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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Dhucdhuc, I have been wondering about that too.
  2. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Again, I have made a point but you don't. The argument or the debate has never always been about SL's peace, development or what you call democracy but its RECOGNITION. And what Amir pointed to you, in FAR WAAWAYN is that no matter what you do, the world has no attention for you. Emotianal rhetoric filled with cuqdad aint a way to get a point a cross. Waad qufacaa dhuusaysaa. 2nd. The only time a unified somali government was assembled, Somaliland was the place that took the first innitiates. never mind hosting the flag before you even knew what liberty and statehood was all about. 3rd: Geography speaking, deserted North eastern of Somalia that you call Pland aint part of the South, only politically it's considered part of the South. 4th: TNG, TFG are all the work of the international community not of your own doings. The world sees you as incapable and dangerous group of people who can't govern themselves. Somalia is on the news headlines all for the wrong reasons abti. Adna waad kufaanaysaa! And SL, well it's boring and peaceful. Example: if we were to people in the ER. On one hand I am suffering from Mild illness, while you were having a heartattack. Who do you think the doctor (international community in this case) give more attention to? ps. Let me know when you decide to secceed from Somalia? we shall see your capablities. Ileen hada waxii aan kuu samanynay, waxii Siyad Barre ka dhintay, iyo soamlia dii hore aan isla ahayn ayaad magaceeda ku wareegtaa aduunka. laakin when you start off fresh, then we shall see what you are made of. That is what SL has done. It has done everything over again, and doing a fine job.
  3. Nin walba sida uu yahay ayuu ku moodaa: Some of you under estimate the power of SL runtii:
  4. Dont hate folks, appriciate. Rer Hargeisa are bright and progressive people. :cool: EDIT: U folks are bunch of dhagxaan. Loosen up, waan idinla kaftamaya.
  5. What happened to Pl should seceed crap? lol
  6. Reer hargeisa are the majority of the folks that went to IVY league schools. Even a 16 yr girl straight from Hargeysa to the U.S was accepted to medical school right after she graduated from High School. Allow rer Hargeisa iidaa (and Burco offcourse) lool.
  7. Protocol, You are not using your head when you say that Somaliland parties are divided along clan lines. I challenge you to name the #1 and 2 for each SL party. Then we can talk about if they hail the same. If somaliland was divided clan lines, then how do you think Rayaale got there?
  8. Check youtube to see the evidence between these two regions. it's immense.
  9. The khat consumption is the same in Gorowe as it is in Hargeysa. That is a fact. ps. that infamous sub clanish conflict in '06 didn't take place within the territories of SL.
  10. in af somali this time. ps. well done to Mr. Jamaal cali xuseen. pss. Stoic, he mentioned to books, along with with 'nomad to harvard', he mentioned that he will be writing 300 short somali stories into one big collection.
  11. Very interesting and heartbreaking vidoe. Tough times for us.
  12. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by RedSea: I am righty. As for my lefty hand I use it to do other things that my dear right hand ay ka yaqyaqsato. Take that lefty. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Waa ku sugtay! Walee labadaan bari you got jokes inankoow... I write with my right hand, for everything else (well almost) me use my left hand... I read it some where a long time ago that lefties had a shorter life expectancy than right handed people...And and (drum rolls pls) some connection between lefties and homosexuality... :eek: :eek: ahah homesexuality kkkk.
  13. Always someone has to make a noise about everything.
  14. Xayat, Drink lots of water and orange Juice as well as Maraq that Baashi recommended. while you at it supress that son of a gun with one last blow of xabatu sawda. It'll be gone before you know it.
  15. Well congrats duke. As the old brit saying goes 'Every dawg has his day'.Today is your day.
  16. I know this guy. lool.. Why are you so obsessed with the '77 war pal?
  17. lool. This one has a better ending. but no one can touch the boondheri love. Is this you BOB? "Hassan YeeY Hadhwanaagnews/Office Koonfur Africa"
  18. ^eedo that is no solution for one. There are the Alshabaab or different version of the resistance in UIC, and the TFG. So who do you support in all of these. Dont dodge the question honey. As for your question,I don't have an evidence that would satisfy your ulter ego. But do you have an evidence that they are looting, raping, etc..? I am afraid if I have highlighted what the resistance is doing for Somalia, and the sorts of corrupt human being that they are defending the somali nation from would not be enough to make you understand miss. Lazyie. I know giving up on someone is a bad idea, but really I'm not interested in convincing you of anything here. you can take it as you like.
  19. Waxaad rabtaa inaad dadka isku dirtid waan ujeedaa. Somaliland has no proof it was alshabaab that did it. For all we at this point, it could have been Puntland folks? How is that sound duke.
  20. Waar sheekada akhri aniga ha iwaydiine lool
  21. I am righty. As for my lefty hand I use it to do other things that my dear right hand ay ka yaqyaqsato. Take that lefty.
  22. haa waa hilible iyo costumerkiisii. Way is jecladeen, dabdeedna maalinkasta hilib aanay lacag ka bixin ayuu umiisi jiray. Ilaa lagu fahmay. Markii danbe wuu soo doontay, waanay isguursadeen. Hada way roon yihiin, shan ciyaal ah oo caafimad qabana way udhashay. mash Allah. What a story eh!
  23. assalamu calaykum jimce wanagsan dhamaan dadkaygow, This graduation ceremony of Sheikh secondary school is among the many all across Somaliland. it shows hope, and an end to old habits of youth being wasted to a war or afternoon khat. No matter what what people in politics section tell you, this does really show that without any politics involved, that somalis have done very well all by themselves without much of a help from anyone. Even during times of hardship, they are resiliant and determined. I am hopeful that Somaliland will become a place that can set an example to the rest of fellow somalis to follow. Insha allah. 1st. The next generation (age varies between school age-25) doesn't chew khat, unlike the civil war generation. 2nd. They are either enrolled in school, have fnished school. The khat is what has wasted many youth, distorted their looks, and detered their future from the right path to successful lives. ------------------------------------------- Sheikh secondary, Saxil (berbera region), Somaliland. funded by Telesom phone co. and held in Ambasador hotel, H-town.
  24. Runta hadii lasheego dhulka soomali dagto oo dhan ninka soomaray ayaa yaqaan. meel Pland ka kulul kana dhul beered xun kana nolol xun majirto. I am speaking presently. Its potential is still not known but presently speaking its the desert of all desert. Kulaly iyo heat ayaa saa uboodaya. Somaliland hadii aad eego waxay leedahay meelo ku fiican dhul beered ie. whole state of Gabiley, maroodi jex is rich agriculture land. The only dry areas are parts of Togdheer and far Northern Berbera. That is pretty much it. Puntland has none. I been there through and through. Allow hadii geed lagu ogyahay.