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About Alle-ubaahne
Waryaa Ngonge, waan ku salaamay. Haye, ma baratay sida af-soomaaliga loogu hadlo, mise wali sidii baa laguu turjumayaa? lol
I have seen the heydays of SOL's clan movement. Now, that we have more of a certain clan representatives, we should demand for the registration of new members from clans that are currently under-represented! That way, we can overcome the issue of qabyaalad on these discussion boards. That is my take here - smart way of ending qabyaalad over here. LOL
AUN dhamaantood. I am sure most of them were young people at their prime times, running away the desperations of Somalia and the hopelessness for a better life in Europe. I have a cousin that is missing in Libya, whose boat failed twice and got arrested in Libya. He is one of the only two sons of my Eedo. Our people have harrowing stories to tell about these trying times of the past two decades! Ilaahow noo naxariiso, dalkeenana ka qabo kuwa ku ciyaaraya oo arxan-laaweyaasha ah, aamiin.
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
Haa, I got it, thanks sxb. What happen to the delete button, or it doesn't have that function? -
A Somali Progress Hiiraan Online Would not Report
Alle-ubaahne replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Jacaylbaro;980877 wrote: Alle u baahne is Alive ?? ,,, looooooooooooool ,,, Soo dhowow sxb ,, been long time Ahahahaha, Waryaa Jacaylbaro, mahadsanid sxb runtii, long time, indeed! Waxaa iga lumay password-kii, sidaas ayaan idinkaga maqnaa, ee ii waran, gabadhihii meeshaan ku jiray oo aad igu qabsan jirtay mar walba, imisaad ka qabatay, koleey waan ku garanayaa intaan maqnaa baad ka naqeysatay SOL, loooooooooooool. Sida kale, maxaa lagu hayaa meesha, bal carada ikal tustus, yaanan ku dhex lumine. lol -
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
Can somebody instruct me how to delete one of the double posts here? I am a clueless geeljire about this new system. -
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
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Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
Burn Notice;980896 wrote: Lmao...so conducting expensive siesmics doesn't count as actual petroleum exploration!!! That's comedy gold...I think you need to post on another thread as you are clearly out of your depths here Sxb seismic studies doesn't mean drilling. Plus, who said the activity is expensive? Do you know the average size of the companies that perform seismic activities comparing to actual corporations that specialize real petroleum drilling and productions? Haye bal wax noo sheeg, Mr. Petroleum Expert, adigoon ciridka kor u taagin! LOL -
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
YoniZ;980844 wrote: Tell me what other exploration companies in PL and SL are doing? SFG has choicen to corner it self in isolation, and, sabotage what ever progress stable region has acheied is the latest mantra. I have close contacts in one damning example, where junior minister very close to the president used his all powers to block scholarships that one region used to get for their outstanding school graduate since early 90s. He succeeded doing so and the consequences never effect politicians in that region but the hardworking poor students. The way this SFG is behaving is any thing but statesmanship. They went ahead with actual exploration activities, especially PL, which incurred substantial loses for the company that prompted its departure. It was in the news as recent as a year and half ago. As for the scholarship, I don't know and I can't object your observations since I don't know the facts on that. But I can tell you outright, if what you are saying is true, then that official must be arrested for denying students the right for education which is enshrined in the current constitution. Period! -
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
Mad_Mullah;980839 wrote: It's so easy to tell which people here hail from HAG. Exactly, as your above line alludes to! -
Fauzia: America does'nt need Permission for future actions
Alle-ubaahne replied to Gheelle.T's topic in Politics
Horta yaanan been isku sheegin, hadeey run idinka tahay sida aad uga soo horjeedaan weerarka Mareykanka ee uu ku qaaday dhulka Soomaaliya, maxaad sidaas u dhihi weyseen markii aad u sacabo tumeyseen duulaankii 1993-kii? Waagii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, (AUN) ma jirin cabasho iyo cid ka hadleysa, xitaa Ethiopia duulaankeeda alaha ka dhigo. Waa maanta oo la joogo, Siilaanyo iyo Farole iyo Axmed Madobe maxay iyaguna la aamusan yihiin, bal taas noo sheega? Miyeysan dalka wax ku laheyn, mise hadaan la weerareyn meesha uu qabiilku dago, waa waxba nagama galin sheekadu? War hooy, this colorful hypocrisy is bothering us, ee maad naga deysaan ciyaarta dal iyo gobonimo ma rabtaane!! LOL -
A Somali Progress Hiiraan Online Would not Report
Alle-ubaahne replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
nuune;980832 wrote: Alle U baahne , salaan sare sxb, soo dhawoow in kastoo Xiin igala hor marey soo dhaweynta. Baashe waa joogaa, Abtigiisna arbaciina yawman ayuu muska ku maqanyahey. Waan ku arkaa inaad meel fiican ka bilowdey bahasha, waagii cabdulklaahi ysuf ayaa kuugu dambeysay SOL, gadaashiis marxuumka waxaa ka dambeeyay laba madaxweyne, oo kii ku xigey cabdullaahi uu 10 wadan oo Africaana wadanka keenay, 10kaasna wadan ciidankooduna uu President Hassan ku kifaaxayo hada, waxaanu ka mid aheyn dadkii aad u dhaleeceen jirey cabdullaahi yusuf iyo ciidankiisa itoobiyaanka waa saan hadalka u dhigi jirnee, hadee qeebtaada libaaxa ka qaado oo dhaleecee kuwaan hada ciidamada afrikaanka wadanka ku soo wado maalin daa'ina illaa 2007kii, mise ciidan baa ciidan ka fiican miyaa sheekada abti, anigu dooni maayo ciidan shisheeye, colkaan anaga iska celin weynay ciidan shisheeye naga celin maayo Horta Nuunow, mahadsanid. Waa runtaa wax badan ayaan isla wadi jirnay, haatanna waxaan filayaa inaan isla sii wadi doono sababtoo ah wali waxaa naga dhexeeya dantii qaran ee na isku kaaya xiri jirtay. Balse waxaan qirayaa in wax badani ay is badaleen mudadii aan idinka maqnaa, gaar ahaan, dhankeyga, laakiin aniga wali waan kasoo horjeedaa ciidan shisheeye. Waxaan aaminsanahay in dalka dowlad dhibka ka saarta oo awood leh loo helo, midda haatan jirtana waan la soconaa iimaheeda iyo kartida ay leedahay. Hadii ay qolo rabto in ay gaar isku taagto ama dowlad xumo jirta awgeed ha ahaato ama dano qabiil, anigu yeeli maayo, waadna ogtahay oo qabiilkeyga ayaan ka diiday taas, mid kalena warkiis daa. Waxaa na anfaca waanu garaneynaa, waa dowladnimo, aan ka shaqeyno sidaan ku gaari laheydn hadafkaas, oo hala yareeyo tafaraaruqa, ogowna, practically speaking, the Somali issue, with all its complexity, requires substantial amounts of patience and hard work. Anything less, is bound to fail. So, majo dhooqo, midba mar ayaa la siibaaye, aan arinta naga dhexeysa iskugu tagno, oo yaanan yeelin arinta hoose ee tolka oo aan ognahay in qarannimo lagu gaari waayay. -
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
YoniZ;980829 wrote: If the SFG waited petroleum law to be completed before signing the Soma oil & gas fiasco I would have been first to defend them. However, their latest position is deceptive and foolish to say the least. You are assuming here that SFG represents only one party, is that correct? If so, why do we have representative ministers and officials in the SFG that hail across every parts of Somalia? Signing the Soma OIL and GAS has nothing to do with the petroleum law because SOMA will only perform seismic activities that are necessary before conducting actual petroleum explorations with real productions and so forth. -
Mogadishu wants to take control of Puntland's oil and gas
Alle-ubaahne replied to Tallaabo's topic in Politics
Nuune, to know where all Somalis live in the country, one simply needs to look at the vast territories that don't consider themselves as PL or SL. Those are the actual co-owners of the resources in question that these die-hard supporters of clan enclave are trying so hard to ignore. -
A Somali Progress Hiiraan Online Would not Report
Alle-ubaahne replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Gheelle.T;980771 wrote: Abtigiis ooh-I meant Alle Ubaahne oo soo toosay. Welcome back waryaa Horta igu salaama Abtigiis, ma joogaa wali? Where is Bashi, as well?
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