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Everything posted by ole-maasai
Kenya Rwanda burundi Tanazani and Uganda agree to adopt one currency
ole-maasai replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
While. Somalis are busy with trivial clan and tribal divisions,the rest of the region is looking towards meaningfull relation through progressive institutional unity . -
Xaaji Xunjuf;988361 wrote: Col indhoshaeel says Puntland massacred civilians " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Kaagan Cusub ee Kaluun la baxay, be carefull you seems to have gone ahead of yourself at an Alien stage, What make your business if its a Family feud gone bad? walee bood boodkaaan arkaa meel xun uu ku dambeyn
Carafaat;979983 wrote: The poor guy has been arrested the same day he made those comments. This is the second or third time he got arrested for excersising his free speech. Back in 2012 he was imprisoned for months, just for announcing the forming of a political party. http://qarannews.com/2013/09/wadaad-reer-hargeysa-oo-xukumada-siilanyo-xabsiga-u-taxaabtay-caawaamuuraha-xadhigiisa-loo-sibisaaray/ See the thread I dedicated to the poor guy back in 2012. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/68706-XIsbul-Islam-leader-arrested-in-Somaliland?highlight=free+sheick Arafat just for the sake of sanity can refrain from labelling this maniac "A poor Guy" How on earth can a poor guy justify indiscrimate killings and maiaming in the name of a religious ideology? I would suggest that they send him to some sort of exile or rendition.
The latest showdown in Syria - US attack within days, or even HOURS!
ole-maasai replied to nuune's topic in Politics
nuune;975073 wrote: - A link telling that the US "planned to launch chemical weapons on Syria and blame it on Assad's government" - There was not a single rebel fighter who died as a result of the chemical weapons attack - An email exchange of the use of Chemical Weapons in Syria to blame on Assad's government, emails hacked Someone should stop confusing the forum with these conspiracy theories. The Arab leaders had a record for stopping at nothing in their egotistic quest. Saddam used it on the Kurds what makes you think Asad would hesitate using it on his opponents? -
Breaking news: Egypt Coup d'état, Morsy overthrown.
ole-maasai replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
Allyourbase;973497 wrote: Why would anyone post such pictures is beyond me.. SOL, please take out those graphic images, They are not fit for public. -
The Zack;972820 wrote: I have been hearing that for the last 20+ years.... https://sphotos-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1157451_668556026506107_1876170469_n.jpg :)
N.O.R.F. Are you by any chance familiar with this other rascal by the name Engineer Ibrahim heading the Genel on Caynabo area.? Carafat its true this article really explains in depth the faults with these clandestine deals. The original natives that hails from this lands have all but been ignored. Caynaba natives tried to resist but the mighty dollar was used here. I am pessimistic on this oil euphoria in the Somali peninsula. Given the realities in terms of chaotic governance systems, shaky stability and lack of any resemblance of an internationally recognized and respected organized formal administration, and in the absence of fundamental legal international formalities in place, I am afraid these vulture investors guided by few greedy individuals from the diaspora, would just but add to the already existing chronic misery onto this forsaken peninsula
Mogadishu: Dahabshiil supports Shabaab, they need to leave us!
ole-maasai replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Very unfortunate indeed. Meesha bilicda magaalada ayaa laga hadlaayay maxaa Dahabshiil iyo Boorame loo badh tilmamaysan? Maxaa ummadda markii lalahadloba ummad kale loogu diri? Taasay leeyihiin hays raacdo -
The news is still yet to be confirmed. However just by reading the ministers address according to this unconfirmed news,you realize the pathetic state of Somali people. Just as once put by one colonial officer, when asked about the Somali people this is how he described them. He said Somalis are great as people,but without addressing these three Inordinate vices they will find it hard to build a functioning state. 1. Inordinate amount of Vanity (Conceit) 2. Inordinate amount of excitability 3.Inordinate amount of Greed Now if I may ask what is wrong with with airspace command to be stationed in Hargeysa if at all Somali boarder and territorial integrity is unquestionable.Doesn't this prove the point of Conceit and inordinate greed that no party would like to see the other survive? .This is surely reflective to elements in the Somali societies intrinsic values. Just try and look at all Somali inhabited regions and tell me if you will not find these elements.
Brofesoorku wuxuu u'egyahay nin hamadi gashay. oo meesha wax buuran kusoo arakay. Hase ahaate Sadex wax ayaa Brofesoorka lagu xantaa. Sadexdaa haduu meel iska dhigi waayo umalayn maayo in ay Soomali meel ay joogtoba wax ku aamini doonto. 1. Waxaa la yiri waa nin Isla weyn oo dadka kale hoos u eega: Soomali iyo islaweyni, kala ilaali. 2. Waxaa la yiri waa nin dabeecadda ka aradan; Soomali dul qaad uun baa wax lagaga heli karaa 3. Waxaa la yiri; Waa nin diiiinta ka aradan; Soomalidu inkastoo aanay sida lagarabo bdiinta ugu dhaqmin hadana ninkii garab mara waaku shaaahidaan. Profesoorka intii latalisa intaa waa inay marka hore ka hubiyaan.
Waa iska Caadi. Waxaan Maqlay in ANWAR uu Gabar Ethnic Somalilander ahi, ay Beryahan wada sheekaystaan
Hadii ay Hagoogteedaa garabka saaran, madax saaran lahayd, waabaay kasii fiicnaan lahayd
Che -Guevara;964716 wrote: http://jowhar.com/news.php?readmore=534 This Godane goon must be a treacherous and merciless extremist. Waxii ka hooseye oo dhan wuu cunay. Next asagaa is cuni.ilayn meel kaloo uu baxaa ma jiraane. Ilaahay ummada haksoo qabto mujirimiintan diintii iyo dalkiiba baabi'isay
Somaliland: Minerals and gemstones discoveries in Somaliland
ole-maasai replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
let us see, here is an article explaining problems with the deals signed by the Somaliland Ministry of energy and natural resources http://oodweynenews.com/2013/04/genel-clandestine-oil-deals-in-somaliland-must-be-publicized/ -
Saalax;954156 wrote: Southwark announces its new mayor Published 23 May 2013 Cllr Abdul Mohamed was announced as the new Mayor of Southwark at Council Assembly last night. Cllr Mohamed was Deputy Mayor last year, and replaces outgoing Mayor Cllr Althea Smith. Cllr Mohamed was born in Kenya's rift valley to Somaliland parents . His grandfather had immigrated to Kenya as a soldier with the King's African Rifles camel corp.He is married to Caroline McDonald, an Australian, and they have one son Farah Mohamed (16) They have lived in Peckham for 25 years.Cllr Mohamed graduated from Leeds University in Yorkshire where he trained with the former National Coal Board as a mining engineer. He then left to work as a mining engineer in Africa, where he spent some time in the Copper belt in Zambia. He has also worked in inner city regeneration since the late 80s. He has worked for several London boroughs carrying out regeneration work, including Haringey and Lambeth Council, on various large inner city estates such as Broadwater Farm and the Angel town estate. He has been an active trade union member, being shop steward (UNISON) for his Public Service workplace. He has been one of the Faraday ward councillors since May 2002. Cllr Mohamed, a previous Cabinet member, has been a Chair of the Walworth Community Council and the Democracy Commission and has served on the New Deal for Communities and Creation Trust Boards.The new Mayor is a keen cyclist who champions cycling in Southwark. In his new role he has committed to making less use of the Mayoral car and more use of public transport and his bicycle. Cllr Mohamed said:"It is an honour for me to be elected Mayor and I am really looking forward to representing Southwark in this important role. As Deputy Mayor I was fortunate enough to meet many local people who never failed to impress me with their sense of community and compassion for the most vulnerable in society."They are the epitome of the fairer future philosophy this council subscribes to. I hope that I can continue to work with everyone in Southwark to celebrate the love we share for a corner of London that is forever England while also being home to the nations of the world." At the Annual Meeting of Council Assembly on 22 May 2013, the new Mayor announced that his chosen charity for the year will be the Evelina Children's Hospital.Cllr Sunil Chopra, ward councillor for Nunhead, was appointed as Deputy Mayor. http://www.southwark.gov.uk/news/article/1251/southwark_announces_its_new_mayor http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=156 Is this Siilanyos Son or probabbaly the nephew. Looks much like him
mogadishu the best capital In Africa , Berlin of Africa
ole-maasai replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Yes Dr. Malistar. Xamar way duushay -
Last time I checked with her ancestral cohorts They were from Somaliland as Somalia was none existent by then.. Markay sheekeynayaan Odeyaashii La midka ahaa Waxay kusoo hal qabsan jireen."Markaan Somalilain ka imid ee aan Afrikada soo galay" Markaa Adeerayaal ciyaalkan kacaankii dhashay ee intay kismaayo kusoo koreen kadib qurbaha usoo baxay, yaa taariqda u sheega . Umaddu in ay wada dhalatay oo isu dhaxday yaa ka dhaadhiciya.
Somaliland Will Attend the London Conference?
ole-maasai replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
NGONGE;939880 wrote: ^^ A Somali speaking Maasai? Did the family want you to learn a new language but could only afford the cheap schools, mate? Believe or not "Ngonge" my learning is better than casiir tutorials .I was schooled by none other than brother to legend Hadraawi. By name in Walanwal, Lived here among the Maasais. -
Somaliland Will Attend the London Conference?
ole-maasai replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
War dee maxaa ku jaban hadii dictoorku intuu meesha tago uu Foaasia Xaaji iska ag fariisto. Oo hadalkana laga ilaaliyo ilayn way adkaanaysaa in lakala garto in uu isagu hadlay iyo in ay Foosia hadashay -
Somaliland Will Attend the London Conference?
ole-maasai replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
NGONGE;939869 wrote: Siilaanyo's system of government has always been one where he does all he can to avoid the finger of blame being pointed at him (this is why he loves setting up "guddis"). He may try to convince the opposition and the SL parliement to accept the invitation to go to the London Conference but, since I believe that the reply is going to be "NO", I strongly doubt that Siilaanyo is going to accept this invitation. Here is Hirsi talking about the meeting with Cameron (more or less what I suggested yesterday): “Raysal wasaaruhu waxa uu ka dalbaday Madaxweynaha inay Somaliland ka soo qeyb gasho shirka uu London Ingiriisku ku qabanayo. Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa uu Raysal wasaaraha u qadimay mawqifkayagii oo ah inaanay Somaliland shirka ka soo qeyb galaynin haddii ay tahay madaxweynaha iyo haddii ay tahay madaxda kale ee qaranka ee uu kala tashadayba, waxaanu u sheegay in qarankayagu uu ka tashaday oo uu shirkaasi ka gaadhay go’aan ah inaan laga qeyb galin.” “Markii uu Madaxweynuhu arrintaasi u sheegay waxa uu mar iyo lababa Raysal wasaaraha Ingiriisku ka dalbaday Madaxweynaha Inay mawqifkoodaasi dib u eegaan, maadaama oo ay duni badani ka soo qeyb galayso shirkan Somaliland-na ay tahay cidii ay iskugu dhowaayeen oo aanu miiska Somaliland madhnaan ee haddii ay ku adag tahay inay ka soo qeyb galaan ay ka fikiraan sidii ay goob jooge ugu soo diri lahaayeen,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda oo maanta u waramayay Laanta Afsoomaaliga ee BBC-da. “Madaxweynuhuna waxa uu ugu hal-celiyay maadaama oo Somaliland iyo Ingiriiska saaxiibtinimo qoto-dheeri ka dhaxeyso, waanu qiimaynaynaa, laakiin arrintani waa go’aan guud ahaan qarankaygu isku wada raacsan yahay wixii tallo ahna uu ku soo celin doono go’aanse muu siinin.” Wasiirka madaxtooyaddu waxa uu intaasi ku daray inaanu Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo waxba ka bedelin mowqifkiisii , hase yeeshee isagoo ixtiraamaya Raysal wasaaraha Ingiriiska waxa uu ku war celiyay inuu ka soo fikirayo isla markaana tallo kula noqon doono Somaliland. http://www.somaliland.org/2013/04/18/wasiir-xirsi-oo-ka-hadlay-kulankii-raysal-wasaaraha-ingiriiska-iyo-madaxweynaha-somaliland/ Just the same message as that of the doctor put in an "Olkejuado" style and swagga Olkejuado A maasai Word for Togdheer -
SHOUT OUT to all the Somalilanders/Somalians out there ...
ole-maasai replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
NGONGE;939163 wrote: MAKE ME PRESIDENT! MAKE ME PRESIDENT! MAKE ME PRESIDENT! What!!!! is this supposed to be some sort of satire? Anyways Ngonge you won the bid, You'll be my Consultant Ill send you a Kenyan Army Helicopter all the way to Kismaay.... OOOOPs I mean Olkejuado Just make sure Hargeysa and Xaajiga Knows about this lest Traumatic Flashbacks of 1988 -
SHOUT OUT to all the Somalilanders/Somalians out there ...
ole-maasai replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
This is hilarious. It gets me Inspired that I can also create Maasailand. South of Nairobi all the way two the northern Tanzanian Province, Arusha and Some parts of Kilimanjaro. I need some consultants from Somaliland woods, who is going to volunteer
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