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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: MMA Soomaali waxay shisheeye noqotay marqay diinta cusub ee qabiilka aamintay taasi waa mid aynu wada aaminsanahay markaa yaan la iska kale reebin "diitan" soo galkeeda iyo cida ku jirtaba. MMA, I agree.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: MMA, what happened in Baidoa airport was a tragic act and those who took part in it should be punished. yeah, you bet your shoes, they should be punished, but who should be punished, the man who is behind it right? well it's the old man, so hang 'em high baby.
  3. "the day they attack Hargeysa" kulahaa, waar heedhe Miskiin, dhageyso Hargeysa waxba ka dooni maayaan Maxkamadahu eh, ee fikrada sidaasa maskaxdaada kasaar. Hadii aad is leedahay maxkamadahu Baydhabo ayey wax karabaan mar hore ayey tagi lahaayeen. Waayo Maxkamaduhu Baydhabo may galin, dad rayid ahna may layn sida TFG oo kale. furthermore, baliis, don't tell me that this weak and nonfunctioning TFG is the only hope that people have, you are way off the mark there. Bal hada isku noqo, oo examine garee cida dhibta iyo dawlad la'aanta kawada meesha. Madaxweyne kusheegana, maalina oday ayuu kudili marna Militia diisa ayaa dad layn, markaa idinkaa isbaday, because of your loyalty to a thug.
  4. ^^ Oh most definately I agree we need more,but with the right people in charge,that goal must be reached.
  5. Once again, inocent are the people of Baydhabo and how much they are hungry for any sort of government. Even after this, the TFG is still there.I would like to say to those Baydhabo people, iska samra, cidii dhibta wada Allah ujeeda, but better days are ahead with the courts insha Allah. I wonder, if Miskiin Macruuf still has any more loyalty left in him for the TFG after this.
  6. ^^ well,Jim, it would be very helpful if you could apply any sort solution you had whether it may be Qabiil based or not to bring Kismayo or whatever city/region you from some peace and stability. You have probably read my words with different tone then I anticipated thus thinking I am angry with my reply, so no way,I was actually chiling when I wrote it. Moreover, my energy is well spent, since my city and many cities around it are peaceful Masha Allah, and you are more than welcome to them any time. in addition, thanks for the good compliment, I will make sure I ponder on that.
  7. Duke, why do you feel to make this drag on, I am sure no one can provide more answers then what you probably already heard out there. I think the Somalis themselves are not even from same ancestors to begin with, so can we first agree on what we are? but because of years of intermarriage, and living in the same environment, the people have adopted the same culture, color, religion, and clans and thus became what is known as 'Somalis'of today.
  8. ^^well brother, you are missing the whole point again, I am wondering how can one build national army, bring together the different tribes if you don't win their trust. First you must win their trust and you must show that you wamt what is the best for them.The TFG is doing everything wrong by creating mistrust from the public specially in those in the South. The fact that the TFG has brough Ethiopian troops into the fold and now is closing in on bringing more even when people are protesting against such move just goes to show you that TFG doesn't consider the voice of the people nor does it run with its own agenda, it runs on Ethiopia's. But to say, we need "third" party to settle our issues is insane, Somalia has never been better since the civil wars have occured thanks in large to the courts, I think the TFG should directly nogotiate with them if they want any progress to be made in this place, which I highly doubt since it's working for the interests of few and not the people. So you can cry foul all day and all night and try to convince people of the neccesity of bringing foreing troops,but the simple fact of the matter is more bloodshed, and turmoil, which in fact what Ethiopia wants, and the last days of the nonexisting TFG will be counting down once the first AU military personal sets foot into the country. So the TFG can choose to hang around and not bring troops into the country while having nogatiotions with the the Islamic courts or you can kiss them good bye. Moreover, the term "warring" factions, doesn't apply to the current existing groups. Maybe I could get your point and would justify foreign troops if the likes of Qanyare, Yalaxow were needed to be kicked out,but the courts have numerous times made clear that they had no problem in nagotiating with the weak and nonfunctiong TFG,but Abdullahi Yusuf wax kale ayuu jeedaa, laakin wuu heli. Soomalidu waxay ku maah maahdaa, Cagtii soo joog laga heli waayo, soo jiif ayaa laga helaa. Markaa Abdullahi Yusuf in badan Ayey la ray rayey, laakin rayn rayntii ayaa uga dartay, markaa wuu heli wuxuu rabo, waana balaayo wuxuu doortay, and he will get it wrapped like a gift . Besides,make sure you dont' take your eyes off the ball, remember Somaliland is totally different entity, and that is totally different topic that has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
  9. *****aykum masalaam. Yep bro, I am in the United States' state of Minnesota, so anyone in the U.S, and even Canada could be helpful.
  10. ^^ wow, skillful the way he displays his talent. Moreover, is that your translation,cuz, I was gona say it's good one indeed. thanks.
  11. Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci: We dont wan a barbaric sharia law wich cuts of hands tell me what it will bring 2 somaliland cutting of heads and stone woman if the do zina. Zaylici, Allah ka cabso, waxaan ha ku hadlin. What the heck is Shariica Law,isn't that the same thing as the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, please show some restraint from the things you say. I don't mind if you get your point across but just make sure, you don't fall into sin by saying certain things. thanks in advance.
  12. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Mr. Red Sea then you as well should come out from the closet and call yourself Buroaer rather being somalilander!!... before you utter your word put them through in a rational, test schema Well,why wouldn't ya? go ahead refer me whatever you like to hear, it's all good to me, except I am not Burcawi,maybe because of clan lineage I am from there,but I was born the city that I displayed at the bottom. So as well off as I was of Xiin's birth place, you are also way off to the right of mind.
  13. Originally posted by me: Mr. Red Sea, atleast caamir has proof, what proof do you have? except teh old hear say of, my ancestors where arabs, PROOF IT buddy. Mr. Me, hmmm, not sure if that is what I said,but you know for some odd reason, you like to put words into my mouth. I didn't say I am Arab decent or anything, however I was just simpling commenting on what was said by Mr. Caamir, a joke for the most part. However, I don't understand any reason as to why anyone wants to spend so much energy and create so much fuzz just to prove whether we were by a chance Arabs or or whatever. The bottomline is we are what we are today,what we belong to before has no signifact meaning today whatsoever. The only thing that we should be proud of is that we are, Muslims and that is really what matters the most. I dont' mind if I was an Arab decent, Isreali decent, Indian decent, or even four legged creature or lizard crawling on its belly, as long as the ending destiny for me is being a Muslim, which is the thing I put all my loyalty and care into, everything falls into meaningless secondary.
  14. ^^ME it can be put into numbers, but I gotta tell you I am starting to like this Saylici guy, he is just plain funny and I don't mean that in wrong way, but it's funny how SOL attracts all sorts of people,very unique fellow I gotta say.
  15. trully, and welcome back Mr. Mansa Munsa, I can safely say, that we missed your presence.
  16. Originally posted by Caamir: The migration of Arabs continued, and to some extent still continues, and by intermarriage the Somali race has been formed. According to this source Tribes and their Stock states that Somalis are a byproduct of two races. But Personally, I believe Somalis are descendents of Pharaohs and there are both archeological and historical findings that will to lead to such conclusion. Some of the things we practice in our culture are traceable to that era including the derivation of the Somali words, not the ones emerged after the arrival of Islam and European influence, and female circumcision. There is a book written by Mohamed Siciid Gees that mainly discusses on this subject Mr. Caamir, allow me to make fun of you,but the reason you claimed we are ancient Pharoah decense is becasue couple of rocks found in the Sanaag region marked with Egyptian transcript depicting some fat lady that looks alot like somali, was't that it? or am I missing more?
  17. I will nominate Mr. Xiin under one condition that he comes clean of any association with the term, Puntlander.You can call yourself Las Anoder, or Buhoodle dude or something,but you can't entered my ballot with such. The Point, I agree, but if you try to sweep and clean the dirt sitting in front of your hut,it will accidently spill over to the neighboring home, so yeah it's very small place, so it has to be cleaned at once.
  18. Banaanbax Balaadhan Oo Ka Socda Baydhabo Somaliland.Org — London, UK — 15 September, 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waxa ka socda magaaladda Baydhaba ee saldigha xukuumadda Cabdilaahi Yusuf banaanbax balaadhan oo loogaga soo horjeedo ciidamo ajaanib ah oo dalka la keeno. Banaan baxan ayaa dadku markii ay saladi Jimce soo tukadeen socdo kusoo mareen magaaladda Baydhaba iyaga oo aakhirkii ku gadooday guriga guddomiyaha baarlamanka Sharif Xasan. Magaaladda Baydhaba ayaa maalmihi ugu danbeeyey ka jiray kacdoono iyo dhaq dhaqaaqyo looga soo horjeedo sii joogitaanka maleeshiyadda ay isku beesha yihiin Cabdulaahi yusuf. Dhinaca kale madax dhaqameedyo iyo siyaasiyinn kazoo jeeda degaanka Baydhaba ayaa uso jeediyey Cabdulaahi Yusuf iyo xukuumadisu inay ka guurto Baydhaba. Banaanbaxan manta ka socda Baydhaba ayaa waxa soo qaban qaabiyay culimadda magaaladda Baydhaba oo aad uga soo jorjeeda keenista ciidamo shisheeye iyo xukuumadda Cabdulahi Yusuf. Maleeshiyadda Cabdulaahi Yusuf ayaa dadkii mudaharaadayay xabad ku furtay ilaa iyo haatana lama soo tebin wax khasaare ah oo ka dhashay iska hor imtaatinka shicibka iyo maleeshiyo beeledka Cabdulaahi Yusuf eek u sugan Baydhabo. Xafiska Wararka Somaliland.Org London
  19. ^^same goes to all Somali regions from me.
  20. ^^^ Mr. Khalaf, yeah it's true that he is pro guy marriage and abbortion as well, hence that is one of the key elements that will make you true liberal, not that I prefer the right of the political spectrum either. Secondly, to be honest, although you may know this as well, alot of Somalis are citizens (flight #13s ),but mostly don't vote or aren't registered to vote, it's one of the things Sh.Khalid Yasin was talking about, community participation, the Somalis here have the power if they tried to decide both the governor and mayor of the city in every election,they have the numbers,but they are passive and not active when it comes to political participation.
  21. Originally posted by Naden: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: SB, this is what they look like, take a look at them with their hat which has the resemblence of hell of fire. :rolleyes:
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: Red Sea, asks why the need? Well maybe in terms of training the armed forces, securing government locations and facilities, security for the officials themselves. The idea that the AU forces will attack groups hostile to the government is absurd. There is a plan to train and equip up to 40,000 strong national armed forces, made up of police and armed forces. Do you know what I think is really absurd ? I think the fact that anyone thinks that in order to train, to safe guard government officials, equip the military, and even the fact that some think the courts are a "hostile" to the nonfunctioning so called transitional National government is redicolous itself. First of all in order to train the military: You wouldn't need thousands of military personal to be deployed into a territory just to "train" the forces of that nation. Even 12 year old honestly knows that is not the case. I can undersand and justify military advisors being brought to help out or even few unarmed military personal to help with the training,but that is no where close to what is happening today. Secondly, the officials of the TFG are threat to themselves, hence the killing of of Mr. Deerow,there hasn't been further invesigation as to who was behind his killing? the reason being the tracks would be traced back to the "man" himself of being behind the killing of the official. As we all know Baydhabo is occupied honestly by one of the most peaceful Somalis you will ever find, therefore up to this point there hasn't been any threat coming from the residents of that city, except few reported robberies and even that was linked and confirmed that it was the guards of Abdullahi Yusuf who are robbying the residents of that city.So the bottomline, no one is a threat to this weak TFG, no one is a hostile to it except within its own weak structure,therefore it has no reason to bring troops from outside to safe guard its failing mission, if there was one ever. So now, it's only the benefit of all the Southern Somalis including those from Puntland for this TFG to not bring any further troops into the country against the will of the people,since by golly their mission isn't to bring peace into Somalia that doesn't already exist but rather to create un atmosphere in which Somalis will never be able to move forward from here. The courts are the only hope for the Somalis who are seeking peace and stability, the TFG is driven by Ethiopia and newly discovered foe,Kenyan government who are trying to make sure their neighbors to the East never recover in order to remain the power and the "voice"of the horn. These are games designed to be played with the Somalis, they are using the Somalis themselves whom are the brainless without any damiir to understand what they are involved in, but as we await it won't work out the way Ethiopia and Kenya intend to previuosly. The truth and the righousness shall prevail Insha Allah, and it will, by then the courts will be in full control and even the fact that the TFG was offered a recognition from the courts will be revoked, thus courts will be runing the course.mark my word.
  23. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Mr. Red Sea, Indeed Abdullahi Yusuf has his unpardonable shortcomings but I assumed that we were not doing any comparison between the two. Well,I can see that, however the news that you have posted is way overexaggerated.I have seen some so called politicians say far more crazy things than this. So unless one has special eye open for this particular guy,Faysal, then I don't see as to any reason this would make jaw droping news once he said "reer binu Haashim ayaan ku abtirsanaa", well one may disagree and one may agree regardless, it's something that we all came use to hearing about,and nothing really to go bananas over. Zaylici, remember it's against the rules of the site to mention Qabiil names, so please try not to use actual qabiil names in your writing,I am not the moderator of the sec. but i am just giving you heads up.
  24. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Does a separatist like you see Hiiraale as the rightful owner of the city just like he would see Riyaale as rightful owner of Sool? Miskiin yaa dalas yaa daba xuusaan. Adeer listen very carefully here without over heating yourself. Did you hear me mention Barre Hiiraale as the "rightful"owner of Kismayo. I said, the rightfull owners and residents of Kismayo, regardless of their tribal background, in applying to that, the courts will only go to Kismayo if called upon by the residents of that city regardless of who they are and will act upon their request. Secondly, about my "seperatist" agenda, well brother, maybe a "sepratist" like me knows few things more of how to settle the issue in Southern Somalia, so dont' hate, and focus on the issue at stake now, the mess in Southern Somalia.
  25. Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci: what a big somali comunnity there man isset like london 80,000 in Minneapolis city alone, so yeah huge Somali community in Minnesota.