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Everything posted by RedSea
She ironed her on the back for that. She is so cruel.
Laa Xawla walaa quwatiin! Maya dee Nuunu. Ee gabdhihii wadankii joogay haday 'topless iyo thongs' ka shakaynayaan, Miyaanay aduunyo gadoon ahayN Xaaji falastiini, I only observe. No comments from me.
reer Muqdisho waa tough wallee. Alxamdulilahi Rabigii dhibaatada ka kor qaaday. Looks like our prayers have been answered. Make no mistake though, the Ethios are still present in large portions of Somalia. Once they completely cut and loose, then other tough challenges need to be address with thoughtful ways and with grace.
Thanx for the correction. There is difference between criticism and hating on something. If you want to see a hater, just look into the mirror. "What stick are you speaking of? The one, aad ku tumatid chaadka miyaa" Ushaan sheegayaa waa tii dheered aan shaloo dhan kula dhacayey? haye maantana ma lagu hayaa.? ps. Horta waligaa ma jabanaysay?
I, welcome Abwaan's critism anyday. He's cool brother and far from being a hater. DQ, Qabyaalada jooji. Ninkii nationalistic iska dhigayey shalay miyaanad aheen? I still have that stick. Did you miss it DQ?
Abwan lool. Acuudu bilaah. You ruined it for me.
Every vidoe there are at least 10 comments that will leave you wondering. This one specially caught my eye. What have we come into? Bal yartaan eega waxay ka sheekaynayso. muna , all those girls in the clip came from Qatar and saudi arabia but the guys came from canada, i was famouse in jigyar yar , if u ask about Amal guys will tell u about me , me and my freinds had good time last 8 months , even i used to watch Arabic tv in my room , one day the ethiopian slave was late to bring my tea and i was so angery i put the hot iron in her back and shw was crying for bloody jesus , me and my freinds used had slumber party wearing only thongs walahi, and toples was fun :rolleyes:
Good news. side note: these two gentelmen look like twins. More pics... Maamulaha Shirkada Cusub ee SomGas. Abwaab Gaariye.
Originally posted by me: Was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia? or was it perceived as a foreign occupation? I'm not gonna pin point and interpret everything for you. learn your own history and wazzup with the 21 questions saxib? Refer to people like Adam yare for more. Take care.
Badacase, My questions are very straight forward. Were the people of Northern Somalia happy with the English presence? Was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia? or was it perceived as a foreign occupation? I want to hear from you as a secessionist supporter how you view this history of ours and how that history has influenced today's secessionist agenda With the independence we gained on June, 26, 1960. It was Saciir and Naciim. The british presence was percieved for exactly what it was, gumaysi. And what part of the word 'Gumaysi' don't you understand? This peom by Timacade should summed it all up for you. Ilaahaan waxba seegine Subaciisa Quraankiyo Sabbaxooyin ku sheegayow Saciira iyo naciima Rabbiigii kala seerayow Markay suurtu dhawaaqdo e La soo saaro makhluuqa e Shaqiga iyo saciidka Maalintaad kala soocdo Dembigaannu samaynay Rabbigayow naga saamax Subciyay oo ka dukeeyaye Ka siddeetan sebaaney Calankaannu sugaynaye Sahankiisa ahaynow Seermaweydo hillaacdayow< Sagal maanta darroorayoo< Siigadii naga maydhayow< Saq dhexaannu ahayne< Kii soo saaray cadceeddow< Samada kii u ekaaye xiddigaa mid la siiyayow Saaxirkii kala guurraye Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow An siduu yahay eegno e Kaana siib Kanna saar
mr. me, So! What do you suggest we post 'qabiil motivated' topics as our way out of this then? Qalbi Adayg: The whole intention of posting that was to show that any id1otcan make up fake pics to proof his wicked political believes. I don't have to proof its source if you get my drift.
http://www.cri.it/coppermine/albums/userpics/10001 /africa_008.jpg This thread is pointless. mr. me si xun ayuu ugu fashilmay. He wanted to point fingers, but later changed his purpose 'taariikh guud' lol
Originally posted by me: Did the people of Northern Somalia see the colonial administration as the legal government of that region? was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia? I see where this is going. You're very clever but not that clever sxb. But, since you claim to be from the North, why dont' you go first answer your silly question. Somaliland wishes to be Somaliland, not British Somaliland. Get it right hommie.
lool. What part of it is fake? Are those people not carrying a white man from the water. And do they not look somali to you?
If colonizing means, invading us, supressing the population while taking our resources. Then isnt' that exactly what Ethiopia is doing today? open your blinders, waad hurudaa. ps. Does the picture I posted account as part of the history lesson you're given us mr. me?
mr. me, I know the history of my land, no need to preach to BadaCase. That picture you have posted doesn't not a proof any point. In fact, I question its validity . There are no proofs to specify whether or not that picture was taken in Sool, Sanaag or Togdheer. It's a picture meant as PR stunt to get some jabs at 'kuwa somaliland isku sheega". And there is no other reason that I can think of as to why posted it. ^^ mr. Me what will you say about this one. Is this a 'history lesson' or down right false PR.? Look up to Adam Zayla' post for more enlightment. pss. QalbiAdayg, saaxib. You spoke too soon. Oopz.
Allah Yarhamah -- The General Secretary of UDUB Dies Today
RedSea replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
It seems we never hear these good people until they die. There must be loads more in the SL government who are willing to do so much, but unable to. -
Inaalilahi.Bal waxaad taariikh nooga dhigayso eeg.
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Don't u know in Burco the SL shilling is like the US Dollar in Hargeisa ?? Haye miyaad iga cabsatay? why are you ignoring me?
Niicyahay gadhka leh miyaad sifiican wax iigu sheegtid bal? Wax baraxa lala tago oo sabaaxad nigiska looga siibo ayaad istaahiyashaa@Jacaylabro.
No reason to mention the obvious. From Hargeisa, in the TFG, and killed in Baydhabo. That is the point.
The AWDAL MOVEMENT (No Somaliland, Yes Somali Republic)
RedSea replied to Somali Castro's topic in Politics
Tolka, LOL. This is ex-Northern SOMALIYA. Hence, they are where they should be. Rer Awdal were recruited by the fascist regime of Siyad barre and pitted against the other main clan of Somaliland. Mostly they, rer Sool and E.sanaag and further, the mass exodus from Somali galbeed who fled the Ethiopia-Somali war of '77 were also recruited to build an oppressive force. This resulted a disaster and can be traced back to the ill-feelings that resulted in the bloody inter clan fighting when Siyad Barre fascist regime collapsed. Though indirectly, Rer awdal did suffer from the actions of Siyad Barre. Actually all somalis somewhere or another suffered in some ways. Later, it took a grand peace conference under a qudhac tree, the old fashion way to bring the disgruntled and warring clans of Somaliland together to decide their fate from thereon then. The Garads of Sool, the educated of sanaag and the thinking hats of rer Awdal were all available in that conference. Then Somaliland was reborn again. You see you have to understand that rer awdal, rer 'traingle' and sool, E.sanaag all share common sub culture, dialect. Thus if Hargeisa, burns down today or experiences difficulty then Boroma will also be effected by it.Same to Burco and las Anod and Erigavo. If we die, they die. We're all in it and are inseparable. It's nearly impossible that each area survives under its own power, they have so much mixed in together. Dhankaa dhan dheh. ps. Don't be naive. Off course without miss managements of previous regimes, people would have gotten along and many would have been saved. However not the case today, so people have gone their own ways to find an administration suitable for their needs. -
The AWDAL MOVEMENT (No Somaliland, Yes Somali Republic)
RedSea replied to Somali Castro's topic in Politics
Tolka, When you say they are innit for the short ride due to political arrangements currently in place, and not so much in favor of the project to the core; it paints opportunism. For the record, I'm not accusing rer Awdal for such thing, you are. I believe rer Awdal are predominately pro Somaliland and I've proved it. Nuff said. Now if you excuse me, waan sexanayaa ee maalin wanaagsan. -
Waxa habeen hore badhtamaha magaalada Baydhabo ee gobalka Baay lagu dilay Marxuum Cabdi Cabdillaahi Cigaal (Sunno-Cirro), oo ka tirsanaa siyaasiyiinta reer Somaliland ee xilalka kala duwan ka haya dawladda Imbigaati. Sunno-Cirro, waxa ahaa guddoomiye ku xigeenka guddiga dib u heshiisiinta ee dawladda Imbigaati, waxaana sida la sheegay habeen hore fiidkii toogtay saddex nin oo afka soo duubtay kuna hubaysnaa baastoolado, xilligaas la toogtayna waxa uu ku sii jeeday gurigiisa gudaha Baydhabo. Lama garanayo sababta loo dilay Marxuum Sunno-Cirro, laakiin waxa uu dilkiisu ku soo beegmay iyadoo maalmo ka hor isla magaaladaas goor fiid ah lagu toogtay Wasiir ku xigeenkii dib uheshiisiinta ee dawladda Imbigaati oo isna dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeday Somaliland. Marxuum Sunno-Cirro, waxa uu ka soo jeedaa mid ka mid ah beelaha degga gobalka Hargeysa, waxaanu dawladii Carta ka mid ahaa xubnihii Baarlamaanka, balse dawladan Imbigaati kama qaban wax xil ah oo ka sareeya kan uu hadda la god galay, waxaana Marxuum Sunno-Cirro shalay lagu aasay magaalada Baydhabo A man from Burao was also killed just weeks before him.