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Everything posted by RedSea
Originally posted by Juje: Disregarding the rest of your inuuendo, can you please tell me the good work? Apart from waging war on their peers in the name of Islam, creating peace and security. Anything else sxb? Why do I get the sense that you are not sane with those comments? "waging war on their peers? then creating peace and security in the name of Islam?" Well buddy I believe the name of Islam,is in good use in this situation and the warlords were the peers of the devil. Cause if that is your good work, I have all day to talk about it and prove it is a orchestrated cover up and hides a dangerous plan. Okay, let me hear you talk about Mr. Juji? tell me exactly how this is cover,may be you know something we don't know after all! And as you said the courts unity can only be damaged by tribal difference. Hello, are we on the same wave in here? The courts are established in tribal frame work, each clan has its own 'maxkama' thus making the Middowga Maxakamadaha Islaamiga. The effects of tribalism is not absent sxb I didn't say such thing buddy,I am well aware of what the ICU is,but still I see their goodwork beyond anything else,hence that is part of not thinking superficially.So do tell me something other than Qabiil buddy.
^There are Ethiopian troops in the country, and yet the ICU is unwilling to fight them knowing that those who will die will be Somalis,however,it might be neccesary in the long term and thus will be the only option left to dealing with these Ethios, if they continuo so to exist in a territory that isn't their own. Our fellow Somalis? they are the ones who have held the hand of the Ethiopian troops whom potentially might do harm to the population and broutht that harm into the country, in my view I don't consider them as fellow Somalis,rather they are Ethiopia's servants.
Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Isn't that so good to be true?, let me reminisce in the recent history of land disputes of Hargeisa City, what happened a half year back is worth telling, when two sub clans clashed and in both human life and material wealth were lost because the conflict’s decisiveness, even this clash spilled into the Somali Region of Ethiopia.. There Silaanyo, Waraabe and some reps of the administration aided to close a deal to those caught in the conflict. Dear brother Mansa, what you have back home is as Caamir mentioned sub clans living in their own distinct neighborhoods(xaafad),although lately they are starting to integrate among various sub clans.As far as anything else goes,minor incidents occur here and there,but comes to stop before it's considered a big deal. Is not like this is limited to Somalis,as you may know,in every city, well as far as I know here in the states, you have white neighborhoods,you have black neighborhoods,you also have Hispanic neighborhoods,not to mentioned we have Cedar here in Minnesota which as some said if it was shaken,all you would get would be flying Macawiso iyo Googarado. So as you have that,we have various sub clan neighborhoods.But it's not big deal as the article tries to make out of it. In addition, as you said Suldaanka 'ul iyo diirkeed' they are.Because, imagine,the sub clan of my mother lost 6 of her close relatives,and on my father's side,there were 7, so of all the people involved, my relatives were touched more than anything,it happened to be that half of the total death came from my immediate family members from both my mother's side and fathers'.It gives one a great lesson of the Somali civil wars,and what exactly is. Caamir, yaw friend,offcourse, that pix I have up there is better representation of Hargeysa.That street you see up there,is the street I use to ride baranbeeri(small hand constructed vehicle),in mid 90s.
Originally posted by Khalaf: Red according them yes qabilist, it meant why would we want another (insert qabil) as our ruler? And why is there unequal powersharing especially in the leadership...except for Turki? I don't think,it meant to be interpeted like that brother,however, Siyad Barre and Abdullahi Yusuf have something in common,which is to rule with Iron fist and that more than anything was probably what was meant for that statement to state. FACT:Col.Sh.Turki isnt the only one from that Qabiil,there are alot more my dear brother and I want you to find that out as a homework. Dont we all rely on what we "heard" or were "told"? How many of us really know the intentions? People have right to question and be skeptical sxb. Me- all I have been saying is Allah Knows best. Mr.Khalaf or should I say Sh.Khalaf, my dear brother,I really admire you alot, and I totally agree that everyone has the right to question the credibility of the ICU.However, in what terms ? Does it has to be critise first, then seek answers,or first seek information,then decide from thereon on whether or not you want to critise the structure of the ICU,preassuming you agree with their agenda,which is to rule in accordance with the Islamic rule of law.I would expect option B,meaning one has to know 'em before he/she decides to even critise their work. Secondly, let me respectably, explain to you why exactly the ICU is predominately one tribe.The reason is,with all my honesty put on top of,that the ICU's members hail from one qabiil,because of the area they are currently functioning. Let me give you really good example,let say you are from Galkcayo which you are, let us also say, that Galkacayo was war torn city ruled by thugs in every corner of its streets, looting,robbing,killing,and doing all the bad things in the world that your mind could put together. If you were a decent person(which you are in my view)who is bothered by these continuous problems that are being mounted by the warlords on the city and its residents,and then one day you decided it was time for change.So you set up a court,and understandibly, the members of that newly assembled court happened to be from the residents,including wadaads and ordinary civilians who have had enough of the warlords, and decided to fight against the injust,ruthlessness and inhumane actions of the warlords which has been taking place for quite sometime. When you have succeeded reaching that goal,then you extend that goodness over to Bosaaso,then onto Gorowe. Now, let us also think about the same thing that Somaliland was also experiencing the same situation as in Galkacayo,Bosaaso, and Gorowe,and I was decent person who was also sick and tired of the siutation in the region.In that case, what I would do is,I would join you, in helping cleaning the warlords off of the region,then in turn, you would help me do the same for my region,Somaliland. Now think about that very closely there and remember,the members of the court which was your idea to begin with consist mostly from folks from Galkacayo,which are your kinsmen and not mine.However, it may be, it still doesnt' mean that you are a qabilist minded,hence by giving all the important position to your kinsmen,however,by nature of the geographical location in which the movement evolved from happens to be inhabited by those who have the same clan lineage as the leader of the court,Sheikh Khalaf. However, as the movement gets more popular and moves into other regions such as Somaliland,we begin to have many more supporters from my region Somaliland,thus the court begins to shape itself from one clan dominated movement into more multi clan movement, and as time goes by, it will end up as the ruling body of governement for the whole region.Also realize this,while we are at it and while we are doing this great job,which was to deal away the real terrorist who terrorised the civilians for many years,we still end up being critised for being tribilst,offcourse their only evidence of that is that Shiekh Khalaf only recruited members of his clan,when in reality you haven't as mentioned above,but by nature of where you started setting up the court,those who joined it were members and residents of the same city and region. To Mr.MMA, my dear brother, yaa kaa haysta in aad wax ku darsato, ama yaa kaa haysta in ay beesha aad kasoo jeedo in ay wax ku darsadaan ICU.Maalintay ICU diido cid aan "qabiilkeeda" ahayn,maalintaa waxaad ku andacoon kartaa in ay ICU tahay mid kaliya ka samaysan doonayana in kaligood utaliyaan.Taasi wax dhacay maaha, wayna rabaan in Allah intii aan udhalan meelaha ay ka hawlwadaan in ay kusoo biiraan,wayna kusoo biirayaan as I speak hadda. Markaa saaxibayaal, noo sheega oo waxba ha isku qarinina qiiqa hadaad leedihiin qabiilkaa isaga ah nacayb ayaa naga dhexeeya,markaa haday wadaadoda noqoto iyo hadii kale ba anagu waanu diidanynaa,haduu ra'yigiinu kaa yahay, wax loogali karo maaha. Ilaa hada,tan aad kusheegto Dawlada ee layidhaah TFG ilaa hada wax lagu farxo way ukeeni kari la'day meesha ay kataliso,in ay dad masakiin ah iska laayaan mooyee,sida Odayga Guardkiisu ay udileen dad kabacdina aanay laba iswaydiin.Markaa anigu waan garan la'ahay sida qof caqli saliim ah uu ku jiro, sida uu tan iyo maanta uu aaminsan yahay in ay Amxaaro daba dhilif wanaag usoo wadaan. Markaa Sheekhanaa,naga daa heesta,iyo durbaan tunkan beenta,oo garo cidii wanaag kuu wada. Hadii aad kasoo horjeedo ICU, oo aad leeday waxay haan jireen warlords,ha ilaabin kii sida xun ogalay Baydhabo iyo shacbigeeda in uu ahaa Caydiid Sr.iyo Jr. maantana Caydiid Jr. uu kamid yahay madaxda meesha. Taa ha ilaabin marnaba. Dadka noocaaso kale ahna waxaan u arkaa doqon aan kala aqoon cadowgeeda iyo wixii wanaag uwada.Markaa qiiqa ka kaca sida doqontii daamanka ha meermeerinee. Garadzio.
Originally posted by Allamagan: ^^^ tanag you, that was awoowe juuje's analysis of the situation. Agree with you sxb, everyone knows that they are enough of self-destroying. Kismayo no jaad is allowed, but in xamar yes Kismayo no women out without maxram, but in xamar yes! Kismayo no music & intertainment, but xamar is its home! the list is on and on... ^---and how should you expect us to believe these baseless accusations. To Mr. Juji, saaxib, if there are any divisions within the ICU,they will solve it in matter of time,it's not like that division will divide them and blur their vision.These men do have one thing in common,the ambtion to rebuild the South from rubles and rule in accordance with the Islamic sharica,this is common donominator they all have,which is permenant and will never be altered no matter how much disagreements,division that may occur.These men are educated enough,they will settle their difference in civilised way within themselves,no outsiders needed to settled it.The ICU is ready to solve that may occur within its own body of governance in normal,civilised way,which is what is expected from them,and I do expect that to happen in case there is ever any disagreements. As far as anything else,it's just bumbo jumbo, a hotair perpatrated by people in order to send any sort of critism towards the ICU,but as they have done so many times,they will simply shut up their critics with their goodwork,that is otherwise not expected from them by those who critised it.
dude, I am saying that right now "why you need Abdullahi Yusuf, when you gotten rid of one like him,Ziyad Barre".chew on that buddy. Does that define whether one is a qabilist or not,I dont think so walaal. Besides,if even you Khalaf want to part of the ICU, they would welcome you and place on some post.So don't be too quick to judge buddy,and dont' rely too of "I heard or I was told",that could mislead you.
Originally posted by Baashi: Hambalyo P4F. You did it Qallanjo. All SOL nomads are proud of you. How many dhuubo dhex yar can pull this off...not that many I tel ya. Now Actually, much more than qacmo baasto faaraxs that we are.
Are we talking about now or in mid 1990s?People do sometimes get into little scuffle when it comes to jagooyinka,but it's not like they fought over clan lines within Hargeysa city itself. Each xaafad in Hargeysa is known to be inhabited by particular sub clans however that doesn't mean they have any disputes ever over their terriry. I am from Guryo samo area of Hargeysa, I can build my home in Jigjiga yar just like that with no problem at all. That picture of Hargeysa in the article seems bit to have pictured Hargeysa from the wrong angle,so here is positive image of Hargeysa: or kan maxaa udiiday to represent Hargeysa:
^The ICU was willing every bit to recongnise the TFG,however,they spoiled it by bringing The Ethios into the country.The Ethios must leave,for talks to resume.
well,I say the people,it's about the people.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sharcigii Islaamkoo la sugay oo lagu shaqaynaayo Maxkamadaha sheekh caadilihi shubayo aayaadka Oo shaadir xiranyiin hablihii shacabka yaacaayeey Shimmaa la arkayaa lama qarsado shaabad kugu taale ^^I call that a noble wish! I second that buddy, too bad many can't seem to grasp the goodness of this noble cause. P.S.when was this peom spoken Xiin?
Caamir, good luck finding a way to justify Ethiopia's intervention,indeed you are great Somali.
^dose of humour as you have had so many times before.Good to have you here mr.Xiinfaniin and good to have you on the rightous wing, more people like you is what this place needs. on to jokes: Maybe you should declare yourself as a mayor of buulo Werbe(no clue as to where that is),then perhaps google might reconsider their prejudice against your honrable town buddy. Teeda kale runtii, waxaan islahaa waad saartay ee wali umadhawiba, Wallee nin Mystery ayaad tahay Xiinow saxib, waligay waxaan kuu haystay Cali Dhuux jr. markaad gabayga tirin jirteen adiga iyo Sharmarke aka Salaan Carrabay Jr. as well. Laakin waa khayr iskaga wad, in alla intaad aad meesha aad ka timid ay mad madowga ku jirto, free of critism ayaa tahay, laakin bal eeg Red Sea waxaa kahaysta meesha, markaan idhi Hargeysa ayaan ka imid labada dhinac maxaa kaagalay ayey igala dhamaan la'yihiin.Laakin, anigu kii aan ujoojin ayaan ahay, ee ha noolaado faraskeena daabad. Kuwaa dabadoo waa inaad duushaayoo, Daruuraha kacawaynaa--. Mr.Reality check,I say best of luck on your voyoug to discover the truth.
"alleged Ethiopian troops"?! so you don't think it's fact that Ethiopian troops are in the country.Just consider the title of the first news report, it states "Ciidamada "Dawlada" iyo kuwo Ethiopianka ee ku suga xerada ciidamada---". Will you then deny,if Duke's qabiil news sources have reported it even?
Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: . Also remmeber who is leading bothe groups, Yusuf & Aways. No man has commanded or fought as much as yussuf did in somalia.A veteran General,thats what i would call him. can you go over his personal biography for me please. Besides, when did he become General,he is still colonel isn't he? just because you think,doesn't mean what you say he is,General,,,crazy kid.Because if that is the case, we might have to elevate you to Lt.Colonel Xalane.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Your words are those of a man who knows nothing, it was the courts who were rushing to Baidoa and calling for Jihad, why not attack? No one is leaving Baidoa. Is that it though? is the TFG sasfied to rule being Baydhabo's gangs , when will they kick this "terrorist" turned "clan courts" out of the country, when, will they pursue in taking back the real capital,or is Baydhab permenantly the capital now? blushing waaxid,fulay iga dheh.
^lol.Xiinfaniin, Inadeer, meeshii kastaba ka imaw ee waxaad ogaataa agtayda in aad sharaf iyo karaamo aad ka leedahay, kaba soo qaad in aad katimid Bari iyo Bosaaso oo. but laakin waad isqarxisay hadaad mar tidhi 'hal xidhaale',then you are reer Mudug fowqal Mudug.
^Qabiil isn't allowed that is why I didn't include,but I can tell you one thing,I am not the Qabiils in Xamar,neither is Xiinfaniin,Soo Maal and others as well. The reason,I included,because I thought it address little bit and would have given you an idea the support that the ICU has earned from other regions as well. May I know exaclty why you putting much care of the ICU'qabiil,when you see that they are doing a good job.If Somalis are obsess with Qabiil,then be differenent,since you no longer live back home,you should also give up that stuff,called Qabiil.I think you know here in the states,those who practice Qabiil are the Native American,thus you know where their role is in the socieity? So unless, you just dislike certain qabiil,then I wouldn't see why it's neccesary to know what qabiil they belong to.Focus more on the work they have done, and less of their Qabiil.You just dont' need to figure out anything,everything they have done thus far should be enough for you unless you are looking for other excuses to critisie the ICU. thanks,
^I get it.However,what exactly are you trying to get out of this? Do you want to get out of this of whether they belong more into one qabiil,or are you trying to see the good things that they have done? If you need to know their Qabiil,then most thus far belong into one qabiil. But if you are being rational individual, you would start seeing all the good things that has been done by the ICU,which suprisingly you seem to not know any of it. you are in this cyber somali community, I think I and many other's here serve a great example of those who belong into different tribes from those in Xamar,yet support the ICU, Red Sea: (Hargeysa), Nayruus:(Hargeysa) Mr.'Me':(Hargeysa),Soo Maal (Sool),Xiinfaniin(Sool)Baashi (Mudug) and more---
Brother pardon me,I was addressing those comments to Mr. Duke. Not you,however, consider my other post which is adressing you. However to help you put together your 'piece',how would you like if I showed you images of the ICU and the support they have from the people.Just look at the people's faces and what their aim is. Speaking of Abu Mansoor: check this out:
Originally posted by Reality Check:You're statement is self-contradicting. If you dont know the numbers for those who are for or against the ICU, how do you know which group is larger? Doesn't make any sense. Numberwise we don't know,but as far as those who seem to be supporting the ICU are more numerous by observation. If we look in Somaliland,there are many people who in support of the ICU,however,they won't be able to state their support outloud because they might be arrested,some already have been.In Puntland also many people have been arrested for having support for the ICU. HOwver,many people also support the ICU,because in dislikeness they have for the TFG,since the TFG has led Amxaaro troops into the country. All in all, you have many who support the ICU,because of their agenda;to rule accoring to Islamic sharica,and many who favor them,because the don't like what the TFG is doing. This should be enough to hint,which side the support is leaning on. Furthermore,I urge you to observe teh supporters of teh ICU in this very discussion form, sol, and from which regions they came from, from that you can also based your conclusions on.
Addressing Duke: what kinda a fact is that? One who would consider that a fact shouldn't be consider sane person is where I stand. Have you asked yourself,that it doesn't matter who is in charge and who provides whatever.Does the word 'rightous' mean anything to you? Think little deeper than that,you seem to be sweeming around the surface. I think you know my argument should be given a considerations knowing that you dont' have anything else to say against it, other than, the courts are clan this and clan that,then you bring up the 90s era,what we did to them,what they were.Just bunch of mumbo jumbo which shouldnt' be taken seriously in your part buddy.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^If Xiin was in there even I would support. Because he belongs to your Qabiil,how shalow and low can that be?You wouldnt' support them,because of their good doings,but you would support if they consisted more of your Qabiil. That statement defines you Mr.Duke,I don't think we need to say more about you.