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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Nuux Taani gives away the telephone numbers of Gaboose the interior minister, Siilaanyo's number too and other important contact details all recorded. It's apparent that the Mole is a Darawiish from the way he's speaking and asking him the questions but Nuux Taani does not seem to get it as foolish secessionist.
  2. This should be known as 'Kalshaale-Gate' or 'Siilaanyo-Gate' whereby the entire secessionist executive has been recorded on tape passing on sensitive information. The entire Executive from President down to Defence Minister to Chief of the Army.
  3. A Darwiish warrior and Mole who as a pretend Secessionist spoke to the entire leadership of the Secessionist enclave from President Siilaanyo downwards to the Interior Minister, Defence Minister, Chief of the Army and some other Secessionist leaders such as Ina Kaahin Spy Chief and former SNM rebel and last but not least the mad Faysal Ali Waraabe has in the past few days released secret tapes with the above mentioned individuals. He found out how the secessionist plan to attack Cayn region, the ministers send to Lasanod and how their trustworthiness was in question alleging that most were new 'Somaliland' recruits who recently 'switched over' and thus not trustworthy. They mentioned Dawdar and others who they also described as extreme Religious individuals linked to 'radicals' and the mission they were in Lasanaod for. They said Siilaanyo had replaced the ones who were with the 'cause' for the past 20 years with some individuals who only recently changed over. They slashed Xaabsade in particular, the Information Minister as being untrustworthy to the highest degree. Furthermore the militia in Sool need to be constantly 'bribed' Ina Kaahin remarked 'as you know if we do not give them money they will immediately go over to the opposite side' and 'then wage war against us'. Nuux Taani Somaliland's Chief of the Army revealed how scared they are but later on he says that 'Now everything is not as difficult and hopeless as before, there are no attacks expected from Tukaraq and some of the SSC have switched over'. He emphasised that Kayse's switch over to them and who is in Burco 'now' but heading towards Hargaysa has 'significantly reduced the Buuhoodle and Cayn freedom fighter's capabilities' and that 'they have become weak as thereof' and 'therefore expect to be invaded anytime by us'. On the question if the troops are being considered to be send back he reclaimed 'that they will be not going back only further into Cayn region until we capture Buuhoodle'. This is interesting as the last couple of days the Secessionists were preparing for a last and final push towards Buuhoodle but Puntland at the same time said 'that they will be defending Buuhoodle and Cayn, if attacked by the Secessionist'. It seems with Keyse coming over to them they have regained more confidence in actually capturing Buuhoodle this time around. It's long the tapes that is and you need to listen to it to yourself but the funniest part is the Darwiish Mole saying to the Secessionist Army Commander that he has spoken with some 'men' who belonged 'to the clan' and 'are part of the armed forces of Djibouti, who provided him with satellite photograph's of Ahmed Karaash's men and troops and their whereabouts' by which the Secessionist Army Commander replied 'Yes it's how you told it, indeed they were at the spot you told us'. That Darwiish guy has given us insights how the secessionist leadership from President down to Chief of the Army speak to everyone and give away sensitive information without any regard to whom they're speaking to and this shows us how the unprofessional secessionist decision makers under Siilaanyo operate and their incompetent ways of not giving away your own secrets.
  4. Issimada SSC ee Puntland today said in their official writing that they will not engage in peace talks with the administration in Hargaisa as long as the militias from Hargaisa and Burco so called Somaliland are stationed in the areas and jurisdiction of the SSC clan. They further outlined that they have nothing to do with the 'Somaliland Project' or that they have reached an exclusive agreement with the clans of Hargaisa and Burco which excludes the rest of Somalia or the people of the Somali Democratic Republic. They also appealed to the Hargaisa administration and the Hargaisa and Burco traditional leaders to take out their troops from SSC land. If they refuse to do so then they call upon the SSC people to raise up and do what is required to evict those militias back to their original lands from where they come from. They furthermore call for the London get together to be stopped as it causes only division and that anybody who thinks he has proposal that is beneficiary to the people residing in the SSC to come to Somalia and bring it before the council of the traditional elders and leaders of the SSC land.
  5. Somalia: Puntland President’s Delegation Arrives in Italy. PRESS RELEASE February 28, 2011 A delegation led by the President of Puntland State of Somalia His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole) arrived Monday in Rome for an official visit to Italy. The President’s delegation was warmly received at the airport by officials of the Somali Embassy in Rome, led by the Somali Ambassador to Italy and Belgium, H.E. Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde), and the Embassy’s chief of protocol, Mr. Awes Abukar Awes. The Puntland Government delegation is scheduled to hold important meetings with Italian Government officials during a week-long visit to Rome. The delegation includes the State Minister for Good Governance, Hon. Mohamed Farah Gashan, and the State Minister for Democratization and Federal Affairs, Hon. Abdi Hassan Jimale, PhD. Planned meetings in Rome include receptions at the Italian Foreign Ministry; meetings with senior Italian parliamentarians; and a speech at a prestigious university in Rome. The Puntland delegation spent one week in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where they met with officials from Ethiopia, the United States (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK). On Feb. 22, the Puntland delegation met with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Hailemariam Desalegne. The following day, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Meles Zenawi, met privately with President of Puntland, H.E. Abdirahman Farole. Discussions centered on improving and strengthening Ethiopia-Puntland relations in security and economic sectors, as well as political cooperation. President Farole expressed to Ethiopian senior officials regarding Puntland’s strong opposition to clan conflicts initiated by Somaliland’s separatist government, particularly renewed violence in Buhodle district of Puntland. The Puntland delegation was also visited by U.S. Special Representative for Somalia, Ambassador John Yates. The Puntland and U.S. officials discussed a range of issues including U.S. support for stable regions of Somalia, the proper end of transitional mandate of the TFG, and post-transitional arrangements in Somalia. John Marshall, the UK’s deputy ambassador to Ethiopia, met with the Puntland Government delegation. Discussions centered on Puntland’s condemnation of Somaliland military aggression in the region. ---END---
  6. PRESS RELEASE February 28, 2011 Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Puntland oo gaaray dalka Italy Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland ee Somalia Dr. C/raxman Maxamad Maxamud (Farole) ayaa maalintii Isniintii booqasho rasmi ah ku gaaray Magaalada Roma ee caasimadda dalka Italy. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha waxaa gediga dayuuradaha magaaladaasi ku soo dhaweeyey Mas’uuliyiin ka socda Safaarada Somalida ee dalka Italy uuna horboodaayay Amb. Nur Xasan Xuseen (Nur Cadde) oo ah Safiirka Somalia u jooga Italy iyo Belgium, waxaana wehlinayay Madaxa soo dhaweynta Safaaradda Somalia ee Italy, Md. Aweys Abukar Aweys. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Puntland waxaa ka mid ah Wasiiru dowlaha Maamul-Wanaaga Md. Maxamad Farax Ciise (Gaashaan) iyo Wasiiru-dowlaha Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka, Dr. Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale. Wafdiga Dowladda Puntland ayaa kulamo muhiim ah kula balansan Mas’uuliyiin kala gedisan oo ka socda Dowladda Italy, sida Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibeda iyo Baarlamaanka Italy. Dhanka kale, Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland ayaa muddo todobaad ah joogay Magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia. Mas’uuliyiin ka socota Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada ee dalka Ethiopia iyo Safiirka Somalia ee dalka Ethiopia, Md. Siciid Yusuf Nur, ayaa ka mid ahaa Mas’uuliyiintii soo dhaweeyey wafdiga. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa kulamo la yeeshay Mas’uuliyiin sar-sare oo ka tirsan Dowladda Ethiopia uuna horkacayay Rai’sul Wasaaraha Meles Zenawi. Arrimo badan ayay labada dhinac ka wada hadleen, sida xoojinta iskaashiga amniga, ganacsiga iyo siyaasadda ee labada dhinac, iyadoo Dowladda Puntland ay mowqif cad ka istaagtay daandaansiga iyo gardarradda uu ka wado qeybo ka mid ah Gobolladda Puntland gaar ahaan deegaanka Buuhoodle maamulka la magacbaxay Somaliland. Sidoo kale, Wafdiga Puntland ayaa qaabilay Wakiilka gaarka ah ee Maraykanka (USA) u qaabilsan arrimaha Somalia, Amb. John Yates, iyadoo arrimaha laga wada hadlay ay ka mid ahaayeen taageeridda Maraykanka ee gobollada nabdoon ee Somalia iyo weliba dhamaadka xilliga Xukummadda iyo Baarlamaanka Dowladda Federaalka KMG (TFG). Safiir-ku-xigeenka dalka Ingriiska (UK) u jooga dalka Ethiopia, Amb. John Marshall, ayaa booqasho ugu yimid Wafdiga Puntland iyadoo arrimaha laga wada hadlay ay ka mid ahayd cambaarayn ay Dowladda Puntland usoo jeedisay daandaansiga iyo gardaradda maamulka la magacbaxay Somaliland uu ka wado mandaqada.
  7. Juxa is a shining star indeed amongst the ministers but also the Health Minister Cali Cabdullahi Warsame, the Minister for Women and Family Affairs Marwo Caasho Gheelle Diiriye, Finance Minister Faarax Cali Jaamac, Minister and State Minister for Planing and International Cooperation respectively Da'uud Maxmed Cumar and Mr. Cabdulqaadir Cabdi Xaashi and the State Ministers for Good Governance and Minister for Constitutional and Federal Affairs Mudane Gaashaan and Jimcaale shouldn't be discounted. We're very grateful for President Abdirahman for selecting this men and woman for office and I'm adamant that the new reshuffle of the Ministers who didn't do as well would as the above mentioned will be following the others ministers in their good work and thus will strive the same and deliver a better outcome than their previous forerunners and predecessors in office.
  8. Maashaallaah great news. I very much welcome the Education Minsiters visit to Turkey and his quest for scholarships for Puntland students to grant them higher Education in Turkey. What has amazed me it's that the Education Minister Abdi Farah Juxa not only succeeded in this quest for higher education but that he also met with the Turkish Agriculture Minister, Information Minister, MP's and countless Businessmen to deliver for the people of Puntland better health service as Turkey will send out a new delegation consisting of doctors and surgeons and other humanitarian relief. It shows how an attractive hub and location Puntland has become and that many are interested in not only investing but also extending a hand of friendship to it's people. I praise the Education Minister for his efforts and strives. We can count ourselves lucky to have such excellent and hard working ministers and a competent President like Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamoud as our President. Maashallaah may allaah safeguard them all.
  9. Gret Development there Duke, I just wanted to post it. Thanks
  10. Amin Camir just pays a fitting farewell picture
  11. Hayada ICRC oo Daawo Gurmad ah soo Gaadhsiiyey Isbitaalka Buuhoodle, iyo Degmooyinka kale (Buuhoodle, February 10, 2011 Ceegaag Online) Kalmadii Dr C/rashiid Maxamuud Cali Saxar Dhagayso Ha'yada ICRC oo kamid ah Ha,yada Samafalka ah ayaa Isbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Buuhoodle soo gaadhsiiyey Daawo Gurmad ah oo Farabadan oo Ha'yadu ka soo Rartay Magaalada Garoowe ee Xarunta Maamulka Puntland, Daawadaasi oo Isbitaalka Buuhoodle uu soo gaadhsiiyey Dr C/rashiid Maxamuud Cali Saxar isla Markaana uu ku Wareejiyey Wasiirku Xigeenka Caafimaadka Puntland Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Cayn iyo Masuuliyiinta Caafimaadka ee Buuhoodle. Daawadaasi Gurmad ah oo ahayd Daawadii ugu farabadnayd ee Ha,yada ICRC soo gaadhsiiso Isbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa Waxa loogu tala galay inay Qayb ka Qaadato Gurmadyada Dhaawacyada ku soo dhaawacmay Dagaalkii ka dhacay baliga kalshaale, Waxana kaloo Daawooyinkaasi Qaarkamid ah loo Diray Magaalooyinka Hurufadhi Xadhadhanka Ceegaag iyo Sool Joogto oo ah Magaalooyinka ku yaala Goobaha Furinta ah. Shabakada Wararka ayaana saaka Booqasho ku tagtay Isbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Buuhoodle oo halkaasi Warbixin naga siiyo Daawada la keenay Agaasimaga Guud ee Isbitaalka Ha'yada Manhal Dr C/rashiid Maxamuud Cali Saxar oo Daawadaasi Waday, Waxana kaloo Mahad Celin halkaasi ka soo Jeediyey Isuduwaha Caafimaadka Buuhoodle iyo Madax Bishacas oo Ha'yada ICRC Mahad uga Celiyey Daawadan Gurmadka ahee Dr C/rashiid soo gaadhsiiyey. Cali dhagjar Buuhoodle
  12. The International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent in Garowe deliver ton load of medical supplies to the Buuhoodle General Hospital. This medical goods were delivered by Dr. Abdirashid Mahamoud Ali from Garowe and then handed over to Puntland's Deputy Health Minister Mr Du'aale, the Governor of Buuhoodle region and responsible Individuals in charge of Health matters in Buuhoodle.