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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ^good points,we are lucking many things,the list just goes on and on. p.s not only Somali problem but we are focusing on Somalis at the moment.
  2. ^was,but have you been to Hargeysa lately,man I couldn't believe it,but then again i am not sure if Burcawis moved there. pics of differnt angles of the school.
  3. ^but luck of understanding between couples is what we are trying to avoid.Offcourse divorce becomes neccessary if the couples are hopeless with their marriage,but how NOT to get to that point is the point of discussion. anyways,I don't think you want to get divorce,trust me it's not good,i have seen how some people go through...okay.You are young still Masha Allah,so I wish you have good,healthy,and long marriage with your "hand holder" lol. Nor is it good to be single and live in a life where you constanly welcome and let go's easier to settle. Lazygirl: sis,I am not married as of yet,but hoping to be married ASAP,this is an ancouragement for me as well. Rudy: lol..funny,dude,listen the things you mention also belong in the definately put them on. Khalaf: we'll we need to show our ladies that we are capable of being 'romantic'.They are not use to it,but as they become familiar with it,they will love it...we just need to try it. Pooja:yes,fights and family problems do occur,but how to sort them out is good thing to know..divorce shouldnt' be the solution.There are better alternatives in sorting out family problems,there are also better ways to avoid marriage.If the husband is cab driver,and thus he spends alot of time working and away from his family,then definately he needs to seek better career to save his marriage and life as well..spending good quality time with your loved one is very important in my opinion. Reality Check: brother,marriage is complicated,but in this thread,the sole purpose was to assume if you were married the things to do in order to strenghten your marriage and avoid divorce.What to marry and what not,is differnt discussion,we may also discuss that as well. You may think it takes alot to make marriage work,but I think it takes so much to make marriage not work probably.The Somali couples take everything litely and don't treat marriage as serious bussiness,however they assume since they are married,then they don't have to love each other,except when it comes to the bedroom...that is a problem.
  4. RedSea

    Cyper War

    Originally posted by me: Xog ogaal xishood. Ha naysku keen dirin. Mr. Red Sea owes me koob shaah ah. ...Or is it the other way around?
  5. Originally posted by Sophist: All this ink spilled because of a silly threat? Reer Laascaanood iyo Reer Hargeisa know eachother; marka waxba ha isku daalilina arinkaan--- We have been hearing this for the past 8 years. I have never in my time here seen someone go off on a simple thing,as though an actual war has taken place. Mr.Garaad Canood,you are confusing yourself here,although all the points you have pointed out about the effects war has on people is true,yet there is no war that will take place, so for the last time cool yourself down. you have brought up a news update,now stop turning on the nomads here,and move on with another topic. There has been countless supposed threates against Hargeysa and Somaliland,yet it didn't bother me a bit,because it's just words flying in space..meaningless. thanks,
  6. ^saaxib, worry about Riyale Kahin would ya.I have something in common with these guys(ICU),i have gadh,but what do you have against them other than false accusations without much evidence?
  7. RedSea

    Cyper War

    ^'in this corner, weighting roughly 100 pounds with gacmo Pasto,ladies and gentelman Lt.Xalane and in this corner we have 300 pounds human killing machine Axmed Gurey..ding ding,let us get the fight
  8. Originally posted by Kashafa: [QB] ^^ A few points to mull over on 1. This term Neo-Facist Islamist...Do you know what it means ? Or did you hear it on the media and thought it sounded cool to use on SOL ? Lol...I think it's just cool to say it,it makes you seem like Bill O'reily on Fox news channel, though I think he hardly knows what it means .The same people who killed,raped,and looted Muqdisho he says,man this guy has no idea.
  9. ^you are right to some degree,I use to think,it was Burco and eastward,but if you go to Hargeysa,you will see alot red teeth people,or have new people moved there I dont know. Rudy,"gorgoraniyeese"? can you say that in Somali
  10. ^lol,thanks for the correction. Yes indeed Suldaan is what I was going for.
  11. ^sure,thanks, however,may I know why you brought up that question if you don't mind? lol
  12. ^Ninyow inaan danbaabto dadkana kadanbaajiso miyaad ka heshaa waa yaabe? Naftaada ilaali,dadkana wax xun ha hor kicin. p.s xanaaq majiro meesha,fartu si fudud iima gaadho aniga.
  13. no no,listen, to build a statue is Haram,weren't you looking for anwer to your question? However,the ICU didn't design that buddy,it was design by someone else. How difficult is it to clearify things for you Jay.
  14. Ask your family members,they will tell you what he said.How bout other ruthless acts commited by the man you hold for such high regard,do you know them? It doesn't make sense. Call me whatever you want,I could really careless,because I think you are just a cry baby who is looking for place to dispense his anger or are from suffering inferiority complex or something.laakin ogow marka adigana wax lagaa sheeko numberkaaga xajiso,hana ku ordin,where are the Admins or Mods? p.s.If you don't know anything,be an ear that listens.
  15. Aniga oo ah Suldaan Cismaan Suldaan Cali,waxa aan aad ugu farxsanahay Suldaanka Beesha Musa Cabdalle Go’da (Jam)- Shir ay ka qaybgaleen 154 ergay oo kala socday ardaayada Beesha Muusa-cabdalle (Habar-yoonis) oo muddo afar maalmood ah uga socday tuulada Go’da ee degmada Sheekh, ayaa shalay lagu doortay Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim in uu noqdo Suldaanka beeshaas. Sida uu soo tabiyay Weriye Xasan Cumar Xasan oo ka tirsan wargeyska Ogaal, waxa uu muddadii uu shirkaasi socday lagu kala reebay musharaxiintii tartanka isu soo taagtay oo tiradoodu ahayd 8 musharrax, kuwaas oo Cuqaasha iyo xubnaha ergadu codad iyo xulasho ku kala reebeen, aakhirkiina waxa Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim iyo Nuur Faarax Xuseen oo iyagu noqday labadii xubnood ee isugu soo hadhay madashii shirku ka socday oo ay goob-joog ka ahaayeen 152 ergay. Kadib markii ergadii Shirku waxay iska dhex-doorteen, shirguddoon ka koobnaa 4 xubnood, kuwaas oo kala ahaa; Guddoomiye, Guddoomiye-ku-xigeen, Xoghaye iyo Afhayeen. Doorashadaa Shirguddoonka kadib, waxa uu Guddoomiye Khadar Cali Cilmi ergadii u akhriyay ajandihii shirka lagu maamulayay, kaasoo ka koobnaa dhawr qodob. Isla markaana wuxuu Guddoomiyuhu ergada ku wargeliyay in loo qaado cod gacan-taag ah labada xubnood ee isku soo hadhay ka noqon doona Suldaanka cusub ee Beesha Muuse Cabdalle. Sidaana waxay 134 ergay ugu codeeyeen in Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim in uu noqdo Suldaanka Beesha, halka 17 ergayna ay u codeeyeen Nuur Faarax Xuseen, Guddoomiyuhuna aanu ka codayn. Codayntii kadib, waxa Guddoomiye Khadar uu u yeedhay Suldaanka cusub Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim, isla markaana Suldaanka cusub waxa uu madasha horteeda ka jeediyay khudbad, taas oo isugu jirtay baraarujin, duco iyo dardaaran. Suldaan Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim oo faahfaahinaaya miisaanka xilka loo doortay, ayaa sheegay in xilku yahay miisaan culus, “Maadaama xilkan la ii doortay miisaan culus yahay kumaan farxin ee waan ka werwerayaa, xilkuna waa wax Ilaahay kaala xisaabtamayo if iyo aakhiraba. Sidaa daraadeed, waxaan dhammaantiinba idinka codsanayaa inaad Ilaahay iiga baridaan in uu ii fududeeyo xilka la ii igmaday,” ayuu yidhi Suldaanku. Suldaanku waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inuu u baahan yahay talooyinka kuwii doortay. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu Suldaanku ammaan u soo jeediyay dhammaanba ergadii ka qaybgashay munaasibadda iyo guud ahaanba shacabka ku nool degaanka Go’da, oo uu ku ammaanay inay nasiib u yeesheen in lagu qabto munaasibaddan. Ugu dambayntii, shirguddoonkii madasha Khadar Cali Cilmi ayaa sheegay, in munaasibadda caleemo-saarka Suldaanku ay toddobaadka soo socda ka dhici doonto magaalada Berbera ee Gobolka Saaxil. Dhinaca kale, suldaanka cusub ee beesha Muuse Cabdalle, Suldaan Maxamed Xasan Ibraahim oo ay gelbinayaan cuqaasha beesha iyo guutooyin dad ah, ayaa shalay subax gaadhay magaalada Burco ee xarunta Gobolka Togdheer, halkaas oo ay suldaankla iyo weftigiisa kaga horyimaaddeen duleedka magaalada boqollaal qof oo ka tirsan dadweynaha reer Burco, kuwaas oo watay gaadiid tiro badan. Waxa kale oo suldaanka iyo weftigiisa qado-sharaf ugu sameeyey hoteelka Shamaxle, salaadiin, cuqaal, ganacsato, culimaa’udiin iyo dhallinyaro ka soo jeeda beelaha Habar/yoonis. Suldaan Cismaan Suldaan Cali, oo ka mid ah madax-dhaqameedyada beelaha Gobolka Togdheer oo kulankaa hadal ka jeediyey, ayaa sheegay in uu si weyn ugu faraxsan yahay suldaanka cusub ee beesha Muuse Cabdalle, kaas oo uu ku tilmaamay in uu ka furan doono hawl badan oo markii hore isaga saarnayd. “Waayo,” ayuu yidhi; “halkii aannu markii hore Muuse Cabdalle oo u yeedhi jirnay, haddana marka arrini timaaddo waxaan odhanayaa waar Suldaankii Muuse Cabdalle ha loo yeedho.” Muddadii Suldaanku joogay magaalada Burco, waxa booqasho iyo salaan ugu imanayey boqollaal qof oo ka tirsan bulshada ku dhaqan Burco
  16. I seem lost? you should have said that at least,now we know you are not so sure of your accusations. Anyways,it's good to have dreams,but how to attained those dreams is still what is missing from you,when someone advices you,because they know it better than you do,you shouldn't kick yourself into high gear...doqon meel lagu kaftamayo ayey moodaa in lagu kala tagay ama doqonto daw mataqaan sow may ahayn maahmaahdii. Lier? when did I lie to you ,once again behave old man. You may insult oodweyne at your own time with him,but at the same time it's bad to suggest someone to follow the footsteps of General Duke? I thought he was pro Tigray occupation of Somalia,would you suggest that to anyone?
  17. ^way yihiin.But I doubt the statue has anything to do with the ICU.
  18. ^you have edited your post after I already posted my response. Furthermore,Islam does encourage unity as you said,but Unity based on what exactly? You are loud supporter of the facist leader of Ziyad Barre who as we all know made the famous remarks of cutting off a peace of the Quran that didnt fit his communist idealogy.So it comes very surprising that one can support a dictator who insulted the Quran and Islam and at the same consider himself a Muslim. you have labeled me as hypocrite,which you have no evidence of still that I am such,however,what can be said about you? Unity isn't about uniting under a dictator and waving one flag around.Unity is good in one term,if the ruling goverant body is ruling based on the Sharica then definately all people should be unified under that,however an empty flag waving,singing the tunes of AAbo Ziyad while at the same time is based on non Islamic rule isn't a unity,I am sorry if you can't see,thus I think it's the differnce between you and I,you think very superficially and as well as you have hard time composing deeper thoughts and logic,so you should work on that. As for Faysal Cali Waraabe,maybe ask Soo maal of what he thinks of my response, he good brother to reason with,I can't see that quality in you old man.
  19.'s okay,but still I am waiting for an answer to my question,do you have any as of yet yaa idol worshiper(national pride)?
  20. Man this discussion is tiresme,I think the audience of this political form would appriciate if you didn't post every lie that is out there. One more thing,teh news is out on the front page of SOL,no need to repeat them here,we have already read the same things you are posting articles or timely news,not every nonsene out there.
  21. Originally posted by Garaad Caanood: Thanks sophist for pictures Garaad in Columbus Sophist,how do you like his suit this Mr. Sophstylist?
  22. Originally posted by Garaad Caanood: quote:Originally posted by Red Sea: ^how did he get here, does he have a U.S,Canadian or European passport? How we know?is it relevent? personal matter It was only question,since you posted this I thought you would have an answer to it. But the answer has been provided by MMA anyways so.. thanks MMA.
  23. ^you are such uncivilize individual,maybe the things said about you by Oodweyne have had effects on you,maybe it's time to look down on yourself and see what you are personally. You are day dreamer,whose main priority isn't Islam and Muslims but rather Somalinimo and to worship the idol aka national pride,kibirku ma fiicna ha kibri,hana qooqin. p.s,I assume you to be nearing 30s or even late 20s,so behave like a grown up.The lolypop given to you by Oodweyne,iyo daipers uu kuu xidhay ayaa malaa kuu beensheegay,I say behave boi.
  24. Originally posted by me: Dear hypocrite, quote: Originally posted by Red Sea: ^I am sorry,are you talking to me dear,your love for Red never ends huh? I have chosen Islamic way of life over the so call Somalinimo,you are the opposite,nor am I worshiper of something that you worship national pride(idol). What is the secessionist mafia that you parade everyday then? Is that 'Islamic'? Who are you trying to fool, trying to veil yourself in the cloak of Muslimnimo while you are the biggest hypocrite of all, go 100% one way or another don't be mixing and matching ideologies that don't fit, you can't say you support the secessionist mafia and then say that you are for Muslimnimo and that your love for Islam rises above clannism, while on the other hand you are defending demons like Faysal Cali Waraabe (whats in a name?) You are fooling no one but yourself. Dear Mr. Me, you may try to use offenseive slander however,my skin is too thick for that to penetrate,so answer simple question for me,and I hope you give me a good answer..ready,here it seccession against Islam? If so,provide me,the source of your claim. ...and plz dont' lie,when did I defend Faysal Cali Warabe? Horn: one problem for you isnt not that you appose the ICU,that is fine,everyone has his opinins,however,the fact that you support warlord day and night is simply crazy buddy,that is all I have against you.