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Everything posted by RedSea
^I didnt ask for pics, those I have seen already. What we await are results...end of the day that is what it's all about. White men in khaki pants are nothing to gload about. Results: Do you have any of that nature? Til then Gorowe would and is a shanty village in the middle of dust bowl.
Nairobi — The number of reported rapes in camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Bosasso, in Somalia's self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, is increasing and rape has become "a major problem", says a civil society source. "We are seeing more and more women who have been raped in the displaced camps," said Hawa Ali Jama, of We Are Women Activists (WAWA), an NGO. "We have recorded 30 women raped in October 2009 and 45 in November," she said. These numbers did not reflect the actual number of raped women, because many did not report it, she said, for two reasons. First, the family may not want the case to be reported "because they are afraid that it will reflect badly on them". Second, the woman may be afraid the perpetrator may come back and harm her or her family. Jama said there were at least 24 IDP camps in Bosasso and rape cases had been reported in most. She said rapes were committed either by men from the host community or other IDPs. Among the IDPs there were men who took a fancy to a girl and wanted to marry her but if they were rejected, "he may return at night to rape her; he will then be forced to marry her, according to tradition. That was his aim all along." Unsafe haven Many of the displaced fled violence in the south, particularly the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Ambro (not her real name) came to Bosasso, the commercial capital of Puntland, in 2005, seeking a safe haven for her family. A month ago her teenage daughter was attacked near the IDP camp that is their new home in Bosasso while Ambro was out finding work in the town. "It was around 11:30am when a young man raped my girl," the 35-year-old mother of five said. "He tied her up and then raped her." By the time the mother returned she found her daughter bleeding. WAWA staff took her to the doctor. "She is recovering now but it is hard for a young girl to recover from something like this," said Ambro. "I never thought it would happen here. It was for fear of something like this happening that I fled Mogadishu," she explained. "It seems no place is safe for us." Breaking the silence In the same month and in the same IDP camp two men raped a young girl. "These people survive on very little and they supplement it with work they find in the town. Now they are afraid that when they go to find work they may get raped," Jama said, adding that it was becoming one of the biggest security concerns for the women. Jama said her group and others working with the displaced had started a campaign to encourage women to report cases of rape. "We have volunteers in the camps who interact with the women and encourage them to come forward." Her group was providing counselling and medical help. The authorities are also taking the matter more seriously. "We have a very good relationship with the local authorities and once we identify the culprit they are arrested and taken to court." The volunteers and staff stay with the survivors throughout the process. "We are there with them until the rapist is brought to court and convicted. This has encouraged more women to come forward," she said. A campaign of awareness to encourage families to abandon the tradition of hiding rape cases has helped to "break the silence", she said. "We will keep fighting until we put a stop to these violations," said Jama. Ambro said she did not know what she would do now. "I cannot take my children back to Mogadishu, because it is not safe but I don't feel safe here either. At least here I have the support of the people like WAWA."
Dear SOLers, Add rape to the shamefullness of Buntland state. The curse remains. Banaanbaxyo rabshada watta islamarkaana looga soo horjeedo qaraxyada iyo dilalkii ka dhacay Puntland ayaa haatan ka socda Magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari iyadoo qaraxyadana lagu eedeeyay dadka ka soo jeeda koofurta Soomaaliya. Banaanbaxyo ay dhigayaan boqolaal qof oo watay boorar waaweyn oo ay ku qoranyihiin erayo dadka aan u dhalan Puntland looga dalbanayo in ay isaga baxaan deegaanada Puntland ayaa saakay waxaa ay ka bilowdeen Bartamaha Magaalada Baasooso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Dadkaan banaanbaxa dhigayay oo aad u careysan ayaa waxaa ay ahaayeen kuwa si weyn uga soo horjeeda qaraxyada,dilalka iyo rabshadaha kale ee ku soo noq noqda Magaalooyinka Puntland kuwaasi oo banaanbaxayaashu ay sheegeen in ay ka dambeeyaan dad ka soo jeeda gobolada koofureed ee dalka Soomaaliya. Banaanbaxa waxaa uu sameeyn ku yeeshay goobihii ganacsiga ee Bartamaha Magaalada Boosaaso iyadoo lagu dalbanayo in la joojiyo qaraxyada iyo dilalka ka dhacaya gobolada Puntland kadib markii maalmihii la soo dhaafay halkaasi ay ku soo laalaabteen falalkaasi. Qaar ka mid ah banaanbaxayaasha ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay tuuryeeyeen goobaha ay ku suganyihiin dadka ka soo jeeda gobolada Kofureed ee dalka Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo ay sheegeen in ay ku lugleeyihiin amaan darida ku soo korartay Puntland sida ay Shabelle u xaqiijiyeen ilo wareedyo halkaasi ku sugan. Banaanbaxyadaani ayaa imaanaya xili xalay gudaha Magaalada Boosaaso uu ka dhacay qarax weyn oo qasaare isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac u geystay ciidamo ka tirsan Mamulka Puntland kuwaasi oo dhex mushaaxayay Magaalada Boosaaso.
^LOOL adeer take your own advice. This thread lready proved the truthfullness of the points I made in that thread.
^^^LOOL Mr. M society adeer isnt about time you handle your bussiness than blaming others. I know how dispicable some of the actions Buntland is taking are, but it's not neccasary for you to lay the blame on Somaliland. Trust me Somaliland doesn't need to cause any further trouble to any member of "M" society while they are down. Kala baro dadka, niiqle uun lama noqdee.
Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Anigu mar mar waxan is yidha puntland marki lugu dhawaqayey Mala bisinka looma qabban. Waar maxaad tidhi? hmmm
Puntland's power is uniting, secessionists, ONLF, Al Shabab Looters
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
"oh look at me" I'm duke...I'm really funny and have something very important to tell you...Buntland. -
Lily, It's not much different. S*S makes it sound special.
well it got deleted soomaha.
Dukey, The IDPs must have read your PR on SOL and were mistaken that Buntland would be save haven from the troubles in their homes, unfortunately they have faced discriminations, constant abuse and blame of anything that goes wrong in Buntland. In addition, buntland has a population of less than 2 million people, MN has nearly 6 million thus isn't a good comparison. Not to mention, some of the large Somali community in MN are of Buntland origin....they contribute alot of youth killing here as well. As for the name: It's Buntland, not Puntland. Since when did you became English Speaking region? The letter P doesn't exist in the Somali language. Oh I forgot you can't write Somali. I can always help you with my superior Af somaali ability.
^LOOL. Gorowe is a village , Hargeisa is a class metropolitan city. Muqdisho despite years of warfare is by far more superior to Gorowe. The bakara alone is has more functioning financial activity than your whole Buntland. Faan waynaa kani.
Duke, What part of I say about Buntland isn't accurate? The piracy, the human trafficking, the mysterious killings, the abuse of your guests. These are the points I reiterate each and every time and every single one of them is factual proven on daily basis. Now tell me what truth you have ever spoken. The oil? what oil? you have been saying it since I could remember and still nothing has resulted out of it aside from few white guys in khaki pants and Dukey who posts them on SOL. But the other issues I have mentioned are still persistent. You need to deal with them. Also, Don't assume the attention you receive from rest of Solers as compliment, you're simply amusing to watch. You know people love comedy, and you my friend are a comedian and nothing more. Malaha siyaasi ayaad is mooday. Nafta been ha usheegin sxb.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Dr Oodweyne? Piracy is a local criminal issue led by a few men, whats that got to do with the people of Puntland? Adeer you have no logic, substance abuse is a major problem, and one that should be highlighted. Now make sure you dont abuse the stuff, its not nice. LOOL Adeer your own President is a member of the Piracy business. If this piracy problem was spearheaded mainly by 'few' men, then why hasn't your state police or security forces try to stop it. You know the base of the pirates is Eyl where they have erected expensive houses and living large. In addition, He(your president) prints fake money in his villa (perhaps he borrowed Cadde Muse's). Oh boy, yet another issue that is to be done something about. As a result your locals protest about sky rocketing food prices and other communities. The value of the Somali shilling has dropped dramatically due to inflation caused by the fake money. Your local businesses and people in turn cannot prosper. Not to mention the human trafficking and the constant abuse of Somalis in Bosaaso. Somalis who fled the violence to your South . Buntland has never earn a fair buck as a state. All you do is steal, abuse, and print fake money.
Don't be so surprised it's same thing you have been doing for years, only now others are joining the act. You don't get to ditch out and not expect any response. It's all fair play if you ask me.
But I fail to see how this correlates what Dr. Oodwayne and Mr. Miles were discussing. This is an internal health related issue and nothing political....which btw is not only immune to Somaliland. This is something Cowke of SOL would post. LOOL
^lool apart from giving him RPG and small speed boat to steal from others...aah nothing!
^^^What I do in my personal life is non issue. You of all people should know that *wink*.
LOOL What a lame attempt to get back at Somaliland. Miles Oodwayne must have hurt your feelings for you to post this old news. Are we getting desperate now? Tell me is this problem spared from folks in E. Sanaag?
Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^^Tan waa in Sol-Puntlanders ka jawaabaan!, shacab dhan oo isu yimid ee masaakiin soo qaxday oo maciin biday yiraahdaan: 'naga baxa!' EEH DAH! ALLAAH!! Do you remember my thread titled "Puntland: Curse of Somalia"? Do you have any smart comment to add like "puntland is the cure of Somalia" you replied to my thread earlier. You're not so sure now are you?
What exactly does Buntland have that can attract a worldy capital city? Gorowe is a deserted ghost town, Bosaaso is 300 degrees oven and Galkacay is in Mugdi Mudug. Nothing good comes from there. You need a beautiful place with nice weather and scenery as well welcoming locals. I wouldn't' suggest capital be moved from Mogadishu but say that became inevitable then my choices would be as follow. 1. Marka: 2. Barawe 3. Beledwayn.
I got fired from my 3 third job ever I opened up my own store and no problem since. The best thing is being your own 'decider' lool
^it's common knowledge. You're getting quite boring with your repetitive responses "maxee habar ugu abtirsataan'? yada yada. You are sad little man. Wax hagaagsan la shir imow.
"Gaaroodi" waxaad wadaa waa sheekadii Duke oo kale. Magac wanaagsan ayaad wadataa ee ha dhooqayn sxb.