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Everything posted by RedSea
He is important, but it serves no purpose to demonstrate. How idiotic would that be if people created fuzz over Sh. Dalxiis. I'm going to say hello btw..
2016 Olympic host city: Rio de Janeiro:
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^That's thought. Xidigo-Let's pull resources and put together a legal team, so next time Siilaanyo comes to the UK (I have never seen him in the US), we could file suit. adiga miyaa lagu soo dirayaa uun. Mise slip and fall lawyer ayaad tahay. Foosiya has no case against Silaanyo yaanay ku waalan.
Foosiyaay(by NG). ahahah
^You're "Mr. Somalia" after all. The only thought that your mind will be able to absorb and process is 'how the heck does one get away with clear wrong doing"? hence that is what made somalia the world most failed state due to its citizens such yourself having inflated pride and refusing to take nothing short of better end of the deal. Again, peace requires sacrifice and to preserve it will need even more compromising. The opposition could have remained stagnant to their previous position and the the ruling party would continue to ignore them; as you can imagine the end result would be a very ugly picture which already caused the deaths of several of our brothers. Haye maxaa la faa'iday ii sheeg? Maanta nabadii way jiraysaa, siyaasad iyo wada hadalkiina way dhaceen oo qodobo la isku raacay ayaa la sameeyey. This is watermark for future SL administrations. The political struggles we have seen are nothing but obstacles that hinder any new entity. the later administrations will have no problems in holding elections as Somaliland public becomes more aware, the political parties more mature and the voting commission more competent. This was for the Somaliland people and for the whole region including your beloved Puntland. For this to happen, one group has to play to the tune of another in the hopes of saving the masses and the establishment as a whole. It takes courage beyond a personal interest though it may seem cowardly and foolish to some naysayers. Markaa adiga iyo wixii aad isku fikirka tihiin waxaad ka siman tihiin in aad tihiin dawladiid aan tooda mooye ta ummada aan ka fakarin. When ina Yey was terrorizing Somalia, you were proud of him and proud to have him as your uncle, today you couldn't be any further as you have been praising the Alshabaabs. Waxaad ogtaa iska yar ba. Markaa ummada ka fadhiista adiga iyo kuwa kula mid ah sida kan Cawke isku sheega. SOL waa meel karama leh laakin xaarkaad la wareegaysaan has lowered its quality.
that was So boring! Can I have my money back?
Are you trying to lure ibtisam in this thread so you could have few liners in the form of shukaansi mise ibtisam is a great marketing name that way you could get more responders. One has to wonder I gues. Anyhow, what is wrong with them South Asian males? They seem(to me) they have low testosterone levels.
^Sing and dance.
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: quote:Originally posted by Mudane McCheese.: 24. Alxamdulilaah. why Alhumdulilah?? everyone was or is going to be 24( if they live long enough) at some stage Ms DD. I think you are close to most. I know everyone's age, they told me at one point or another. Average age for the guys 27, average age for the girls 26. Not everyone is going to live that long w/good health and whole lot of other things.
Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ Go back to dugsi , you damiin who doesn't even know the full name of the Holy Preophet(pbup)! p.s cool strategy on your part-- to lay low for a few weeks and resurface with a different alias, in the hopes of getting the vultures off your back. That was so random but not good enough! Now go away you restless troll. SOL is tired of nac nacayaal adoo miidhan ah.
Originally posted by UZTAAD: There is no doubt that Somaliland is an Ethiopian protectorate in fact the whole Idea of secessionism is engineered from Addis Ababa who wants to see Somalia week and divided. Somaliland politicians view Ethiopia as their saviors and godfather, the love & admiration for Ethiopia is enormous among these folks. Where they believe Somalia as their number one enemy, most of these Secessionists will be very happy if Ethiopia annex them instead of being part of Somali republic. Their worst nightmare is strong and united Somalia. They even don’t hide their happiness of the chaos in the sought because they see this suffering of their brethren will hasten their recognition but that is jus dilution. Adeer you need to man and stop this weakling accuasations when you are in fact your own worst enemy. Ethiopia would not be able to divide nor conquer parts of your country if you were just that much smarter or put the blame where it should have been, squarely on your shoulders. Ethiopia is only taking advantage of your own demise manufactured by the Somali masses. Somaliland does not nor has any desire in failed Southern Somalia despite what you might have heard from few extreme opinionated folks from SL. In fact most of human beings hate to see another one suffer. Now, you need to get a hold of yourself and quit this blaming game. Man up adeer. That is my advise to those who always blame others for their shortcomings.
Originally posted by Abokor Omar: Difference between an Ethiopian and a Somali to the average SL. One tried to bomb me back to the stone-age times, the other offered me shelter... That is total bs. The SL people are also Somalis. Y can't really compare or worse off even pick Ethiopian over a Somali no matter what has transgressed in the past. The German civilians were victims in world war 2 though they get blamed to this day by rest of the world though they were persuaded and fed lies by a lunatic. In this case, many of the Somali people were simply led to believe that Hargeisa was troublesome, most of them had no chance against Pr output of the facist govt of Siyad Barre.
why does Obama lower his standards by lobbying for mere sport event? He needs to focus on things that matter most to his people. Although I do not think this deserves the outrage, it has gotten from the right. Anyways, Rio is a beautiful city that needs the attention.
Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^^ Why is it that every-time Al Shabab b1tchslaps a group within their ranks --with hidden clan agendas-- does everyone cry foul and say that Al Shabab are foreign. Al Shabab are Somalis, founded by Somalis, for Somalis!! Al Shabab will continue to separate the wheat from the chaff by constantly weeding out all those culprits with non-islamic agendas. Previously, it was Sharif; now it's Hassan Turki who bit the dust and next will be Daahir Aweys. Who knew I'd be saying this but Al Shabab may after all change their deviant ways and become Muslims once again with the noble cause of liberating our nation from all the vices(both foreign and local) that have held us hostage all these years. But only time will tell... hahahh waar ma dhulqarnayn baa ninkaas Xaqa fahmay.
Africa: Back to where it all started. I suggest we Somalis get our act together and get our country back before it's too late. Soon we will see chinese, Russia and the U.S competing of who will get a base in the pearl of Africa.
24. Alxamdulilaah.
^Go back to baadiye, you troll.
Originally posted by 'Dalmar': Mr red sea How is your support for your clan faction of somali-diidland any different from zack's intention to support the freedom of SSCland? qabiil and hatred of course, you want your clan militia to continue their occupation and oppression of SSC region and its people In this forum, You were one of the loudest cheerleaders of SNM 2.0 - somali-diidland's clan militia aggression and occupation of SSC region. Most of your 7081 posts were about supporting and justifying the aggression and the crimes committed by snm 1.0 and snm 2.0 In hereafter, no one will ask you about zack, you will only have answer for yourself, so worry about yourself more, and please stop pretending to be religious, you have to fear Allah first No more fake snm mujaahid People of SSC have the right to freedom and liberty, just like you advocating for the secession of your clan of somali-diidland Insha Allah a day will come when we will see people of SSC enjoying their Allah' given rights of freedom and liberty, victory day is very near insha allah Alhamdulilah, we already see many organizations dedicated to the freedom and re-liberation of SSC region lool@freedom and re libration of SSC region. You can't be serious buddy! The people of Sool and Sanaag are fine and dont need to be liberated from no one. But If I may suggest since you intend to help, you may chip in other areas of human development. That they need. Cuqdad iyo nacaybka is saar oo caadi iska dhig ninyow. And stop accusing me of supporting anybody. The furthest I go is words that don't harm. I've never pay a cent of qaadhan so to help my 'tol'. If you believe such practice then you're just primitive being that needs an enlightenment.
Sanduuqyadii Las Anod iyo Las Qorey ayaa lagaynayaa miyaad na leedahay?
Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Originally posted by Dhubad.: Quote of the day : Ama Shariif Raaca, Ama Shabaab Raaca, Ama Shacab noqda Godane, Mansuur, Shangoole, Yacquub and others don't have a clan agenda in the grand scheme of things. Axmed Madoobe does. Raaskamboni/Caanoole in its raw package is a loose collection of clan-oriented trailblazers, and is more susceptible to the whims of the clan grievances. The end goal for Al-Shabaab is not to get the better off clan this or that. Theirs is rather more principled, more focused agenda based on common conviction, me thinks. two thumbs up. Well said sir.
Waa dhag dhagaatu warku. Waa sidaa, waana sidii larabay. Warkan week iyo badh ka hor ayaan soo dhajiyey anigu, macal lixda qodob ee wehliyey heshiiskan.
Originally posted by The Zack: I support it and will pay its qaadhaan. The so called "Puntland" and "Somaliland" should leave those 2 states for the locals. They are not welcome there! And will you stand to answer in the hereafter of an any crimes committed using your money?