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If the father was doing shady business in the early 1950's, what can you expect of his son in 2024? Ali Hosh Ali Gaab the Aaran-Jaan master embezzler who was in Khayre's camp with his other Aaran-Jaan in the 2022 Federal Selection is his cousin and Issa 'Awadh's Warmuka' (Warmooge's) nephew, his mother is ina Cawad Warmooge.
Unfortunately the SSC Community is easily distracted! Shooting down concerns like this is what has led to the stalemate of late. Even from a personal viewpoint one should concentrate on themselves before launching into other movements of no concern to them!
SSC Leadership should focus only on themselves and ignore everything else! It's funny how the Garaaddo entertain sideshows while their city is shelled and valuable men die every so often. SSC can be easily hijacked as their are many amongst them that have an ear for other movements that have nothing in common with theirs. Time to wake up, and smell the coffee!
Dahireeto thank you brother.
A short poem about investing in Puntland. Some of the riches and physical characteristics of where it is located. Could not find the poetry section. Of Yore trade flourished whence Twixt the Indian and the Gulf O'Aden Graciously in thine 'oetic-jestic 'otions; Lieth thou 'tween these strait of oceans' Thy land's precious, full of gems Ye ground's covered carpet limes Draws foreigner's in big lines The vast oceans marine fish O' we await the world's rich To come to ourland and invest In our heavenly scented everest Abundant in myrrh and frankincense It's only right and merited You come to 'is our Land Ancient Civilisation; Of yore trade flourished whence
History is made. Abdi Warsame wins Minneapolis City Council seat
Fiqikhayre replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
Congrats to Mr. Burhan Yassin Warsame. I don't really understand this things spewed around here regarding him representing All Somalis when in fact he ran for the whole of the Ward. The man ran and got Voted people shouldn't have brought the mans past to it or grudges one feels having had different opinions in regards to politics back home. Just say congratulation and leave the past to the past. I am not a fan of such disapproving comments. Just being silent would be more appropriate if discourging comments can't be avoided. -
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo Xarunta AMISOM kula kulmay Maanta Wafdi ka socday Ururka Midowga Yurub (SAWIRRO) Arbaco, Juun 12, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta kula kulmay xerada Xalane ee Muqdisho wafdi ka socday ururka Midowga Yurub, kuwaasoo uu kala hadlay xaaladda dalka Soomaaliya iyo kaalmada Midowga Yurub. Kulan albaabbadu u xirnaayeen kaddib ayaa waxaa shir jaraa’id wadajir u qabtay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo madaxa guddiga siyaasadda iyo amniga Midowga Yurub, Olof Skoog oo hoggaaminayay wafdigan. “Wafdigan waa kuwii ugu sarreeyay ee go’aan qaadashada Midowga Yurub waxayna nooga yimaadeen dalka Belgium si ay noogala hadlaan shirka lagu qaban doono bisha September ee sannadkan magaalada Brussels ee dalka Belgium kaasoo ay si wadajir ah u guddoomin doonaan aniga iyo Catherin Ashton,” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu hadalkiisa ku daray in wafdigan ay faahfaahin dheer ka siiyeen waxyaabihii dowladda u qabsoomay, wixii aan qabsoomin iyo sidoo kale waxa aan doonayno inaan hadda qabanno. Sidoo kale, Xasan Sheekh ayaa sheegay inuu uga mahadceliyay wafdigan sida ay mar walba Midowga Yurub u garab taagan yihiin Soomaaliya, isagoo sheegay in dhawaan ay go’aamiyeen in Soomaaliya ay ka dib ugu noqoto xubinnimadii heshiiskii Cotonou oo fursad u siinaya Soomaaliya in dib u dhis ay hesho. Dhanka kale, waxaa isagana goobta ka hadlay madaxii hoggaaminayay wafdiga, Olof Skoog oo sheegay in imaanshadooda Muqdisho ay tahay sidii ay ugu kuurgeli lahaayeen xaaladda dalka ayna ugala hadli lahaayeen madaxda Soomaalida shirka Brussels iyo horumarka la sameeyay. “Waxaan u jeednaa Soomaaliya cusub oo dhalatay, waxaana diyaar u nahay inaan taageero la garab taagnaano tan iyo inta ay cagaheeda isaga taagayso,” ayuu Skoog ku yiri shirka jaraa’id. Xubnaha wafdigan ayaa waxay ka koobnaayeen 18 xubnood oo ay ku jireen qaar ka mid ah danjirayaasha dalalka Yurub qaarkood u fadhiya Soomaaliya iyo kuwo kale, waxaana intii uu shirku socday ammaanka goobta sugayay ciidamada dowladda Somalia iyo kuwa AMISOM. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
Xasan oo la kulmay Wafdi EU-da 12 Jun 12, 2013 - 9:08:00 AM Madaxweynaha DF Somalia Xasan Sh. Maxamuud ayaa maanta 12 June,2013 kula kulmay Muqdisho wafdi ka socda Midowga Yurub oo uu hogaaminayay Madaxa Siyaasada iyo Nabadgalyada EU-da. Kulanka oo ka dhacay Xarunta AMISOM ayaa wuxuu ahaa mid ay albaabadu u xiran yihiin iyadoo Madaxweyne Xasan oo la hadlay saxaafada markii uu soo dhamaaday kulanka uu sheegay in Madaxda EU-da uu kala hadlay sidii loo xoojin lahaa dib u dhiska iyo nabadeynta Somalia. “Wafdigan waa midkii ugu sareeyay EU-da oo Maanta nasoo booqda, waxaan u sharaxay qorshayaasha DF ay doonayso inay wax ka qabto Mustaqbalka dhow, waxaana u sharaxay wixii noo qabsoomay” ayuu yiri Xasan Shiikh oo sheegay inuu uga mahadceliyay Wafdigan taageerada ay siiyaan Somalia. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in Dowladiisu ay doonayso inay la shaqeyso Midowga Yurub si dalka dib loogu dhiso goobaha amaankoodu xun yahayna looga dhigi goobo amaan ah. “Bisha September ee sanadkan 2013 dalka Belgium waxaa ka dhici doona shir looga hadlayo Arimaha Somalia kaasoo aan aniga iyo Catherin Ashton wada shir-gudoomin doono” ayuu Madaxweynuhu sheegay. Sidoo kale waxaa isagana warbaahinta la hadlay Madaxa Siyaasada iyo Amniga ee Midowga Yurub isagoo sheegay in booqashadooda ay ahayd mid ay ku indho-indheynayeen xaalada dalka, ayna arkeen inay dib u dhalanayso Somalia. “Waxaan aragnay in Somalia ay ka baxayso xiligii colaadaha ayna u gudbayso sidii ay uga mid noqon lahayd dalalka Caalamka, waxaana naga go’an inaan taageero buuxda siino” ayuu yiri Mas’uulkii hoggaaminayay wafdiga. Wafdigan ayaa waxay ka koobnaayeen in ka badan 20-qof oo ay ku jiraan safiirada Midowga Yurub ee dalalka Afrika qaarkood, iyadoo shirkan uu kusoo beegmayo xili Somalia loo ogolaaday inay ka mid noqoto heshiiska Contonou. GAROWE ONLINE
The EU’s “Political and Security Committee” visits Somalia 12 June 2103 Today, the European Union’s Political and Security Committee (PSC), the key body that contributes to define and monitor the EU’s crisis response as part of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, made its first visit to Somalia. The visit underlined the commitment of the EU to the new political dispensation and the people of Somalia, and the extensive support for the normalisation of the situation in Somalia both politically and in terms of security. The PSC Ambassadors met with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the Federal Government. They welcomed the progress in the political and reconciliation processes and in the field of security and development, and discussed the challenges the Government is still facing to rebuild the country. The EU PSC reiterated the EU’s continued support to creating peace, stability and prosperity in Somalia and in the wider Horn region. They encouraged continued consolidation of the peace and governance achievements. President Hassan Sheikh and the PSC Ambassador’s underscored that “The New Deal for Somalia Conference”, which will be jointly hosted by Somalia and the EU in Brussels in September this year, will provide a unique opportunity to galvanise the international community around the New Deal and the Government’s vision up to 2016. The representatives of the PSC also visited the EU Training Mission that recently moved from Uganda to Somalia.Security remains a key aspect for stability in Somalia and the EUTM operation’s move to Mogadishu is part of the paradigm shift of engaging inside Somalia and in close partnership with the authorities. Background The PSC is the main body of the EU in the definition of and follow-up to the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and crisis response. The PSC is permanently chaired by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and comprises ambassadors from the 27 EU Member States. Magali Uytterhaeghe Press and Communication Officer EU Mission to Somalia Office: Delegation of the EU to Kenya – P.O. Box 45119 – 00100 Nairobi Tel: + // Cell: +254.717.10.44.14