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Waagacusub on Shiekh Ali Warsame's stay in Mogadishu ?
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
yes I do agree that Cali Warsame is very humble religious figure,and that Riyale Kahin and the corrupt Udub party need to get their act together and stop blaming the ICU for their own problems. The ICU has not made any threats as proven,but for some reason,the Udub party are mouthing off on every little move made by the ICU towards right direction.I think they are in this mode,not because they are in fear of losing their power in Somaliland to the ICU,it's more to scare the civilians into hating the ICU,which isn't going to happen. This is dirty politics played by Riyale and his mostly corrupt party. Moreover, Mr. Nabadshe, I don't understand how you can blame the ICU and praise Cali Warsame at the same time.you must know if Cali Warsame isn't up to distablizing Somaliland then so are the ICU, since he is among their spritual leaders. So don't make any exceptions,because if you think Cali Warsame is humble Wadaad,well do also consider that Shariif Axmed is humble shiekh himself,thus they are on the same side of the aisle. One final point that I would like to make is that,no one is being used here, and definately not Cali Warsame.Be also adviced of refering the noble ICU of being extremism, those kinda comments are FOX NEWS CHANNEL motivated, and not ones to be made by a Muslim such as yourself. -
^lol, well, this is starting to sound like christmas time now,but I am glad it aint.
Horn,SB made very solid point there,which is closer to the truth, so are you saying he has no right to express his views in here? come on now. In addition, regarding the topic,I would have to say, it's gotta be the the U.S to accuse of anyone of supplying weapons? gimme a break here.The U.S needs to stop killing men,women, and children across the globe,before telling others of what is right and what is wrong. Besides,since when was U.S concern of Somali problems,well since they have seen the red cumaamad right ---oh please, and who is to take them seriously?
^To disagree is normal human behavior,so I don't know where people have gotten the sense that hatred or being foes is involved in our discussions.It's just not our nature to hate, we might pretend on the cyberspace,but I am sure, if the "enemies" of SOL have met in public,they would be anything but enemies,and would be enjoing koob shaah together--that is just the way it is. But, I think my dear causin,Mr.Me knows that,so this could be one of his numberous jokes,for that we like him.
LOL@JIM, Nope Jim, but I will let you know if an inch ever befalls on dacar Budhuq or wherever--aight.With the last snow fall on Hargeysa,you can expect the weather forecast to remain unpredictable.lol.
Puntland building local councils in southern Togdhere or ayn
RedSea replied to Naxar Nugaaleed's topic in Politics
^lol.Ciid Mubarak awoow. -
^You have made good,solid,and positive points.Very agreeable.
^right on, you hooked that one up by the tale sxb.I like your insights.
Originally posted by General Duke: I think the UIC is a good developement. It is another strategy for unity, if the TFG fails then why should we not go for the courts or an Islamic soultion? Things are changing. Good point,but remember the TFG has failed ALREADY,so time for plan B right?
Originally posted by General Duke: My dear friend, nothing has changed, we are all deluding ourselves. My point is we need to support the national government, I have stuck to that even through disapointment, the corruption of the TFG is one case, their incompetence is another. But what is the alternative, a clan disguised as a religious movement? This is not a solution for us, and I am totally opposed this mass hypnosis that is taking place. These people have not even made any admins for areas they control, yet are rushing to war with Ethiopia and so on. While we put the torch on the TFG, is A.Qasin less corrupt? Is Inda Cade to be taken seriously, while Hiiraale is to be insulted? Is a whole clan to be marganalised while another to take its place? What has changed, in Kismayu, in lower shabbele, in Banadir? do the locls have more say? Did the locals in lower Shabbele choose, Adan Hashi Ayrow? My point is not to attack a clan but come on, this is becoming sad. Although the comments above were meant to adress another nomad,however I cannot help and watch from the sidelines,while one individual totally tries to mislead the audience and readers of SOL. corruption and on the other hand incompetence? I would like to know exactly what the TFG has done,any positive note that it has laid down in its two years of beign around? I don't think there is any, unless one can just pretend there is such thing as transtional government,but the true reality is that, it would hardly been considered a government of any sort,hence the lack of leadership, political goals,mission, and vision for the people of which it was elected for? So whether the TFG is composed of former warlords or not, let us put it aside.Let us deal, what can it do, and what has done, not to mention what are its future political goals which is plans to reach, and how will it attain those goals? The ICU has very clear political agenda.You may say, it's one clan trying to dominate the land of others, or simply call it whatever you want to call it,but it has one,it worked, and those of us who are pro ICU are very opptemestic about their vision and what it will bring,thus we have evidence to back that up from recent memory of the past. So unless you have true and concrete facts based on the TFG's doings of good,then it would be wise if you didn't mislead the audience as though they are blind to see what has been taking place right in front of their eyes,which I am sure of, that most of the nomads here are smart enough to know the truth at least.but befor that spare us the mumbo jumbo in which makes no sense whatsoever. thanks in advacne.
Originally posted by HornAfrique: ^Adeerkiis u daa. Maybe we will have a chance to see another Xiin Long Jump; this time back to the TFG. how bout you make a leap towards the right path as well.Duke is understandible,because he always been like this,but what is up with the sudden change of the way you think,see and observe reality? I just don't understand why you have to blind yourself, when you weren't previously.Well unless, you just would like to see uncle warlord Hiiraale in action.
Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^But insha-Allah, PL will die soon and become part of Somalia, and even an staging ground to attack the Wyana of Ethiopia. Alle-ubaahne will make his own Islamic Courts in Gaalkacyo, insha-Allah, the hometown of my Awoowe! Generale, don't die with heart-attack, saaxiib. Brother, I advice that is not the way to go,and I am sure of it that that is not the way the ICU operates.So cut this 'I will takeover'nonsense,no one will take over anywhere,if anybody is going to be bring a change,then it will those living in Puntland,Insha Allah I am sure,majority of people are in support of the ICU, so they will simply adapt the same agenda,but there will be no takeover of alraedy peaceful regions such as Puntland, markaa dadka ha ka habaarin maamul gobaleedkooda ee nabada qaba Fadlan sheekhanaa.
^lol, what are you up to now Ayoub. Don't start, it won't stop. Anyways, horaa loo yidhi nimcowalba nusqaan leh.Markaa hadaynan jiray wax dhimasho ama khasaaro oo aad usii wayni, waa in lagu shukri naqaa raxmada Alleh.
Puntland building local councils in southern Togdhere or ayn
RedSea replied to Naxar Nugaaleed's topic in Politics
^Caynabo is a district, part of Togdheer. -
Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci: center of hargeysa ^^^speaking of pictures of Somaliland,very good looking picture of Hargeysa, I wonder if that is street in which Masjidul Jaamic was to its left? very nice.
Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Redsea....I think it is safe to say that almost anyone in SOL can't engage in debate about our history without interjecting thier own biases into argument. That's why it is better we leave to people with more objective mind. Which there are hardly none,so we will mumbo jumbo the history ourselves, since everyone else is.But I do think some are more objective here on SOL than others. That is where I stand.
In the past, they use to say, which Somali cities had the highest population, so the list was Muqdisho,Hargeysa, then Kismayo, but wait a minute,there are more residents in Gabiley than Kismayo. Sophist,let me ask you this,since you've been to both cities, then which is better looking city Hargeysa or Bosaaso? I thought you favored Bosaaso there,so can you tell me how you have reached that conclusion, the red sea beaches perhaps? Moreover, Duke and Mansa Munsa, brothers, if you already know that picture isn't of that of Borame, isn't better to just leave it there rather than just brag about it of whether or not it's.We got your point, so now get on with something else plz. Tell us something we don't know, since Mansa you have mentioned somthing about people lack of educational background on this subject,then maybe tell us something we don't know. thanks have a nice last few days of Ramadan and Ciid Mubarak all.
^Got something, make an argument, prove your point,tell me and explain how they the SNM were defeated, that is the topic of the thread. Oodweyne and his comments are his,but what do YOU got to say, LT? MR. Me had an argument,what is yours? If you got nothing to say, just move along buddy.
Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Redsea...Saaxib, Ima fahmin, I didn't mean to bother you with my family tree, laakin reer waqooyi waxaad nooga dhigtay dad qalaad, the point of my post was to convey Soomaali waa istaqaan, way isla dhashayn, waa isdhaleen, and waana is dhex dagaan.Unless ninyahow aa Soomaali ka baxdeen claiming to be reer Haashim as our friend Sharif seylac like to remind us every time, in which case waaxaa indinka codsaneynaa inaad macamus, bakoorada, afar jeeblaha, and koofida abtidoon soo celisiin, hadii kale ma ahow, lets continue with our little chatter but without Redsea's crush course on reer waqooyi kaftan and ways. Saxib, waxaad sheegayso waxba kama fahmin, oo wax kale oo loo jeedin ayaabad keentay meeshan.Kaftan mataqaan? kaftan uun weeye waxaan ka waday, maxaa kugu kalifay inaad is xiijiso intaas oo dhan. ME...Walaal, Lets leave history to historians, and as for who won and lost, well the four of us here are all in some foriegn with no prospect returning to our country or countries, that alone should tell us something. Che, Mr. Me tariikhda ma aaminsaa, mid uu isagu jecelyey oo uu badalay ayuu rabaa in uu meel marsiiyo.Markaa haduu tariikh uu udayn lahaa kuwa ka yaqaan, waxbuu fahmi lahaa.
Originally posted by Caamir: If i am not wrong, the last report by Berbera 's population size estimates to be around 2000. MR. Caamir, you are right with this point,because no one wants to live in Berbera, it's just too darn hot,people have moved to Shiekh or some close by cities that have cooler temperatures.But 20,000?! come on, it's more like 120,000. Today, the city that has the biggest population is Boosaaso but it is always underrated since majority of Somalis derive their traditional knowledge from memories and hearsays. Speaking of heresay, I think we got one here above.Don't get me wrong that Bosaaso is a good looking city and might have been underated,but to say it has the highest population is just crazy man. the city that has the largest population ib Somali soil happens to be Muqdisho STILL today, estimated just over a million or so, second comes Hargeysa with about 700-9000 thousand inhabitants,who comes in third? I don't know,there you can blug in Bosaaso,but no way it's first.
^sorry, what was the topic again Mr.Me? remind me, or wasnt' you my friend that jumped in to a topic which had absulately nothing do with which you brought and found a way to drag Siyad Barre this and Barre that into it, I think it would be wise if you checked with the title of the thread first before you just drop in with such comments then later claim you are the good guy, needless to say, you have lost any sort of debate you had brought forth and intended to make,both here and in "snm was beaten"fiasco. Af far as Che goes, well he is man enough to discuss, joke, have a good time, all that is his call, no one insulted him and I am sure he knows that.But do realize one thing,not all men are created equal, if you think what we have said above is name calling,then I dont' know what really to make of you, since ay fartuba ku gaadhayso. So brother would I be asking too much if I asked you as well, to simply zip it yourself when we aren't discussing some issues such the Barre regime and not bring that into thread such this one intended to inform audience of back home.This wasn't a debateabl issue to begin with not until you came in with your usual two cents which carried uknown intentions to this point.
Whoooh, hold a second boy, hold on to your hat,actually sorry to disappoint but my comments were rather directed towards Horn, you just appeard from no where,but since you want to dodge the bullet for him, why not, I will just shoot right through you then. Who says I don't know about Kismayo, who lives there and who doesnt.I do know,but I also know one thing, never in history has one clan with the exception of the British moving people Somaliland into Kenya since Britian colonized both regions, has there been a clan that lives as far as Northeast(puntland)and yet at the same time to have laid claim the furthest place on the Somali map(deep south), well they first moved in 1960 historically, and today they claim the own,since they do occupy most of the important areas of the land. Anyways, where is the TFG to bring law and order to Kismayo then,or will Puntland do it,if not will Hiiraale do it? who will do. There is no such thing as clan courts, so what is there to argue about,since we even disagree on that, I say they are Mujahidiin fiisabililah with full confidence. Tuur and Igal were politicians, you may accused them of other things,but not war crimes,as far as Riyale goes, I think it's well too known of what he did, so no need to repeat myself. These other things that you are throwing at me are out of place,but next time I will bother to entertain it, before that, gotta go, catch ya later. Teeda kale, hadaa maadaa idhaama intaa leeday North ayuu ka yimid, adba Gorowe oo Burco wax u jirtaad ka timid eh,mise waxaad leeday ma akhriyo enough Puntland propaganda news or muxuu ii sheeg, war reerhebel.net iga dhahoon adigu, soo maaha? is that it.
^lol@jaylaani, waan garta sxb.Kadaa duqu, wuxuu ka mid yay raga ugu fadhiga fiican meesha eh. Sxb. Che, haa sax, kaftan uu weeye laqabsoo, mararka qaar wa la'iskagaa qabsanayaaye. runtii ma ogayn in aad Buuhoodleh aad waqti joogtay, waan gartay sxb.Laakin waa kaftan, minaku minakaagii waaye, markaa ama Buuhoodle ahow ama iska daaye waan ku fahmi karaa, siiba dee Xamari aan kasii helaa, sida Mr. tuujiye oo kale.Waa funny saxib in good way. thanks for letting me know though.
Past lies Lesbians in Bossaso story, present toxic waste....
RedSea replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^first of all Masha Allah,that is good to hear, didn't know she was a she,but May Allah bless her and make her one that obeys her parents and benefits her country--Amin. I disagree with your other comments,and I don't think anyone wants to harm their country,but you must know that everyone considers' his or her government whatever you have refered them to as their government, therefore you must respect that.I have started to respect the TFG although it doesn't deserve much,but since you believe in it, then good luck with the TFG and Abdullahi Yusuf, I will admire and hold my end of teh stick, so you must respect that as well. I will leave at that. -
^lol, Jaylaani, I am impressed that you sorted this guys' comments out at least, I always have hard time understanding of what he says, so I just pretend I didn't see anything or simply IGNORE.