our neighbour Ethiopia is in front of them rather than behind them.
  14. Somali Women Peace Dialogue Conference Garowe, Puntland Somalia October 25 - 27 2010
  15. The secessionists are truly rattled. That's why they're reacting to this news in such a hostile way. But it's only the beginning. This will not stop at here and tonight only. Inshaallah many more relevations will come to the surface. The secessionists double dealings and dubious interactions/alliance with Alshabab has been exposed. The secessionist thought they were smart and killing two birds with one stone by using Alshabab but they have been found out lacking as seen with the death of Agent Caynab in the high mountains of Calmadow in Galgala and other agents whose identities have been revealed to the outside world by Puntland Intelligence sources.
  16. GLK, have you read the first page of the thread? I believe there's something like 'LSK is the only one that can update pictures and fadlan do not add any of yours as it is his baby thread' or something along those lines. Anyhow Beautiful picutres you got there LSK. Keep them coming loved the Goldogob and Calmadow one. Indeed Puntland has different sceneries and outstanding landscape that differ greatly such as panoramic Calmadow and idyllic but harsh terrain of Goldogob perspectively.
  17. ^It seems Somliland wasn't the only one playing foul? The guy has been pretended to be a girl? How strange. But in this world you see everything.
  18. Dagaaladii Galgala oo ahaa Qorsho ay iska kaashadeen SL,Shabaab, shaqsiyaad iyo magacyo saraakiil SL ah oo ku geriooyaday oo la shaaciyay.
  19. ^As if the death of David Rose wasn't shock enough for the orphans of the queen and then this. It is embarrassing and the seccessionists are feeling the heat that's why the outcry of some and other's calling for silence on the matter.
  20. This is an epic failure of high proportions but the truth is that it was a major miscalculation that will backfire. Somaliland supported in the past destabilising forces in Puntland and they cooperated with Al-Itixaad in the early 90's together with the USC and even as late as 2002. Puntland goverment even has documents in 2006 whereby Somaliland's meddling and destabilising actions have been held on record. This entity is up to no good and when it comes to destabilising peaceful Puntland the secessionists throw caution and judgement out of the window. They cannot stand Puntland.
  21. Indeed, Somaliland has followed the path of Eritrea but this time without covering up its footprint. This is a major debacle and failure and the Puntland Intelligence's report and evidence will further usher to the International Community Somalilands long standing meddling in Puntland's internal affairs also it's alliance with Al-Shabab in the south of the country and Burco's infamous status as a Al-Shabab centre of operations, hiding&resting place and recruitment centre. Very damaging indeed.
  22. Somaliland Predictions Bearing Out: al-Shabaab Terrorist Group Empowered; Ethiopia May React. Written by Defense & Foreign Affairs The Republic of Somaliland’s incoming President, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, on July 28, 2010, announced his new Cabinet, but the formation of the Government has done little to stem the internecine squabbling within the ruling Kulmiye party, but has opened – as predicted – the Government to the al-Shabaab terrorist movement. Significantly, the outgoing Pres. Dahir Rayale Kahin’s UDUP Government of Somaliland had held the line against al-Shabaab and the Islamists. Dr Mohamed Abdi Gaboose, a radical Islamist and longtime associate of the new President, was named Minister of Interior and Domestic Affairs. He is a member of the X-Tribe, and, as noted by Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis of July 14, 2010, has strong personal connections with al-Shabaab. His new position places him in direct control of internal security and intelligence, and thus overcomes all of the efforts of the previous Government to work with the Western states against al-Qaida-linked terrorist groups, such as al-Shabaab. Pres. Silanyo’s medical condition – due to his advanced Type One diabetes – means that he is not in full control of the transforming political situation, but the trend of pan-Somalist and pan-Islamist activities already means that Somaliland has become less-than-reliable ally to neighboring Ethiopia. This has fully justified the faith of the governments of Eritrea, Iran, and possibly Egypt, in supporting Kulmiye. However, the Ethiopian Government – which itself had expressed concern that UDUP leader Kahin was not up to facing the challenge from Kulmiye – has been preparing to respond. This is of prime importance to Ethiopia, given that Somaliland’s port of Berbera has become a significant trade link for Ethiopia. Military action by Ethiopia against Somaliland-based al-Shabaab terrorists is entirely feasible. Meanwhile, Dr Mohamed Abdullahi Omar was named Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Government, highlighting the fact that the new Administration places a low priority on foreign affairs, and intends to pursue its “foreign policy” within the framework of neighboring Somalia, Eritrea, and Iran. The US Government did not send a representative to witness the transition of power from Pres. Kahin to Pres. Silanyo, and it now seems less than likely that Washington will help promote the sovereign recognition which Hargeisa had been seeking. The Kulmiye Government continues to claim that it seeks this recognition of Somaliland sovereignty, which is what most of Kulmiye’s traditional support base wants. However, the reality is that the “new Kulmiye”, now dominated by Islamists, will not seek to integrate with a broader international community. In the meantime, al-Shabaab is working to expand its operations throughout the Horn of Africa and down as far as Burundi while beginning to expand its contacts with other jihadist and new-salafist groups throughout the Middle East, the Maghreb, and West Africa. From GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Station, Hargeisa. Source:
  23. Somaliland Predictions Bearing Out: al-Shabaab Terrorist Group Empowered; Ethiopia May React. Written by Defense & Foreign Affairs The Republic of Somaliland’s incoming President, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, on July 28, 2010, announced his new Cabinet, but the formation of the Government has done little to stem the internecine squabbling within the ruling Kulmiye party, but has opened – as predicted – the Government to the al-Shabaab terrorist movement. Significantly, the outgoing Pres. Dahir Rayale Kahin’s UDUP Government of Somaliland had held the line against al-Shabaab and the Islamists. Dr Mohamed Abdi Gaboose, a radical Islamist and longtime associate of the new President, was named Minister of Interior and Domestic Affairs. He is a member of the X-Tribe, and, as noted by Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis of July 14, 2010, has strong personal connections with al-Shabaab. His new position places him in direct control of internal security and intelligence, and thus overcomes all of the efforts of the previous Government to work with the Western states against al-Qaida-linked terrorist groups, such as al-Shabaab. Pres. Silanyo’s medical condition – due to his advanced Type One diabetes – means that he is not in full control of the transforming political situation, but the trend of pan-Somalist and pan-Islamist activities already means that Somaliland has become less-than-reliable ally to neighboring Ethiopia. This has fully justified the faith of the governments of Eritrea, Iran, and possibly Egypt, in supporting Kulmiye. However, the Ethiopian Government – which itself had expressed concern that UDUP leader Kahin was not up to facing the challenge from Kulmiye – has been preparing to respond. This is of prime importance to Ethiopia, given that Somaliland’s port of Berbera has become a significant trade link for Ethiopia. Military action by Ethiopia against Somaliland-based al-Shabaab terrorists is entirely feasible. Meanwhile, Dr Mohamed Abdullahi Omar was named Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Government, highlighting the fact that the new Administration places a low priority on foreign affairs, and intends to pursue its “foreign policy” within the framework of neighboring Somalia, Eritrea, and Iran. The US Government did not send a representative to witness the transition of power from Pres. Kahin to Pres. Silanyo, and it now seems less than likely that Washington will help promote the sovereign recognition which Hargeisa had been seeking. The Kulmiye Government continues to claim that it seeks this recognition of Somaliland sovereignty, which is what most of Kulmiye’s traditional support base wants. However, the reality is that the “new Kulmiye”, now dominated by Islamists, will not seek to integrate with a broader international community. In the meantime, al-Shabaab is working to expand its operations throughout the Horn of Africa and down as far as Burundi while beginning to expand its contacts with other jihadist and new-salafist groups throughout the Middle East, the Maghreb, and West Africa. From GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Station, Hargeisa. Source: