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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. What I believe is irrelevant when discussing the reality on the ground since I'm not directly involved. I'm accusing the actual players of somali politicking. I don't know why when xiin has nothing else to offer, he wastes his time worrying about what I believe rather than discuss what is been discussed.
  2. What I believe is irrelevant when discussing the reality on the ground since I'm not directly involved. I'm accusing the actual players of somali politicking. I don't know why when xiin has nothing else to offer, he wastes his time worrying about what I believe rather than discuss what is been discussed.
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: Stuff and utter nonsense... Alleylehe waxad qortaa ayaa ah stuff iyo waxaan la aqoon. The man has a point. Give it to him for once.
  4. Abu, ICU is what its leaders are. The only suggestion for them is to not fight or be an obstacle. xiinfaniin, You've been wrong in everything thus far. You're imaginary peace caravan hasn't materialized. You said that Somalis should put down their arms, swallow their pride and talk. However, as you can see we prevailing today. The Ethiopians have not left, because of any talks, but because they couldn't sustain much more headache and chaos amidst a hostile territory. What you and others don't understand is. Somalia cannot ever changed if same things are repeated. There has to be one dramatic clean up effort to rout all the warlords by either killing them or imprisoning them. Reasoning with the unreasonable serves no point and will prove in effective at the end. This apologetic attitude and foreign conference where every 4 years a warlord or warlord wannabe gets elected has wasted so much time and life. Embrace the change sir. Change is coming. Twisted logic, I know you're a member of clanish group talk. thus I'm very aware of your clannish positions. The cyber space is not as big as you think. Dont preach to me adeer. Alshabab are far from clannish group. They're drawn from all Somalis. The fact that a man from hargeisa can lead them proves how loose they are. Look at the other end. All the warlords and warlords wannabe cowards have combine each other to be one big nothing.
  5. Abu, ICU is what its leaders are. The only suggestion for them is to not fight or be an obstacle. xiinfaniin, You've been wrong in everything thus far. You're imaginary peace caravan hasn't materialized. You said that Somalis should put down their arms, swallow their pride and talk. However, as you can see we prevailing today. The Ethiopians have not left, because of any talks, but because they couldn't sustain much more headache and chaos amidst a hostile territory. What you and others don't understand is. Somalia cannot ever changed if same things are repeated. There has to be one dramatic clean up effort to rout all the warlords by either killing them or imprisoning them. Reasoning with the unreasonable serves no point and will prove in effective at the end. This apologetic attitude and foreign conference where every 4 years a warlord or warlord wannabe gets elected has wasted so much time and life. Embrace the change sir. Change is coming. Twisted logic, I know you're a member of clanish group talk. thus I'm very aware of your clannish positions. The cyber space is not as big as you think. Dont preach to me adeer. Alshabab are far from clannish group. They're drawn from all Somalis. The fact that a man from hargeisa can lead them proves how loose they are. Look at the other end. All the warlords and warlords wannabe cowards have combine each other to be one big nothing.
  6. Abu, ICU is what its leaders are. The only suggestion for them is to not fight or be an obstacle. xiinfaniin, You've been wrong in everything thus far. You're imaginary peace caravan hasn't materialized. You said that Somalis should put down their arms, swallow their pride and talk. However, as you can see we prevailing today. The Ethiopians have not left, because of any talks, but because they couldn't sustain much more headache and chaos amidst a hostile territory. What you and others don't understand is. Somalia cannot ever changed if same things are repeated. There has to be one dramatic clean up effort to rout all the warlords by either killing them or imprisoning them. Reasoning with the unreasonable serves no point and will prove in effective at the end. This apologetic attitude and foreign conference where every 4 years a warlord or warlord wannabe gets elected has wasted so much time and life. Embrace the change sir. Change is coming. Twisted logic, I know you're a member of clanish group talk. thus I'm very aware of your clannish positions. The cyber space is not as big as you think. Dont preach to me adeer. Alshabab are far from clannish group. They're drawn from all Somalis. The fact that a man from hargeisa can lead them proves how loose they are. Look at the other end. All the warlords and warlords wannabe cowards have combine each other to be one big nothing.
  7. Qaad is cosumed in Gorowe as much as it's consumed in Hargeisa.
  8. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Ina Godane inu reer Salaxley yahay waxa ku garataa gabayga uu tirinaayo. Waarimayside war ha kaa hadho. Rer Baligubadle dheh. But you're right rer Salaxley are known orators.
  9. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Ina Godane inu reer Salaxley yahay waxa ku garataa gabayga uu tirinaayo. Waarimayside war ha kaa hadho. Rer Baligubadle dheh. But you're right rer Salaxley are known orators.
  10. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Ina Godane inu reer Salaxley yahay waxa ku garataa gabayga uu tirinaayo. Waarimayside war ha kaa hadho. Rer Baligubadle dheh. But you're right rer Salaxley are known orators.
  11. Those kinda people and the group he's advocating for are menace to society. I'm not surprised that he sunk to that low. Little do they know these are only external bodies, which will be eating up by the soil anyways. Their souls have already been taken to the highest level of paradise.
  12. Adeer Godane and the Alshabab movements are my heroes and Sh. Shariif and Indhacade and their group are traitors and cowards who ran for the border when things don't go well.
  13. Adeer Godane and the Alshabab movements are my heroes and Sh. Shariif and Indhacade and their group are traitors and cowards who ran for the border when things don't go well.
  14. Adeer Godane and the Alshabab movements are my heroes and Sh. Shariif and Indhacade and their group are traitors and cowards who ran for the border when things don't go well.
  15. Twisted logic, He is a traitor and terrible one at that. Just because he hails from your clan doesn't make him any less of a one. What do you call a man who has declared Jihad on Ethiopian troops, put his young boys in harms' way. And instead of fighting like a man; ran across the border to Kenya to meet with the CIA and later slept comfortably in Asmara and Yemen and Djibouti while the battle he started raged on? To top it off, he has returned to sign unilateral treaties with the same enemy that he declared Jihad on while his homeland is still being occupied, his people being suppressed. He has sided against his people and country. He betrayed his countrymen and most importantly his compatriots like Ahmed Godane. lol@Janaqow is a scholar. He is emotional in this piece. He's full of rhetoric. He made no seriously and concise reference to the Qu'ran and Sunnah if you listened to his 20 minute nonsense. It's also known fact that the so call Islamic courts union (who have denigrated to clannish level) are weak and non functioning. Just take a look at the bases which were left by the Ethiopian troops. The first to claim it were IndhaCade and Co. a member of Islamic Courts. He didn't fight for it, as Godane said. When the Alshabab forces liberate Somalia, they too will jump on the bandwagon and say we were there doing the dirty work for you. If things don't go according to plan, they protest and accuse of others mistakes.
  16. Twisted logic, He is a traitor and terrible one at that. Just because he hails from your clan doesn't make him any less of a one. What do you call a man who has declared Jihad on Ethiopian troops, put his young boys in harms' way. And instead of fighting like a man; ran across the border to Kenya to meet with the CIA and later slept comfortably in Asmara and Yemen and Djibouti while the battle he started raged on? To top it off, he has returned to sign unilateral treaties with the same enemy that he declared Jihad on while his homeland is still being occupied, his people being suppressed. He has sided against his people and country. He betrayed his countrymen and most importantly his compatriots like Ahmed Godane. lol@Janaqow is a scholar. He is emotional in this piece. He's full of rhetoric. He made no seriously and concise reference to the Qu'ran and Sunnah if you listened to his 20 minute nonsense. It's also known fact that the so call Islamic courts union (who have denigrated to clannish level) are weak and non functioning. Just take a look at the bases which were left by the Ethiopian troops. The first to claim it were IndhaCade and Co. a member of Islamic Courts. He didn't fight for it, as Godane said. When the Alshabab forces liberate Somalia, they too will jump on the bandwagon and say we were there doing the dirty work for you. If things don't go according to plan, they protest and accuse of others mistakes.
  17. Twisted logic, He is a traitor and terrible one at that. Just because he hails from your clan doesn't make him any less of a one. What do you call a man who has declared Jihad on Ethiopian troops, put his young boys in harms' way. And instead of fighting like a man; ran across the border to Kenya to meet with the CIA and later slept comfortably in Asmara and Yemen and Djibouti while the battle he started raged on? To top it off, he has returned to sign unilateral treaties with the same enemy that he declared Jihad on while his homeland is still being occupied, his people being suppressed. He has sided against his people and country. He betrayed his countrymen and most importantly his compatriots like Ahmed Godane. lol@Janaqow is a scholar. He is emotional in this piece. He's full of rhetoric. He made no seriously and concise reference to the Qu'ran and Sunnah if you listened to his 20 minute nonsense. It's also known fact that the so call Islamic courts union (who have denigrated to clannish level) are weak and non functioning. Just take a look at the bases which were left by the Ethiopian troops. The first to claim it were IndhaCade and Co. a member of Islamic Courts. He didn't fight for it, as Godane said. When the Alshabab forces liberate Somalia, they too will jump on the bandwagon and say we were there doing the dirty work for you. If things don't go according to plan, they protest and accuse of others mistakes.
  18. You wlc LST. This guy named Calan wade summed it up: Abu-Zubayr He argued objectively, in which he demonstrated suitably. All the citations and reference he made from the Quran, the Sunnah, the understanding of early Islamic scholars, and the Somali poems were relevant according to his argument. He proved to all Somalis that he has the vision and a clear mental picture of what he was advocating for. Hence, unlike what many people pronounce and accuse the group’s leadership, i.e. they are emotional or frustrated or lack of strategy. In contrast, he attested all asserts of a kind. He scholarly crossed his message to both friends and foe. I believe he has a place in the history books, even if he breathes his last breath tonight. I am not saying that he was right, but my judgement is; his argument was strong, relevant, concurrent, well structured and he validated. Besides he was passionate, self-confident and a genius person. Janaqoow His argument was defensive. Thus (let alone to match Abu-Zubayr’s) his argument could not be an answer to Abu-Zubair’s strong argument. His claim such as; to obey the leadership (perhaps he meant Djibouti function) and the examples he deduced from the Ali and Muawiye wars were not pertinent. During his contestations he caused more harm to already damaged Somalis through clannish lines by referring Abu-Zubar as a foreigner. He was also gender bias by relating (in his shambles example) women and ignorance, which I was stunned by listening him and was not expecting from somebody of his capacity to make such reference.
  19. You wlc LST. This guy named Calan wade summed it up: Abu-Zubayr He argued objectively, in which he demonstrated suitably. All the citations and reference he made from the Quran, the Sunnah, the understanding of early Islamic scholars, and the Somali poems were relevant according to his argument. He proved to all Somalis that he has the vision and a clear mental picture of what he was advocating for. Hence, unlike what many people pronounce and accuse the group’s leadership, i.e. they are emotional or frustrated or lack of strategy. In contrast, he attested all asserts of a kind. He scholarly crossed his message to both friends and foe. I believe he has a place in the history books, even if he breathes his last breath tonight. I am not saying that he was right, but my judgement is; his argument was strong, relevant, concurrent, well structured and he validated. Besides he was passionate, self-confident and a genius person. Janaqoow His argument was defensive. Thus (let alone to match Abu-Zubayr’s) his argument could not be an answer to Abu-Zubair’s strong argument. His claim such as; to obey the leadership (perhaps he meant Djibouti function) and the examples he deduced from the Ali and Muawiye wars were not pertinent. During his contestations he caused more harm to already damaged Somalis through clannish lines by referring Abu-Zubar as a foreigner. He was also gender bias by relating (in his shambles example) women and ignorance, which I was stunned by listening him and was not expecting from somebody of his capacity to make such reference.
  20. You wlc LST. This guy named Calan wade summed it up: Abu-Zubayr He argued objectively, in which he demonstrated suitably. All the citations and reference he made from the Quran, the Sunnah, the understanding of early Islamic scholars, and the Somali poems were relevant according to his argument. He proved to all Somalis that he has the vision and a clear mental picture of what he was advocating for. Hence, unlike what many people pronounce and accuse the group’s leadership, i.e. they are emotional or frustrated or lack of strategy. In contrast, he attested all asserts of a kind. He scholarly crossed his message to both friends and foe. I believe he has a place in the history books, even if he breathes his last breath tonight. I am not saying that he was right, but my judgement is; his argument was strong, relevant, concurrent, well structured and he validated. Besides he was passionate, self-confident and a genius person. Janaqoow His argument was defensive. Thus (let alone to match Abu-Zubayr’s) his argument could not be an answer to Abu-Zubair’s strong argument. His claim such as; to obey the leadership (perhaps he meant Djibouti function) and the examples he deduced from the Ali and Muawiye wars were not pertinent. During his contestations he caused more harm to already damaged Somalis through clannish lines by referring Abu-Zubar as a foreigner. He was also gender bias by relating (in his shambles example) women and ignorance, which I was stunned by listening him and was not expecting from somebody of his capacity to make such reference.
  21. Yes I know what you mean. But you want me to substitute 'Haber' in place of 'States'. Not gonna happen.