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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ^sax. Kuna dar, way dulman yihiin oo cadawgii ay dagaalka lagaleen ee dhaawac gaadhsiiyey, ayaa maanta mid ka mid ah iyagu maanta uu soo hor kacay cadowgii. ICU xaq iyo sharaf ayey uqabatay,maalin dhawayd ayey ahayd markay lacagta uqoreen, ogaadana cidna uma gaardiyayaan ee wadankooda ayey ku difaaci doonaan wixii awood eh ee ku hadhay. Taasina waa mid lagu boogadiyo,mid lagu sheego odayaal retire ah maaha.
  2. ^Kaluun+Caano geel=trouble! :eek: Oo kaalay inaabti, adoo iska kay caraabiya ayaa lay qaatay markaas, waayo kaluun iyo caano la isku cuno oo cabo waa disaster. However, I could use nice cup of orange juice/or maybe nice cup of alcohol free-beer would be nice along with the Kaluun.But the Caano geel,I would drink 'em in different occation. Haye kawaran taas. Anigu de se, sariir wayn ayaan kuseexin lahaa habeenka, nooc bi nooc ayaa kusoo hordhigi lahaa oo cunto ah, hadii aad Hargeysa aad timaado, oo waad kala bixi lahayd magaratay, waxaygu ma noqdeen, laba mid soo gal, kaluun iyo caano geel ama wadada qalanqale sida aad sheegtay.
  3. Innocent my foot adeer.One more militia man out of the way, can you talk about how many people they might have killed in their own hands, eye for an eye. yeah, talk about that? Can anyone give Sophist a definate answer to that? -- yeah what is xasuuq anyway, and Duke don't sweep the truth under the rug about the incident at the airport in Baydhabo ? we all know what happened, so who are we kidding here,,
  4. ^lol. You right. Listen, David letterman, may I ask you what compelled to have that avator? just what had you pick that? yeah what? tell what? tell me why? what you were thinkin? why o why? lol--
  5. ^ooh right now we are talking budd--for sure buddy.Count me in.
  6. Originally posted by massa: ^^ nin marti ah oo gogol reereed fadhiya oo list qortay, what he would like for dinner lol. Wouldn't you like to know what I like, before you cook me something I don't want,which ultimately,I would look around and dumb it to my closest garbage can. So no big hilib, just small nicely loo shiilay, saliida laga miiray.the list aint that long,that is pretty much all I Tell, how is Qardho, I heard scoropian will bite if you sleep outside at night? then in that case, I would have to be invited inside the house, so what do you say about that? lol Duke, sorry buddy, as it seems we are hijacking the thread,but Kudos to Bosaaso for building the airport.
  7. RedSea


    Naayadhaheeeen naga *duck and run*
  8. ^Khalaf, walaal aside from the topic, why are you poking fun of the man's (the Author) looks? Ugly or not,he is Allah creation,thus you have no right to look down on it. thanks
  9. ^Now that is very nice buddy! and most definately, I believe that is what is envisioned by the ICU as well or else I wouldnt' be supporting them. che, it's okay,I don't require that much, just sali iyo waxaan huwado is all I need.I think, it's safe to sleep outside now, since there are no warlords in P.S. aan kugu saro tagee Duke, pasta ayaan ka helaa,incase xaajiyadu decides to cook for us, hilibkana ma jecli--just to tell you few of my
  10. Letterman is right, it is bit Now can you arrange a marriage between me and whoever the bride is?lol
  11. ^lol. yep, The General knows, he has me beaten there,darn I wish I was old enough to have my own jago,I would have my chin up today as Duke is doing, I wish it was near the beach of what do you call that beach-- eeeh aah, what was that beach's name again? yeah whatever that is, I would love to build white castle there one Paragon, lol---I know I could rely on you, gacantaa ma xidhan to, faxal wadal Minaka minakaagii waaye indeed nooh.
  12. lol--folks, listen I am not ruining anything really, but you know it would be nice if miracle happened and I had Ocean in Hargeysa. Sure Bosaaso has got the Red Sea,but it's too darn hot there,but on the other hand, I don't know if anything matches the beauty of Xamar ya know and its weather as well. Duke, buddy, no one is denying you to have an access to Muqdisho, you see I am Hargeysawi, and I have the key to the city presented to me by the honoralbe Sh.Shariif Axmed(Allah ha daayee) although I nor my family owns a property there.So just take me as an example. EVeryoen is welcome- p.s. If I ever showed up in Xamar, who would invite me to their home for the night, Paragon, Che, or perhaps Duke anyone?
  13. ^how should I that table is in Galkacayo and not in Las Anod,hence I see Mr. Xaabsade?--lol...
  14. Juji, Mr. Northerner is being sarcastic,and no doubt in my mind that he knows that war isn't good thing to take place. So don't be too quick to judge or insult someone taht quick. But I am trully saddened to see what Lt.Xalane has scripted above, I very much doubt that this fellow knows anything about war in first hand.He doesnt' realize the human suffering that may take place. It would be wise for such fellow to think about the result of war and that babies don't come to born in wars, rather you loose 'em.It's simple fact which is needed from this fellow, to realize and to grasp the realities of war which he is delightenly is awaiting to take place. Shame on you Xalane.
  15. ^just wait and see until Muqdisho Airport is built by the ICU, now that would be beautiful not to take anything away from newly Bosaso airstrip.
  16. ^that is healthy buddy.Dont' forget thanks,
  17. ^lol. sure then I think this one deserves that.
  18. ^good news. it has more the look of an house now,but will probably take the shape of an airport when the tower is completed.
  19. folks don't spoil the mood here, just congradulate on everything that has something to with developing something wether cyber or otherwise, is that so hard to do peeps? thanks,
  20. Assalamu calaykum, Waamaxay qayladan iyo caydan meesha duulaysa?! Waar nin walba oo idinka mid ah, wuu sheegtay wuxuu odhan lahaa, markaa waxaan big deal ahayn maxaad isigu xiijinaysaan? Mansa Munsa, saaxib,hadii ay jiraan iyo hadii kaleba, wuxu maaha wax saa usii wayn oo hada la odhan karo waa in laga tashadaa ASAP.Waxyaabo badan ayaa kahoreeya. Teeda kale(addresing u,since u started the topic).Waxaa jirta, markii dagaalku kadhacay tuuladaa, in ay ku koobnayn oo kaliya dadka meesha yimid Faisal C.Waraabe iyo Silanyo toona ee ay laakinse ay jireen dad badan oo cuqaal leh oo kanaxay arinta oo kayimid Sool ilaa Bariga shishe si ay u xaliyaan dhibta kadhacday labada beelood ee walaalaha ah. Markaa waa Ilaah mahadii, wax layidhaahdo 'why' bay udhacday maaha runtii. Markaa wax maaha maanta laga soo qaado oo lala shir yimaado dad ayaa meel isku haysto, anigu marnaba ma jirto wax accusations oo aan ku leeyey taas ayaa kadanbaysay waxaad usoo dhajisay cinwankan laakin maaha wax macno wayn kufadhiyah cinwaanka isaga ah oo farta ku fiiqi karo runtii hada. that is all,, Assalamu calaykum.
  21. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: quote:Originally posted by Cara: What is clear is the tragedy looming for us if the UIC abandons what worked for them (social services, local enforcement of law within a willling and desperate population) for grandiose expansionist "Jihad" on fellow Somalis. fellow somalis! Do you mean that the ethiopians had become our own fellow Somalis? You hatred for the concept/practise of Jihad against the aggressors had really shocked me, indeed. May you die in the Jihad against the Melez Regime, Aameen! Allah Ubaahne, my friend, fear Allah walaal, dont mis interpret her words.
  22. Assalamu calaykum, I like your analyzes, however, all the things you mentioned are to happen in phase two, the ICU is still in phase 1, bringing law and order where it's needed the most. As far as anything else, I would just encourage those folks who have some questions about the Agenda of the ICU to take things into their hands and rather do research,that is the best to find anything out. Biyo gacmahaagaa lagaga dhargaa was the famous Somali proverb.
  23. An Evening With Gaariye - At Virginia, USA Rashid Nur — Virginia, USA — 01 November, 2006 Join us to experience an evening of free laughter, learning, and enjoying the rich Somali Culture as presented by a legend: Mohamed Haashi Dhamac (Gaariye)Mason Government Center Highlights ♦ Cultural show ♦ Famous Poems ♦ Meeting with Gaariye ♦ Historical Prospective on famous “Deelley” chain poems and othersolumbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 Directions Directions Directions Directions Directions • From I -395— Take the Duke Street/Little River Turnpike WEST exit, At the first traffic light, turn RIGHT onto Beauregard Street , At Chambliss Street , At the next light, turn LEFT onto Lincolnia Road , Follow Lincolnia Road until it dead-ends at Columbia Pike, Turn LEFT onto Columbia Pike, Governmental Center is on the left in the same building as the Police Station • From I-495 (Beltway): - Take the Little River Turnpike East towards Annandale exit, Follow Little River Turnpike into Downtown Annandale, Turn LEFT at the traffic light at John Marr Drive , At the next traffic light, turn RIGHT onto Columbia Pike • Follow Columbia Pike past the Mason District Park (on your right), The Mason Governmental Center is on your right, .5 miles past the park entrance (in the same building as the Police Station) the next light, turn LEFT onto tion)
  24. King 450, you have crossed the line,when it comes to discussing things in civilised, there is fine line,but how can one wish his own brother to go to 'Hell'? Ciyaadu Bilaah. If you have something to prove to us otherwise,do so just like Nur did,dont' come out here cursing people plz.