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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: funny how we are getting all patroitic to defend the interest of the few who have caused so much pain to the people of the south. Keep it up, again does it not prove that this is a motivational ploy.. The ****** war indeed.. Duke look at the mirror SXB., because that is YOU.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: Mr secesionist, you support the courts for what reason? You want to divide Somalia yet you support a group in the south, funny thing that.. [/QB] I support unity under the courts not under your warlord uncle. how is that sound? who is worse someone who respects the will of the people and puts his his faith before his clan interests or someone who goes blindly just about everything just to try to cover up the mess cause by his uncle?
  3. OLOL, I am from Hargeysa and I am as big of supporter of the courts as anyone out there, so what does that tell ya? Clan affliation can't define the reason for supporting the courts anymore, with alot of nomads from the diverse somali tribes in here who fully support the courts, the case of supporting the courts because of tribal afflition is out of the window. So anyone who says, whoever in support of the courts must be from tribe x, they are mistaken as that is not the case.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: As for this issue, I am right in seeing the Ethiopians as a new tactic by these courts, and one that in no way represents the interest of the people.... [/QB] assalamu calaykum, Mr. Duke, you dared not to post anything cripled by a "seccessionist" before but since this article is making few points that you wanted to get across, all of sudden there is some exception to that rule of those refered as "seccesionist" in whom you don't except anything they write . I am really amazed on how you make little excuses for everything to try to verbally defend your uncle YeY's agenda. The fact is this so called TFG is not functioning at all, it had the chance to restore some type of law and order in Southern Somalia for last two full years, but unfortunately your uncle and his followers have spent their time throwing chairs around, crying out loud for the weapons embargo to be lifted and other such things that were in no line of what it was elected for. The courts on the other hand have moved swifly placing and bringing law and order to one of the world's most dangerous cities, Muqdisho. Some people can refer them as "clan" based regime, but in reality it's a whole new phenomenon composed of people from all over the Somali peninsula, the "NFD", Western Somalis, Jabuti, Somaliland, Puntland and the deep south. Because of their rational way of forwardness, and their balanced leadership, they have earned trust among all Somali people except from few who mostly reside in the West who continue to compose rubish and Western influenced ideology such "Islamists" or "radicals" articles. These individuals opinions can be posted on the cyber space or can be heard on the internet and radio waves, but in reality they have no part in influencing the reality on the ground. The Somali people specifically, the Somalis in Muqdisho have trusted the courts to lead them into new era of peace and prosperity as result every one should respect the will of the people. Governments are elected for only one reason and that is to serve the people, if it's not doing that, then it doesn't qualify to be identified under the term 'government' since it has no changing effects on the people' lives, the courts on the other hand are perfectly befitting to that term. All in all,Allah knows it the best, so may HE increase those who work for his cause. Amin. Assalamu Calaykum.
  5. Ciidanka Puntland Oo Kal Eryay Isu Soo Bax Ay Sameeyeen Wadaad-da Laascaanood (Laascaanood}22.07-06 Daqiiqado Ka Hor Uun Bay Ahayd Markii Ay isu Soo Bax Balaadhan Oo Ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Qaar Katirsan Culumada Reer Laascaanood Iyo Hay'ad Lagu Magacaabo Danish Refugee Coucil (DRC) Lagu qaban Lahaa Fagaaraha Beerta Geedo Qarsay.............................. Shirkan Oo Ay qaban qaabadeeda lahayd Hay'adda Danish Refugee Coucil (DRC) Isla Markaana Ay kaashanaysay wadaada da Diinta Islaamka ee Magaalada laascaanood ayaa waxay saaka Sameeyeen Isu soo Bax balaadhan Oo Shacabka Laysugu Keenayay Fagaaraha Laga khudbadeeyo ee Magaalada laascaanood Halkaasi Oo Lagaga Hadli Lahaa qadobo dhowr ah Oo Lagu go'aamiyay shir ay sadax Maalmood Kulahaayeen Cuqaasha iyo garaadada Hotel xamdi ee laascaanood Isu soobaxan Balaadhan Oo Ay goobjoog ahayd shabakada widhwidh Online ayaa waxaa jirtay Markii laysugu yimi fagaaraha geedo qarsay ay ciidamada daraawiishta dowlad goboledka puntland ay kala didisay shacabkii isugu yimi fagaaraha geedo qarsay Ciidanka daraawiishta puntland ayaa risaas aan loo aabo yeelin cirkaaa uriday walow aaney cidina waxba ku noqon balse dadka intiisa badan ayaa waxay is waydiinayaan sababta ay ciidamada daraawiishta ay ukala didiyeen shacabka iyagoo ay goobtaasna xaadir ku ahaayeen ciidamada amaanka ee police-ka Saraakiisha ciidamada amaanka ayaa arintaa shir degdeg ah ka yeesha mar'aanu isku daynay qaarkamid ah in aanu xidhiidh xaga tellephone ka ah lasamaynona waxay noo sheegeen in ay shir muhiima ku jiraan. ilaayo hadeer lama garanayo sababta dhabta ah ee ka danbaysay arintan balse wixii ka soo kordha goor dhow kala soco shabakada wararka ee widhwidh online :Liibaan Maxamed Nuur Jordan::::::Widhwidh Media Center:::
  6. insha Allah with the help of all Somalis living back home and abroad, they will be given bloody nose.
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Israeli war lobby in control of US 7/22/2006 - Political - Article Ref: IV0607-3050 Where Are The Voices of Reason Now? The rumble of cannon, the thumping blades of helicopters, the piercing whistles of fighter bombers and the chest-rattling thuds of bombs and rockets continue to rain destruction on Gaza and southern Lebanon. The sound that will be missing is that of opposing voices seeking compromise and a way forward through reasoned discussion; instead, gunfire barks out. No mother or father wants to fear for a child; no one wants destruction to rain down from above on what is called home, yet children will die, and homes will be destroyed. So where are these voices of reason now that the onslaught of war ensues? We talk about creating a bright future and rebuilding what was destroyed, but now the devastation begins anew. Congressional staff member on the Israeli lobby: "The way they were working, one would think that the United States itself was under attack". Lebanon had been a great sign of hope around the world with the city of Beirut regaining its earlier glory and again becoming a bustling hub of commerce. Today the airport is in cinders and the city in rubble, and tomorrow seems more like a trip to the dark past than one to a bright future. As military leaders carve up Gaza and Lebanon into chessboards for strategy and tactics, nobody seems to worry about the collateral damage. Collateral damage is defined as unintended damage sustained during a military campaign, and the people of this region are discovering that it means a son's leg, a daughter's arm or a spouse's life, a home or a friend. When you put it in those terms, it is clear that it should be unacceptable in a civilized world. The great nations of the world should be stepping up - and in, if need be - to put a halt to this brutal carnage. To do otherwise is to declare Gaza and Lebanon expendable and to declare their peoples unworthy of civility in this so-called "civilized" world. I hear voices from the West calling for reform and democracy, but those voices seem strangely silent now that mothers' weeping is drowned out by what seems to be a widening conflict. Does dropping thousands of fliers on a neighborhood suggesting that the residents leave before the bombs start dropping on their homes make it all right? What bizarre stretches of reason could justify such a thing? The populaces of Palestine and Lebanon should be thrust into bitter war because three soldiers are captured? Where are all those voices so quick to call for reason, tolerance and understanding in this region. It is a bitter irony that some of those voices are the same ones who are supplying the equipment, supposedly given for defense, that are now on the offensive. I received a message from Europe from a Jewish man apologizing for Israel's apparent plunge into madness, but the European leaders dawdle while people are dying. "No one now will dare question Israeli actions," said a young journalism student from Columbia University. "I am half-Jewish, but I am a seeker of the truth." Yet the Americans are willing to stand on the sidelines instead of intervening to stop this. The American people are among the world's finest. They embrace their cherished tenets of "liberty and justice for all," but the media and a powerful Israeli lobby continue to mislead them on the nature of this conflict. The American Jewish Committee's David Harris worked feverishly to garner support for Israel. "The way they were working, one would think that the United States itself was under attack," said a Congressional staff member who demanded anonymity. Not to be outdone, a large segment of the American media with ideological connections to Israel embarked on a campaign of vilification and obscuring of the facts. One CBS broadcaster went as far as to inquire "why fundamentalists in Gaza and Lebanon chose to provoke this war makes no sense." The result is an American public being misled as to the true nature of this unimaginable setback for the Middle East. That is evidenced by some of the hate mail we are now receiving. One letter from Miami promised to annihilate us; somebody else wants to put us in incinerators. Another called for an assassination campaign. Others kept on repeating the old mantra about Syria and Iran. It seems that every American institution is now being utilized by the pro-Israeli lobby. "Well, the more shrill your voice becomes in favor of Israel, the higher profile you gain in media circles here," said a retired American editor. "I have the longer interest of America at heart, and I am totally upset with what I say about a minority trying to drag us into a swamp and mire us there." He does not speak strictly about the long-range interests of America; he is also speaking about the long-range interests of all of us to find lasting peace between nations and an end to the rumble of guns. We should be building a 21st century economic future instead of reliving the past. The spineless behavior of the Europeans and others has made many wonder what hold these people have that terrifies them and prevents them from speaking the truth. It was an Israeli of conscience who exposed Facility 1391 - Israel's torture prison. It houses Lebanese abducted by Israelis, scores of Palestinians - men, women and even children - and makes the Soviet gulags seem like picnic spots. An Israeli MP, Zahava Gal-on, described Facility 1391 as "one of the signs of totalitarian regimes and of the Third World." "I don't think such an institution should exist in a democracy," said Ami Ayalar, a former head of the Shin Bet, Israel's intelligence service. Although we value his words, the world can rightfully ask what democracy imprisons a people, blows to smithereens hundreds of others while using the latest weaponry and gadgetry - freely supplied by a superpower? To have peace, the world should see that the real problem is occupation and the nonimplementation of UN Resolutions No. 242 and No. 338, both of which are gathering dust. The same nation that so often seeks our support on its initiatives stands as a roadblock to those UN resolutions. The only way real peace will come is when the UN seriously implements these programs. It is ironic that in a world supposedly moving forward with a matrix of globalized, interconnected economies that for half a century the Palestinian issue has been allowed to fester like a bleeding sore; what is more ironic is that now Israel is plunging Lebanon back into the same pit of hell in which it has sought to leave the Palestinians. Are these the acts of a civilized people in a civilized world? I don't think so. Where are the voices of reason now? * Editors Note: Khaled Al-Maeena is Editor-in-Chief of Arab News. He can be reached at
  8. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Heerkaas ayaa la taagan yahay. Magac Soomaali juuni dhulka lagu tirtiro uu noqday. Alloow sahal amuuraha murugeysan ee foosha xun lagu jiro maanta. [/QB] Allow Sahal amuuraha xun ee lagu jiro maanta oo ay wadaan TFG iyo Amxaaro. Taa ka hadal Miskiinow. The starter of this topic is just being funny, I doubt he meant it as you percieved it or interpreted.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I have no idea why they are making so much noise regarding this issue? I thought they were another country that was not affected by what happens on the ground. Even if Somaliland was recognised today as indepenedent country which it isn't at this moment, it's only common sense that they feel threaten by the lifting of the arms embargo, since in either way they share geographical location with the south and therefore anything that happens in the South automatically effects Somaliland in many ways, in good or bad that might be. There isn't really much noise being made here Duke as you said, just the old lady Adna living up to her "foreign" minster duty.
  10. RedSea


    Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Kashmir, all these places I can understand because we have some important thing in common, religion, but Vietname? Probably, you have seen those old Vietnam war movies, where Rambo (Sylvester Stalone) lights the day light out of the those Vietkongs, I wonder if that is offensive term, vietkongs? Anyways good trip, carry on.
  11. I have read that piece of history atleast million times, but thanks for the effort of posting it Garaadow.
  12. how will Somaliland lose if the courts win, that is what I am interested in knowing? The courts are for Somali people ALL, the two army cammados leading the holy warriors of the courtsin the battle field are both from Hargeisa, you would also be suprised how many of them are from Puntland too.
  13. Well maybe we folks in the West can swallow such a big fat lie, but the people living in that region have actually SEEN Ethios pouring into Baidhabo from their bases across the border. So, does the TFG got anything else, because this news is proven and even the Ethiopian defense admitted by saying that they have the responsibility to defend the Transitional Somali government and will " crash" the courts. That does mean that their troops are there for some serious business, but denying is just insane at this time. We are thinking of clashes not whether Ethiopian troops are there or not.
  14. MAANA WAALAN MISE CADAN AYAA LAGA DHAWAAQAYAA. My dear hometown boy Me, there is really nothing to debate here, but for some reason you kick into high gear when the name of Somali is mentioned. Listen I am thinking you probably having been back home in a while,because we are Somalis already remember, we already speak Somali, we don't need to learn Somali more so than we already speak,well-- maybe we do, anyways you don't need to suggest that we need to learn Somali. But I got to ask you is wearing khamiis, cumaamad, sandles, and having the name of Abdullahi make one to be acting like an Arab? if so then, don't you think we have a reason to do that since our beloved Prophet was an Arab. I think by wearing Arabic style clothing and having Arabic culture comes in terms with the culture of our Prophet, therefore I think it's good good situation in either way. Anyways what you got to lose, if they were christians, I can understand, but they are Muslims, so there is nothing wrong in behaving like another Muslim.
  15. Originally posted by Gediid: Alga ala = Directly translated...Is there a bed availible but thats the way to ask if an abash chick in availible for you know what and knowing them dirty Ethios you know their soldiers gonna be coming in with their second brigade .... Until the last sane Somali person eradicates from the phase of the earth, only then can dirty Xabashi soldiers lay fingers on the noble Somali women,. Mean time, we can have fun with this whole Ethios thing, it's the current political wave ya know?
  16. And what boat would that be Duufow? antiSomaliland boat perhaps? then I am not on it, but if it's the pro court and pro Islamic Somali state , then sure I have been on it longer than you probably think. :cool:
  17. AYOUB SHIEKHOW, Inadeer, your intentions aren't funny at all, today it's Muqdisho, and tommorow if you don't follow their orders, it will beHargeisa under seige.So be careful what you wish for buddy. Duufaan, Somaliland is not the issue today, we should be worried enough on how to rid the Ethios from Southern Somalia. Forget about the flag similarities.
  18. Assalamu Calaykum, Indeed one has to ask himself before he/she composes such a rubish statments, that how can someone or Palestinians surrender while they are oppressed and their right to live their share of that region is denied? The Jews have historically been people of destruction and hardheadness and it's impossible that they may ever come to some type of peaceful agreement with any Muslim, except that Muslims give up their believes and as well as the Palestinians move out of what they consider present day "Isreal", Palestine. These same people, the Jews have disobeyed their lord even when he granted them the best of all things available on this world, he granted them cooked meal, yet they disaboyed, he granted them every wish that they could come up, and yet they denied and denied and denied. They have killed 300 prophets, denied and disobeyed many more prophets that followed after those. In reality, we Muslims know what will happen anyway,which is war between Muslims and Jews, in which the Jews will be defeated and humilated. I have believed that Arab people are only good for something and that is when they stick with their faith, which leaves the other Arabs which means other Arabs who think like this author in the article are usually jackasses who kiss butt of the Western idealogy. So now, is it approriate to give up the fight against the evil doers as suggested by the author? I think not. He can only speak for himself, the struggle for justice shall continue otherwise. Assalamu Calaykum.
  19. What, you divorced? if not what other breakup is there? sorry to sound mean, but really we are all getting caught up in this boyfriend girlfriend thing. Forget about him sister, and may Allah reward a loving husband in place of your "exboyfriend".
  20. Akram, I am just glad that we didn't loose you sweety. The ID and other accesories are filling a form and few weeeks away, but your life and being a fellow SOLer is very important to us.
  21. RedSea


    I am not really jelous in anything here, but just bit suprised that someone, especially a Somali would want to go to Vietnam out of all places. If I were you sister, I would go to Hargeysa, Burco, Bosaaso, Galkacayo. You know that place that we call home.
  22. Geediid, check out my Amharic. Yaa xabasha, hir inaati #@%$%, yahee Somala.
  23. NATION, you are funny one indeed. Raganimo ayey qaadatay in ay Muqdisho meesha ay marayso soo gaadho, markaa "hand over" masoconaysee, si raganimo ku jirto wax ha ku keensato TFGdu.
  24. MASHA ALLAH, I can't say thank you Allah enough for bringing back Muqdisho and most importanly seeing the residents of Muqdisho finally safe and sound. thanks for the effort Dhubad.