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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Originally posted by Bella*Princesa: Red, I'm ol' enough to have your babies. We'll consider that. (when I say 'we' i mean i and my aabo who will come with me to ask for ur hand). :cool:
  2. Because the Duke knows this doesnn't mean jack to the TFG' survival. Thus he dismisses the Shiekh as insignificant partner who will not be able, in this position at least, slow down the polical shift in Somalia.
  3. loool...this is too funny. I tell them I am from Zanzibar loool Costa if you don't like yourself, then i dare you to kill yourself.
  4. ^difference of opinion. I can live with that.
  5. ^What you still seem to not get is this has never been Somaliland vs. Alshabab old man. My positions have always been from the prespective of Ethiopia vs. the rest (somalis) and the center issue being the, occupation. I choose to leave any difference i have with my fellow nomads (somali) aside for now for the common enemy that somalis in the south are dealing with today. I do not think it's Islamically opprorate for me to stick to one end, just because it does not serve my personal narrow interest, and not say a word of condemnation against the enemy at large. It just doesn't make any sense if that is what your asking. I do wholeheartedly consider this movement that i support (though it serves little significant behind my PC)to be a genuine partner when it takes over Somalia from the Ethiopians and their enteral puppet regime, the TFG. They will restore peace and harmony among the Somalis in the area of the effected. In addition, Alshabaab doesn't recognise Somaliland. duh!. So does the TFG. They simply disagree with the notion of SL secceeding, just the idea. They do not threaten or feel the need to wrech hovac in SL' . They just don't. Anyone with their right mind would respect that stance. They have different recogntion in mind, which is that SL should be part of a somali state centred around the Islamic sharica with power and authority and free of being bullied by wack neighbors like Ethiopia and Kenya. If that becomes an attainable dream (it's a dream of mind too ), then it's one I am willing to have over whatever we got now. That sure beats Rayaale and his co anyday. Hada ma ila socotaa. Lastly, you said ethiopia helped the SNM. I have to say badow dhag cas. Ethiopia never was 'helping' the SNM, they were using them in their own way, they had specific interest in the success of SNM. That was short lived. They dumped the SNM as soon as they signed peace treaty with Siyad Barre' facist regime, they kicked out the SNM into the beasts' mouth. You seem very ignorant of your own history, the SNM accomplished most of its military success in Somaliland when their based was Baligubadle. :cool: ps. Xiinfaniin, i have held this view for long, you were always ok with them. What change old man? just because your so call 'peacecaravan' lost its wheels don't mean you should take ur mere frustrations on me dear lad. Anigu dee waan ka saxsanahay. Kashafa wuu kaa saxsanyahay. maanta Ethiopia allow yaa meeshan nakeenay. Way baxaysaa. Nabad iyo whatever you were pushing for kuma aysan bixin. Ee xabad iyo qori caaradii ayey ku baxayaan. Wayna baxi doonaan. In closing: Alshabaab leader said" if there is no justice to judge the people and protect the weak, then force is teh only means justice can be attained". There is no justice in this world, EThiopia won't give it to you adeer, you have to take it, by force specially since peace has been tried back in '06 and failed.
  6. Rudy, Ethiopia couldn't take the bullet plus bad policies from the TFG has led them to make this anouncement. Now those who were saying Somalis should give up, hang their heads and swallow it should take notes.
  7. Originally posted by The Zack: Tol raacis iyo Qaran raacis isku meel ma galaan adeer. Good night hadda waan sii seexane... Ma qaran bilaa dad ku dhismaad aragtay? Nin walba tol ayuu leeyahay, tolkaasina interest ayey leeyihiin.
  8. JB it's rich how you take cheap shots at this man and at the same time put good show for Rayaale iyo ilmo dhuuni aka Udub.
  9. ^Tolkayga waan lasocdaa. Don't forget that. Laakin I and JB or NG for that matter differ the direction the 'tol' should go. Poker, Inader, do you think I as someone who has lived the times SL was being destroyed will be too naive to forget. You have to believe me in this. JB and NG will have us think that RS is supporting those who are hellbent in destroying SL. I do not. I know better than them believe me. Somaliland can do better than Rayaale and this habashi pleasing harlots in Hargeysa. We can and we will. Secondly, the bombings in Hargeysa were tragic, many people i know lost distant relatives. Somaliland authories so far blamed Alshabaab group for the bombing. The reports coming out are conflicting. Some saying the man who bombed Hargeysa came all the way from Minnesota to carry out the attacks while others are saying they were young men in the teenage yrs from the South. Most importantly Alshabaab hasn't taken any responsibility. Something tells me Mukhtar abu zubeir would not(given what he is dealing with) sit there and mastermind a suicide attacks to be carried out against his home, while he has the whole Ethiopian army to deal with at the same time. Something fishy here. I think SL needs to better protect the Somaliland citizens by being honest to them. Waligeen iyo alaheen sharaf daro inta ah naguma dhicin. In maanta nalagu qoslo oo nalagu amar kutaagleeyo. Adeer sidaad ogtahay British saan qalalan ayaa looga saxeexay in aanay wadanka ku yeelan ama aysan sheegin ownershipkiisa. maantana mid nala mid ah ama naga liita ayaa Ethiopia nooga soo amar kutaaglayna. Dad masaakin ahna aan udhiibna maalin walba. Hadii aan kahadalna waxaa leedahay 'anti somaliland' ayad tahay.Somaliland cidna cid kama xigto. Adeeraday way usoo dagalaameen una soo dhinteen markaa aniga yaan la iga shekayn waxa somaliland dan u ah iyo waxii kale. ps. horaan u idhi, Somaliland chance fiican ayaa lasiiyey dadka xukuma, laakin hadii maanta wax tan kafiican ay noo timaado waan qaadanaynaa. Taas ma xaaranba?
  10. ^u is how old again? i forgot. We could have future here. lol
  11. Originally posted by AAliyah416: aww you rated mee...and what did you give me .. I demand honesty I was looking around 10, but then I realized I could only give 5(the highest). That is honesty at its best huuno.
  12. NG, You ask what has Ethiopian done to me? For you to understand that quesiton, you just need to know what kinda person I am and my background. You see I am from very religious family, our home was built around the Islamic faith. It has always been part of my family value to know that Muslims and Somalis in particular are one body (whether they live in two seperate countries or more), so whenever one of them is harmed, the others shall ache as well. I believe I dont have to be direct recipient of the wrong doings in Somalia subjected to them by the Ethiopians to feel their pain. It's Muslim thing, it's a somali thing if you don't understand. If you have lived in Addis ababa like I have, you would know that Ethiopians dont' know the difference between somalis from the South or Somaliland. They always hated us to death. These people have always been an enemy to Somalis, all of them somalis. If they had any love for Somaliland, then they would have recognized it long ago. I promise you if Somaliland had stopped kissing the butt of the Ethiopians today, you would have seen them at our doorsteps. The only reason Ethiopia considers somaliland they 'little friend' is because SL obeys it well. Just to give you an example: would Ethiopia aide AY/cade Muse and Rayaale at the same time?, Somaliland and Puntland at the same time? They train both SL and PL troops (suprisingly these two went to war twice using same arsenals donated by Ethiopia). :confused: In addition, Somalia is still my home, I do very much consider it part of me. They are somalis aren't they? they are Muslims aren' they? Your question seems so far off logic. It's like saying why should we care about the Isreali aggression into Palestine, why should we care about the war in Iraq, or Afqhanistan or even Chechnya? secondly, it is not politically right to think that whatever outcome in the South will have little or no impact on Somaliland. I am worried if Ethiopia does get away with what they are doing in the South, they will have no second thoughts of doing the same every else. Adeer you don't know these people. You have lived most of ur life in the Arab states and then the West. So I am not suprised by your sentiments. JB, You've opposed Alshabab from the Getgo. You have always believed that Alshabab were a threat to Somaliland. This notion that they are at war with SL didn't just show up. I do care about Somaliland and its future, even more so than you do. Adeer if you cared about Somaliland and its future welbeing you would have realized that the party you support so dearly (udub) are the worst enemy of the state. And write this down: If Alshabab provides better alternative government than what we have now, then I am all for it. Now copy that. Mukhtar abu zubeier iyo Ibrahim Zeylic miyaad ka xigtaa Somaliland. dee kama xigtid. Yaa yidhi tuugtan kala caloosha buuran ee Rayaale iyo waxii lamid ah ayaa Somaliland ilaahay ku aaminay. Ilaahay ninkii fiican ee uunoo soo diraba waan raacaynaa. Hadii uu maanta Somaliland inta uu yimaado uu rayaale iyo waxii lamid dabada xabad ka galiyo waan ku raacsanahay. Taas lasoco. Insha Allah khayr.
  13. What somaliland seeks is respectable and understandible, and what Alshabab seeks isnt why i support them. The fact that they fight against the Ethiopians (a common enemy to somalis even Somalilanders) and are the only force capabable of defeating Ethiopia is why i am rooting for them. Seeking to Islamtaize the whole horn is not realistic, it's only a wish that we hope to see through realistic means. Besides I was addressing JB in the first reply. hence the point was for jB. JB, Rayaale is not Somaliland and Somaliland isn't Rayaale. I love Somaliland to death and I can agree and justify why most somalilanders feel to seceed, i support them for that. You consider Ethiopia to be friends of somaliland, don't you? I think you are part of those who are on the lost politcal boat. Ethiopiana waxaad leeday waa dad aan daris nahay oo sidan iyo sidan ah alshabaab oo dadkooda iyo dalkooda difacanaya waad kasoo horjeedaa oo cadawgoodii ayaa waji furan kusoo dhawaysaa.
  14. Che, How dare you insult me like that? I don't kiss the butts of politicians let alone individuals like Horn, JB, and Duke do. Besides it's only 11:30 here in the West Coast. Perhaps take ur own advice eastcoast man. ps. am proud to being alshabaab supporter since '07 and SL supporter since i was born. :cool:
  15. I don't flip flop sxb. The whole world knows where I stand. I am just not as predictable as you and duke. Rayaale and YEY.
  16. Poker, sxb..who said Alshabab was behind the bombings? you are lost ninyow. It could have anyone. It's just normal fox news reaction to accuse 'the islamists'. JB, HORN, Ader you still haven't explained how u were pro tFg, anti tFg, pro UIC, and anti uic. All of this a man you love was flip flopping between these two groups and so you also flipfloped on these boards. You are a man with no principles adeer. Your whole world evolves around one man, col. barre hiiraale. Such hard man to find like you. And me oxomoron??
  17. Protocol, Save us the two speech.Such a hypocritical self. You were calling for the seccesion of Puntland, you said you don't care about no one but Puntland in many occasions. Your messeges are conflicting. Cirka noo fiiri ninyow, wax kudhagaysanayaa iska yar.
  18. RedSea

    Way Duushay!

    Anigu, I can never get that much of posts, cuz I dont' plan on sticking around here.
  19. RedSea

    Way Duushay!

    Mujaahd Jacaylbaro. lool
  20. ^no one is getting defensive here. But it's too bad that Ibtsam and I are taking time to explain things. It aint worth it Wallahi. Secondly, you are guilty of everything u mentioned there. Faan iyo wax walba. Markaa abti take ur own advice but Insha Allah khayr. ps. Somaliland ha noolaato. Duushay daruuraha ayey ku cawaysaa. tC
  21. Protocol, I bet if i opened a thread about AMAL express you'd all be saying 'oh masha Allah' this and that. And probably would go bananas if someone came out and said otherwise. However the only difference here is that Dahabshiil is recognised as xawaalad for all somalis.It helps all somals regardless. This recognition here is just one of many in the resume. But mr. Protocol is just being the protocol we all know. You have nothing else to say, but constanly hate on people whose peers you'll never be.
  22. ^^What have they done to you? they defending their country. I don't see how that translates to what you just called them? JB, are you saying he was behind the Hargeisa bombing?
  23. loool..ibtsiam said to me that I have surucyo. Anay Afsoomaliga ii baratay. tulaay. lool