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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ^lol,that unorganized room must be yours. Urban Legend,you must be the one that posts x-rated stuff on
  2. Originally posted by Jaylaani: No Problem. Why did you change your nick though? I didn't realize it until you mentioned it. If you have move back, where will that bro…Mogadishu or Hargeisa?,the only thing that has changed is my nick...change is good sometimes,everything is the way it was,yep I am still good old Hargeysa boi. But if you think the previous nick was better,let me know,if you both and Northern agree on that,then it sure will come back.
  3. ^that is your country and you gona have to like it,since you have no other options,unless offcourse you are saying you have soemthing better in store to change those "dusty" houses,or maybe paint them with colors.
  4. ^Jaylaani,why are you asking the General all those questions,he is simple SOL nomad,he has no idea of what these people' agenda are. in reality,Ethiopia is Ethiopia and Abdullahi Yusuf answers their call,so does Riyale and his side kicks. The real people who care about these people are their fellow Somalis,I am refering to the civilians not so call President of a country/state/region or whatever.
  5. Originally posted by Cambarro: with a little hijab and trousers/skirt. Just dont wear the above dresses. They are evening is not appropriate for a graduation. In fact not appropriate for a muslimah at all. wow,those look stuning Cambaro,where can I find those,I would like to buy those for someone special.
  6. Originally posted by ibtisam: Hi everyone, I have my graduation to go to and I am clueless as what to wear :mad: for those of you that have been to one, advise, and if you have not been to one then, still what is your opinion. Only condition: London is cold and i am taking my Coat regardless, and tights, Thermal underwear (lol) just kidding, not that cold, but you get the picture. Thanks in advance people First of all congradualations sister Ibtisam,I am very happy for you. Secondly, well there is no second,specially after the "Thermal underwear",o lord I am having heart attack..good luck.
  7. Originally posted by ibtisam: Ridwaan, people like you will drive me mad in real life, seriously I would’ve avoided you like a disease . lool. People wear jeans etc because they want to, not because they think it is the correct Islamic dressing to wear. They choose to be disobedient, or follow a different path in life than what Islam teaches them, lecturing them doe not make a difference, if anything it push's them further away from the community. I hate snobbish so "called religious people". They drive me up the wall. Judgmental little brats, who think God, sent them down as angles to look at everyone's actions but their own and lookdown on everyone. Get a life people. Okay where do I start..o yeah,welcome back first of all luv! Secondly,please don't hate me,I am not what you think I Anyways, I am never a someoen who pushes people to do the right thing,because I am fully aware that usually does more harm to someone then by helping. Moreover,who said Jeans is Haram? they are not Haram,just not meant to be warn in Public,if you were it in Public,I wonder who are you trying to impress especially if you are married women,there are other ways to look cool then by breaking the law(not directed towards anyone). I personally have/will/still break the law and do some crazy stuff,which throws out the "angel" part out of the discussion. Anyways,if there was a girl who wears jeans,what I'd do is,I would marry her,then tell her to put it on for me at home not just a jeans but you know those 'segsy' women outfits they sell at Victoria secret store..yeah those,perhaps this would make her not impress other man,since she has a man to impress at
  8. ^I couldn't agree with you more.In this world we live in today,especially these western Coutries,it's rather difficult for one to avoid depression or stress,however the best PROVEN treatment of that is by reading the Quran and making sure that you stay on course,the straigh path. If you can read the smallest passage of the Quran once a day/night,twice/three times a week,then such symptoms won't apply to you IA. However,it's important for one to remember that they are Muslims,being Muslim is the best gift that can be given to anyone,it's gift that is so expensive,only given to those whom Allah be happy,because you are a MUSLIM> thanks,
  9. ^thanks bro,as you know my job is to form you as much as I can,but if you know more than enough,I think I can give my self pat on the back for that.I will try to keep this quite until new pics that hasnt' been seen emerges. Northerner: Saaxib,I will move back Insha Allah,I will try to see how this nick works out,if I like the response,I will settle,if not,the good old "Red" will be back hopefully. pleasure bro,
  10. ^very nice,I liked Galkacayo better than most of cities in PL,it was while back..about 6 years ago,but based on these pics,I would have to give Bosaaso the first place tag for being the most attractive of Puntland State..this city hasn't been given the credit it deserves.
  11. ^it's boring but not in that sense,it actually takes time to get to closest destination,because there are no side walks for the people to walk on...they simply will start walking in the middle of traffic,so you will have to be really careful.It makes it difficult as a result to get to where you were headed.
  12. Health: What is depression? Depression is a mood disorder that causes you to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time. More than just a bout of "the blues" or temporary feelings of grief or low energy, depression can have a significant impact on your enjoyment of life, your work, your health, and the people you care about. Depression affects people differently. Some feel down for extended periods of time; for others the feelings of depression come and go. If you have short episodes of mild depression, you may be able to continue to work and take care of daily activities. However, if you do not seek some form of treatment for your depression, you are at risk for getting more depressed or becoming physically ill. In severe cases, depression can cause people to become incapable of communicating, unable to do routine activities, or suicidal. In these cases, it is essential to seek medical attention. People with depression may be reluctant to seek help because they feel that it is a sign of personal weakness or a character flaw or that they should be able to "pull out of it" on their own. We now know that depression, like other medical conditions, has a chemical and biological basis. Treatment for depression is safe and usually effective even for severely depressed people. Depression may be triggered by stressful life events, other illnesses, certain drugs or medications, or inherited traits. Although causes of depression are not entirely understood, we know it is linked to an imbalance in brain chemistry. Once the imbalance is corrected, symptoms of depression generally improve. What are the symptoms? Depression is more than just the normal, temporary feelings of sadness and hopelessness associated with difficult life events. Common symptoms include: Depressed mood. Inability to enjoy activities. Problems concentrating. Poor memory. Difficulty making decisions. Changes in eating habits. Weight gain or weight loss. Changes in sleeping habits. Difficulty going to work or taking care of your daily responsibilities. Feelings of guilt and hopelessness; wondering if life is worth living (common). Slowed thoughts and speech. Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide. Complaints that have no physical cause (somatic complaints) such as headache and stomachache. All of these symptoms can interfere with your quality of life. Even if you don't have major depression, if you have experienced a few of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks you may have a less severe form of depression that still requires treatment. How is it treated? Depression is usually treated successfully with professional counseling or antidepressant medication. Often a combination of the two is most effective. People with depression usually can be treated as outpatients, but in severe cases a period of hospitalization may be necessary. If you have mild or moderate depression, you may be diagnosed and treated by your family health professional and a therapist or psychologist. If you have severe depression or other psychological disorders or do not respond to treatment, a psychiatrist, a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems, may be helpful. Let your health professional know if you suspect that you have depression, because it is often overlooked. If you are diagnosed with depression, you and your health professional can decide on the best treatment. The earlier you are treated, the more quickly you will recover. 1 How common is depression? If you have symptoms of depression, you are not alone. In the United States, an estimated 15% of people will have depression at some point in life, and chances of becoming depressed are even higher for certain people. For example: Women experience depression twice as often as men, although men are more likely to commit suicide as a result of depression. 2 Separated or divorced individuals, especially men, are more likely than married people to become depressed. People who have a serious illness are more likely to suffer from depression. P.S, are YOU depressed,if not sure but think you are,take the this quiz. Risk of depression: "Healthwise" SDWO- NEWS PAGE
  13. ^Masha Allah,May Allah make them successful and make it easier for their pursue of education. I lived in Gaashamo as well Maholin for sometime during the civil wars. At the time there were few schools there,but they weren't as good looking as this one,however,the education level as well as the motivation and determination of teh students was very high,I am glad they finally gotten something that could satisfy their needs...Wish them the best and more of its kind to come Insha Allah. As for Ayoub,thanks for the link son of Shiekh ahaa.
  14. Kulan Gargaar Loogu Ururinayo Dadka Reer Soomaaliya Ee Daadadku Qaadeen Oo Lagu Qabtay Hargeysa Iyo Dood Siyaasi Ah Oo Ka Dhalatay Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 4 December, 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hargeysa ( – Kulan qaadhaan dhaqaale oo gargaar ah loogu ururinayo dadka dhibaatadu ka soo gaadhey Daadadka iyo fatahaadaha Webiyada ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Hotel Hadhwanaag ee Magaalada Hargeysa. Kulankaa waxa soo qabanqaabiyey Guddi isugu jira Culima-udiin, Siyaasiyiin, Ganacsato iyo Salaaddiin oo la baxay “Guddida Ugargaarka Dadka ku tabaalaysan Webiyada”, waxaana lagu martiqaaday xisbiyada Qaranka, Golayaasha dowladda, Ganacsatada waaweyn, aqoonyahanno iyo culimada diinta. Xoghayaha Guddida soo qabanqaabiyey kulankaas, Cabdulqaadir Cali Cambe ayaa ugu horrayn halkaas ka akhriyey baaq ay u gudbinayaan Shacbiga Somaliland oo ku saabsan gurmadka daadadka Soomaaliya. “Markaanu aragnay daadadkii dhibta weyn u geystey Walaalaheen Soomaaliya iyo gurmadkii caalamku u sameeyey, waxaanu iska haysan kari weyney inaanu walaalahayo waajibka Islaamka ee naga saaran ugu gurmano oo taakulan loo fidiyo,” ayuu yidhi baaqa Guddida oo sharraxaya sababta kelliftey guddidan is xilqaantay. “Sidaa darteed, waxaanu ka codsanaynaa dhammaan Xukuumad iyo Shacabba, reer Somaliland inaynu gudano waajibkeenna Islaamnimo oo aynu u gargaarno walaalaheenna dhibaataysan, Ilaahayna waxaanu ka baryaynaa inuu inaga badbaadiyo masiibooyinka dhacaya,” ayuu yidhi Baaqa Guddidu. Waxana uu u tilmaamay ciddii doonaysa inay kaalmadaa qayb ka qaadato ama wax ku darsato laba xisaabood (Accounts) uu guddidu ka furay DAHABSHIIL iyo Xawaaladda Al-Mustaqbal. Waxa kale oo shirkaa ka hadlay Suldaan Axmed Daahir iyo Sheekh Maxamed Cali Geeddi oo ka tirsan Guddida. read complete report here
  15. Mcxamar,actually they drive on the right side of the road and the vehicles are all mixed up,there those who have the steering wheel on the left or right,whatever that works for you.
  16. Mr.Northerner and Dabshid as well as those of you who probably already have gone through marriage or currently involved in relationship,please feel free to fill us in what you think is the best way for couples to have good,long lasting relationship God willingly, with minimum uh and aahs offcourse. thanks in advace,
  17. ^well,the term 'Somaliland' is related to politics,laakin inta kale isha ayaad ka riday,waa caynkaad sheegtay,i want it to be chewed on by those who ain't one of them offcourse macalinka.
  18. ^speechless eh? Lt.Xalane,yes I have,pretty bumpy I tell ya ,but I know exactly what you saying.
  19. Get more help soon for the endengered species,since all the tough talk of Ethiopia has turned out to be nothing but hot air.
  20. ^My lectures..I didn't post this you know. Does this bother you though,you seem upset buddy or am I reading your words with different tone I don't know?
  21. ^with all due respect Janna,I would advise you to get that thinking out of your head,it's just not healthy for you walalo. As for LA,I would love nothing more than seeing Las Anod prosper even further,even if it has to reach beyond any point that Hargeysa reached. the Qat comes from Ethiopia walaal,the folks in LA love Qat as much as's fact.
  22. ^There is no big fuzz,but if you were put in that situation,that is what you have done hmm.You should be respecting Allah more than anyone else,for your to suggest that is okay for one to take an Oath on some book that says Allah has a son or Allah was Jesus son of Marry is just insane.
  23. ^creasy,it's a bad choice if they decide to wear jeans in public(home is different story)and as you said we can only advice them only,their hearts can only be changed by Allah,in the mean time you shouldnt' give up on telling them,keep telling them until they come in terms with what is good and there is force in involved in the process of telling someone what is good.