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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Last night an embolded Ahmed Karash moved his vast arsenal and Technicals from Tukaraq to the direction of the city of Laasaanood. He gave an important Interview to Puntlandpost before he headed out. He hoped and expressed the wish that he would capture the capital city of Sool , Lasnaod shortly and a few hours thereafter. He asked for assistance from the Puntland populace as he wanted to return the city of Laasaanood into Puntland hands again as he said in his own words that he wasn't against the existence of Puntland State. He furthermore said that all the people of Puntland were saddened by the gross human rights violation taking place in Laasaanood committed by the Somaliland forces. We wish him well. Guuleysta, idin alle.
  2. Dual Approach is an Antidote to Somalia’s inexplicable plague
  3. I totally agree with you there Nassir! I also believe Nuur Adde's lies brought about the shift of policy by the United States and thus it gave birth to the dual track approach envisioned by Washington. They learned from that earlier mistake. However the International Community has to speak in one voice I somewhat was bewildered by Igad's hint of extension to the corrupt TFP. Some neighbouring countries within are doing much more damage and thus want this dual track policy to fail namely Djibouti, a sisterly state of ours who we assisted in their right for self-determination and who is now paying us back by supporting warlords and charlatans such as Nuur Adde, Sharif Ahmed and the likes of Mogadishu and southern warlords. What is needed is to shift the capital out of Mogadishu strengthing the places where law and order and democracy exists in, bring in Somaliland, Puntland and anyone who cares and has shown can take care of themselves liaison with political and religious actors in central Somalia make concessions to Somali actors within Alshabab and then build an army and new state institutions an alternative to Al-Shabab march south with your policy as one united country to oust the religious warlords and the anarchic war profiteers in southern Somalia that's the only solution. Djibouti would then become a tiny state most people think our neighbours to the south and west is against a proper functioning Somalia but the truth is nations like little nation-states such as Djibouti who have vastly profiteered from Somalia's demise are reaping unimaginable wealth and they don't want to lose it thus overplaying and estimating their real power and worth.
  4. Wikileaks - Former PM Nur Adde on Political Reconciliation, Federalism, Diaspora Engagement. C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 LONDON 001067 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR AF/E AND AF/FO NAIROBI FOR SOMALIA UNIT E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/06/2019 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, KDEM, EAID, SO, UK SUBJECT: SOMALIA: FORMER PM NUR ADDE ON POLITICAL RECONCILIATION, FEDERALISM, DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT REF: A. NAIROBI 810 - SHEIKH HASSAN'S RETURN B. NAIROBI 707 - AWEYS IN SUDAN C. DOHA 238 D. STATE 44005 Classified By: Political Counselor Richard Mills, reasons 1.4 (b/d) 1.© Summary. "There is momentum behind the reconciliation process," former Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein ("Nur Adde") and TFG Member of Parliament Mustafa Duhulow (******/Murosade and ex TFG Minister under Nur Adde) told Poloff May 6 in London. The best way forward for the reconciliation process in Somalia is for Transitional Federal Government (TFG) President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to reach out to opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys to prevent Aweys from becoming a spoiler and/or allying temporarily with al-Shabaab, Nur Adde said. He suggested the USG and the international community should encourage Sheikh Sharif to engage with Aweys. On regional dynamics, Nur Adde said Eritrea continues to play an unhelpful role and is currently supporting Aweys and that Qatar has not supported Sheikh Sharif because of bad Qatar-Ethiopia relations. Nur Adde agreed building Somali security capacity was critical, with AMISOM having an important role while the security forces establish themselves. He cautioned that it was critical to maintain the balance of the federal system in the TFG Charter for the long-term stability of the political process, and the international community should put pressure on the TFG to implement it. He also suggested that the TFG should take the lead on anti-piracy initiatives, rather than autonomous regions like Puntland. Nur Adde has begun engaging Somalia's Diaspora community and could play a helpful role in shoring up Diaspora support for the TFG. End summary. 2.© The best way forward for the reconciliation process in Somalia is for Transitional Federal Government (TFG) President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to reach out to opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, according to former Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein ("Nur Adde") and TFG Member of Parliament Mustafa Duhulow (******/Murosade and ex TFG Minister under Nur Adde). Nur Adde explained to Poloff May 6 during a visit to London that Aweys, who recently returned to Mogadishu (reftel A), could be a spoiler in the political process, but a window of opportunity currently exists because Aweys' clan in South Somalia is tired of fighting and he does not yet have support from al-Shabaab. Nur Adde said the international community should put pressure on Sheikh Sharif "to accommodate" Aweys through power-sharing or other similar political mechanisms. 3.© Nur Adde said Aweys is trying to garner al-Shabaab's support, with their mutual interest being to remove Sheikh Sharif, whom Nur Adde said Aweys is "jealous of." Nur Adde said any Aweys-Shabaab alliance would be "temporary" at best because their goals and clan alliances are "contradictory." 4.© Nur Adde said that Aweys' terrorist listing was unhelpful, as it created another obstacle to reconciliation. He also said that al-Shabaab's terrorist listing was becoming increasing problematic from a public perception standpoint because the UN had begun making deals with al-Shabaab. In the people's eyes, the UN dealing-making means that al-Shabaab is merely a warlord militia, rather than a hardened terrorist organization. Nur Adde reiterated that the USG and the international community should encourage Sheikh Sharif to engage with Aweys to find a way forward for reconciliation. Regional Dynamics ----------------- 5.© Nur Adde said Aweys returned to Somalia with Eritrea's support. Aweys had gone to Sudan to enlist support from Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (reftel B), but Aweys "was not successful." Nur Adde said Eritrea continued to play a destabilizing role in Somalia and suggested that Qatar also LONDON 00001067 002 OF 002 played a negative role, citing the Qatari Government's lack of support for Sheikh Sharif at the recent Arab League Summit (reftel C). In Nur Adde's calculation, Qatar took this position because the Ethiopian Government supports Sheikh Sharif, and Qatar and Ethiopia have very poor relations. Qatar, Nur Adde said, was also trying to bolster its position within the Arab League vis-a-vis Egypt and other more traditional regional Arab players. Supporting the TFG, Supporting Security --------------------------------------- 6.© Nur Adde agreed improving security was critical to moving the reconciliation process forward and that AMISOM had an important role to play while the Somali security forces are set up and trained (reftel D). He argued that not/not giving the TFG enough support would play into the opposition movements' hands and likely lead to further radicalization. Increasing security capacity, creating jobs, and combating piracy are the primary areas where the TFG could use support, according to Nur Adde. A Caution on Federalism ----------------------- 7.© Nur Adde cautioned that it was critical to maintain the balance of the federal system in the TFG Charter for the long-term stability of the political process, and the international community should put pressure on the TFG to implement it. He also suggested that the TFG should take the lead on anti-piracy initiatives, rather than autonomous regions like Puntland. Too much support for any one region, he said, would weaken individual regions support for federalism, and thus the long-term prospects for peace. Comment ------- 8.© Nur Adde continues to have a strong grasp on the domestic political situation in Somalia and the regional dynamics. He has, however, turned some attention to engaging the Diaspora community and has trips planned to Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and Canada. Continuing to engage Nur Adde could help ensure that Somalia's diverse Diaspora communities play a productive role in supporting reconciliation and the TFG. Visit London's Classified Website: XXXXXXXXXXXX TOKOLA Source: The Telegraph
  5. In a very interesting classified document by the US Embassy in London now declassified thanks to Wikileaks the image that Sheikh Sharif and Nuur Adde were anything but Anti-Ethiopian is reveleaded because Ethiopia supports the 'Sheikh' now and that Qatar has been left hanging and that because of this Qatar chose to not support Sharif Ahmed's as the Ethiopian government supports Sharif Ahmed and that Qatar and Ethiopia have a very poor relationship. The 'Sheikh' lines himself with Ethiopia at the expense of an Muslim country such as Qatar? This should not come to a shock to anyone as the demonstrations and anti Ethiopian stance come now to the forefront and that they were merely smoke screens to prevent the then TFG from succeeding. Nuur Adde also in his 'wisdom' said that any Anti-Pirate initiates intended should go through the TFG and that autonomous regions such as Puntland should in no way be supported because I quote: 'To much support for Puntland would weaken Puntland's support for Federalism and the long term Prospects for Peace'. Nuur Adde is clearly twisting the truth there, the truth of course is he doesn't want to see any Int. support and funds going to Puntland as it would strengthen them and their quest for Federalism and as of there a serious challenge to what we are doing and our plans for Somalia. It's Nuur Adde and Sharif Ahmed who are against federalism taking shape in Somalia and its them who are against the peace but a liars or thief's best method has always been to accuse the other of lying or of stealing and that Mr. Adde you did brilliant. I must say this was a great lie Mr. Adde. Furthermore Mr. Adde who is said by US Embassy officials in London to have still excellent links in the region now has other 'duties' in which he rallies Diaspora support so that the Diaspora engages in a more constructive way to Somalia. One might question himself which Diaspora Mr. Adde has that can support him other than his little clan base and the ones they brought out to protest against Ethiopia every other week or so. Mr. Adde who thinks that Somalia is only his clan and Mogadishu has shamelessly twisted and overly overestimated what he can do as individual and this has been become apparent. The International Community has to see such charlatans to what they really are and not support them in their truth twisting schemes. Also in the same cable Nuur Adde said that Hassan Dahir Aweys needs to be scooped in into the TFG as his clan are 'tired of war' (truth of the matter they have been finished off by Abdullahi Yusuf, when they were supporting and fighting in the ranks of Al-Shabab and the Islamic courts and the reality that they were non stop engaged in anarchic turf wars in Mogadishu, Kismaayo, lower Shabelle for the past 20 years and thus couldn't fight on any longer). He said that any alliance between Aweys and Alshabab would be futile and non lasting as they were made of different components clan-wise (at that time Nuur Adde and co were day-dreaming that they can finish Alshabab as it was their clan who gave them the support and once they remove these support the little boys who weren't of the same clan as theirs would die off or flee because they are the ones who are pulling the shots). However the reality was that Alshabab hang on and that all the clan territories he was claiming and his birth place were captured by Alshabab without him nor Sharif Ahmed being able to do anything about it. Also Aweys merged with Al-Shabab. So the question is can Somalia trust such individuals who lie and misinform the world about the realities on the ground who also block stable regions from getting support. Puntland cut of the ties to the TFG precisely of that. The TFG got the International Support against Piracy who did they give it to? They gave it to Djibouti because they themselves couldn't use it because they do not control anywhere. Now we know at least what arguments they use. Remember this words 'To much support for anyone region would weaken individual regions support for federalism and the long term prospects for Peace'. Nuur Adde said it.
  6. Statement by the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the decision of Somali Parliament. EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 4 February 2011 A 046/11 Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, made today the following statement: “I regret the unilateral decision taken on Thursday by the Somali Transitional Federal Parliament to extend its mandate by three years. The decision was taken hurriedly without appropriate consultations on the way forward. This step risks weakening the credibility of the Transitional Federal Institutions, and of their leadership, in the eyes of the Somali population. I urge the TFIs to re-engage in a broad consultation process, as it is only through such an inclusive process that there can be a sound reform agenda for the transition and beyond, and thus contribute to peace for the people of Somalia. Progress achieved in this process will help the EU to define the scope and the extent of its support to the present and future institutional set up.” Source:
  7. Puntland State of Somalia today expressed that it will not support any term extension of the Parliament and that it will not accept any decision made by the Somali Parliament from now on. It also expressed that it welcomes the Somali draft constitution in principle but that it also wishes to make it more clear in the draft constitution in regards to federalism as it feels now that federalism hasn't been yet put into stone in these draft constitution's version. Puntland will pass on it's expertise, recommendations and true understanding to the committee in charge of revising the draft constitution of Somalia, which has to be clearly based and enshrined on federalism as the sole and only form of governance for any future Somali government coming to the forefront.
  8. Puntland oo cambaaraysay xil kororsiga baarlamaanka federaalka ah, sheegtayna in ay la shaqaynsayo guddiga qabyo-qoraalka dastuurka. Garowe, Feb 05 - War saxaafadeed ka soo baxay madaxtooyada Puntland, uuna saxaafadda u akhriyey wasiiru dawlaha dastuurka & arrimaha federaalka ah ee Puntland Dr. Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale ayaa lagu xusay go'aamo ka soo baxay shir aan caadi ahayn oo uu yeeshay golaha xukuumada ee Puntland. War saxaafadeedka ayaa ka koobnaa 2 qodob: Qodobka 1-aad oo ku saabsanaa xil kororsiga xildhibaanada baarlamaanka federaalka ah ee Somaliya, halka qodobka 2-aad uu la xiriiray qayb-qoraalka dastuurka federaalka ah ee guddiga dastuurka. War saxaafadeedka ayaa lagu qeexay in Puntland ay diidan tahay xil kororsiga baarlamaanka federaalka ah ee 3-da sano, ayna u aragto mid aan u adeegayn danta ummadda Somaliyed. War saxaafadeedka ayaa lagu sheegay in Puntland ay go'aamisay in: - Aan loo baahnayn xil kororsi, - Xil kororsigu uu ka jeedinayo ummadda diyaarinta habsami u socda, u hawlagalka, maraxaladda kala guurka ah, - Dawlada puntland in aanay aqbali doonin go'aan kasta oo ka soo baxa baarlamaanka federaalka ku meel gaarka ah ee Somaliya, sidaa darteedna Puntland ay cambaaraynayso, kana soo horjeedo, xil kororsiga baarlamaanka federaalka ah. Qodobka 2-aad ee war saxaafadeedku ayaa dhigaya in: - Puntland ay mabda'a ahaan taageersan tahay dastuur federaal ah oo ay yeelato ummadda Somaliyed, - Puntland ay yaqiinsatay in qaybo-qoraalka dastuurku aanu ahayn mid si cad uga tarjumaya, nuxur ahaan, nidaamka federaalka ah, sidaa darteed ay Puntland si buuxda ula shaqayn doonto guddiga dastuurka, iyada oo u gudbin doonta talooyinkeeda iyo mawqifkeeda ku aadan qaybo-qoraalka dastuurka. Diiwaanka Wararka, Idaacada Daljir.
  9. Somalia: Statement by Augustine P. Mahiga on Parliament’s decision to extend its mandate 4 Feb 4, 2011 - 1:25:32 PM Press Release| I have noted the decision by the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) to extend theirmandate by three years. This is a disappointing decision taken in haste without the required level of discussion and consultation on how to end the transition and on the next political dispensation after 20 August 2011. The consultations had actually begun with the President, the Speaker of Parliamentand the Prime Minister but have not been followed through. Today I met with the African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to further deliberate on the outcomes of the IGAD Heads ofState summit in Addis Ababa on the 31 January 2011. We agreed to jointly meet with the leadership of the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) as soon as possible to discuss the way forward while ensuring stability and change. The Somali people deserve and expect to see change. It is the responsibility of the TFIs to implement this change in consultation with major entities representing the Somali people and key partners of the international community. We will continue to work with the Somali leadership, in the spirit of transparency, cooperation and mutual trust. END ---------
  10. Unilateral TFP Extension is a Disservice to the Somali People 4 Feb 4, 2011 - 1:37:33 AM U.S. Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya February 4, 2011 PRESS RELAESE| The decision by the Transitional Federal Parliament to ignore the African Union’s request for wide consultation and instead to unilaterally extend its term beyond the end of the transition period is a disservice to the people of Somalia and a setback to the establishment of legitimate and effective government. The Parliament has failed to deliver on the crucial tasks required of them by the Djibouti Peace Process to help pull Somalia out of twenty years of conflict. This unilateral and unrepresentative extension is not in the interests of the Somali people. It serves only to further undermine the credibility of the Parliament and risks strengthening al-Shabaab. This self-serving political maneuvering calls into question the suitability of the senior leadership of the Parliament as viable partners for the Somali people and the International Community as we collectively work to bring peace, stability, and progress back to Somalia. We believe that this ill-conceived decision should be reconsidered and urge the Transitional Federal Government and Parliament to enter immediately into serious discussions with its regional partners, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General, and its key supporters in the International Community on an acceptable way forward. END ---------
  11. Shir ay isugu yimaadeen maanta Golaha xukuumadda Puntland. Golaha xukuumadda Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta kulan ay isugu yimaadeen ay ka soo saareen Warsaxaafadeed ku aadan mudo kordhinta Baarlamaanka Dowladda Federaalka ku meel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo dastuurka qabyo qoraalka ah. Hadaba dood dheer iyo falaqayn ka dib ayaa waxa uu Madaxweynuhu u saaray guddi soo diyaarisa warsaxaafadeed ku aadan arrintaasi,waxayna kala ahaayeen Wasiirka Warfaafinta,Isgaarsiinta,Hidaha iyo Dhaqanka Mudane Axmed Cali Askar,Wasiirka Haweenka iyo Arrimaha Qoyska Marwo Caasha Geelle Diiriye,Wasiirudowlaha Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Dr:Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale iyo Wasiirudowlaha Maamul wanaagga Maxamed Faarax Ciise (Gaashaan). Hadaba warsaxaafadeedkaasi ayaa waxa saxaafadda u akhriyey Wasiirudowlaha Dastuurka iyo arrimaha Federaalka ee Dowladda Puntland Dr:Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale wuxuuna u qornaa sidatan: DAWLADDA PUNTLAND EE SOOMAALIYA War Saxaafadeed Golaha Wasiirada Dawladda Puntland oo maanta taariikhduna tahay 05.02.2011ka shir aan caadi ahayn ku yeeshay madasha shirarka ee golaha xukuumadda, waxaa ay si buuxda u diideen kororsiimadda jahawareerka ah ee Baarlamaanka Dawladda Federaalka ku Meelgaarka ah ee Soomaaliyeed ay sida lamafilaan ah ku kororsadeen muddo Saddex Sano ah maalinimadii 4tii bishii Feberaayo 2011ka. Golaha Xukuumaddu markii fadhigooda ay si qotodheer arrinkaas uga doodeen ayagoo ka eegaya dhinacyo badan waxaa ay go'aamiyeen qodobadda hoos ku qoran: 1. In xilligan oo Soomaaliya ay ku jirto xaalad adag aan loo baahnayn kororsiimo sii adkeynaysa xaalada murugsanayd ee dalku ku jirey ,taasoo aan u adeegayn danaha ummadda Soomaaliyeed. 2. Kororsiimadan cusubi waxaa ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed ka jeedinaysaa diyaarinta habsami u socodka hawlgalka marxaladda kala guurka ah. 3. Dawladda Puntland ma aqbali doonto go'aan kasta oo ka soo baxa Baarlamaanka Dawladda Federaalka Ku meel-gaarka ah. Sidaas awgeed Dawladda Puntland waxaa ay cambaareynaysaa kana soo horjeedaa kororsiimaddan aan maangalka ahayn ee Baarlamaanka Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaaliya, taas oo horseedaysa khalkhal Siyaasadeed oo hor leh. Isla fadhigii Golaha Xukuumadda ee maanta waxaa goluhu kaga doodeen Qabyo- Qoraalka Dastuurka loo samaynayo Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaliya, waxaana goluhu go'aamiyeen qodobada soo socda: 1. Dawladda Puntland Waxaa ay Mab'da ahaan taageersantahay Samaynta Dastuur Federaal ah oo ay yeelato Ummadda soomaaliyeed, ayadoo Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland uu horey u daah-furey daraaseynta Qabyo-Qoraalka Dastuurka Federaalka Bartamihii Sanadkii 2010kii. 2. Goluhu waxaa uu yaqiinsaday in Qaby-Qoraalka Dastuurka aanu ahayn mid si cad uga turjumaya Nuxur ahaan Nidaamka Federaaliga ah oo ay dawladda Puntland hormuudka ka ahayd. Sidaas Awgeed Dawladda Puntland waxaa ay si buuxda ula shaqaynaysaa, uguna gudbinaysaa Guddiga Dastuurka Federaalka, talooyinkeeda iyo Mawqifkeeda ku aadan Qabyo Qoraalka Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya. Dawladda Puntland
  12. UN Special Representative for Somalia: Transition must end in August. Nairobi, 26 January 2011 – Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, Dr. Augustine P. Mahiga, announced that a Special High Level Meeting on Somalia will take place in Addis Ababa on the side lines of the African Union Summit which opened today. The meeting, jointly convened by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Jean Ping, Chairman of the African Union Commission, will review the current status of the peace process in Somalia. The meeting comes at a very crucial juncture in the Somali peace process, Dr. Mahiga said. “We have less than seven months before the end of the transition, and yet a lot still has to be done.” Dr. Mahiga announced that the Transitional Federal Government has come up with a Roadmap, outlining priority tasks which it will have to accomplish towards the end of the transition. “There was unanimous agreement, both inside and outside Somalia, that the transitional period has to end in August as envisaged under the Djibouti Peace Agreement. In the meantime, consultations are underway to develop a consensus on how to end the transition and on the nature of post-transition political arrangements,” Dr. Mahiga said. What should follow the end of the transition, Dr. Mahiga emphasized, should begin with internal consultations among the Somalis themselves in an all inclusive process that encompasses all stakeholders in order to build consensus on the way forward. Dr. Mahiga said that the consensus-building process has already started within the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFI), with ongoing consultations between the TFIs led by the President, the Speaker and the Prime Minister. Following a progress report to the Security Council earlier this month, Dr. Mahiga has begun consulting with other stakeholders in the region and the wider international community. “It is critical that the consensus-building process ensures that the gains made so far are sustained and entrenched beyond the end of the transition,” Dr. Mahiga said. Dr. Mahiga expressed his confidence that the Somalis working in partnership with the international community would achieve their long-cherished aspirations for lasting peace and stability in their country. “After two decades of suffering, the time has come for Somalia to return to a nation in which its citizens are allowed the opportunity to live a fruitful life in peace and security.”
  13. Dr.Augustine Mahiga:”Xilliga Ku Meelgaarka ah waa inuu dhammaada bisha Agoosto” Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya, Dr. Augustine P. Mahiga, ayaa sheegay in kulan gaar ah oo heerkiisu sareeyo loogana hadlayo arrimaha Soomaaliya uu ka dhici doono magaalada Addis Ababa. Shirkani waxaa la qabanayaa inta uu socdo Shirmadaxeedka Ururka Midowga Afrika oo maanta ka furmay magaalada Addis Ababa. Shirkan heerka sare waxaa si wadajir ah u qaban doona Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay, Mr. Ban Ki-moon iyo guddoomiyaha Guddiga Ururka Midowga Afrika, Mr. Jean Ping. Waxaana shirka dib loogu eegayaa xaaladda geeddisocodka nabadda Soomaaliya. Shirku wuxuu ku soo beegmay xilli geeddisocodka nabadda Soomaaliya uu marayo marxalad aad u muhim ah, ayuu yiri Dr. Mahiga. “Dhammaadka xilliga ku meelgaarka waxaa nooga harsan toddoba bilood oo keliya,welina waxaa harsan wax badan in la qabto” Dr. Mahiga ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Federaalka Ku Meergaalka ah ay diyaarisay qorshe hawleed qeexaya hawlaha muhimka ah ee ay doonayso inay qabato inta uusan dhammaan xilliga ku meelgaarka ah. “Waxaa si guud ah la isugu afgartay, ha ahaato dalka gudihiisa iyo dibaddiisaba,in xilliga ku meelgaarka ah uu dhammaado bisha Agoosto sida ku cad Heshiiskii Jabuuti.Inta ka horeysa waqtigaana waxaa soconaya wadatashi lagu gaarayo isafgarad ku saabsan sida lagu dhammeynayo xilliga ku meelgaarka ah iyo sida uu noqonayo hanaanka siyaasadeed ee jiri doona xilliga ku meelgaarka ka dib”, ayuu yiri Dr. Mahiga. Isafgarad laga garaaro hanaanka siyaasadeed ee imanaya dhammaadka xilliga ku meelgaarka ka dib waa inuu ku billowdo wadatashi dhexmara Soomaalida si uu u noqdo mid loo wada dhanyahay kana wada qaybgalaan dhammaan dadka ay arrintu khuseyso si isafgarad looga gaaro wixii laqaban lahaa arrimaha mustaqbalka, ayuu ku nuuxnuuxsaday Dr. Mahiga. Dr. Mahiga ayaa sheegay in habka wadatashiga lagu gaarayo isafgaradka uu mar horeba ka dhex billowday Hay’adaha Federaalka Ku Meelgaarka ah. Waxaana wadatashigaasi wada Madaxweynaha, Guddoomiyaha Barlamaanka iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha. Ka dib markuu warbixin ku saabsan wax qabadka (Dowladda) uu siiyay Golaha Amaanka horaantii bishan, Dr. Mahiga wuxuu billaabay la wadatashi uu la sameynayo waddamada ay arrintu khuseyso ee Gobolka iyo Bulshada Caalamka inteeda kale. “Waxaa muhim ah in habka isafgaradka ku dhisan uu xaqiijiyo hanashada horumarka ilaa iyo hadda la gaaray, ayna qayb ka ahaadaan waxyaalaha jiri doona xilliga ku meelgaarka ka dib”, ayuu yiri Dr. Mahiga. Dr. Mahiga ayaa kalsooni ka muujiyay in dadka Soomaaliyeed oo kaashanaya Bulshada Caalamka ay gaari doonaan yididiiladooda ay muddada dheer u hayeen inay arkaan nabad iyo xasillooni waarta oo ku soo noqota waddankooda.” “Labaatan sanno oo dhibaato iyo rafaad ah ka dib waxaa la gaaray waqtigii Soomaaliya ay mar kale ku soo noqon lahayd qarannimadeedii muwaadiniinteeda ay heli lahaayeen fursad nololeed oo miro dhal ah kuna qotonta nabad iyo xasillooni.” Warsaxaafadeed
  14. At the end Sharif has to sit down with Puntland and Somaliland as there will be a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss the way forward on how to end the transition period for once and all.
  15. UN oo ku wargalisay DFKMG ah dhamaadka Waqtigeeda 27 Jan 27, 2011 - 6:33:51 AM Waxaa wadatashi u bilowdey beesha caalamka iyo dhinacyada ay khuseyso arrimaha Somalia taasoo ay ka yeelanayaan talaabooyinka la qaadi dooni marka uu dhamaado xiliga dowlada FKMG ah [August 2011], sidaas waxaa yiri Wakiilka gaarka ah ee QM u qaabilsan Somalia Augustine Mahiga. "Waxaa jira wada ogalaansho buuxa, kaasoo ka imaanaya gudaha iyo dibada Somalia, inuu dhamaado xiliga KMG ah dhamaadka August kaasoo dhidibada loogu aasey Jabuti 2004," Augustine Mahiga ayaa saxaafada u sheegey isaga oo ku sugan Nairobi. Ergeyga gaarka ah ee QM ayaa ku wargaliyey dhinaca kale in madaxda dowlada Federaalka la yimaadaan qaabkii loo wajahi lahaa xilgaas kala guurka ah isaga oo sheegey in kulan looga looga hadlayo arinkaas ka dhici doono Nairobi kaasoo ay ka qayb gali doonaan Puntland, Somaliland iyo TFG. Dhinaca kale waxaa jira kulan Isniinta ka furmi doona magaalada Addis Ababa kaasoo ay ka qayb gali doonaan madaxda Afrika iyadoo si gooni ah diirada loo saari doono xaalka Somalia iyo kaalinta beesha caalamka ka qaadan doonto waqtiga kala guurka ah. Hadalka Ergeyga QM ayaa kusoo beegmey xili Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif iyo Ra'isal wasaarihiisa Farmaajo olele xoogan ugu jiraan sidii waqtiga loogu kordhin lahaa dowladooda fadhiidka ah taasoo ku nool tageerada ciidamada midowga Afrika. GAROWEONLINE
  16. Qaramada Midoobay: Dawlada KMG ee Soomaaliya Waxaa u Haray 7 Bilood oo Qura Nairobi (RBC) Wakiilka xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Augustine Mahiga ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in deg deg loogu baahan yahay in la qabto kulan looga arinsanayo masiirka Soomaaliya maadaama uu dhowyahay waqtiga dhamaadka DKMG [TFG]. Augustine Mahiga oo qoraal ka soo saaray xafiiskiisa magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegay in bisha August ee 2011 uu ku egyahy jiritanka dawlada TFG ee uu hogaamiyo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay sidii arintaasi looga arinsan lahaa. “Dhamaan jilsyaasha caalamiga waxay leeyihiin waqtiga DKMG wuu dhamaanayaa August 2011 waxanaa dooneynaa inaanu helno qaab midaasi looga gudbo”, ayuu yiri Mahiga. Ergeyga ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha DKMG Sheekh Shariif iyo raisul wasaare Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo ay la socdaan in waqtiga dawlada uu marayo heer gabagabo ah isla markaana laga codsaday inay waqtiga dhowraan. Sida ergeygu ku sheegay war saxaafadeedkiisa waxaa toddobaadka dambe la qabanayaa kulan ballaaran oo looga arinsanayo xaalada Soomaaliya iyo sida laga yeelayo dhamaadka dawlada marka la gaaro. Shirkaasi oo ka dhacaya magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia ayaa lagu dhinac qabanayaa shir madaxeedka Midowga Afrika [AU] oo isaguna lagu qabanayo Addis Ababa. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in madaxweyne Shariif oo hadda jooga wadanka Uganda uu ka qeybgalayo kulankaasi isagoo ku dadaalayaa sidii markale isaga xilka loogu soo celin lahaa. Wararka RBC Radio soo gaaraya ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya in Qaramada Midoobay ay ku dadaaleyso sidii waqtiga Dawlada looga saari lahaa KMG looguna bedelilahaa dawlad dhexe oo Soomaaliya loo dhiso. Dhinaca kale waxaa durba soo baxaya siyaasiyiin iyo qaar ka mid ah qabqablayaashii Soomaalida oo badankood hunguri ka hayo xilka madaxtuinimada kuwaasoo mid waliba uu hadda bilaabay inuu raadiyo saaxiibadii uu ku lahaa Afrikaanka iyo UN-ka oo faraha kula jira arimaha wadanka Soomaaliya si uu uga dhadhiciyo xilka in loo dhiibo. Waxaana ragga dib u soo noolaaday ka mid ah Cali Maxamed Geedi oo mar soo ahaa raisul wasaare. Waxaana arinta ololaha hadda laga dareemayaa magaalada Nairobi oo u muuqata in waayadan dambe ay noqotay meel arimaha Soomaaliya laga hago. RBC Radio
  17. Addis Ababa oo uu ka furmayo shir arimaha Somalia looga hadlayo Magaalada Adis Ababa ee caasimada Itoobiya ayaa lagu wadaa in dhawaan uu ka furmo shir ay halkaasi ku yeelanayaan qaramada Midoobay iyo Midowga Afrika iyadoo la sheegay in arimaha Soomaaliya si weyn loogu faaqidi doono kulankaasi. Shirkan oo ay wadajir u shir gudoomin doonaan xoghayaha guud ee qaramada Midoobay Ban Ki Moon iyo gudoomiyaha gudiga midowga Afrika Dr. Jean Ping ayaa ah shirweynaha madaxda Afrika. Shirkan ayaa 30-ka ilaa iyo 31-ka bishan January wuxuu ka dhici doonaa xarunta midowga Afrika ee magaalada Adis Ababa iyadoo lagu eegi doono xaaladaha Soomaaliya, Ivory Cost, iyo Suudan gaar ahaan arimaha colaadaha iyo siyaada dalalkaasi. Midowga Afrika ayaa baadi goobaya taageero dhaqaale oo uu helo hawlgalka ay ka wadaan Soomaaliya ee lagu doonayo in lagu kordhiyo ciidamada AMISOM eek u sugan magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasi oo taageeraya dalwada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo hardan dagaal kula jira kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawlada KMG, waxaana jira warar is soo taraya oo sheegaya in ciidamadaasi ay qayb ka yihiin dhibaatada soo gaaraysa shacabka gaar ahaan duqaymaha aan loo meel dayin ee loo geysanayo dadka rayidka ah. SBC Mowliid Xaaji Cabdi
  18. UN and African Union to convene high-level meeting on Somali peace process Ongoing violence in Somalia has forced more than two million people to flee their homes 26 January 2011 – The United Nations and the African Union will hold a high-level meeting in a few days to review efforts to achieve peace, security and reconciliation in strife-torn Somalia, which has been suffering through two decades of conflict and numerous humanitarian challenges. The meeting will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the sidelines of the African Union Summit which opened today, and will be jointly convened by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Jean Ping, Chairman of the AU Commission. Mr. Ban’s Special Representative for Somalia, Augustine P. Mahiga, noted that the meeting comes at a very crucial juncture, given that, under the Transitional Federal Charter, the interim authority’s mandate is set to expire in August. “We have less than seven months before the end of the transition, and yet a lot still has to be done,” he stated in a news release issued by the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS). Several tasks remain to be completed such as continuing initiatives on reconciliation, building civilian and security institutions and the completion of the constitution-making process. Mr. Mahiga announced that the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) – which is supported by a UN-backed AU peacekeeping force, known as AMISOM – has come up with a road map, outlining priority tasks which it will have to achieve towards the end of the transition. “There was unanimous agreement, both inside and outside Somalia, that the transitional period has to end in August as envisaged under the Djibouti Peace Agreement,” he said, referring to the UN-facilitated peace process that began in 2008. “In the meantime, consultations are underway to develop a consensus on how to end the transition and on the nature of post-transition political arrangements,” he added. Somalia – which has not had a functioning central government since 1991 – has been torn apart by decades of conflict and factional strife, more recently with al-Shabaab Islamic militants. The country is also facing a dire humanitarian crisis in which 3.2 million people, more than 40 per cent of the population, is in need of aid. Mr. Mahiga called for internal consultations among the Somalis themselves to build consensus on the way forward. “It is critical that the consensus-building process ensures that the gains made so far are sustained and entrenched beyond the end of the transition,” he stated. “After two decades of suffering, the time has come for Somalia to return to a nation in which its citizens are allowed the opportunity to live a fruitful life in peace and security.”
  19. Puntland replies tongue in cheek Dowladda Puntland oo Gaashaanka ku dhufatay in ay iibisay Jasiirada Saqadara Garowe RBC Radio) Iyadoo dowlada Puntland lagu eedeeyay in ay iibisay jasiirada lagu magacaabo Suqadara oo ay leedahay Soomaaliya ayaa arintaasi waxaa jawaab ka bixiyay gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlmaanka Puntland. Salaad Xareed Cali oo ah gudoomiye ku xieenka baarlamaanka dowlada Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ayaa waxa uu sheegay in hadalkaasi uu yahay mid waxba kama jiraan ah. Gudoomiye ku xieenka baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa waxa uu sheegay in aysan jirin wax jasiirada oo ay iibiyaan isla markaana aysan doonaynin in ay iibiyaan. “Aniga waligay ma maqlin in Jasiirada Suqadara in ay ka tirsantahay Soomaaliya markii aan dhiganayay iskoolkana layguma barin, waxaan ka soobaxay dugsigii ALAAHIi waligayna kuma arkin Juquraafiga in jasiiradaasi ay leedahay Soomaaliya..’sidaa waxaa yiri gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland." Hadalka Gudoomiye ku xieenka baarlmaanka Puntland ayaa waxa uu ka danbeeyay ka dib markii xildhibaan Cali Cismaan Diinsoor oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada dowlada KMG uu ku eedeeyay dowlada Puntland in ay iibisay Jasiirada Suqadara. Garowe RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka RBC Radio Garowe Puntland
  20. Illiterate MP Ali Osman 'Diinsoor': Puntland Sold Socotra to US, Socotra was settled originally by English people but Puntland now sold the Island to the USA'
  21. Xildhibaan Cali Cismaan Diinsoor: Puntland waxa ay iibsatay Jasiirada Saqadara Muqdisho RBC Radio: Xildhibaan Cali Cismaan Diinsoor oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya ayaa ku eedeeyay dowlad gobaleedka Puntland in ay iibisay mid ka mid ah Jasiiradaha Soomaaliya. Xildhibaankaan ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dowlad gobaleedka Puntland ay aaminsanyihiin in ay gabi ahaanba iibiyeen jasiirada lagu magacaabo Suqadara. Xildhibaankaan ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay heleen xog u aadan ariintaasi isla markaan ay haatan baarayaan sida dowlada Puntland ay u iibisay Jasiiradaan. Cali Cismaan Diinsoor oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya ayaa tilmaamay in Jasiiradaan ay markii hore deganaan jireen dad Ingiriis ah. Waxa uuna tilmaamay in ay haatan ka warheleen in jasiiradaasi laga iibiyay dowlada Maraykanka isla markaana y ka iibisay dowlada Puntland. Hadalkaan ka soo yeeray mudanahaan ka tirsan baarlmaanka KMG Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu imaanayaa xili dowlada Puntland ay sheegtay in ay xiriirka u jartay dowlada FKMG Soomaaliya. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho
  22. A Sharif supporter and MP named Ali Osman 'Diinsoor' who has been commissioned by Sharif Ahmed to attack Puntland via the Mogadishu tabloids has said that 'Puntland recently sold Socotra Island to Unites States of America which belonged to Somalia.' Puntland Deputy Parliament Speaker Salaad Hared Ali replied tongue in cheek saying 'there is no island we have sold on and we do not want to sell any islands' Furthermore he replied: 'I never heard that Socotra was part of Somalia when I was at school and I wasn't certainly taught about Socotra belonging to Somalia neither. I attended the renowned Allaahi Public School and I never saw it on the Geography map that this island belonged to Somalia either'. This shows the level of education of Sharif Ahmed and his followers. One worse than the other. It's the blind leading the blind. This thread is intended to highlight all the ignorances and desperate utterings of Sharif Ahmed and Co. Stay tuned.
  23. Dear Mr. Augustine Mahiga Special Representative to Somalia. I would like to bring to your attention to your Statement on expanding the political base to facilitate the consultation on the constitutional process-making and the tfg broadening the security apparatus current make up to make it more inclusive of all Somali clans. First of all Sharif Ahmed who is holed up in Villa Somalia and who has no control whatsoever is standing in the way of yourself Special Representative to Somalia sound and rational proposal. The not so sound Sharif Ahmed recently at the inauguration ceremony of 500 new Police recruits has shamelessly ignored stable states in the north of the country and thus left them out of the process such as "Puntland" and "Somaliland". This is a clear sign of the violation of the statement of you Mr. Mahiga to make the security apparatus more inclusive. Furthermore Sharif Ahmed favours the 1960 constitution with limited amendments done to it which is in total violation of the Transitional Federal Charter. He of course cites the south-central not being included due to lack of progress in his two year term whereby many parts of Somalia which were controlled by the TFG during Abdullahi Yusuf's term changed hands to the Alshabab outfit. Sharif Ahmed has proven to be beyond incompetent and the last of couple of days this has come to the fold. The man is indecisive in action and totally inept for the role he's currently leading. Furthermore Mr. Farmajo caused outrage during a recent BBC Interview whereby he insulted the Puntland people and said 'I have renowned persons inside Puntland that contact me on a regular basis' and 'the people are with me' and that 'I will be soon coming to Puntland to resolve a dispute'. The Somali Prime Minister who controls no where except the 2km square kilometre and key installations such as the port and airport of Mogadishu aided by Amisom troops has the audacity to question and come between the Puntland populace of 4million and the democratic and legally elected government of the autonomous Puntland State, which is something bewildering to be exact. The International community erred on the Djibouti Process because it left out major stakeholders in its formation such as Puntland and Somaliland. Sharif Ahmed 275 MP's don't represent anyone apart from themselves. Two key ministerial posts were given to name-sake Puntlanders and who are not answerable to the State of Puntland nor its people. Sharif Ahmed is waging a war on the peaceful region of Puntland that is 1/3 of Somalia and Somaliland. The International Community has to see this as to what it is in reality. However what is more bemusing the current TFG's mandate coming to end in August 2011 is the push for extension by the same group of indecision, corruption and dislike to crucial parts of the country such as Puntland and Somaliland repsectively. Puntland and Somaliland are stable and peaceful regions that if they decide to come together can make up the new Somali Republic which is democratic and federal in its description. However what can a bunch of semi-illiterates and political minors without any support base do is the question? Sharif Ahmed is the man who brought Al-Shabab to the forefront of Somalia's political landscape as head of the ICU. The South of the country is a total mess and it's about time the International Community realises this. Mogadishu is inhabitable because of the many ammunitions, poisons coming from the many dead and piles of human remains it's not worth it and the Int. community has to work with Puntland and Somaliland to find a new way forward. Puntland and Somaliland are ready to transform Somalia. The capital shall be moved and the International Community has to approve of this new forward thinking approach and not waste it's resources on Mogadishu which is known now as the 'graveyard of Somalia' and 'wasteland of Somlia' respectively. The people of south Somalia aren't ready for government institutions a truth to come out after 20 years but which we knew all along and long before as can be seen of the no viable local down-upwards approach of building blocks existing in the north of the country! No new federal States have been established during Sharif's term. He's against the new consultation of the draft consultaion which took the International Community much time and energy. He simply wants to hold back the country so is his new PM, who has no power base and is thus forced to back Sharif Ahmed policies right or wrong. If this bunch is not taken out by August 2011 than Somalia will fall even into a deeper hole. Puntland and Somaliland will never except to be part of an 'central/islamic' unity government which nobody can identify with what it's supposed to mean a Central but also Islamic Government which is also a Unity government but that is missing key parts of it's own country mainly "Somaliland" and not in a so distant future "Puntland". Puntland made it clear that they will except nothing short of federalism. Somalis have agreed on this by the TFI and Transitional Federal Charter and also the new draft consultation.