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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Qalbi adayg an honest question how long has it been since you been to somalia?
  2. Haa. Calankaa cagaarka iyo dahabiga ah ayaa lagu badalay. Keeping up with the change train. You should have seen the picture of col. muuse biixi injured and left behind in his camp with his sleeping bags made out of jawaano. He and silaanyo came along way for this day. They deserve a shot and will Insha allah get it this year.
  3. wadaadii maxay tidhi! caadi maahan.
  4. MAGACA IYO SIFAHA XISBIGA >Magaca Xisbigu waa “KULMIYE” >KULMIYE waa xisbi u taagan Midnimada iyo Horumarinta Somaliland. "The party was registered in May 2002, and ran for the December 2002 local elections, winning enough votes to become one of the three permanent political parties in Somaliland." Ujeedooyinka Xisbiga: UJEEDOOYINKA XISBIGA Ujeedooyinka xisbiga waxa saldhig u ah barnaamijka xisbiga oo ay ka mid yihiin: Xoojinta, barashada iyo ku dhaqanka diinta islaamka Hirgelinta iyo ku dhaqanka nidaamka dimoqraadiyada ee ku dhisan xoriyaadka iyo xuquuqda asaasiga ee qofka iyo muwaadinka Hirgelinta iyo ku dhaqanka dasturka JSL, shuruucda dalka, heshiisyada caalamiga ah iyo kuwa gobolada ee Somaliland dhinac ka tahay amase saaraysaa waajibaad dawli ah Ictiraaf u raadinta jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Adkaynta nabada iyo wadajirka bulshada iyo isku xidhka gobolada dalka oo dhan Difaaca jiritaanka iyo madaxbanaanida jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Hirgelinta sinaan iyo cadaalad buuxda, ee mujtamaca dhexdiisa iyo garsoorka hortiisa Higelinta dhaqankeena suuban iyo la dagaalanka dhaqamada xun xun Kor-u-qaadida dhaqaalaha dalka iyo ka faa’iidaysiga khayraadka ku jira, iyadoo la dhiirigelinayo maalgelinta gaarka ah iyo suuqa xorta ah Kor-u-qaadista arrimaha bulshada sida waxbarashada, caafimaadka, garsoorka, fanka iyo isboortiga iwm Xoojinta xidhiidhka dalalka aynu deriska nahay iyo ururada dawliga ah ee aynu xubinta ka nahay, ama aynu higsanayno in aynu xubin ka noqono. Dabeecada xisbiga: Xisbigu waa xisbi siyaasi ah Xisbigu waa xisbi dimoqraadi ah oo aaminsan afkaarta iyo mabaad’iida ku salaysan dimoqraadiyada ee aan ka hor imanayn shareecada islaamka. Calanka Xisbiga Kulmiye: Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga: Axmed Maxamuud Maxamed "Silaanyo". Gudoomiye Ku-xigeenka: Col. Muuse Biixi. Kulmiye nation. Gold N Green.
  5. (opposition). Chairman: Faysal Cali Waraabe. Vice-chair: Aadan Mire Waqaf.
  6. I support Kulmiye. Coming up. I'm giving each party fair share of spot light.
  7. WHAT: Somaliland Elections. WHEN: March, 2009. Ruling Party. (URURKA DIMUQRAADIGA UMMADDA BAHAWDAY) Chairman(current President): Daahir Rayaale Kaahin. Vice-President: Ahmed Yaasiin
  8. LOL. They've lived in Indonesia too. Oh what a terrible thing to say Faarax.
  9. wow. These people make no secret whatsoever in stealing other people's resources. Take more trawlers as hostages more often. That is justified.
  10. nUUNu oh yeah? I wasn't far from there, I'm qudhac dheer boy.
  11. JB getts sensitive when somaliland is mentioned. waar read my lips wali may duulin ee sug cagaha bahasha dhulka udhig.
  12. wayrarer lol that is right sxb. emperor, sxb don't make this personel.
  13. Emperor here we go again. I knew you were tanked to say those things. Sorry I'm not interested in my 'eedo is betta dan urs' get together. My point is this if we remain objective; silaanyo is eyeing sl top post, that has been his personel goal for a while, then perhaps this possibility could be entertained. However, if he runs away from somaliland(again going along with the thread), then that would draw whole of SL against him. So no matter what he does in southern somalia, SL will no longer be a friend and home to him; would not be a smart move for him would it? You getting my point?
  14. Wayfarer, sure let me refresh your mind. Every topic will face some type of critique and scrutny, but we must each time happens there must be an explaination. Before submiting a response to thread of any nature we should consider the rules of "abstracts". 1.descriptive. Does not critique the thread itself, but picking on the weak points and argument of the poster and taking advantage of 'em. 2.Informative. Proofing or explaining your main argument. Whether it's factual or not, you must at least 'back it up' with purpose, method and scope. What I'm meant by fruitful discussion? When a discussion has an input that generates new information and teaches the readers something they did not know, than that is fruitful discussion.
  15. LOL jacburis I use like back in the old days when I was a kid. I'm too old for that now. Sure would be nice to read to my future kids though Insha allah.
  16. "Nin layidhahdo suldaan baa somaliland yimid, dagaal been been ah ayaa sanaag ka socda iyo cabdullahi Yusuf beerkiisi oo shaahi yemen qaadan waayey. These are all waste of space" More importantly, the responses need to be little more thoughtful. i expect each response to a topic to be either: 1.informative. 2.funny. ...not sensible rants. I'm with you on all of this. It's not like i'm saying I bring something different to the table, but I wish to see a collective effort to be undertaken by everyone, so this place can be fun to visit.saaxib sidani sii maaha. Gabayo maleh, sheekoyin maleh, taarikh maleh. Maahmaaho micno xanbaarsan maleh. waa bilaa xigmad waana bilaa nah. FYI.. My name is warancade. Thank you very much. :cool:
  17. Start with rolling back number of Pr posts you post daily. Post the most important ones. You and dukey have flooded SOL political section with biased and often useless rants from regional websites. More quality posts and less focus on the quantity. NG, You'r an exception. I think your're overall a funny guy and your posts are quite entertaining. "wallee way duushay". waar cabdo qabow. and the latest one, 'nagadaa foosiyaay"! who can forget those?
  18. I think it's time for new initiatives and ideas. I'm sick and tired of this partisan mudd slinging.We don't have to agree with one another, but Lets preserve the honesty and the integrity that each and every good and fruitful discussion deserves. We can't continue this childish slander and lewd language. I'm guilty of it myself. but I'm willing to change. Are YOU? I'm hoping to see more of bipartisan *openminded* members here who are willing to swing both ways since xaq and dulmi have no borders. Let's consider reasoning and good anyalzes of each and every topic instead of blind loyalty and total denial of the truth when it's not in favor of your region, clan, adeero etc.These often predictable cyber political teams are boring me out here, as I'm sure it does to everyone who reads 'em. We need fresh outlook on things that can actually make us enjoy the place. Meesha baryahay wax interesting ah maku jiraan. sidani si maaha; wax loo joogi kara arko. Mise talow dadkii ayaa duqoobay oo asaasaq stage wada maraya? (: "ninka gaalka ah dil, magtiisana sii"...this should be our mantra. Nabadeey!
  19. emperor lol that is your logic. ehehee how is that gonna help the country? I don't think silaanyo wants to have similar fate whereby forced to leave his own soil for security reasons. The tfg with all its incompetent members and warlords in its midst is designed to fail. regardless of how good and wise of politician. The foundation and the supporting cast of that entity are corruption. That is why I think big massive warlord, criminal and incompetents clean up job is needed; alshabab are in better position of stablizing somalia.
  20. Duke: qayladu orgiga ka dheer. Yes somaliland is ready, will it happen? You'll have to wait and see.
  21. Why would silaanyo settle for second rate position in non functioning entity, when he can get the excutive spot in somaliland. It doesn't make much sense.
  22. People say everyone has a person that looks just him/her. Check out the very close resemblance this Indonesian man shares with U.S President Barack Obama.
  23. Ethiopia, the country responsible for killing thousands of somalis is an ally, while those who stood in the way of Ethiopian onslaught are evil trouble makers.