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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. Sakhar come on, teach this little fellow a lesson,how quick are you to forgive buddy,if you won't teach him a lesson,then I will,so out the way . Yow,listen, Me,what you say about me being a wadaad?
  2. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Red Sea, are you somewhat allergic to the word or something? I think you mean the word SAKHRAAN, right? well you be the judge.
  3. ^But do we even agree whether Sool and Sanaag are part of Somaliland or Puntland first of all? Secondly, I have no idea if Sakhraan is plural term for Sakhar, but it sure apears to an insulting term to be used for someone. In addition, those men you have mentioned are corrupt politicians,most are aware of their corrupt rule in order to gain their own personal interests... yes we all know that and we are all hoping for better leadership,so what else is new there Mr. Me? However, I am questioning you of the quote I had above, which you blamed Cadde Muse for not, how should I put it, not repelling the aggression coming from Somaliland. both Riyale Kahin and Cadde Muse, have to be applauded in avoiding bloodshed.You should be thankful,not critise 'em.For me, I believe,avoiding any mojor conflict is probably one of the positive hightlights of these men,you think it's not. Anigu markastaa kii iska raaxaysta ayuunbaan ahaa,ka qaylin jiray oo caban jiray, dee inadeer aduu ahaa.
  4. Originally posted by me: Ever since Cade Muuse took over the office of president of Puntland, we have seen him allow the occupation of Puntland territories by the Secessionist militia. We have seen were greed took him when he had the skirmishes in Maakhirland. Well well, what do we have here? So what do you like to see him do,start a war with the "seccesionist" perhaps?
  5. ^aamin Saxib,and same goes to all Somalis everywhere Insha Allah.
  6. ^no Baydhabo isn't unsafe,but it's good he finally went with one side and resumed his job title of being minster of defense in the TFG,after he was battered in Bu'aale.
  7. ^come on now, you mean that mise waad iiqaranaysaa?
  8. ^Insha Allah may the region develop even further Insha Allah. Ceerigabo is part of another region called Somaliland also,so let us get that out of the way.
  9. ^lol. NOt exactly, but I do feel encouraged by Duke posts to show some of the goodness of my region. This week I named it 'the progress' week in which I plan to show the progress of my home region, as Duke is also doing on the other hand. Therefore, if it come to competition,then let us note that we are competing over something positive aight!.lol So stay tune for more-----
  10. How do you like Ceerigabo,perhaps, our brother Caamir's hometown? p.s. I thought Sophist came from Jiidale or Ceerigabo,where does that also lie on that map today? -just stating the realtiy. Gen.Duke,so it's new Puntland website that has created this much excitement today or what?
  11. This week on tap:Hargeysa. Education. Hargeysa University Graduation: Students and their professors. Next week on tap: Berbera.
  12. Yow Che, I think it's better idea to let Mr.Duke sort things for himself.It's really tiring to try to come in sense with this man. Man, when did Somalis become this case sensitive?
  13. ^I don't mean to politise this ,but are we looking at pictures of some nomads hometown such as Caamir and Sophist,or are we looking at pictures of Puntland state in general? if the case is Puntland state,then you know some may questioned some areas you have posted to be part of Somaliland.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Friend these pics are part of the theme,. It is not for you, but for the Somali's in general and those from the state in particular... I also note that you nver commented on the new pics posted by Sakhar...Those were new.. lol. my friend don't take it the other way, you know I don't always have the time to visit this place,life seems to be getting bit busy---and I am trying to keep up with it,therefore,I will comment when I do have the time to do so,I have just seen the new pictures you are speaking of and I did drop few comments on there for your info budd. Besides,don't make it as though it's obligatory to comment on everything that is good,one can feel that,but they don't always have to express it in words. Khalaf, listen little friend,I can grasp your intentions,but nay, my intentions aren't to ruin anything,I am just saying these pictures of Bosaaso are the ones I have seen before,which I have already commented on. So let us not go there would ya?
  15. The pictures look great,the people are at peace,life seems to be going quit nicely. A job well done!
  16. ^seriously to be honest, do you think,it's the first time that one has seen those pictures? I mean come on,the credit has been given where it was due buddy,we are aware that Puntland is developing,so what else you got going on?
  17. RedSea


    Originally posted by Devilangle: ^^ habartaaa . dont mind me Red, im just trying 2 reach my 100 mark AGAIN. Red thanks 4 asking how im doing, to be honest im sort of bored coz after Ramdan the darn company that I slave for day/night restricted all usage of MSN. But don’t worry about me, ill live Sorry to hear that, congrats of becoming a'nomad' though...yeah cheer up Jenny. on the topic,I think the term 'naaya' is for ciyaala suuq,it's very disrespectful,but don't mind me,I was kidding as well. ii sheeg: af soomali sidee lagu yidhaa,adaa mudan?
  18. Originally posted by duuliye: Standing tall and ready * I did it to you before, I will do it again* must be his thoughts.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: Somali national troops you say, veterans of the former wars you say. Well lets not be selective people, we should not pick and choose who to honor in that many officers of the former army are in Baidoa right now with the TFG. Starting with Gen Naji the head of the TFG armed forces. Also in the golden age of the Somali army between 1960 and 1978 guess who was a decorated war hero who fought the real Amxaro many here pretend to hate so much. President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed who else? the old Colonel, fought in the 1964 border war with Ethiopia and was given the highest decoration for bravery by then head of state HE. Adan Cade. He also fought in the 1978 war against Ethiopia, the ****** war. Many of the old men should not be used in this cynical clan based politics being used by the courts. These are motivational tactics and nothing more. The Somali army rotten legacy stems from the fact that many in the North West or Somaliland remember the horror of the war with the late regime and do not see these solders as nothing more than criminals. So its all relative to who you ask. Now shame on those who would use the old men to further their agenda, just highlights how desperate they are. Somaliland isn't even involved in this issue,so don't use other things in order to attempt to expand your short essay,which you seem to be runing out of things to say--a nonsense to begin with. Do note also, he was the first one to become an opposition to the "former government" that you speak of. A decorated war hero you say, a president of the Somali republic you say(although he is weak). If that is true and he has indeed won all those medal of honors,then have you asked yourself what those medals may mean today since he has cooperated with the enemy which he once defended and won all those medals in fighting against? I expect you to think about that,in my view,I think those medals should be revoked and he should be charged with treason of cooperating with the enemy,not that he cooperated with the enemy in other way,but he invited dirty shoe Ethios into his country so they can kill and do all god forbidden ruthless things to people in which he claims to represent, the Somali president ladies and gents. If this was about the ICU vs. TFG,then I could view them as two apposing Somali sides,and thus Abdullahi Yusuf would be considered a confused fellow in my view that needs some Psychiatric help,however since he has gone the extra mile by bringing the Ethiopians into the country without having the consent of the people, is to me the reason he should be considered as an enemy combatant and therefore,those honarable men, old retired men you considerd them, thus do have indeedd every bit the right to come out of their retirement and give one last push in eleminating the enemy which includes the once decorated war hero you speak of whom in this time has found himself on the wrong side of the trench,thus he and the rest of the Xabashis will be dealt with the matter they choose,they have chosen war,and war it what they will find indeed,not to mention their graves dug inside Somalia and most of them captured dead.
  20. ^lol. Waarkaalay, Mr. Me maxaad ninka ku hiifaysaa, ma qaadkii ayaa kaa go'ay maanta wakusidee, the POINT just made a point,your respond was totally off the mark and bit insulting,so kudos to Mr.point for taking the highroad,luck man you are Mr.ME> Ninku Somalia aad sheegayso isba wuu rumaysan yee,miyaanad kala garanayn enemy combatant iyo friendly combatant,he is on your side of the fence,though you worship something call nationalism.Anyone who doesn't worship nationalism like you seems to be lacking basic believe in your view,if that is that way you see things,you are screwed son.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: A/Yusuf is the President of Somalia, and all that stands in his way are a few millitia making noise and they will be dealt with Insha Allah. Here he is in China looking good. [/QB] Lol.General Duke, has the old man gone to Mecca or Medina,I didn't expect going over to China would creat so much excitment from you, or have you not ever seen someone walk on Red carpet before,I just hope he didn't trip looking around. and "few millitias"---well buddy, things are easier said than done,so I will leave at that at the moment.
  22. Listen peeps, what is so good about that picture? that is China as I see it,the beautiful red carpet,the well dressed chinese guard,however, but on the foreground,I see morally bankrupt old man and just darafkii shalmada of the first lady as she trails behind him. I hope after seeing how people, like the chinese have built their country,he would be motivated to do just a bit to sweep his front yard from the dust,or at least stop serving the master,Melez. "Good" picture indeed peeps.Because we are talking about an old man going to a place he never been before among 40 other Ifriiqis,given a chance to walk on the red carpet.Yeah, let him enjoy the new experience and and first hand look at functioning country like China,I am sure it's good vacation for him,before he returns to dusty Baidhabo. I think,it's good time out from qayladii iyo amarkii Masterka, hadaanu la joogin china lafteedaba. Naxar, so going over to China is such astonishing accomplishment? sorry to not note your point of him working hard,were is the briefcase though I wonder?
  23. So LT. Xalane, so where have you been in the last 17 years? What more of war do you need to take place or were you young back then,so you want that movie or "game show" to replay? We have been witnessing it in the last 16 years or so, and to say war which has ALREADY being tried and failed would settle things back to normal is absulately redicolous to say the least. However,although I wouldn't suggest for war whatever the circumanstance and be so wishful as you seem to be, then I think it's time on the rightous' camp to take action as well, and put an end to these warlords' era for once and for all, by then I hope you won't be coming up with new way to calaacal on the cyber space. All I can say at the moment is, we shall see and wait.I have full confidence and would support with all I have including puting my life on the line for the evildoers to be gotten rid off,are YOU willing to do the same yaa Luitanant?
  24. ^no I am not. we are ALL born with that type of hospitality,it's just part of being Somali ya know. In Qardho fish is hard to come by,if you gave me fish in Qardho,I think that would mean