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Everything posted by -Nomadique-

  1. Yes Somalia should have 3 capitals 1 in Mogadishu one in Hargeisa and the other in that city in Puntland ( forgot the name) but the problem is knowing somaliz each will probably not accept the type of capital they get leading to arguments between all three as to which will end up being listed first in all official documents and why this city is mentioned more in the news etc etc come to think of lets not have ANY capital city at all it would probably cause less problems
  2. Yeah if its true but i doubt it will happen ive alwayz thought it would be cool if peopleof african descent went and played for their home countries which need them more instead of the countries that colonised them. that is Viera playin for Senegal Dessaily for Ghana u get the picture
  3. I thought i might add my own opinion i didnt have the patience to go through all 100+ opinions,so if anything is repeated my apologies. Ok the question of whether somalis are africans and arabs is to me quite illogical the fact of the matter is in a similar way to the ethiopians somaalis "created" a genetic link to arabs to give them a link to Islam and also as a protection from Slavery i mean seriously what kind of arab would enslave a fellow arab now these theories werent made up by me but were researched by some guy whose name escapes me now think of this if we were descended from Arabs why is our language not closer to the arabic language anyone who knows the amaharic language would be stunned at the similarites between it and arabic just listen to the way they count i would say that if anyone was descended from arabs in east africa it would be them i should also note that the Ethiopians also have "created" a link to the religion of christianity by suggesting that they are the descendents of Prophet Suleiman and the Queen Of sheba as written in their texts (The Bible) now i should also state that Somalis are Black but NOT what would be classified as Negros i have an old copy of the classification of races in the world and people of Somalia and Ethiopia were placed under the Erythoritic (wrong spelling) race Under the group of caucasions which is pretty weird but i guess this is all based on the sharper features people of somalia, ethiopia,eriteria,etc etc have but i guess what im trying to say would probably be easier to understand if i said that Italians are White but not Nordic they have a more olive complexion darker hair, eyes etc. but dont look like the taller fairer peoples of Scandanavia this is all a historical accident
  4. Sorry to move away from the topic of discussion but i couldnt help but be suprised by a statement made by Zaylici which I quote I trace this problem to our modes of economic production, that is nomadic life, nomadism is premitive way of human subsistance, no civilisation, no art, and no industry or written science and literature in Nomadic soceity Now I don't know about you but i think that our historical nomadic existence was a source of our great literary traditions so much so that Somalia is recognised as a "nation of bards" and whose general appeal was actually compared to that of Shakespeare during Elizabethen times these are all facts so the problem with the so called youth which I am a member of i might add, is not the lack of culture but the fact that the youth living in western society have not been blessed with being introduced to the rich culture that unfortunately seems to be disappearing.
  5. I for one think Smoking is HARAM the Holy Quran clearly states that an individual cannot cause themselves any harm that anything that is done that will cause your own harm is Haram . Note this is obviously not a direct translation of the Noble Quran
  6. i don't know what to say i guess even though we never got to know each other very well (infact not at all) your posts were greatly appreciated I for one will be really sad at your depature Jazak Allah P.S I guess this does serve as an example it seems to me that our islamic values have been compromised under western influences Thanks again
  7. This is probably a late response but i had to say that CANIBUS is the best out there he could rip apart anyone and i mean anyone with his metaphors a cut above the rest
  8. This is probably a late response but i had to say that CANIBUS is the best out there he could rip apart anyone and i mean anyone with his metaphors a cut above the rest
  9. This is probably a late response but i had to say that CANIBUS is the best out there he could rip apart anyone and i mean anyone with his metaphors a cut above the rest
  10. lol funny mate i hope it dont go to far though lol
  11. i don't think i made myself as clear as i would have hoped, i mainly was refering to somaliland my mistake i hope now my post seems a little less out there
  12. Interesting Post Juxaa, I guess we Somalis are better of now, though ofcourse for any real progress we should have some form of representation particularly on an International scale. Just think if any other western country had no government as long as we have then they would most likely be living in a state of utter chaos Western legal and political systems are the only protectiion citizens have from living in a dog eat dog hell hole of a country. I'd really like to see the U.K , U.S function as well as the Somalis have.
  13. Yes UDUB has definitely Won, although the Kulmiye party was caught out twice lying about the results on two occasions the posted "official" results stating that they had won and on both occasions the BBC Somali service confirmed from the electoral commission that the results had not been confirmed or completed as yet. Recent news suggest that Silanyo is putting Somalialnd in a state of chaos by not accepting the outcome of this election, that is the victory of UDUB