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Everything posted by Alle-ubaahne

  1. ^^you broke the history of cowardism when you bragged about the balls of Ethiopia as yours that secured the invasion of Mogadishu! thanks to america and Ethiopia, two long time enemies of Somalia! our brave shabaabs fought with valor and patriotism in their hearts, we inflicted a substential damage to the enemy, and still we're waging the war to deprive any rest or sleep for the enemy. Our address is dignity, our middle names are Mujaahidiin, our objective is to destroy the enemy of Somalia. We are doing all to make our name immaculate from any dots of dabo-dhilifnimo that has become your own hallmarks. Nacalatulah calaa kuli Dabo-dhilif!
  2. ^^New day for the enemy, not the true somalis, like us. Yeah, more are coming for your rescue for you are weak enough to stand on your filthy feets. Stay behind their Tanks, and do nothing else, that is indeed the nature of dabo-dhilif with silly ambitions.
  3. Chased?? I guess that is what you wish round the clock to happen! War calaacalka iska daa aniga rageygii waa u jeedaa sideey habeen walba kuu miranayaan, oo waxaa naga balan ah inaan dalka kaa saarno adiga iyo qashinka aad wadatid! You and your friends from Ethiopa and else where are our enemy, thus becoming our core objective to cleanse you from the land of Muslims, Somalia. the only thing you and I share is this platform, for discussion, but you always remain the # 1 enemy of Islam and the nation. You know the fact that you can't rule Somalia as an instrument of the enemy. And you know that I will never accept might to make my country under the grip of amxaaro. Unlike you, I am the true spirit of Somalinimo, and that will bring your boothlicking existance into an end, IA.
  4. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: Indeed reer Gaalkacyood are very welcoming. You can view more Photos here inshallah. Kiimiko iyo Kaadi-najaaska adeerka kuu ah iima kala soocna, reer gaalkacyood waa shixnad ka mid ah Fadarada Soomaaliya qabsatay! And FYI, they are all Gaalo-raacyo, and the name of Gaalkacyo must be true for the place once we eradicate them all from the land of the Double-Migrations, i.e. Somalia. We are coming, little dabo-dhilif! lol
  5. ^^welcoming for the Gaalo, that is right! And true N. Gaalkacyo people are more close to Ethiopia than Somalia. I guess they happen to be Somali by name, not by spirit.
  6. do you know the difference between isreal and Ethiopia, little dabo-dhilif?
  7. ^I now know that you call everyone a satarist, those who hate Gaalo and your little dabo-dhilifnimo! lol
  8. ^^Old Comrade hakaa saarto, ma awalbuu ku jeclaa Horn, danbuu kugu watee! Cid walba oo dhinac ah, maxaakimta oo dhinac ah, iyo Muslimka oo dhinac kale ah ayaa kula dirirsan, adiga iyo gaalka aad wadatid. Waa inoo dagaal, gush iyo gashna maleh!
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Innocent people die every where.. but dabo-dhilif die with misery every where, right?
  10. This article is so sincere that the human face of it says everything in truth about the Movement of UIC. Thanks to her!
  11. Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Ex-Xisbiga: An NGO conducted a public poll last year in the South (Central and Southern regions) and found 83% of the people surveyed supported an independent Republic of Somaliland. An NGO was able to conduct a poll in Somalia? Hahahaha. I was thinking like that, runtii! NGO's making political polls for what? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Waa wax lagu qoslo, balaayo idinla been badnaatay dheh! lol
  12. QFT stands for Qabiilka Fadarada ee Transitional-ka ah! Ala magacu ku haboonaa oo fiicanaa. Sax iney yihiin qabiil, sax iney yihiin Fadaro, hadana Sax iney yihiin Transitional oo ah bil sii dheceysa! Qabiilka fadareysanow, bal dhinac noola dhaafa fadaradiina, koley waad socoteene!
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Saxib your religious war is aimed at Puntland right. Anyhow these vehiclesas my sources underline are for the police of Mogadishu, 18 vehicles would mean one for each district and some left over. Its a good start and more will come insha Allah... Doqon inaa tahay, Qabiil dhan oo sadex million ah ayaad rabtaa 18 gaari inaad ku qabsatid, adoo waliba ku guul dareystay inaad cadow amxaaro u adeegsatay! Maato caano leh sideedoo kale waad u hadli jirtay, nabbee!
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The TFG is more than a single man or clan, its a ntional governemnt of the Somali's, hence the complaints of certain media types and minority groups like Qabil-Ubahane. .. Shaati dowladeed midhaa iiguma hoos gabatid, anigana kaama aqristo, adigana kuma seexatid, ee yuusan waqtiga kaa lumine, orod ciyaalka yaryar ee aad Burtinle iyo Bacaad weyn kasoo waday, gee guryahooda, intaan xamar lagu duban!
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Ah total victory for the TFG & Somalia is close, for whe ever you speak things go well for the government and people. 18 gaari iyo baqbaq cidlo ah mooyee, wax kale miyaad soo kordhisay! Kaaga daran, wali gacantii Amxaarka ayaad hoos fadhidaa, caku iyo doqon! You can only win by killing more and more of us, nothing less can bring you a victory, if victory is what you want! Plus, we are there, including Cali-saciidka aa sheegtay oo aan aad u aqaan, to overturn your foreign government and God-willing it will happen and we are ever more determined in this case! CM dowlad ma noqon karo, I say it!
  16. Originally posted by raadamiir: What we are witnessing today is the first days of a long, prosperous and proud Somalia. Thanks to the leadership and the courage of every active member of TFG. You know, around 16 years ago in mid 1991, friend of mine told me that this job of governing a nation takes a certain kind of men; the kind of men that hold the leadership position today - from executive, parliament, to the ministerial level - in the TFG. And thanks finally to Ethiopia for making Reer Qansax the unbecoming of Somalis leadership! Wallee ama kuwait ka dag, ama Kismaayo ka dhoof, ninkaas dhogorta madoow leh eed aaminsan tihiin waa Mujrimka reer puntland, sidaas ayaan u naqaan anaka. Waxaad rabtid aqri, dowlad maahid, qabiil ayaa tahay, anigana qabiil ayaan ahay, howshu waa sidaas! After the trip, I say, welcome to reality!
  17. 18 gaari oo qabiilka Puntland loogu deeqay, aan aragno waxay taraan bal!
  18. ****-xume, wallee dhaaxaad gaalo hoosta kaga jirtaa! Waa lagu ogyahay, waase lagu abaalmarin!
  19. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: There is nothing unique about reer Qansax adeer. As matter of fact I AM reer Qansax which you refering to. I oppose the guy and his policies. Is that enough of a sample to show you that your conclusion is wrong? Baashi is reer Qansax but he opposes the old man and his policies? Still unconvinced? Allaha kuusoo sahlo adeer. One more thing....the old man succeeded in his mini project by using men who perhaps are closer in blood to you than they are to him. It really doesn’t bear any significant whatsoever whether he gets support from his sub clan. And even if you insist, their support could be justified on many other grounds other than Islam necayb or Ethiopia jeceyl as you would like to reduce it. What the old man did is not unique and is completely inline with wicked tactics that strong men before him used to attain power. Waxaan dux lahayn baad maantoo dhan ku nuux-nuuxsanaysaa. Give it up dude! Xiinow, I respect you wholeheartedly, and I have no xumaan against any somali clan. Walaahi, throughout this whole issue, my closest friends that I discussed with Somali politics were all from Puntland, and none of them were in line with A/Y policies, except the vast majority in this town who are so passionately for Amxaaro occupation in Somalia. My point is simple, these so-called majority of reer puntland had spoiled the familial standing of the few people who are you and my friends in the Somali race. They deserve inla quursado, la yaso, la dabargooyo, for indeed they cheered the demise of their nation. Again, I am not here to generalize, but I am sure my criticism can be used for Boorin, kicin, to shake up and awaken their sold-out spirits to stand up a greater cause than that they entertain in for now. At least, people are dying in Mogadishu, the war is on, some are against Maxaakimta, others are surely joining the struggle to make the fire hell, but all of that is not happening in the land of Punta! Why, I say, hadeysan munaafaqnimo jirin? I must insist that I will continue raising these questions until they stand with us as brothers against our common enemy that is occupying our only nation in this troubled world! Nala Jihaada, hadaa tol iyo ehel tihiin, hadii kale noo sheega waxaa tihiin! lol No grudges, my brothers. SOL can at times be a valve safety to our deep felt sentiments for the day! Thank you all, and Cafwan!
  20. Look, awoowe, I am not making saints out of Ina Ceydiid, Geedi and co, rather I am pointing out the significance of what represents a widespread support of Shisheeye-kalkaalnimo in a group of people. Individuals (and I mean here, X. Ceydiid and Geedi) of certain clans had never enjoyed a similar support of which A/Y has accumulated from his immediate clan. That obviously shows something which is unique to reer Qansax. Accuse me qabiiliiste, but I share this sentiment with my closest friends who hail from the same family you do. They were in fact forthcoming to share with me the sub-cultural behavours of Reer Qansax of agreeing for something in large proportions without any internal dissent to uphold a well-meaning image of the clan! Isku-raaca waxaad rabtiin, wallee Soomaali wax beey ogaatay maanta! lol
  21. Originally posted by Baashi: Who are "they" Kalligii Muslim? I must say a person with your intelligence level is not in a position to look down upon anyone let alone the TFG supporters. To support Islam and those who are championing for its rise is one thing to alienate and condemn a certain segment of the society simply because they share their 35th great great granfather with the leader of the Ethio-Somali coalition is another animal al together. What I see is someone who may or may not genuinely and sincerely wishes Islam and its supporters to succeed the post-conflict Somalia but because his ignorance, impatience, or flat out "doqonimo" hurts the movement by speaking in its name. Please refrain "we" part and say "I" cuz you do great disservice to the Islamists name and what they stand for. Nowadays the line that separates Islamists and certain clans is blurred. You are one of many reasons that is the case. Allow ma iri. And that is exactly what I mean who they are! We have been Muslims altogether, but ever since our main enemy has come to invade our country, many of you (or shall I say, your people) had vowed to distance the Muslims we were (that is only us, now) because of your discreet and sometimes open loyalty to Gaalo and Shisheeye. You can only expect me Doqonnimo when I regard you Muslim in this testing times of ours. Of course, I am speaking on my behalf, and shall I say that I am so proud that I am fortunate to be from people who choose to support Allah's religion against all odds. You would call that Doqonnimo, but its pure bravery and love for Allah! Puntland is there, and we know why it is the only region in Somalia that is very content in the situation the rest of Somalia had found in. Given the widespread support you showed for the enemy, I can only ponder about the nature of your historical disloyalty to both our country as well as our religion. Tell me awoowe one single event that took place in your clan regions in support of Muslimnimo or Gaalo-naceebnimo! Oh, please remind me, lest I forget something during the past two months? But in this case, I only admitted that supporters of the TFG should be subject to Quursi in the worest fashion possible, since I know there are good and bad people among all clans in Somalia. However, the exception lies in the supporters of the TFG who predominantly hail from the clan that we all know of their historical behavours when it comes to serving for the common enemy of Somalia! Allow anigana ma iri! lol
  22. ^^Nin baa laga sheegay inuu yiri, Asalkaa Nifaaq kaga jiraa, walba, Oday reerkaas ah! Anigoon taas ku oraneyn, baan hadana aaminsanahay inaad ceeb iyo foolxumo maanta walaaqateen. Awoowe, Inna Jini Boqor mooyee, ma nasab kale oo cidaas u dhashay baad ii sheegi kartaa oo xaq ku hadaaqay, ama si bareero ah A/Y uga soo horjeestay? War nasiib darro ayaa idinku habsatay, ilaahey godkaad ku dhacdeen waa idinka soo bixin karaa! Geeridu waa maantay iyo beri, iyo qofkeey tiisu gasho, laakiin ogow gunnimo iney tahay waxaad gonda harsateen maanta. Taariikh madoow iyo Toobad-seeg, nin baa la taagan taangi dhexdiis! lol
  23. Are we ready to unleash a constructive Quursi against those who now support our enemy, Amxaaro? Or we let that to decide for the coming generations of ours? However, it seems the coming Quursi has more Qiil and the fact is that they did it before for the British and the Italian colony, now it has to come to an end! We only despise those we hate most!
  24. Waligeedba waxaa la yiri wey ku gaban jirtay! lol Awoowe, waxba hanoo lababogleynin ee waxaad adeerkaa la wadid soo daa, anagu dagaal iyo dalka inaan shisheeye ka xoreyno waa naga go'an tahay. Seattle Conferrence oo cidda lagu shirinayay maxaa kasoo baxay, koley kamaadan ka maqneyne! lol I call it the unbecoming of Berlin conferrence, to divide our country and make us citizens of nowhere will never happen, IA.
  25. Originally posted by Garaad Caanood: ******* ubaahne duni khasaartaey, akhirana ****** waxba uma yaalaan Illaahay lama jiro dad aan diinta dano gaar ah iyo kuwa qabiil ugu shaqeeya ****** fowqal ******* You are good as long you are not accusing me of boothlicking Gaalo iyo amxaaro! Your uncle should drink from the hell, I say! [ February 25, 2007, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]