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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Originally posted by Thierry.: Adeer if bringing "Israeli" jets means saving Somalia and its people from these savages, I would do it in a second and sleep like a baby. But lucky for you I am not the President :eek: How is fighting a fire with fire, int this case with the yahuudi airforce gonna save a country and its people. That is just absurd. Don't let your emotions get the better of you.
  2. ^you have been misinformed my man. When you were toldt this, was there a chance you and your buddies were chewing khat?
  3. ^Parts of it were true, but to say they were enslaved is gross exaggeration sxb. Basically, this sub clan is historically the most feared in that part of region. The have been hailed as the sword of 'I' clan. But you can't always remain powerful clan.
  4. Are they fighting for political gains? financial power? fame? or something beyond those three.. 1. They were crashed and lost more than half of their fighting forces in summer of 2006 and the rest of their remaining forces were pursued by U.S AC gunships near the Kenyan border. 2. They lost all the territory they've won in early 2006 to U.S/Ethiopia and local lackeys. 3. Their overall leader was killed by U.S airstrikes. 4. They faced continues comdemnations and pressure from the international community. They were demonized by the Media of the locals and internationally as well. But despite these overwhelming odds, they have recovered, moblized and won back almost all the territory lost in '06. They have defeated single handily the Ethiopian war machine and TFG militia and many clanish milia organziations. They have shown termendous patience and indurance under all those tough circumstances and have not wavered or gone stray from their original messege. Something tells me, what they fight for is not for narrow goals. If so, they would have run, hide, or even abandon their objective when the war didn't favor them.
  5. Yeah, in the mean time lets hold our composure.
  6. ^hahaha that is crazy talk to say the least. They once formed a union and then became rivals. That is about it.
  7. Xiinfaniin you're starting to crack under the slightest of pressure. Maxaa idinku dhacay? If Sh. Shariif Ahmed has got what it takes to be the President of Somalia, then he needs to earn it in the good ole fashion way. And what do you mean it will capture me?? :confused:
  8. ^They said godane belongs to the 'largest clan' in Somaliland which is not true. That is what I meant so stop playing with my words.
  9. Suufiyaasha might be crazy bunch but they haven't been tested yet by excessive force of the Alshabaab who are mostly concentrating on capturing Xamar. When that time comes, they'll be tossed aside as everyone else.
  10. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: hehehehe ,,, anigana waad iga horaysaa sow maaha ,, Sheekada iga daba geeya.
  11. ^What language would you prefer the convertion from somali to be, Zanzibari?
  12. Originally posted by Thierry.: Tasteless picture but nevertheless comes with the territory of being the most powerful man in the Horn of Africa, huh! Are you ok there man.
  13. As somali patriot, Kashafa has the right to be outraged when his country is being exploited like this. Frankly all of us should be worried and hope that criminals like Melez Zenawi and his lackeys dont get away with the crimes they've commited against Somalia.
  14. Pirateboy, Don't sweet talk me bring facts.
  15. Before: Today: The choice is clear, Pirateboy.
  16. shabeele, Beg who, you? Get your act together. Adeer this inflated pride you have is troubling surely you must not be in tune of what the world thinks of you. You're disaster and shameful to us all. Ninyow I'm glad somaliland declared independence from your lot and I hope somaliland never reconsiders that wise decision in 1991. So far we've gained, while you've been stagnent. Mejji, ok adeer I'll leave your thread. I was only one of few who paid attention to this silly thread anyways. Good luck. Xaaji xundjuf, Somaliland gooni isu taageedu waa muqadas sax? Hadii aad taas aaminsantahay, dee maxaad iskugu dayaysaa inaad qanciso dad aan shuqul ku lahayn somaliland. These people have no jurisdiction in our decision, our destiny is in your hands not these emotion ridden cyber intellects. Now ha isku daalin horaa loogu daalay ciyaalkane.
  17. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: the thing that pisses me off the most is seeing how my region is willing to bend over backwards for eithopia against their own kind in the south. So you're from Butland?
  18. Mejji, I don't have to answer to you adeer. Somaliland is what it is, live with it. Shabeele, Somaliland doesn't care what you think. Your opinion is only to please you and your ilk. You may work with whomever you please, and we are not here to stop you from doing so. Markaa save us the cheap rants fella.
  19. Siyad, a Patriot. Somaliland tribal enclave etc..terms we have been used to. Be all you can be, just dont claim something you aint buddy.
  20. ^^^Adeer stop claiming something you're not. I'm somaliland kulahaa. Only Allah giveth life, Siyaad barre inherited united poeple, he turned them on each other. Markaa it's really pointless to argue with a someone who doesn't have full grasp of facts.
  21. Originally posted by Hayam: General Duke..."The Road" was amazing, I cried like a baby at the end !! Nerd alert. Jk.