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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Sool vs Gedo, Sool in Orange jersey Gedo in Blue jersey!
  2. The Biggest crowd gathering and full house was by far Mudug vs Bandir. It was sold out.
  3. The group of death is giving its name true reflections. Mudug scores first but first a Banadir player is send off then Banadir gets awarded a penalty and the games finishes in a draw. A complete Banadir Team
  4. The game ended in a draw 1:1! Mudug scored first after Banadir player was given red card in the early matches of the game after Mudug thought they had it in the bag Banadir was awarded a penalty spot kick that brought the game back to one all. A title hungry Mudug Team, well done boys but you should have beaten Bandir after you scored first and they were a man short.
  5. I'm hearing reports that Mudug has just scored and thus leading by one goal 1:0. More goals please.
  6. Somalia it started now ask me in two hours time inshallah, but as now they're clashing. Sool iyo Gedo oo Barbardhac Galay, Mudug iyo Banaadir oo Isku Dhegan December 16, 2010 | Cayaaraha gobolada Soomaaliya ayaa si habsamileh uga bilowdey magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimadda Dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland. Cayaartii lagu furey ee shalay dhexmartey Gobolka Nugaal ee marti gelinaaya ciyaaraha iyo Shabeelada Hoose ayaa gobolka Nugaal u suurta gashey in ay 1:0 uga badiyaan Shabeelada Hoose, waxaana labada gobol ay ka wada tirsan yihiin Kooxda A. Ciyaar aad u xiiso badan ayaa maanta dhexmartey gobolada Sool iyo Gedo, oo kuwada jira Kooxda B waxaana ay ahayd ciyaar labada gobolba ay muujiyeen dedaal dheeraad ah iyo xirfad sare, waxaana ciyaartu ku soo dhamaatey 3:3 sidaas oo ay ku galeen barbardhac isla markaana ay kala riteen mid hal dhibic (Ciyaarta oo faahfahsan gadaal ayaan ka soo daabacaynaa iyo sawirada) Dhanka kale waxaa goor dhaw bilaameysa ciyaar aad u xiiso badan taas oo dhexmaraysa gobolada Banaadir iyo Mudug, waxaana garoonka soo bvuuxdhaafiyey taageerayaal aad u badan kuwaas oo kala taageersan labada gobol. Kala soco Horseed Media natiijooyinka cayaaraha, Sawiro iyo weliba Video ama muuqaal dhab ah. Isku aadka koioxaha iyo natiijooyinka (Halkan Riix) Horseed Media
  7. Maalintii labaad oo Garoowe ay ka soconayaan Koobka Gobolada Soomaaliya Waxa si toos ah maalintii labaad ka soconaya Garoonka Mire Awaare ee Magaalada Garoowe Ciyaaraha gobolada Soomaaliya oo ay sanadkan Marti gelineyso Dowlada Puntland ee Magaalada Garoowe . Waxa galabta garoonka Mire aware ku hardamaya afar kooxood kuwaas oo kala ah gobolada Sool Vs Gedo oo iyadu soo dhamaatay hada waxaana ku xigi doona gobolada kale isla Gobolka waa Banaadir Vs Mudug. Ciyaarta gobolada Sool iyo Gedo oo iyadu soogaba gabowday hada ayaa waxaa ay ku dhamaatay Bar Bar dhac Sool 3-3 Gedo. waxana ciyaartaasi garka cas ku qaatay laba ciyaartooy oo ka kala tirsan labada gobol. Waxa loo fadhiyaa oo lawada sugayaa labada gobol ee Banaadir Vs Mudug. SBC International Live
  8. What a beautiful day. Sool and Gedo just finished three all (3:3). Two players from both teams saw red. Must have been a wonderful game to watch. Six goals and two red cards. Gedo did well. But Sool needlessly dropped of a few points in a group that is called the group of death, not good at all. But the big one to start is Mudug vs Banadir. Come'on bring it on.
  9. My team Mudug sadly drawn into the group of death!
  10. President Faroole sitting in Mire Awaare Stadium of Garowe, Puntland!
  11. Xulka Gobolka Sool Vice Champions of Puntland!
  12. Well done to the Organisers it's a momentous achievement. Also Nugaal has won its first game against the lower Shabelle. Well done to them for the victorious start as well. My predictions Nugaal on top of the first group A. Group B it's the group of death but I think Banadir and Sool will be progressing and Mudug has an uphill battle, which is not impossible but I'd like to see Sool and Mudug progress but my mind says that one of these teams will be left behind and Banadir will progress. Group C definitely Bari all the way the best team by a mile all other teams are there to make up the numbers don't know who will progress with Bari to the quarter finals. Group D I'm with Sanaag and the Jubbada Hoose team has I believe good chances to Progess as well. Although Bay and maybe Galgaduud can prevent both teams as I believe this is the most egalitarian group but let's see inshallaah. May the best team win this ofcourse.
  13. Great changes to the site and a much welcomed one too at that. I had the old site on my other browser and have compared the two and a chance to say goodbye I must admit the old site won't be missed as it was out of date. I was confused like everyone else at first but now I think it's a change for the better. A timely change indeed that was long over due. Better late then never. Kudos to the Administrators of SOL.
  14. Puntland is moving forward in greater strides to the dismay of its enemies. The great state is coming out of age and developing its capabilities as a regional power, which is good news for the whole of what used to be Somalia.
  15. Listen to the Junior Minister for Democratisation and Federal Affairs Here