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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Aqil Maxamuud Xaaji Cumar Camay Supreme Leader of Buuhoodle and Chief in charge of Defence of Cayn region
  2. Dalbac welcomed by the Elders of Buuhoodle in their headquarters known as the 'House of Elders' present in the meeting were Ministers from Puntland, Commanders of the forces in Buuhoodle and members of the Diaspora. The meeting was held to thank Dalbac for brining his troops in aid to the Buuhoodle citizens and contributing them to the front against the naked clan aggression of Siilaanyo's SNM 'Somaliland' militia. Kornal Dalbac oo La Kulmay Waxgaradka Buuhoodle, Daawo Hubkii uu kala soo Goostay Maamulka Somaliland. (Buuhoodle, February 10, 2011 Ceegaag Online) Kadib Markii uu Maalintii shalayto Magaalada Buuhoodle lagu soo Dhaweeyey Ciidamo uu Hogaaminayo Kornal Axmed Maxamed Adan(Dalbac) ayaa Dhinaca kale Waxa uu Kornaylku lagu soo dhaweeyey Guriga siwayn Waxa uu haatan Magaalada Buuhoodle uu kulamo Deg deg ah kula yeeshay Waxgaradka Gobolka Cayn oo shir Balaadhan oo ka dhacay Guriga Odayaasha ku soo dhaweeyey, kulankaasi oo goob joog ahaayeen Xubno katirsan Wasiirada Dawlada Puntland Saraakiisha Ciidamada Buuhoodle iyo Qaarkamid ah Qurba jooga Buuhoodle. Muhiimada Kulankaasi ayaana looga Hadlay Xaalada Haatan ka jira Guud ahaanba Nawaaxiga Buuhoodle iyo dagaaladii ugu danbeeyey ee ka dhacay Baliga kalshaale Qaabkii ugu Haboon ee Xaaladahaasi loo Gurfayn lahaa,m kulankaasi ayaana ahaa Mid siwayn Waxgaradka Buuhoodle ugu Mahad Celiyeen Ciidamadii uu Hogaaminayey Kornaylku ee ku soo Biiray Ciidamada Deegaanka Buuhoodle iyo Difaacada Deegaanka Buuhoodle. Kornayl Dalbac ayaa ah Kornaylkii ugu Danbeeyey ee Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ku jiray ee deegaan ahaan ka soo Jeeda Gobolka Cayn Waxa Dadwaynaha Buuhoodle haatan iswaydinayaan Talaabada uu Qaaday Kornalku, Waxa Wararka Qaarkoo ay sheegayaa in Culus Badani uu kaga yimid Beesha uu ka soo Jeedo, iyo Waxgaradka Buuhoodle inuu Iscasilo. Cali dhagjar Buuhoodle
  3. Puntland Minister, Deputy Minister, Religious leaders and Traditional leaders and citizens of Buuhoodle town, Cayn region of Puntland welcoming Col. Dalbac former army commander of the 9th division.
  4. Puntland Fishery and Marine Resources Minister Eng. Maxamed Faarax Aaden and Puntland Deputy Health Minister Dr. Maxamed Xirsi Ducaale welcoming and congratulating Col. Dalbac's decision to join his people against the clan aggression initiated by Siilaanyo and the SNM clan of Somaliland.
  5. Col. Dalbac former commander of the 9th division of the Somaliland militia based in Burco at his arrival in Buuhoodle
  6. Commander of the 9th army division based in Burco defects to the locals of Buuhoodle, Cayn region of Puntland after aggression by Somaliland and Siilaanyo's quest for land for his clan. Abaanduulihii guutada 9aad ee maamulka Somaliland Kornayl Dalbac iyo Ciidamo uu Hogaaminayo oo ka Goostay Maamulkiisii warsaxaafadeedna ku qabtay Buuhoodle Magaalada Buuhoodle Waxa galabta siwayn loogu soo dhaweeyey Kornayl Axmed Maxamed aadan(Dalbac) oo kamid ahaan jiray Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland Gaar ahaan Guutada sagaalaad ee Saldhigeedu yahay Magaalada Burco ee Xarunta Gobolkaasi Togdheer Maantana si Rasmi ah ugu soo Biiray Ciidamada Deegaanka Buuhoodle. Kornal dalbac iyo Ciidamada uu Hogaaminayo oo Gaadhay ugu yaraan 8 Gaadhi oo tigniko ah iyo 200 oo askar ayaana Maanta Magaalada Buuhoodle loogu sameeyey soo Dhawayn Balaadhan iyadoona looga hortagay Duleedka Magaalada Buuhoodle oo kaga Hortageen Xubno katirsan Wasiirada Puntland shacab Waynaha Reer Buuhoodle iyo Isimada Waxgaradka Buuhoodle. Kornayl dalbac ayaana Dadwaynaha Magaalada Buuhoodle kala Hadlaya Garoonka Wayn Waxa uu sheegay inay tahay sababah uu uga soo Baxay Maamulka Siilaanyo kadib Markii uu damiirkiisu siin Waayey inuu la sii Joogo Maamulka Siilanyo oo dhawaan Shacabka Buuhoodle ku Xasuuqay tignikada gaadhaaman Waxa uu ugu baaqay inuu Ciidamadiisa kala Baxay Deegaanka Gobolka Cayn iyo Gobolka soolba. Ugu danbaytiina Kornayl Dalbac ayaana Fariin Culus u diray siyaasiyiinta ka soo Jeeda Gobolada SSC ee haatan Xilika ka yahay Maamulka Somaliland Waxa uuna sheegay inay ka soo Baxaan Iska Casilaan Xilika ay Maaamulka Somaliland u hayaan. Cali Dhagjar Buuhoodle
  7. Col. Dalbac oo wata batalyan ciidan ah, kuna hubaysan 12 gawaarida dagaalka ah oo ka goostay Somaliland. Buuhoodle, Feb 09 - Col. Axmed Maxmed Dalbac oo ka mid ah saraakiisha sare ee ciidanka Somaliland ee ka dagaalamayey gobolka Cayn ayaa isu dhiibay ciidanka deegaanka ee gobolka Cayn. Col. Dalbac oo ay weheliyaan batalyan ciidan ah (240+ askari), kuna hubaysan 12 gawaariga dagaalka ah ayaa ku macneeyey goosashadiisa in ay sabab u ahayd gardarada, dulmiga, iyo xasuuqa ay ciidanka Somaliland u gaysteen shacabka gobolka Cayn. Mar uu la hadlay shacabka magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa uu ugu baaqay ciidanka Somaliland in ay ka baxaan gobollada Sool, Sanaag & Cayn, isaga oo sidoo kalena ugu baaqay shacabka gobolku in ay difaacaan deegaanka, isna uu ka qayb qaadan doono difaaca; waxaa uu intaa ku daray in uu ku faraxsan yahay in uu yimaado Buuhoodle, shirar wadatashi ahna uu la yeeshay odayaasha dhaqanka iyo shacabka magaalada Buuhoodle. Col. Dalbac waxaa uu ka mid ahaa saraakiisha fara ku tiriska ah ee u dhashay gobollada Sool, Sanaag & Cayn ee ka tirsanaa ciidanka Somaliland ee ka dagaalamayey gobolka Cayn. Ma aha sarkaalkii ama siyaasigii ugu horeeyey ee ka goosta ama u goosta Somaliland, balse waxaa ay goosashadiisu badaleysaa miisaanka ciidan iyo dagaal ee gobolka oo dhawrkii bilood ee la soo dhaafay ay ka dhaceen dagaallo sababay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh.
  8. The People are united and one. It's a clan aggression from the SNM clan of Siilaanyo.
  9. The Blue flag of the Unionists from Puntland reigning high in the Sky deep in so-called ex British Somaliland which the current 'Somaliland' ridiculously claims legitimate from.
  10. Col. Dalbac entered Buuhoodle town with 250 men and 12 'technicals' pick up trucks with artillery mounted ontoo them.
  11. With the above in mind it's only natural that one of the most trusted army commanders of theirs switched to his clan after he saw what is going on and the antics involved whereby Siilaanyo clearly sided with his clan and tried to subjugate the rival clan in Puntland by force. Finally Col. Dalbac a former Somaliland commander now saw what was going on and came back to his people in Buuhoodle and vowed to defend Buuhoodle from the aggressors from Somaliland as he said that 'Siilaanyo has sided with his clan so I'm siding with mine'.
  12. Buuhoodle town awash with troops after Siilaanyo militia heavy defeat and Somaliland's President's call to arms to the SNM clan to defend the 'cause' of subjugation and forcefully recruiting of other clans to their one-sided, mislead and misguided project of separating up the country to the contrary wishes of the unionists and the real situation on the ground. Gaboose Somaliland's interior minister now enlisted a local sub-clan from Borame Awdal region into the war. Somaliland is determined to enter this war in clans and thus asked the local sub-clan of Boorame to enter which they agreed upon. However others of the clan refused to be part of the aggression. This is becoming ugly and ethnic in nature now. We couldn't expect anything from the former leader of the SNM.
  13. Somalia: 87 killed as Puntland warns Somaliland 'not to attack civilians' 9 Feb 9, 2011 - 3:18:52 AM A Cabinet minister in Somalia's Puntland government has warned the separatist region of Somaliland 'not to attack civilians' after heavy fighting Monday killed at least 87 people, Radio Garowe reports. A Puntland delegation led by Fisheries Minister Mohamed Farah Aden told Radio Garowe on Wednesday that the delegation is in Buhodle town to assess the drought and the impact of Monday's fighting. Somaliland troops fought against local clan militias in Kalshale village, which is located near Buhodle, part of Cayn region of Puntland. Local sources reported that the fighting started between two local clans -- Habar Jelo sub-clan of ***** clan and *********** sub-clan of ***** clan. But Somaliland troops intervened with full force. At least 65 people were killed on the Somaliland side while the local clans lost 22 men. Somaliland President Ahmed Silanyo belongs to Habar Jelo sub-clan, which is directly involved in the fighting with *********** clan militia over control of territory. Puntland's Fisheries Minister Aden warned Somaliland to "stop the aggression" and appealed for peaceful co-existence between Puntland and Somaliland. "The people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions are Puntlanders by blood and we urge Somaliland to stop the aggression," Fisheries Minister Aden said. Somaliland's Information Minister Ahmed Abdi Habsade told the BBC Somali Service during a Tuesday interview that the death toll was 5 Somaliland soldiers killed and 12 *********** clan fighters killed. However, local sources confirmed the massive casualties on both sides and the especially the heavy casualties inflicted upon the Somaliland troops, who lost control of the fighting area. Somaliland has now amassed more troops in the region and there are fears that more fighting could spark. Somaliland officials, including President Silanyo and Information Minister Habsade, claimed that Puntland is "supporting" the local clans. But Puntland Fisheries Minister Aden denied the allegations, telling the BBC Somali Service and Radio Garowe during separate interviews that Puntland has the "right to defend its people." Sool and Sanaag regions, which *****-dominated Somaliland administration claims based on defunct colonial-era borders, is home to ***** clan of Puntland. Observers say this is the reason why Somaliland troops are seen as aggressors in Buhodle, also home to ***** clan. Since his election in June 2010, Somaliland President Silanyo's administration has come under the strong influence members of the *****-based SNM rebel faction that used to fight against former Somali military dictator Gen. Siyad Barre regime in the 1980s. Somaliland, located in northwest Somalia, unilaterally declared independence from the rest of the country in 1991 but has not been recognized internationally. Somaliland and Puntland enjoy relative stability compared to the rest of the country. GAROWE ONLINE
  14. Puntland oo digniin culus u dirtey maamulka Somaliland 8 Feb 8, 2011 - 1:58:46 PM Magaalada Buuhoodle waxaa gaarey 08/02/2011 wafti ka tirsan xukuumada Puntland oo uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Kalumeysiga & Kheyraadka Badda Maxamed Faarax Aadan kadib markii deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Ceyn gaar ahaan deegaanka Karshaale dagaalo ku dhex mareen 07/02/2011 ciidamo taabacsan Xukuumada Somaliland & Ciidamo beeleedyo kasoo jeeda deegaanka Buuhoodle. Eng.Maxamed Faarah Aadan Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga Puntland oo Radio Garowe uga waramey ujeedada Buuhoodle ayaa sheegey in sababha u tageen degaanadaas ay isugu jirto dhowr arrimood oo ay ka mid yihiin qiimeyn ay doonayaan in lagu soo sameeyo dadkii ku waxyeeloobey dagaladii labo maalin ka hor ka dhacey Kalshaale. Ujeedada labaad ee safarka waftiga wasiirka ayuu ku sheegey in ay tahay u kuurgalida abaaraha ka jirra deegaanada ka tirsan gobolka Ceyn , kuwaasoo uu xusey in ay ka caawinayaan biyo dhaamin dadka xaaladoodu liidato. Wasiirka oo su'aalo kala duwan laga weydiiyey dagaalkii dhawaan ka dhacey Kalshaale iyo mowqifka Puntland kaga aadan dagaalkaasi , waxa uu sheegey in marnaba Dowlada Puntland ugu dulqaadaneyn Somaliland weerar ay kusoo qaado xuduudaheeda oo uu ku eedeyey maamulka Siilaanyo in wayadaan dambe faragalin ku hayo. Dagaalka Kalshaale ayaa ciidamada Somaliland ka qayb galeen kadib markii beel dagta buhoodle ka itaal roonaatey jifida hoose ee Siilaanyo. Iska horimaadkaan ayaa lagaga diley ciidamada Somaliland oo tageeraya beelahaas 65 qof halka dadka Buhoodle kaga dhinteen 22 qof. Dhageyso Wareysiga Wasiirka oo dhameystiran uuna la yeeshey Wariye Cabdiqani Irbad Radio Garowe.