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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. In ka badan 40 tababare iyo seminaar looga furay Garowe 20. December 2010 Ugu yaraan 43 macallin oo kubada cagta ah kana kala yimid gobalada dalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta u fariistay tababar aqoon kororsi ah oo socon doona muddo 5 maalmood ah. Tababarkan ayaa waxaa bixinaya Macalinka macalimiinta Cawil Ismaaciil Maxamed iyadoo Garsoore Hore oo caalami ah Macalin Cali Maxamed Axmed uu isna Macalimiinta siinayo casharro la xariira waxyaabaha tababarayaasha ka quseeya xeerka kubada cagta. Xoghayaha guud ee xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee kubada cagta Cabdi Qani Saciid Carab oo furitaankii seminaarkan hadal ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in tababarkan ujeedadiisu ay tahay in lagu kordhiyo aqoonta macalimiinta taas oo qeyb ka ah dadaalada ku aadan horumarinta kubada cagta dalka Soomaaliya. “Qorshaha Xiriirku waxaa uu yahay in aqoonta kubada cagta dalka oo dhan lagu baahiyo howshaasna dadka laga doonayo in ay qabtaan waa adinka anaguna waxaan qaadanaynaa doorka nooga aadan ee ah in aan aqoon idin gelino”ayuu xoghayaha guud usheegay macalimiinta tababarka loo furay. “Goballada qaarkood waxaan ku aragnay garsoore hadana koox u cayaaraya marna macalin noqonaya taasna waxaa keeneysa aqoon darrida aan iminka dooneyno in aan ka gudubno”ayuu xoghayuhu hadalkiisa sii daba dhigay. Guddoomiyaha Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee kubada cagta Mudane Saciid Maxamuud Nuur oo isna furitaankii seminaarkan hadal kooban ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in xiriirku sanadka soo socda uu badin doono tababarada iyo tartamada lagu qabanayo gobalada dalka oo dhan. “Waxaan idinku boorinayaa in aad ka faa’iideysataan tababarada noocan oo kale ah”ayuu guddoomiyuhu u sheegay macalimiinta tababarka loo furay isagoo kadibna ku dhawaaqay in tababarku furanyahay. Dhanka kalana tartanka kubada cagta gobalada dalka Soomaaliya oo ka soconaya magaalada Garowe ayaa galay wareegii 2-aad,waxaana lagu wadaa in lasoo gabagabeeyo 31-ka bishan. By Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar (ISLOW) Garowe-Puntland State of Somalika
  2. Another Puntland team who shone through and is safely in the quarter finals, Bari beat Bakool 4:0. Oh dear, oh dear Bari is so strong, the score can't be wrong.
  3. The team to beat at the moment. Mudug made great gains from the Puntland championships and trained hard for the all Somalia championships this time around. We will see inshallaah where their way will lead to, the quarter finales are here need to keep your nerves boys. But again Mudug doesn't know fear. Go on, bring the cup to Gaalkacyo so that the people will go mad.
  4. Yeah maashaallaah Duke, Mudug has a good chance of actually lifting that cup. Mudug makes us proud.
  5. Mudug is nearly through to the quarter finals, they just won 1:0 against Gedo in the group of death. But all to play for. Mudug has 4 points now and are leading the group, Banadir and Sool 2 points each and Gedo just 1 point. Mudug just needs a point to progress and make it official in their final game against Sool.
  6. Banadir vs Sool, ended 1:1 final score.
  7. Shabellada Hoose are out already, they lost against Hiiraan.
  8. IDP's and economic migrants supporting their team Bay
  9. Sanaag team, sadly lost today Galgaduud team Jubbada hoose team Bay team
  10. If you come up with such bravado you need to least to deliver on it. I was looking forward to them and Bari who are considered the best by far in their group. I don't like disrespecting your opponent and making big announcements that you will win by a margin of 4 as all other games finished in ties that was before Bari of course won 2:0 in the same group. But why disrespect the previous teams and your opponent if all you have is false bravado? Bakool is considered one of the weakest teams in the tournament and many thought Bari and the middle Shabelle will have a walk over but then to receive three goals against Bakool is a disgrace, their defence is absolutely hopeless judging from that. So how will they fare against the big boys if Bakool snatched three goals against them? Next time talk less and deliver fast my advice.
  11. Yeah as specially their opponents announced to the whole world that they will win by the biggest margin yet seen 4:0 without any reply and that they will bring home the biggest win seen so far in the tournament at the end they won by a margin of 1 lol and had the ball 3 times in their net. All hogwash, was it.
  12. What a game just finished and Bakool lost 4:3. What a near comeback though. Well done to Bakool.
  13. The lead has narrowed and Bakool is coming out strong in the final stages. It's 3:2 now.
  14. Massive crowd spectacle for Mudug vs Banadir