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Everything posted by RedSea

  1. ^dhiidhiibso bal, you are all over the place. Make your points simple short and to the point. Take ms.Mystic as an example,the way she simply puts her point right on the spot,while you seem to be runing a marathon of words,words meaning nothing. You dont' need to make things fansy.Just basically overheating yourself, let us deal what exactly would starving,HIV infected numbering about 8,000 bring to a city of nearly 2 million people plus the rest of south and south central of the country. So as Mystic said,even if they showed up, they wont' succeed as their prodcessors didnt'.they would be shiped back home in body bags.
  2. ^ .But you are such a cheap guy dude,Plastic earing..goodness. Speaking of Valentines, it's only few weeks away.What do you plan on doing about NGONGE stealing your girl's heart in last valentines day? the girl was Val.I believe as they call her.
  3. MMA, heck with the Musqul, laakin waxa kale ayaa in qanciyey abti. Koronto daaye, Minneapolis,MN ma timid wali? tirida ayey ka badan yihiin,meeshii aad marto way ku yaaliin. My bariis and basto are always within reach. Lately, I have been going to Eritrean restuarant(Muslim owned offcourse) just to poke fun of Melez,you can't imagine how much they hate that him.
  4. ^what happened to the well trained army of the TFG? Mystic,only 8 starving thousand,I wonder what they can do?
  5. Abaadir, Stop making excuses like a child.You are full grown man, you should know right from wrong at this moment.You don't need my opinions to know that. Besides,how is secceeding and invasion of a country be comparable? just make sense,don't be superficial thinker old man. Stick to your agenda, don't lost hope so easily.You should know that the brave ICU fighters killed more than 4,000(Ethiopia admited 1,000).The ICU came to battle with no more than 10,000 vs. 40,000 with all their tanks,and equipment.Still they put up a great fight,killing xabashis erasing them to the ground round after round.Ultimately the ICU got outnumbered,so they decided they wouldn't keep on fighting face to face with the enemy and rather,they started gorrila warfare,which is the phase two of this war.We just went through phase,we killed 4,000 and more to come Insha Allah, so don't lose.In my mind,I believe we have won,if we stood up to the enemy,not only that,but killed them like maxaa kaa galay. Yoonis. You should build statue for that idol which you worship,Qabiil or adeero Yusuf.
  6. ^Mystic,they are still hasitant,because they are financially broke and they know how much the somali hate foreigners interving with their affairs.Therefore,even if they brought troops,it would only bring more choas and instability,which has been the trend since the Xabashi invasion of Somalia. As your nicely put,this guy,Yoonis,always seems to make up a title that is way off the actual article,I think he only reads the title of the article then posts it. 8,000 "peacekeeping"
  7. ^ all that yapping for nothing, we could reach a conclusion saying that Muj.Red Sea isn't arguing on behalf of Riyaale Kahin.As I have said many times,before if Riyaale is a criminal,gues what I didn't like him to begin with nor do I support him. However,I still don't know why you are ignoring the comments that I make.part of discussion requires for you to read and let the info sink it in order to know the position of other individual which you are debating, thus far you are just chasing your tail. I am after your position of you being pro regime, however,you are making seem as though Red Sea is actually in supportive of Riyale Kahin an his admin,which I am not.Come up with something in defense of the warlord which you support without comparing and contrasting with Riyale Kahin,because as I said I don't support Riyale Kahin,I actually dislike him. All in all, the current so called "government" is a puppet regime which is driven and being used by Ethiopia to get its way with the Somalis in southern Somalia, far worst than anywhere where somalis reside,because Muqdisho is landmark for somalis and it's being occupied by Xabashis.However,Hargeysa the capital of Sl isn't being occupied militarily,so what is the comparison there son? So focus on my postion now,I am an ICU supporter and anti puppets,as big as puppet as Abdullahi Yusuf and as small as Dahir Riyale. As for Cabdullahi Yusuf having support in Southern Somalia.You said those oppose him, oppose him because of qabiil reason.I have to say,sorry to burst your bubble,but that is the other way around.Let me test my hypothesis,what is YOUR qabiil? this should determine why support him. That is my position,got something to say t that? Don't go all riyale kahin on me now...
  8. ^ay ay captain. Besides Captain, the debate or argument isn't between you and I for your info. However, if you had something to say, I could have given it my best shot,but now it's time to back up and call it a day..see ya. :cool:
  9. ^kabax.Than everything took down word spiral from that point on. most powerful in Africa? that is bit overexageration, just in black Africa or known as sub Sahara.WE had the largest armored,not most planes,or servicement.
  10. Adigu miyaanad Somali ahayn abti? mise waxad tahay dadka ka faana dadkooda? you have tried everthing including Vietnamese,but until today you havent' tried Somali.I can only hear one excuse right now,which is that you aint a somali. tanks u feraar marcho.
  11. ^and you are saying you have naag, winking at random Xalimos..nice. Dav.Get to work sis, don't let people beat you with your own mother tongue.Besides,are you telling me that I am old? what is the matter with you? SB,did you know? niyow is spelled correctly.Ninyahow derives from the same word as you said,but niyaw is not mispelled at all,we can say it different ways,ninyahow, ninyow, or niyaw. I can' just enter a department store(example), look at clothes and randomly take the one that attracts me the most,I have to check its widhth,lenght, and most importantly its quality if you know what I mean.
  12. ^Was he elected from Zeylac to Raaskambooni? Or what is the percentage of people who think he is legitimate president? I think a great number of people think he is a warlord more so than they think he is a "president".On top of that,he is a daba dhilif which fractured any small amount of support he would have gotten. He fits in both defination of being a warlord.If you can recall, he forcefully took over Puntland after he wasn't voted for another term.he said he controls Puntland with Iron grip,therefore that should count him being a warlord by way of siezing power. The source was Qaranews.
  13. ^^ could you say that in a language we can understand,maybe try Xabashi this time. You still haven't drop my favorite line for me.In case you forgot, it was about you liking the Tigray soldiers more so than....aha continue from to hear it from you.It sounds so cool coming out of your mouth. Mr.Taako man, stop braging, I havent' said anything directly offensive to you. As for the source,why feel the need for a source,when you have ALREADY denied the article all together. As you know everything said comes down to being someon'e opinion,however,what seperates opinions is that someone of them are based on true finding and facts.For that reason,it's a fact that Abdullahi Yusuf is a warlord,a thug,who knows nothing of nation building other than offcourse to always lead Xabashis into somali territory,done once before in his time with the SSDF and in 2006.There is no denying that hard fact. As for Riyale,I still dont' know why you are stating his name in the same line with mind,cuz I have absulately no respect for that SOB.
  14. Originally posted by Taako Man: Red Sea It took you well over an hour and a half to find something which is the opinion of a man who puts abdullahi yusuf in the worst of light. Where is the source, Where is the proof? Highlighted reference? You just literally copied and pasted from somebody who could be writing for or LOOOOL. I've read pieces from northwest region stating that one of my relatives sold money from the somali treasury system LOOOL. Show cited references not Waxaa la yidhi hebel hebel NONSENSE. LOL..This guy is making himself look like total fool every time. Well, you should know this aint' instant messaging,this is a forum,people post things,leave,come back whenever they have time to waste and then responde. besides that you should that people got things to do other than sit in front of computer while collecting the wellfare money. As for the article, what should I give you,everything you have denied thus far,it's an opinionated article however,it's not far off from the truth.
  15. ^he did Wallahi,heard it on BBC numerous times before.In fact, it's one of his most important things to say.Hadaanu odhan ba uma aha intaa.Such a small minded,arogant individual he is.
  16. ^In Somaliland, they chose him for whatever reason,they actually lined up to vote for him.Was he a bad choice, heck yeah..however, who lined up or even casted single vote for this guy? There are hardly anyone who supports him in his "own"capital. Besides,always remember that Xamar is my cake too and I have as much say as one from Bari has.Who do you think you are to dictate to me which is mind and which is yours,they are both my cake to put it that way son. As for other claims, prove where he killed people, when, give me clear prove,since you asked me the same thing.You are now on the hot seat boi.Can you step up? Xabashis are ruling Hargeysa as much as Xamar? so first of all you admit that we are being ruled,but again,there are no Xabashis troops in hargeysa,if they were I would have told,I hate those guys.Don't just write away whatever you feel like,it's has to have some credibilty my man.
  17. I thought you knew the man you support very well,but here it goes.And as for the proper Judicial systme, well he is yet to face that, he is a criminal on the loose, Insha Allah the Islamic courts union will bring him to justice, hang 'em high perhaps. Abdullahi Yusuf waa kuma ? Abdullahi waa 71 jir mudo 48 sanadood ah u dagaalamayey kurigga in uu ku fadhiistay 10 Okt xilkiisana loo dhaariyey 14 isla bishan Okt 2004. Wuxuu tababar ciidan ku soo qaatay dalalka Talyaaniga iyo Ruushka. Wuxuu taliye qaybeed ka noqday gobolada Jubbada hoose. Hogaanka tababarka ciidankii Somaliya. 1977 wuxuu ka badbaaday afgembigii dgicisoobay. Waa hogaamiyihii SSDF. Mudo aanan anigu garaneyna wuxuu ahaa Madaxweynaha qasabka ah ee dowlad goboleedka la magac baxday Puntland. Keli taliya/gacan kudhiigle: Cabdullahi waa keli taliye iyo gacan ku dhiigle labadaba waxaa taas u daliil ah taariikh nololeedkiisa iyo weliba hadaladiisan. “48 sano ayaan kursigan u soo halgamayey.” “Xilka aad ii dhiibteen anigoo gudanaya ayaan ku dhimanayaa.” “Puntland waxaan ku haystay Xoog “ Waxaan shaki ku jirin uu Cabdullahi yahay gacan ku xiidhle,waxaana taas markhaati cad u ah : Saraakiishii faraha badaneyd ee uu dagaalkii 1977 ku laayey Somaligalbeed. 1. Saraakiishii uu ku laayey SSDF . 2.Suldaan Hure. 3.Ina-Caydiid (dhabdhable) 4. Walaalkii iyo seedigii oo ku dilay Puntland iyo qaar kale oo badan oo aan halkan lagu soo koobi karin. Qabyaalada : Cabdullahi marka la eego hadaladiisa iyo ficilkiisaba waxaa lagu tilmaami karaa qof aad iyo aad u dhaqma qabyaalada aaminsana,taasina waxay u keeni kartaa in aanu marnaba noqon mid si cadaalad ah u hogaamin Kara cidii dooratay. Waxaana tusaale fiican u ah,erayada laga hayo Abdullaha oo kuwani ka mid yihiin: DIINTA: Cabdullahi waxaa lagu tilmaamaa ruux diintu ku yartahay,aqoon ahaan iyo ku dhaqan ahaanba,waxaa lagu tilmaamaa shaqsi aan sharaf iyo tixgelin midnaba ku lahayn dhinaca diinta,waxaa taas u markhaati cad u ah sidii uu ula dhaqmay wadaadada mar iska hor imaad ku dhex maray Puntland. Ilaa maantana wuxuu u arkaa argagixiso cid kasta oo diinta kaga fiican isaga. ( Meelo badan oo Somaliya ka mid ah,waxaa degan Itixaad iyo Argagixo,waxaana ka mid ah meelaha ay degan yihiin Shimbiraalle,waa erayada laga hayo Abdullaahi. Dhowaana mar Yusuf garaad laanta Afka Soomaliga ee BBC-da ku wareystay wuxuu sheegay in uu aad iyo u jecel yahay dhegaysiga muusiga qalaad iyo heesaha Somaliga ahba,marnaba laga maqal Quraanka ayaa akhristaa amase dhegaystaa. Hadal iyo dhamaantii Somaliya waxay dooratay mar kale keli taliye Cabdullahi Yusuf oo ah kii Siyaad Bare ku yidhi waxaan ka xidhay “ dadka iyo dalka”. Anigu waxaan aaminsanahay in Muqdisho marke dhadhamin doonto xabadii iyo dhiigii sokeeyahay,waxaadna ogsoonaataan dowlad kasta oo Cabdullahi sameeyaa waxay noqon doontaa mid isaga u shaqaysa sababtoo ah Cabdullahi ma aha nin laga sareeyo lagana hooseeyo. Cabdullahi waxaa laga sugayaa goortuu socod bilaabo,kuwii u dabaal degay doorashadii Cabdullahi loo doortay Madaxweynah-na waxaan leeyahay yaanu xaalku idinka noqon: Oktoobar waa tumaa Waa taayadii Haday tahayse Taariikh ma leedoo Maxaa lagu tilmaamaa !!!! Maxaa qabsoomay 10 Oktoobar ilaa Hadda:- Ma garanayo wax uu qabtay ilaa maanta ,marka laga reebo:- Hanjabaad badan oo ku salaysan qabiil. Aflegaado badan oo uu ku aflegaadeynayo qaar ka mid ah raggii lagu soo wada doortay dalka Kenya. Abaabulm dagaal amase dib u soo celinta dagaaladdii sokeeye ee hore loo soo maray. Soo hogaaminta ciidamo shisheeye oo ay Itoobiya hormood ka tahay. Kala qaybsanaan iyo kala fogaansho soo kala dhexgalay raggii ay isku doonta saaraayeen. Kala boobista iyo isku qabsiga awoodo iyo xilal aan jirin . Mar kale anigu garan mayo dagaal uu Cabdillahi Yusuf inuu galay uu ku guuleystay,haddiise laga tegi waayo waxaa jiray Jaamac Cali Jaamac iyo Wadaado aan hubeysney oo Boosaaso agagaarkeeda lagu dhibaateeyey. Hadalkuna wuxuu ku dhan yahay Cabdullahi Yusuf dowladnimo iyo nabad midna loogama fidhiyo,horena loogama baran ee dadka iyo dalka yaan la sii kala fogeyn. Ninka Dami la leeyahay Denbi uu badh leeyahay Isagaay u darantoo Daaraanta mililka leh Inuu daaro ma ogola Abdi M.Saleiman(Mingiste) Manchester. As for Xalane, admit it man, the only troops that are capable of fighting which the TFG has are those of the Xabashis.The somali ones are those ill nurished,ill equiped,ill trained,who look like they have been up all last night.Guards or without, they are your men aren't they? ooh, could you repeat that famous line of yours,which you say you hate seccesionist more than the Tigray soldiers? sing it to me one more time soldier.
  18. ^Now are you even denying your well trained military personel,come on,they crushed the ICU,while loosing only about 4,000. Taako man,do I need a prove that Caasho Yusuf Daba dhilif is cold blooded killer? He assinated his own relatives, you never heard such? well then, I gues you werent' old enough to know,so let some of your adeero tell you that in your bed night story
  19. ^Caaqil kuye, waar ninyow maskaxda aad sheeganaysaa xaga ku maqantay.Bal intaanad nabad ka war doonin, wax macno leh raadi. By the way, do you know the defination of Government,what is it according to you? maybe your answer will answer your question. lol@brown..that was funny abti, ooo goodness. Mr.Brown,Fanisha way kaa heshay ma istidhi mise waa sida kale hence this( ) .
  20. ^EThiopia working its magic doesn't it? SL and PL troops had intense stand off, where did that go, Ethiopia told them to go home and sent some to the front line on the war against the Xaq ku dirir ICU.
  21. ^Riyaale this Riyoole that, who the heck gives rat's behind about Riyaale,he is a thug and why are you attaching these fools to me eh? You see that is the big difference between you and I, qabqablayaasha iyo siyaasiyin kusheegta ayaad kabaha uqaadaa,I am my own independent thinker.If I think someone is doing the right thing,I side with them.In that case,I am proud supporter of the ICU. The color Red in SL=for right to defend itself,so I gues.The color red stands for such in almost all countries in general that have it, so what is new there? It appears to me that you have finally started to speak like a fully grown man who has his cerebral facility functioning again,wow,welcome. What do I mean by that? well,let me just say, you have finally realized that Ethiopia is your enemy and my enemy, anyone who supports them is an enemy to the Somali people, do you agree with me on that or not? But have in the back of your mind that Xabashis are ruling Xamar today,not Hargeysa in terms of Military.How to get them is my concern,I think yours is to keep 'em there.
  22. ^Waxyaabo badan ayaan ku hadlay, maxaanad fahmin? bal ii sheeg. Che, they burn the flag without the Tawxiid,which is fine,but offcourse it would be terrible move to burn a piece of cloth whatever it stands but that has the Tawxiid scripted on it.It would terrible mistake to do so. Taako man, keep making excuses.We all know that Sl needs a leadership change,if you call that a mess,then it's no where compare to what is happening in Southern Somalia today. When I say you are not grown up,it's not about your age.You could actually be older than Red Sea.I can only see your comments as you may know,so that is what I am refering to,your luck of insight and understanding of anything that is going on,simply you are lost creature who has no idea of what he/she is talking in other words........buuxi meelaha banaan.
  23. ^Barashada Af somaaligu wax adag maaha, bilaa calayk utag macalin Miskiin Macruuf Akhyaar, he will gladly introduce you to somali culture,and everything else you may need to learn.He is the best we got in that department.Wixii maskax nadiifin ah, utag Castro,he will give you an intensive care for your mind.
  24. ^Wow what a list of accomplishment for our beloved President.So let us just say "our" Prisoner President with all of that accomplishment under his belt including killing some of his family members,namely his brother in law, will go on to lead a nation,yeah where to go mr.Taako for shooting yourself in the darn foot. TFG troops? you mean Xabashis... Speaking of TFG "troops", check it out,here are few of them.The two on your right side of the screen are the well trained troops of the TFG>
  25. ^Villa Somalia is under attack as we to that.The old man is getting mortared and is feeling the heat just like that guy depicted up there.