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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. It's her. Look at her eyes and other facial features. People's appearances changes.
  2. And who is to judge? Indeed one who strives to fight the enemy of his country, his faith and people for the sake of Allah shall get rewarded Insha Allah.
  3. Masha Allah. Soomalis are smart people, they just lack the oppurtunity. Congrats Yuunis wish the best in your future inspirations Insha Allah.
  4. There was better article that I read a week ago regarding this. It articuled how the new testoment and this version of the bible contradict in many passages. They make no secret that it's corrupted book. Cajiib wallee diinta Islaamku waa xaq haday wax ku qaadanayaan
  5. World's oldest Bible goes onlineStory Highlights •British Library plans to publish world's oldest surviving Bible online •Codex Sinaiticus contains all of New Testament, part of Old Testament •Web site will have photographs of pages, search function By Ed Payne CNN LONDON, England (CNN) -- The oldest known surviving copy of the New Testament gets the modern touch Thursday when parts of it go online for the first time. The full manuscript of the Codex Sinaiticus will be online a year from now. The British Library plans to begin publishing the Codex Sinaiticus, a 4th century text handwritten in Greek, on its Web site. The Gospel of Mark and the Book of Psalms go online Thursday. The full manuscript is to be online in a year. Translations of the Codex Sinaiticus have long been widely available, but publishing images of the manuscript online will let anyone see pages that, until now, have been viewed in detail mainly by academia. As the Web site becomes operational, it will show photographs of each page of the text, with links to translations in English and German. There will also be a search function. "It contains the earliest complete copy of the New Testament," said Scot McKendrick, the head of Western Manuscripts at the British Library. While the Codex contains all of the New Testament, it also includes part of the Old Testament and originally contained the entire text of the Christian Bible. The manuscript also includes the Apocrypha, 14 disputed books of the Old Testament that are usually omitted from the Protestant Bible. It also includes two early Christian texts: the "Epistle of Barnabas" and the "Shepherd of Hermas." The library announced plans three years ago to digitize the 1,600-year-old book, a tough job since pieces of the manuscript reside in four countries. Don't Miss Codex Sinaiticus Web site "It was a challenge, but it was ... also very exciting," said Juan Garces, the curator of the project. Photographers took digital pictures of the text in United Kingdom, Russia, Germany and Egypt to put the entire manuscript online. "It unites something that belongs together," he said. The complete text once was housed at the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai, Egypt, before it came to the attention of a German scholar, Constantine Tischendorf, in the 19th century. He took parts of it to Germany and Russia. The British Library later bought several hundred pages from the Russians. Digitizing the text is a windfall for scholars, but the main goal was to make the Codex available to everyone. "It makes it accessible, and it opens up to anyone who can access it via the Internet," Garces added. Eventually, the manuscript will be translated into Russian and modern Greek. "The user will come to the Web site and will be able to look at images of each page of Codex Sinaiticus, will be able to zoom in and out and look around the page and see the page lit in standard light." Garces said
  6. Read the news buddy. Alshabaab is now in control of the few blocks they withdrew from. Sorry mr. president.
  7. Reminds me of A/Yusuf days, whenever the Ethiopian troops gained him some ground, the TFG militia would lose them the next day(:
  8. Ururka Xisbul islaam iyo xarakatu Shabaabul Mujaahidiin oo sheegay in ay dib ula wareegeen goobo shalay laga qabsaday. Posted: 7/13/2009 7:47:00 PM Shabelle: MUQDISHO Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin iyo Ururka Xisbul Islaam ee ka dagaalama Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen in ay dib u qabsadeen goobo badan oo ka tirsan Waqooyiga Magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasi oo maalintii shalay ay kala wareegeen ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya. Kadib hal maalin oo ay dagaal qaraar ku dhaxmareen Ciidamada dowladda KMG oo garabsanayay Ciidamada AMISOM iyo Xoogaga ka soo horjeeda qeybo kamid ah degmooyinka Kaaraan,Shibis, iyo C/Casiis kuwaasoo ay ku hardamayeen dhinacyadii dagaalamayay gacan ku haynta degmooyinkaasi. Xoghaya Gaashaandhiga Ururka Xisbul Islaam Sheekh Muuse Cabdi Caraale oo Shirjaraa’iid ugu qabtay Saxaafada aagagii ay ku dagaalamayeen iyaga iyo Ciidamada dowladda KMG ayaa sheegay in ay dib ula wareegeen goobihii shalay lagala wareegay. Sidoo kale Wakiilka Gobolka Banaadir ee xarakatu Shabaabul Mujaahidiin Sheekh Cali Max’ed Xuseen oo bahda Warbaahinta kula hadlayay Saldhiga kaaraan ee Waqooyiga Magalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ay dib u qabsadeen islamarkaana ay la wareegeen fariisimo dhowr ah oo horay gacan ku heyntooda looga qabsaday shalay. Waxaa uu Sheegay in ay soo gaba gabeeyeen Wareegii hore ee dagaalada ayna ka guulyesteen dowladda KMG islamarkaana ay bilaabayaan wareeg kale oo ay la galayaan Ciidamada AMISOM ee jooga Gudaha Caasimadda Muqdisho waxna ay ka badalayaan Jihaadka ay kula jiraan ciidamada Shisheeye. Xaafadaha degmooyinka maalmihii la soo dhaafay ay dagaaladu ka socdeen ayaa dadkii degenaa oo u adkaysan waayay diryanka noocyada kala duwan ee hubka la isku adeegsanayo ayaa qasab kaga dhigatay in ay isaga firxadaan xaafadsihii ay ku noolaayeen oo haatan noqday goobo ka caagan dadka shacabka . Dhismayaasha iyo wadooyinka soo gala xaafadahaasi ayaa waxaa ka muuqda bur burka raadadka ay reebeen dagaalada ,iyadoo wadooyinka ay buuxaan qol faha rasaasta la is waydaarsanayay,waxaa na dhismayaasha ku yaala halkaasi ka muuqda bur bur xoogan. Dagaalada xiriir ka ah ee wali ku dhaxmaraya qeybo ka mid ah Waqooyiga Magaalada Muqdisho Ciidamada dowladda KMG iyo Xoogaga hubaysan ee ka soo horjeeda ayaa u muuqda kuwo xarag jiid ah kuwaasi oo aan la ogayn xilliga ay dhamaan doonaan. Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.
  9. Duke, Afisioni(sp)??? Isn't that where villa somali is located?
  10. Originally posted by Dhubad.: quote:Originally posted by Meiji: 49 years ago: Why do we have two Tigers there? This animal is not even found in Somalia, what was the idea behind this? Two Camels would have made sense I guess! Saaxib that is not a Tiger, its leapord=shabeel. And it's still found in parts of Somalia.
  11. Xiinfaniin is giving up his 'peace caravan' thingy.
  12. ^^^Dee Gaalkacayo, Koonfur Gaalkacayo.
  13. SP, The blame doesn't lie on Somaliland. It's on E. sanaag and sool communities who chose to stay out of SL politics rather than get involved and grab it by the horns unlike our western brothers in Awdal.
  14. SP, The conspiracy theorists doubts that rayaale was elected to keep certain 'minority clans' happy is complete nonsense. It would seem believable had the election been done like Puntland in the good ole fashion way of hand selections which enabled Puntland to choose three consective causins into office. On the other hand we can say, Somaliland people made the choice not few parliamentarians with conceeded ideas.It also defeats the argument that Somaliland holds grudges of the past when they elected former nss chief and and body of siyadist govt.
  15. Somalipride, You're wrong once again. Dahir Rayaale only served remaining part of Igal's(aun)term which was due to expire soon after he died. Rayaale was then reelected by the People through the ballot in a fresh election in 2003. It seems to me you speak without any regard to facts. Iska hadle ayaad iska tahay. And for E. Sanaag and Sool. It's their loss. No one is keeping them for contending the leadership role. They kept themselves out of the race while folks from rer awdal have used this chance to advance their province; built the best educational insitution in all of Somaliland. They also play vitol role in politics of Somaliland as they currently hold the top leadership post as well as vice chairman of the other two political parties. Somaliland is fair and open if you are willing to take advantage of it. And hypothetically speaking if Somaliwayne was to magically appear today, sool and E. sanaag would also be at disadvantage as they lack any bargaining chips while borama, hargeisa and burco would use what they've gained through somaliland to play crucial roles in future political meddlings.
  16. Abtigiis and Tolka is on some kinda holly crusade against Somaliland's cause lately. Who angered the man?
  17. Sh. Aadan Siiro is good Sheikh. I love listening to him.
  18. Everything with U.S starts with combating so call boogeyman, "terrorist". With the developments in Southern Somalia, they feel they might need future puppet regimes to help them curb their concern of the Horn becoming terrorist ground sorta to speak of.
  19. lool geeljire kadaa! I think these kids are brainwashed by foxnews.
  20. Congrats to the Mayor and the future President of Somaliland. :cool:
  21. Hardly adeer. I'm being shackled and held back by my own leadership, even with that I feel I'm ahead. But 2009 is the year that Somaliland breaks through and elects real politicians to advance its cause. I'm very optemistic about that.