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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ^^^girls, learn how to read and write your own language, if you can't write it nor read it,you better learn it.Or at least be ashamed of it that you can't....yeah don't expose yourself plz. Assalamu Calaykum, Born Braniac, I am not married yet,but hey am I allowed to comment in this place? I will pass on my two kalimah when you allow it sis.
  2. ^lol...well, we knew this was coming,were the daba dhilifs? may be not..
  3. ^According to the news report,he went there to recruit young men for the TFG from his sub clan ,however the oday dhaqameed have refused to comply and told him,they had no interest of being daba dhilifs. Also according to the latest news, his visit didnt' go as planned after some SL troops sarounded the area...he went to Sanag then I gues. Anyways, everything is calm as it was before.
  4. ^Khalaf, you right bro...the white man did indeed do a darn good job,however,even the Xabashis aren't doing bad job themselves as we speak,thanks for few that fell into their trap. So don't even look further back in history,just take a look of what is happening today. Furthermore,I am not in supportive of burning any flag whether it might be the blue flag or the red,white and green.However,my statement were to poke fun of those who wave the flag while encouraging the invasion of Ethiopia and take over of everything that the flag which falsely they claimed as theirs stands for. Khalaf,I think what you have learned is both good and bad.Just make sure, you keep on going the same path Insha Allah.You are decent and open minded brother, so dont' ever fall for the hatred which is spread by some people here.Never side with anyone just because they belong in your qabiil,support them based on their believes and positions.I think you may know this already but hey,a reminder doesnt' hurt.Thank YOU for the reminder though. Anyways, the colts vs. Bears in the Super bowl,that would be a great game to see.Two teams with totally different style of game.It would be touch Bear's defense vs. high flying Indi's offense.It sure would be interesting to watch who wins in that battle,people say defense wins championship. Salamu Calaykum.
  5. Abaadir, we have nothing in Muqdisho but warlords. We are speaking out against chaos,we are speaking out against injustice,we are speaking out against the evil doings of EThiopia and their troops who are raping,killing innocent Somalis not only in Somalia now,but also other areas where somalis reside. If you believe that this current piece of chunk is worth a second look,then you must in lala land awoow. If you think bit deeper,you may see that it's actually the Ethiopians who appose everything that can bring and stability back to Somalia.The best chance was the ICU,we shall not simply sweep that aside.If you supported what the ICU standed for,then you oughta keep supporting it while deny the evil doers the chance to kill, loot our people while raping our women.We can't let that happen,talk is the least we can do today awoow,at least be supportive of them with your thoughts. Dont' be misled to believe that this is a bad government,because hey to have a bad government is okay,but this current doesnt' even qualify to be even refered to as government,they are bunch of budhcad.The way they came to power is known to everyone,they came on while being mounted on Ethiopian tanks. Focus now...
  6. This is on the front page,you dont' need to repost it again.Goodness,that is what the front page is for,to read the new articles.Geez.
  7. Mansa Munsa, that applies well to the TFG which you support. Regarding the topic: There were shots fired into the air and some were exchanged on the ground,however there havent' been any casulties both civilian or non civilians reported as of yet.It ended and everything is calm at this moment.The vice president of Pl,Mr.Afqudhac is still in Xudun and no harm has been done to him or his stuff members,as the news reports he is on his way to more villages in SOOl where his kinsmen reside,for a reason I am not aware of.
  8. Some good article there. Mrs.Siciid may Allah bless her.May Allah lift the hardships upon her and give her something better in exchange.A better government,better life,better future was possible with the ICU,insha Allah they will be back to take back the lost nation. Amiin.
  9. Garaad Caanood, take it however you want,but that is not what I said.Maybe you understand things in big,bold letters.Good luck with that. In addition, you do support Ethiopia's occupation of the somali capital,because if you didn't you wouldn't have supported the TFG,they automatically come together. ^^Bakhtiga ma cuno,laakin fuudkiisa ayaan cabaa,ma soconayso. North, yeah you right, I really shouldn't.
  10. ^Aamin.Allah is testing the faith of the believers.This should have been a down time morally for the Mujaahideen,but because of their faith and their iron determination,they shall overcome these obsticles and retake control of our lost nation. Insha Allah tacalaa,
  11. God bless Abu Paragon. Long live the ICU and its supporters.
  12. Mid ka mid ah maxaabiistii Mareykanka oo u dhintey cudurka Malaariyada Muqdisho 18 January-07 ( Wararka aan ka heleyno gobolka J/hoose, gaar ahaan Deegaanka Raaskambooni ayaa sheegaya in mid ka mid ah askartii Mareykanka aheyd ee gacanta Mujaahidiinta Golaha Maxaakimta Islaamka soo galey dagaal qaraar oo ay la galeen ciidan mareykan ah oo dhulka u soo degey todobaad ka hor, ayaa lagu waramayaa in mid ka mid askarataas uu geriyoodey ka dib markii uu muddo la jiifey cudurka Malariyada, taaso ay suurtagali weydey in si aadminimo ah loo daaweyo maxbuuskaas ka dib markii ay dhammaan jidadkii daawadu ku soo gaari laheyd dhulkaas ay xireen ciidamada Tigreegu, dhanka kalena dhaqdhaqaaqyada oo idil ay duqeynayeen diyaaradaha cadowga Mareykanku. Haddii ay is lahaayeen waxa dhimanayaa waa Soomaali Muslim ah oo kaliya , hadda waxa dhimanayaa waa Mareykan oo ku dhimanaya qaniinyada kaneecada dhedig ee Anoofaliska la yiraaho, oo aan abid nuugin dhiig mareykan laakin hadda si fudud ku heshey, ka gadaal markii ay faduul ku yimaadeen dhulka keymaha ah oo ay kaneeadaasi u dhalatey. Soomaalida ayaa ku maahmaahda god sireed ha qodin , haddaad qodeysidna ha dheereyn ku dhici doontaa ma ogide, laakin waxa lala yaaban yahey sababta ay xukuumadda Marykanku u qiran la’dahey in askar looga diley kuwe kalen looga qafaashey cirifka Soomaliya dagaal ay kula galeen mujaahidiinta ? Gabagabadii waxey mujaahidiintu hadda ku dadaalayaan qaabkii ay ugu bandhigi lahaayeen maxaabiistaas warbaahinta caalamka, taasoo hadda sida laga soo xigtey mas’uul weyn oo maxkamadaha ka mid ah uu sheegey in lagu guda jiro qorshihii iyo qaabkii saxaafadda loogu soo bandhigi lahaa dokuminti muhiim ah oo ay wateen askartaasi. Xaalka sagaalka maxbuus oo kale ayaa illaa iyo hadda wanaagsan, inkastoo ay ka welwelsan yihiin xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin iyo waxa masiirkoodu noqon doono, ayagoo ogaadey in wax weydiinayaa oo noloshooda iney badbaadshaan rabaa aysan jirin???????????
  13. Sarkaalkii Tikreega u hoggaaminayay Dagaalkii gardarrada ee Dalka Soomaaliya lagu soo qaaday oo baqtigiisa la gaarsiiyay Magaalada Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa,18,January-07 ( Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa waxa ay xaqiijinayaan in Magaaladaasi la gaarsiiyay Sarkaalkii hoggaaminayay Xabashidii Dalka Soomaaliya kusoo duushay kadib markii lagu dilay Weerarkii Dhowaan ka dhacay Wadada Warshadaha oo si weyn loogu laayay Ciidamada Tikreega ah. Hadaba warkani oo ay inoo xaqiijiyeen Dad iyagu degan Magaalada Addis Ababa isla markaana lasoo xiriiray Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee Qaadisiya ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in Sarakaalkaasi uu ahaa Xabashigii hoggaaminayay Dagaalkii Soomaaliya lagu soo qaaday, waxaana la isla dhex marayaa in Sarkaalkaasi uu ahaa Jen.Gabre ama mid kale. Hadaba Baqtiga Sarkaalkaasi sare ee lageeyay Dalka Itoobiya ayaa u ah Muslimiinta Guul iyo Sharaf halka Gaalada gaar ahaan Tikreega ay u tahay Ceeb, Sharaf darro iyo Naargelid, waxaana Dadka kusugan Magaalada Addis Ababa ay si aad ah ugu soo hambaleynayeen Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed ee Hawlaha Muqaawamada kawada Dalka Soomaaliya. Dhanka Melez Zenawi ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay soo foodsaartay murugo aad u fara badan kadib markii loogu geeyay Baqtiga Sarkaalkii Dagaalada xamar u hoggaaminayay Magaalada Addis Ababa, waxaana lagu soo waramayaa in ay taasi sababtay kabixitaanka Deg Degga ah ee uu kudhawaaqay Kaafirka Meles Zenawi.
  14. Gabay Duco ah oo kusocota Golaha Maxaakimta. Gabay Duco ah oo kusocota Golaha Maxaakimta. 18-01-2007 1.Ma Gumoowday soomalidii geeska berri tiilay 2.Geesigii ka soo baxay miyey garabka naafaysay 3.Ma god bay ku tuureen kuwii nabadda gaadhsiiyey 4.Gaalkii dilaayana miyaa gogosha loo daadshay 5.Godobtooda kii qabay miyey moodey gacalkeeda 6.Miyey Daba Gucleeyeen kuwii gubayey ruuxooda 7.Gob haddaad tihiin xabashigaa uma gargaarteene 8.Nin gumaysi diray iyo basaas garab ma siiseene 9.Geesigii shariifkuna cilada kuma go`doomeen 10.Sheekh garasha dheer buu ahaa oo guddoon wacane 11.Nimankii geyiga iibsadee gabanadii laayey 12.Dugaagii ku gaasiray markuu galab ku waydaarshay 13.Guryasamo markuu kugu furaad dib uga guurteen 14.Inaad godob la`aan seexadeen waad ka gubateen 15.Gumaadkaaga kii geestay baad soo galbinaysaaye 16.Garaad laawe bahalaad rabtaa inaad gargaartaaye 17.Hororkaa gariiraaya baad gacanta haysaaye 18.Ma gaydaan wanaagee tigree haydin kala gaabshoo 19. gurigiina waa kaa yimee guro abaalkiisa 20 Gungumaha adaa doonayee guro abaalkiisa 22. Adaa Goodka soo seexiyee guro abaalkiisa 23. afartaa intaan ga`da ka dayey gogoldhig ma u yeelay 24. Gamuunkiisa meesha la rabay gaw ma kaga siiyey 25. Gobo` kale waa eray yaraan Guulle kaga tuugay 26. Allahayow raggay gabawareen waa dar kuu goàye 27. Diintaada gayshkii u kacay waa la gaasiraye 28. Kitaabkoo garsoor laga dhigtaa lagu galaayaaye 29. Gadhka iyo sunnada muuqataa lagu galaayaaye 30 . gabadhahay xijaabeen ayaa lagu galaayaaye 31. Galaaday naceen iyo dulmaa lagu galaayaaye 32. Gabanaday barbaarsheen ayaa lagu galayaaye 33. Ummadday gargaareen ayaa lagu gelayaaye 34. Allahayaw guhaadday qabaan guulo u doori 35. Allahayow nasrigii gaaxsanaa noogu godol maanta 36. Allaw gacanta kuu hoorsanee Geesiyada caymi W/t : - Mohamud Hassan Abdi ( Timajilc)
  15. ^^ Warlords with recogntion,yikes!.lol But you know what, they can fool the fools, Masha Allah that Allah has made things plain clear in right and wrong,those who choose to blind themselves will have to leave with it
  16. ^I do respect your opinions too.My argument isnt even against the TFG only,but rather how they allowed themselves to be used as door handle and gateway to Somalia in order to kill other somalis,you can't expect anything good from such corrupt orginzation,simply bunch of Budhcad that gotten together.
  17. Taako man, Remember you are addressing a full grown man here, you are simply telling me to accept bunch of bull crap. There are no Xabashi troops in Hargeysa,however their influence does exist, no question about it adeero. But Xamar, that is totally whole new thang. sweet dreams awoow.
  18. ^inagaa wada hadlaynay,dadkan aad ilasoo dhex gashay waamaxay abti. Xumaan ha iga qaadan waayo marabo in umad somaali ah,muslim ah in ay is dulmido,waana kasoo horjeedaa laakin, hada maxaad taas uleedahay? You were supporting the Xabashi invasion which was ultimately was to killed Somalis who were fighting for the right cause,you even posted their dead pics here, why does it bother you if the people of Sool and Sanaag are killed? what is the difference between them and those who died in Southern Somalia. So until you condemn Ethiopia's open and naked aggression I will not condemn nor say a word if Sool and Sanaag get nuked today,why, well why should support the filthy Xabashis.
  19. HA,well just what I thought.Waxaad ku hadlyaso markaan aan yaraa ayaan excuse ka dhigan jiray.Inteligent officer my foot.Waar iska qiro,qabiil baa kaa buuxo. Igal wrote letter to Isreal and the airport was named after comment.No wonder you are runing out of things to say for yourself, what a shame. Darxumo ku dhinta.
  20. ^Somaliland gets its weapons from the Xabashis and Riyale is another Stooge, yes we know that.Unlike you I don't deny deny everything. according to you there are Xabashi troops in SL, which is absurd. TFG forces are offcourse the Xabashis....with the exception of few thousand daba dhilifs, you know that. Garaad Canood, I thought you would understand something this time,but you didn't.Adigu sidaas uun iskaga waal,balo kaa waashaye.
  21. ^waan gartay, I will respect that walaal. As for Garaad Canood(I have no choice but to refer you such, inkastoo aanad uqalmin nin garaad isku sheegah). I am not accusing anything,but you have everything wrong.You simply don't make any sense.You have seen me here speak out against the mini daba dhilif Daahir Riyale or whatever you want to call him and his support for the Xabashis is well noted,that is why I dislike him, you see. Secondly, if we start being honest to each other,you would have known when the topic is regarding the current open and naked aggression of EThiopia into somalia, you start to jump else where,so you could just justify it,let us be honest now,we know you love the political chunk of the TFG, which is a door handle for EThiopia,therefore,it would make you seem a huge lier if you waved the blue flag yet you cheer on this Xabashi driven piece of trash. Moreover, I don't know how many times I have to repeat this to you but I never said I admire anything that Faysal Cali waraabe says.I said he is like Iranian leader,in comparison just because he doesn't hide or isn't afraid to say anything in public, good or bad, refering to the Iranian leader when he said the Jews should wiped off the phase of earth, so for that I was refering to his hadal cadaantiisa.I hope you don't get it twisted this time.Let it sink aboowe. TFG is legit government, are you kidding me,well there you have.That is exactly what I was talking about.You see no somali took part in that nor casted any votes axcept bunch of warlords who gotten together to sort their differnces out.It is nothing but work of EThiopian and Kenya, thus it's called puppet government.It lucks the leadership,lucks a vision and way forward.Nor does it operate of what the somali people want, they function on what Ethiopia and its kind want. Somaliland is influenced by Ethiopia as well,which is huge unfortunate to say the least,however can you tell me how that is compare to bringing Xabashis to occupy the capital of Somalia? If you proudly support and believe what the noble blue flag stands for then your enemy who is on the way is EThiopia,if you don't believe you better start believing it now. Taako Man(have no choice,inkastoo ay kugu banaantay in aad iska dhimato waayo dhimasho waxba ma dhaantid,hadii maanta aad la socotid xabashi). Anyways,you said simple things? well there you have it,let us NOT focus on simple things and let us focus on what on priority right now, and that is the issue regarding the Xabashis in Somalia? do you have an argument to counter mind,if so,feel free to let it out.Since you all of sudden start to tail spin into acting more like mature "man",then gues what I am more than willing to clean whatever rubish you throw out there. Subax wanaagsan.
  22. Somali thinker, TFG goodness.My brother do we even agree that such thing called TFG is even responsible of any somali territories.You are making these Budhcad seem as though they are legit gov. The ICU is coming back Insha Allah, we will see what they have to say about SL breaking away.
  23. Garaad, I get your point,however, what are the Xabashis in Adhi Cadeeye as you mentioned.I know the Sl troops are there,but Xabashis?
  24. ^MMA, my brother,I didn't say anything to offend anyone.The most "offensive" word which I uttered was daba dhilif,waana wax ku banaan.I am not even so sure what you deleted there is offensive. As for Taako child, my child,I didnt resort to any personal insults,however,I would rather reason with grown ups you see, you are too young for me,sorry I like to hang out with the big boys you see.What is so offensive about that? baroorta iga daa yarow. You know you have no argument to counter mind,so instead you brought HIV/AiDS and stuff that had nothign to do with the topic,so fix up your game before we can start playing again.