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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Puntland oo dib u eegeysa xiriirka ay leedahay DFKMG 12 Nov 12, 2010 - 6:06:38 AM Wasiira Dowlaha Dasturka iyo airimaha Federaalka ee Dowlada Puntland Pro. Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale oo shir saxaafadeed ku qabtay maanta 12.11.2010 xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Garowe ayaa sheegey iney ka fiirsanayaan xiriirka ay leeyihiin dowlada Federaalka. Qodobada Warsaxafdedkan lagu akhriyey ayaa waxa saldhig u ahaa hirgalin la'aanta heshiiskii Galkacayo August 23,2009 kasoo ay kala sixiixden dowlada Puntland iyo xukumadii uu madaxda ka ahaa cumar Cabdirashiid. Qodobada Warsaxafadeedkaan lagu xusey ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa: 1- In Puntland ka xuntahay hirgalin la'aanta ama hurumar la'aanta heshiiska kor ku xusan. 2- In Puntland ka welwelsan tahay rabitaan la'aanta dowlada Federaalka ah in la hirgaliyo Dastuurka Federaalka ah ee qabyada ah. 3- In Puntland oo ka welwelsan dagaalka joogtada ah ee u dhexeeya madaxda dowlada Federaalka taasoo calaamad su'aal saareysa jiritaanka dowlada Federaalka ah laftigeeda. 4- In Puntland aad uga welwelsan hab dhaqanka dowlada Fedraalka ah marka ay timaado xiriirka caalamiga ah taasoo hanjabaad iyo badalad lagula dhaqaaqo diiplomaasiyiinta dowlada Fedraalka ee asal ahaan kasoo jeeda Puntland. 5- Puntland waxa kale oo ay welwel ka muujisay qoraal dhowaan lagu daabacey jaraa'idka la yiraahdo "The Huffington post" 5 Nov,2010 kaasoo wakiilka dowlada Sheekh Shariif ee Washington ku dhaliilayey siyaasada Mareykanka ee ku aadan Puntland iyo Somaliland. 6- Puntland waxaa sidoo kale welwel ka muujineysa tageerada maamulka Sheekh Shariif uu siinayo shaqsiyaadka u guntadey burburinta jiritaanka Puntland. Qoraalkaan ayaa lagu sheegey in marka la eego qodobada kor ku xusan ay dowlada Puntland ku adag tahay iney wado xiriirka ay leedahay dowlada Fedraalka taasoo diirada lagu saarayo in gabi ahaanba dib loo eego xiriirka aan la leenahay TFG. Sidaas waxaa saxaafada u akhriyey wasiir dowlalaha Dastuurka iyo arrimaha Fedraalka Dr. Abdi Xasan Jimcaale.
  2. Magacyada iyo xilalka qaar ka mid ah wasiirada cusub. Muqdisho (RBC Radio Online): RBC Radio ayaa ogaatay qaar ka mid ah magacyada iyo xilalalka ay qabanayaan wasiirada la doonayo in lamagacaabo. Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed Farmaajo ayaa ayaa goor dhow waxaa lagu wadaa in uu ku dhawaaqo liiska golaha wasiirada. Magacyada Masuuliyiinta iyo xilalka ay qabanayaan oo ay ogaatay RBC Radio ayaa waxaa ka mid ah. Raysal wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Max’ed Cabdullaahi Oomaar Raysal wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga C/xakiin Max’ed Xaaji. Wasiirka qorsheynta iyo iskaashiga Caalamiga Prof Cabdi Wali Max’ed. Wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo Amniga C/shakuur Sheekh Xasan Faarax . Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Boostada iyo isgaarsiinta C/kariim Axmed Jaamac. Wasiirka Cadaalada iyo arimaha diinta C/laahi Abyan Nuur Wasiirka howlaha guud iyo iyo dib u dhiska C/rashiid Khaliif Xaashi. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Xuseen Cabdi Xalane Wasiirka Haweenka Maryan Khaasim. Sidoo kale wasiirada waxaa ka mid noqondoona sida la sheegay Sheekh Cumar Maxamed Faarax oo dhinaca Ahlu Suna ka imaanaya. Qaban qaabadii magacaabista wasiiradaan ayaa waxa ay wali ka socotaa xafiiska raysal wasaaraha waxaana goor dhow lagu wadaa in lagu dhaqaaqo. RBC Radio Online Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho
  3. The Ceremony should have started at 2 PM Mogadishu time and the people who were supposed to be at the naming are still in awe. The President, the Prime Minister and the Speaker are at loggerheads and the Parliamentarians cry foul. Apparently the PM has threatened to step down. The latest is the PM's supporters version. However it's much bigger.
  4. The U.N. delegation was awed as they were shown various photographs from the three-month Puntland military offensive in Galgala area that concluded last month. The photographs included: pictures of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs); an assortment of firearms, mortars, and ammunition; as well as the rugged hilly terrain where Puntland government forces conducted military operations targeting fighters responsible for bombings and assassinations inside Puntland and led by Mohamed Said Atom, who is on a U.N. security watch-list. He commended Puntland for "fighting international terrorism" and urged leaders to consolidate peace and security with economic development and opportunities for youth.
  5. Ambassador Mahiga concluded: "There is heightened interest in Puntland because you have proven your capacity to work alone. I acknowledge and appreciate the great role you have played in combating piracy." He pledged international recognition and assistance for Puntland's tough anti-piracy campaign: "A land based strategy to combat piracy is important and Puntland is an outstanding partner. We shall flag the world to help you."
  6. He stated that the success of Puntland is "an example for the rest of Somalia."
  7. Ambassador Mahiga said he is a witness to the presence of a government in Puntland and acknowledged Puntland's capacity to strengthen the peace using various strategies, including the last resort of military force as demonstrated during the Galgala Conflict.
  8. "I have been longing to come and meet the people, make friends, and explain why I am here as your partner for peace," Ambassador Mahiga said. "I have been longing to come and see the viability of Puntland State."
  9. PRESS RELEASES Somalia: U.N. Special Envoy Praises Peace in Puntland, Pledges Support 10 Nov 10, 2010 - 10:58:51 AM PRESS RELEASE| The U.N. Secretary-General's Special Representative to Somalia (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), Ambassador Anthony P. Mahiga led a four-member U.N. delegation on his first official visit to Puntland State of Somalia. Ambassador Mahiga's delegation was received at Garowe International Airport on Wednesday morning by Puntland presidential staff, Cabinet ministers, and U.N. staff based in Garowe, the state capital of Puntland. The delegation of the U.N. Special Envoy includes: Ms. Nene Bah, the Special Assistant of the UN SRSG; Mr. Fredrick Maliya, the regional coordinator for UNPOS; and Mr. Asido Yellow-Duke, the Military Adviser for UNPOS, all based in Nairobi, Kenya. Mr. Abdi-aziz Mohamed, the National Political Officer for UNPOS, led the visiting delegation on a tour of key properties such as a new IDP settlement camp under construction, as well as the U.N. compound in Garowe. After the tour, Ambassador Mahiga's delegation was received at the State House in Garowe by the President of Puntland, His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole). The Puntland President and the U.N. Special Envoy held a closed-door meeting at the State House in Garowe. The two officials emerged from the President's office and held a joint discussion forum at the Conference Room in the presence of Cabinet officials, where President Farole summarized the key points of their discussion. "We discussed issues regarding peace, stability and development in Somalia, as well as strategies for achieving sustainable peace across Somalia," President Abdirahman Farole said. The Government of Puntland presented exclusive coverage of the Galgala Conflict between Puntland government forces and rebels linked to Al Shabaab terror group. Puntland's government declared military victory after seizing control of all terrorist hideouts and training camps in Galgala a mountainous zone, southwest of Bossaso in Puntland's Bari region. The U.N. delegation was awed as they were shown various photographs from the three-month Puntland military offensive in Galgala area that concluded last month. The photographs included: pictures of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs); an assortment of firearms, mortars, and ammunition; as well as the rugged hilly terrain where Puntland government forces conducted military operations targeting fighters responsible for bombings and assassinations inside Puntland and led by Mohamed Said Atom, who is on a U.N. security watch-list. Addressing the conference room, Ambassador Mahiga said he was delighted to visit Puntland for the first time since his appointment as U.N. Special Envoy to Somalia last June. "I have been longing to come and meet the people, make friends, and explain why I am here as your partner for peace," Ambassador Mahiga said. "I have been longing to come and see the viability of Puntland State." He commended Puntland for "fighting international terrorism" and urged leaders to consolidate peace and security with economic development and opportunities for youth. Ambassador Mahiga said he is a witness to the presence of a government in Puntland and acknowledged Puntland's capacity to strengthen the peace using various strategies, including the last resort of military force as demonstrated during the Galgala Conflict. He stated that the success of Puntland is "an example for the rest of Somalia." Ambassador Mahiga concluded: "There is heightened interest in Puntland because you have proven your capacity to work alone. I acknowledge and appreciate the great role you have played in combating piracy." He pledged international recognition and assistance for Puntland's tough anti-piracy campaign: "A land based strategy to combat piracy is important and Puntland is an outstanding partner. We shall flag the world to help you." END ---------- Communications Office The Puntland Presidency E-mail: Web:
  10. This is shocking! Are also these three accused Omar Sharif's brothers? They claimed they were born from 83-89!
  11. Innaa lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raajicuun. Ilaahay jannada firdowsa haka waraabiyo marxuumka geeriyooday dembigiisana ha dhaafo. Amiin.
  12. Puntland accuses Somaliland for funding Somalia’s militants TUESDAY, 09 NOVEMBER 2010 WRITTEN BY GAROWE ONLINE Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland on Monday accused, the breakaway republic of Somaliland, of supporting Islamic militias fighting against Puntland troops during the recent months in the mountainous Galgala village just outside of commercial town of Bosaso. Speaking with the Press in Garowe, Puntland’s Minister for the livestock Sa’id Hassan Shire denies the Somaliland response on the allegation, saying several Terrorist militant allied with Somalia’s hard-liners Al Shabaab and Somaliland forces were killed by the Puntland security forces. “Somaliland assists the rebels, led by Mohammed Sa’id Atom in the mountainous Galgala areas in recent month fighting,” said Shire. The minister also accused many High-ranking government official including several ministers who are behind the fundraising of terror attacks against Puntland civilians. Starting in mid October, operations began in Puntland to eliminate a terrorist stronghold in Cal-Madow mountain range, Bari region. Puntland troops launched attacks against extremists fighting for a local al-Shabab leader and an arms smuggler allegedly allied to Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab, an insurgent named Atom. Located in northeast Somalia, Puntland is a stable state with a population of 3million people, with its own elected government, justice system and security forces. GAROWEONLINE
  13. General funny comment but it's true that a confused outlet seems now to be back to the position prior to Atam and that they acknowledge as you have noticed that we're all Puntlanders now.
  14. Nabad iyo Guul shacbiga Puntland! Road leading to Galgala Galgala Town General Abdullahi Ahmed Ilkajiir Maakhiri heavyweight and Puntland Minister for the Interior, Rural Development and Local governments General Saciid dheere, Commander of the Darawiish Armed Forces of Puntland
  15. A poorly written article that makes little to no sense. However the question that begs to be answered is if as Nassir says Atam was a known criminal and the people of Maakhir were in the forefront of those fighting him, why was all the nonsense and tirade directed by the Maakhir diaspora to lie constantly about the true happenings of the ground. We all agree Maakhir is strong and its people are heavyweights in Puntland who are well acquainted with the strategies Atam's group were using, why did then the Maakhir people of the Diaspora use tragic Atam as a prelude to the perceived injustices of the Power Formulae of Bosaso City Council when in the first place it was about that? And why did the Maakhir Diaspora find its voice now with Atam's coming to the surface who was elevated to the position of a sad temporary hero figure by the Maakhir Diaspora whose ideology Nassir himself detested when before people like Nassir were clapping for Farole, Ilkajiir and ina Shirre and had no outstanding issues? The people of Puntland know how to fight such people like Atam. The decision made on the ground as Nassir said was to fight Atam and finish him! That's why the Darawiish Commander in Sanaag Abdullahi Omar Ashur with his troops fought Atam and the same reason Ilkajiir, Qodax and Abdi Jamaal were fighting the militia of Atam. So Nassir and the Diaspora's confusing signals and made up stories of battles that didn't happen and baseless stories about what Attaam is fighting/stands for and Nassir's&co and the diaspora's persistent refusal of Atam being Al-Shabab was poor judgement and lame to say the least! The truth comes out always.
  16. A poorly written article that makes little to no sense. However the question that begs to be answered is if as Nassir says Atam was a known criminal and the people of Maakhir were in the forefront of those fighting him, why was all the nonsense and tirade directed by the Maakhir diaspora to lie constantly about the true happenings of the ground. We all agree Maakhir is strong and its people are heavyweights in Puntland who are well acquainted with the strategies Atam's group were using, why did then the Maakhir people of the Diaspora use tragic Atam as a prelude to the perceived injustices of the Power Formulae of Bosaso City Council when in the first place it was about that? And why did the Maakhir Diaspora find its voice now with Atam's coming to the surface who was elevated to the position of a sad temporary hero figure by the Maakhir Diaspora whose ideology Nassir himself detested when before people like Nassir were clapping for Farole, Ilkajiir and ina Shirre and had no outstanding issues? The people of Puntland know how to fight such people like Atam. The decision made on the ground as Nassir said was to fight Atam and finish him! That's why the Darawiish Commander in Sanaag Abdullahi Omar Ashur with his troops fought Atam and the same reason Ilkajiir, Qodax and Abdi Jamaal were fighting the militia of Atam. So Nassir and the Diaspora's confusing signals and made up stories of battles that didn't happen and baseless stories about what Attaam is fighting/stands for and Nassir's&co and the diaspora's persistent refusal of Atam being Al-Shabab was poor judgement and lame to say the least! The truth comes out always.
  17. The Vice-President H.E. Abdisamad Ali Shire greeting troops and congratulating Soldiers who took part in the fight in Galgala
  18. Puntland Vice President (centre) with PL Finance Minister left and Deputy Minister for Security Cabdi Jamaal on the right:
  19. Waxaa Maanta Xarunta Madaxtoyada Boosaso Lagu Soo bandhigay Hub Iyo Gawaari La sheegay In laga soo Qabtay Deeganada Buuraleyda Galgala. Boosaso (RBC Radio): Bandhigani ayaa waxaa Ka soo Qayb Galay Ciidamo Aaad U Fara badan Taliyaal Ciidan Wasiiro Iyo Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Puntland Ciidamadii Ka Qayb Qaatay Dagaalkii galgala Masuuliyiintii Ka Hadlay Waxaa ka Mid ahaa Taliyaha Ciidamada Darwiishta Puntland Siciid Dheere oo Ka warbixyay Dagaalkii galgala Iyo Sida Uu Ku soo Dhamaaday. Sidoo Kale Wasiir Ku xigeenka Amniga Puntland C/jamaal Cismaan Oo Halkaasi ka Hadlay ayaa waxaa Uu Ka warbixiyay Amniga Guud ee Puntland Iyo Meesha Uu Haatan Marayo. Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Puntland Gen Cabdisamad Cali Shirre Oo halkaasi Ka Hadlay Ayaa waxaa Uu Ku dheeraaday Sida Loogu baahan Yahay In La iskaga Kaashado Amniga Guud ahaan deeganada Puntland Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Puntland Oo Salaamaya Ciidamadii Howlgalki Galgala ayaa cadeeyay in Arimaha Amniga ay Ciidamada Awooda saari doonan. RBC RADIO BOOSASO
  20. The black flag on the Toyata say's it all. The flag was raised in Galgala just days before the Puntland troops were attacked on the main road to Karin.