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Everything posted by -Nomadique-

  1. -Nomadique-

    Good Looks

    ^I thought you retired?
  2. Intuition I expect the same hospitality :cool:
  3. Yes JB thats just what we need. More dead good guys. Gosh how dare he ruin the end of the movie!
  4. ^ Well to Arabs latin script looks like a bunch of weird lines. Anyways this arcticgarlic (what kind of name is that anyway?) is obviously some weirdo..I wonder whether he (ofcourse it is a he) could give us the method of converting these languages into numbers. Fascinating im sure.
  5. How would Somalia be better of if he was dead? Too many good people have died in the face of tyrants and the country is worse of because of it. Alhamdulilah, im glad he is safe and well. I hope he will continue his good work for the sake of the people and for the future of the country.
  6. Such Hateration! But ofcourse deep down I know you Just love Australia. So where the bloody hell are you? Avoiding death by wind and snow.
  7. LOL, Rokko can't vote for him he is not a resident of Lakemba. Seriously though if this guy does get elected(which i doubt) im sure he will make interesting viewing during Question Time.
  8. I think perhaps the person(s) who came up with this model was keeping in mind obvious clan rivalries. Perhaps his heart was in the right place (who knows). But it is very flawed.
  9. A man who used exactly 4.5% of his potential brain power I imagine.
  10. Im telling you Fox's Subliminal Messaging Department deserve an award. It really works!
  11. Awwww that is so adorable. Thanks for the clip MMA.
  12. What amuses me most are istubid youtube comments. A few days ago I found possibly the most outrageously idiotic comment ever. It honestly hurt to laugh. It was in response to a Barack Obama clip. Source. ArcticGarlic (1 month ago)Is it true that his full name, Obama Hussein Barack, translated to Latin, then converted to Hebrew, totals the sum sixhundred and sixty-six? Or just a new conspiracy theory? Hmmm??? nixfanrdb123 (3 weeks ago) lmao Kridner (2 weeks ago) You're a idoit! ArcticGarlic (2 weeks ago) Barack Hussein Obama, translated to Latin, then converted to Hebrew = 666.
  13. Ah wikipedia how I love thee... occupation (plural occupations) 1. An activity or task with which one occupies oneself; usually specifically the productive activity, service, trade, or craft for which one is regularly paid. 2. The act, process or state of possessing a place. 3. The control of a country or region by foreign armed forces.
  14. ^LOOOL. Now i am convinced Zu is a meek man with unresolved anger issues. Sooner or later like Ned Flanders your calm facade will be shattered by a very public melt down. No more "okely dokely" for you.
  15. What would a man with Oodweyne's type of delivery sound like? I would pay to hear that.
  16. Honestly I cant believe more has not been said about how ridiculously counterproductive every single decision has been for the future of Somalia. *slaps forehead* Im telling you everything up until now has shown the markings of 'the man' at work. Someone must be itching for a bloody free for all - How else can we explain the never ending incompetence? :confused:
  17. This guy keeps pulling rabbits out of a hat. I wonder if he realises how much easier he has made it for the likes of Alan Jones etc. He should just step aside - this talk of running as an MP must not be serious because he lacks one important skill....the ability to speak english.
  18. Geedio : Tale of a puppet who wished to be a man.
  19. ^LOL. Why resurrect old threads? This was one i'd rather forget and its back to haunt me again.
  20. ^ Answer: The country went to hell in a handbasket.